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Fantasy You Cannot Tell That Story Yet


thesis, antithesis, synthesis.
Present Day:

Walter sat at his desk, clicking away on an old typewriter. Darkness swam in the apartment, attaching itself to all corners of the room—save for where the lamp lit the tiny desk. The busy city traffic hummed in intervals; the rain punctuated the noise, conducting a musical of taxi cab staccato—of sