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Fantasy young and menace > nerdinabottle


professional disaster

alre falsalor | 21 | m | pansexual | elf prince |
my dear, you are disastrous.


the young elf already knew that the words were coming. he stared out of the ornate window, his silver eyes matching the overcast sky. he saw his own face reflected back at him - a face that he had been told many times was akin to that of his mother's - the high cheekbones, the pouty, pink lips, the white-blond hair that had all come from her. he crossed his arms and shrugged deeper into his attire, a deep burgundy suit with a golden trim, embroidered leaves trailing over the jacket. a cape was clasped around his neck. he couldn't fiddle with it, not in front of his father. he was the one person alre could never be enough for.

alre, alre, alre. alre, sitting pretty, sitting high above all of the problems that his father had created. problems he didn't want to be in charge of, but would soon be, as the heir to the throne. he wasn't the greedy prince who wanted his father's place and would kill him to have it early - no, he had gone out of his way to find a cure for his father's ailment, or at least slow it down. and he had been told the same thing by every mage, every healer, every potion-maker in the land: i cannot save your father.

he didn't love his father. he didn't love anyone. mostly it was nice, not having obligations to another person. sometimes it was lonely. but mostly it was nice. that's what he kept telling himself. alre turned around to face his father, arms still crossed, brows still furrowed in a look reminiscent of a glare. he wasn't angry, just...peeved. peeved that his father was dying, that he had left him a mess to clean up, that he wanted him to find a wife. did he not know? did he not know about the girls that alre would play with, kissing them in the courtyard and watching them run back to their families, squealing with joy, only to be told that they were ridiculous, that no one could get that close to the prince if they tried? it was a terribly fun game. alre was quite fond of manipulation.

"i have someone arriving in several days. you've been aware of the preparation, yes?"

alre turned back around with a shake of his head in frustration. "yes, father," he dismissed. "none of the servants have told me anything, not even when i threatened them. i have to give them credit for that, but it's their responsibility to make sure i know what's going on around here! you can't rule a kingdom from your deathbed." the words shot out of him faster than he could react. "i'm…" alre ran his hand through his hair. he wasn't sorry. his father deserved every word that he was getting. "it's only fair that i get to know who's coming. if it's a woman i'm intended to marry then i'm not going to let her in."

"alre." the words were sharper this time. alre slowly spun around again, rocking back and forth as he looked at his father. his thick white hair hung from his face like a limp piece of cloth, his eyes dewy. disgusting. this was a kind of weakness he'd never wanted to see from his father, even if it made him feel more powerful. "i have someone coming to help you find a wife. he's a powerful seer known for his ability to see into the future, but is also adept at love potions. i know you think it's silly, but after moira passed-"

"after mother died the kingdom went to shit, but i'm not weak like you are! i can hold my ground." he wasn't weak, but he sure could be a brat when he wanted to. and right now was exactly that moment. alre stormed out of the room, trailed up a flight of stairs, and shed his suit for thin leather pants and a woolen sweater, clothing that was much too light to be prancing about in the forest with. but alre found it more often than not that the woods were a good spot of company. the trees didn't ask for anything, and they didn't take anything, either.

when he arrived back, a towel was instantly thrown over his shoulders, servants rushing to his side. "alre! what on earth are you wearing? you'll catch a cold out in this weather." "your father told me that you were not very...exuberant about his plan, but the king always knows best." "there's been a change of plans, alre. the seer is arriving tonight and you're to have dinner with him as a warm welcome to vinterra. you'll talk more with him tomorrow." alre didn't exactly mean to tune out his servants, but they were thick enough that often a nod of the head and a slight 'mmhmm' would do the trick. he was changed into something cotton, something soft and warm, but still royal, still in the deep red and gold scheme that the rest of the castle was stuck in. and then he was sitting, waiting. there would be no grand entrance. there would be no celebration for this savior that he didn't want to meet. there would be nothing but a table, a meal, and a goodnight before the endeavors resumed tomorrow.

N Nerdinabottle

code by pasta pasta


Aaron Lenza

"Thank you for your purchase, have a nice day." Aaron's voice was filled with faked vigor as a prickly customer decided to finally purchase a good they had been trying to haggle for... for ten minutes, at least. Letting out an emotionally exhausted sigh, the wizard got up from his seat at the cash register at the small shop he and his friend owned. The shop sold mostly herbs and plants, but some people would usually come for a tarot card prediction every now and then. It was, admittedly, the brunette's only strength in the field of magic. He has tried to dabble in the art of other types of magic but has never really been successful, the most progress being a meager levitation spell on one of his slightly heavier books that lasted for about ten seconds before dropping with a thump.

Needless to say, he was flabbergasted at the sight in front of him when he had received a letter from the king himself, requesting him to come to the castle. He didn't exactly take a good look at it at first, simply seeing the words "wizard," and "come to the palace at once," along with a few others. Immediately going to pack a bag for the trip, he called out to his friend and co-owner of the store. "Firo! I'm going out for a few days!" The response was immediate. "Why?"
"I've been ordered to go to the castle." Aaron clasped on a brown traveling cloak, he didn't feel comfortable showing off his bag of items off to the world, after all. As well as the fact that he'd rather not catch a cold. "Really? Alright! Be safe!"
"I'll try!"

Quickly shoving a change of decent clothes and some bread into a bag, as well as his trusty tarot deck, he headed on his way to the castle. Why was he bringing food? You can never be too careful, is why. On the cobblestone streets, the wizard looked around to take in his surroundings with hazel eyes as he went on his journey. His brows scrunched together slightly as he began to go into his thoughts, wondering why he was being summoned.

Taking out the letter he was given, he decided to give it a thorough read this time, eyes widening in a way that said 'oh shit' once it had fully registered in his mind. "Love potions?" His thoughts had taken the form of sounds formed by his slightly chapped lips, continuing. "How am I going to fix this?" In his mind, there was havoc being brought upon, the sounds of screams and panicking thoughts of possibly impossible thoughts, such as, 'the king might exile me,' 'he'll accuse me of a liar,' as well as many other versions of these.

It had not taken as long as Aaron had expected to reach the castle, perhaps it was because of his pace quickening whenever he was in any way anxious or stressed, or perhaps the castle was closer than he had initially thought to be. Taking a deep breath of false confidence and beautiful lies that everything will be okay, he showed the guards his letter that allowed him in, entering with a more than slightly worried, and yet curious expression.

He wasn't exactly sure what he was expecting when he walked in, but it certainly wasn't complete and utter silence. For a second, Aaron began to worry if he had arrived too late, if someone had arrived and posed as him, or anything to that effect. He paused for a moment, briefly closing his eyes and taking a breath. "Breathe, Aaron. Breathe." His voice was quiet as he calmed himself down, promptly closing the castle doors behind him. He looked around for a few minutes, taking in every detail that was around him, it wasn't every day that a commoner would be invited to the castle after all. After a few minutes of his exploration, before seeing the prince sitting on his throne, freezing in his spot. Seeing this well-known man in front of him, it had Aaron feeling inferior in many ways. He was respected, he was handsome, he was, seemingly, self-assured, heck, he was a prince. All of those things were what Aaron felt like he wasn't, seeing as his title of being a 'wizard' brought more disappointment than joy to both himself and his peers.

Swallowing the tight feeling in his throat, he kneeled down to the much powerful man, before getting up. He spoke, his voice obvious with uncertainty. "I'm... Aaron Lenza. Your father ordered me to come here for my magical powers..?" The wizard wanted to kick himself for the tone of his voice, as well as everything he had just said in general. He really hoped he hadn't made a bad impression already, although that would've probably been the case.
no slide


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coded by DeerPrince DeerPrince


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alre falsalor | 21 | m | pansexual | elf prince |
my dear, you are disastrous.

alre drummed his hands on the table impatiently. even after running and knowing he shouldn't have, a tinge of guilt sat inside of his heart - a heart that had virtually no feelings for anyone else. he could be cordial, yes, he could be polite. but going out of his way to help others or make them feel welcome was not...a strong suit. he lazily blew a piece of hair out of his face as he adjusted the cuffs around his wrists. whatever fabric was sewn on the inside of the sweatshirt, something not unlike silk, was making his skin itch. slowly, he pulled back the sleeve to reveal a red blotch on his porcelain skin. he scowled and shrugged his arm back into the green fabric, adjusting himself to a more comfortable position. alre slouched down in his throne, crossed his right left over his left, and propped his left arm up, setting it up underneath of his jaw. his lips held a slight pout and his eyes were glazed over to cool, frosty orbs as the door opened.

he didn't say anything as the figure arrived accompanied by two guards who stopped at the door. the boy was clearly nervous. this was the wizard his father had asked for? alre scoffed silently. this was barely a child. alre held his position as the boy knelt down in front of him. "i'm aaron lenza...your father ordered me to come here for my magical powers?" oh, this would be fun. alre let a soft smirk slide onto his face. usually, he would mind his own business when seeing a group of children teasing each other when he went on his weekly walk throughout the kingdom. sometimes he would bring a girl into the woods. sometimes a boy, if he was feeling proper adventurous. but usually, he would keep to himself. usually he wouldn't crack jokes. he was kind to his servants, but only because he had grown up with him. they were practically like family. they treated him better than his father ever did.

"are you sure?" an accent sat on top of his voice, a little light. notes of ginger hung in the air. "i don't want anyone treating me who's not sure of what they're doing." he uncrossed his legs and leaned forward, propping his elbows up on his knees, touching his fingertips to one another. his father hated him doing anything besides sitting still in that damned throne, but his body simply wouldn't allow him to stay still. he had to be tapping his foot, or switching positions, or pacing around. it made meetings with other kingdoms...difficult, to say the least. ievos falsalor has a restless son. one day, he'll come for the throne before his father's time is us. oh, yes, he knew what they said about him. he could be loud, and bratty, and reckless, like any healthy boy, but he could also be quiet and observant. most creatures didn't know this, so it always worked to his advantage.

alre was quiet as he stood up, crossing the room to one of the windows, floor to ceiling. they were all trimmed in gold and lavish velvet curtains split the three panes of glass. "you may stand up. dogs sit at that level." it was a passively aggressive comment directed toward aaron, but said to the window. he blew on the glass and traced the image of a small bird on the fog that had appeared there, before wiping it away and spinning around on his heels, crossing his arms. he had his shoes specially made by his tailor so that they would click on the castle floor when he walked. the sound was always a favorite of his. "he's ordered you to come to make me fall in love, did you know that? there's an elf lady coming to vinterra in a week from morbalar, nearly three hundred miles about. but i'll let you in on a little secret, aaron." alre crossed the room to his little companion. he towered over him. aaron looked very small and very afraid. he was not going to reassure him that there was nothing to be afraid of. "i can't fall in love."

he'd never admit it, but he had tried. girls in woods were a game, at first. then he tried to see how much he really could fall in love with them. when it became useless he arrived to the conclusion that it was impossible. but that had to be wrong. his mother had fallen in love with someone as horrendous and inarticulate as his father, so if there was hope for her, there was hope for him, right?

wrong. there had never been hope.

Aaron Lenza

Aaron shoulders tensed up slightly upon hearing the prince's voice, immediately detecting notes of a condescending tone, a tone that the so-called 'wizard' was quite familiar with. "Are you sure?" For a second, this had irked the brunette, before quickly mellowing into a melancholic feeling. As rude or as arrogant as Prince Alre seemed to be up to now, he made complete sense. Who would trust this weak wizard to do anything aside from having accurate tarot card predictions? Aaron himself certainly wouldn't.
Standing back up upon the prince's orders, eyes trailing behind the prince's movements, both curious and worried once the other began to speak once again, nodding along in silence. Of course, his movements stopped once Alre got close to the wizard, mentally preparing himself for anything that might be thrown his way. What was the prince thinking at this moment? Where was he going with telling Aaron about this woman that would come in about a week?

"I can't fall in love."

Upon hearing this, the small brunette's fears went from bad to being a few notches off from getting a panic attack. At this moment, Aaron simply wanted to cry, just to let out his emotions until there was nothing left. 'Just my luck. Once in a lifetime chance to visit the castle, and it's for a specific spell that any wizard except I can do.' He bit his tongue sharply, an idea popping up in his mind that gave him a tiny glimmer of hope. Unless it backfired on him. "Well..." He paused, some of his insecurity fading away from his expression. "Would you allow me to predict your future, just to make sure? It is my forte in magic, after all." If there was anything that Aaron is confident in, it is his accuracy in his predictions.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt quam sapien, in malesuada turpis vestibulum a. Duis consectetur eros bibendum massa placerat, non hendrerit massa molestie. Pellentesque vitae condimentum erat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus egestas, nibh id ultricies convallis, ipsum arcu rhoncus eros, et aliquam libero lacus vel velit. Praesent quis turpis sed tortor fringilla tincidunt ac accumsan lectus.

coded by DeerPrince DeerPrince

alre falsalor | 21 | m | pansexual | elf prince |
my dear, you are disastrous.

alre cocked his head, crossed back over to the window, and stared out of it again. "predict my future?" his eyes cast upon the landscape, filled with the walls and towers of the castle, and farther beyond, where some of the villagers lived. any villager would love the chance to come here, just to see the grandeur of the castle. every year the kingdom held a ball and randomly selected villagers to come and participate in the festivities for an evening. alre wasn't oblivious to his father's plans, though. he knew that most of the guests consisted of pretty young women. girls who were excellent at needlework, girls who could play numerous instruments, girls who were not much more than a pretty face with long eyelashes and pink lips. he couldn't help but to laugh at aaron's request. "predict my future," he muttered to himself. what kind of game did he think this was?

where was he going to pull some sort of crystal ball from? could he conjure it from this air, or did he have some sort of bag with him. really, alre hadn't gotten a good look at the boy. he spun around on his heels, pressing a hand to his chin and rubbing his fingers along his jaw, pointed and seemingly sharp enough to slice a rock in half. aaron looked small. alre didn't even think he was that much shorter than he was, but the way he carried himself, the way he kept dropping his eyes to the floor, the way he was so...unassuming made him look absolutely tiny.

"predict. my. future," alre said for the third time, drawing out the words and putting a long space in between them. he chewed on them, crossing the room back to aaron. "how do you suppose you're going to do it?" he asked, planting his hands on his hips. was he a phony? a fake wizard? they weren't exactly common, but they weren't terribly uncommon, either. if he couldn't do a simple looking into the future type magic, (that is, alre assumed it was simple), hen there was no way this kid was going to get him to fall in love. "i need you to prove it to me. give me something that's going to happen tonight or tomorrow. i'll know if you're real if it comes true." i'll know if you're real. a slow smile grew onto alre's face. he was careful in choosing his words. making aaron feel inferior was good for both of them. it let them know exactly who was in charge, and that the consequences could be high.

of course, there would be no consequences if aaron couldn't make alre fall in love, or predict his future. he wasn't a cruel leader. bratty, yes. sometimes a little misguided, he would admit. but he was not unjust. he gave the people what they deserved. it wasn't this child's fault if he believed he was good at predicting fortunes, which was, honestly, such a dated way of phrasing it.

Aaron Lenza

Aaron's eyes trailed behind the prince as he repeated the same three words over and over again, trying to keep somewhat calm, becoming more confused at hearing the prince laugh. What was so funny? It was times like these where Aaron wished he could hear others' thoughts, but sadly it wouldn't happen in this world. He watched as Alre went over to the other side of the room and back, being close to the weak wizard.

"How do you suppose you do it?" Aaron was just about to answer his question before being cut off by Alre, going silent once more as Alre gave him a challenge. For once, Aaron wasn't exactly scared by this challenge, he was simply... worried, as it simply wasn't possible. The fact that Aaron knew for a fact that he was a real wizard was a good relaxer, but it wasn't exactly helpful if he wasn't able to prove it. Seeing as even though his levitation magic was weak, he was able to use the magic, and his predictions were always correct. It was just that his type of magic wasn't specific, seeing as it is used with tarot cards. "I apologize, but my type of prediction magic isn't specific. Yes, the 'future' means that it is soon, but I am unable to know when it will happen. The latest the prediction will take would be about a week. I would be able to predict some of your past and the present, instead, though." He really hoped the prince would accept this change to the challenge.

He took out his little bag of travel supplies, pulling out his deck of tarot cards. "And these cards are how my magic can manifest. They may seem a bit... pathetic, honestly, but my predictions with these cards are always accurate." Even if the threat of the prince not believing him was anxiety-inducing, he did have the small comfort of knowing that his predictions are always accurate.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt quam sapien, in malesuada turpis vestibulum a. Duis consectetur eros bibendum massa placerat, non hendrerit massa molestie. Pellentesque vitae condimentum erat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus egestas, nibh id ultricies convallis, ipsum arcu rhoncus eros, et aliquam libero lacus vel velit. Praesent quis turpis sed tortor fringilla tincidunt ac accumsan lectus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt quam sapien, in malesuada turpis vestibulum a. Duis consectetur eros bibendum massa placerat, non hendrerit massa molestie. Pellentesque vitae condimentum erat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus egestas, nibh id ultricies convallis, ipsum arcu rhoncus eros, et aliquam libero lacus vel velit. Praesent quis turpis sed tortor fringilla tincidunt ac accumsan lectus.

coded by DeerPrince DeerPrince
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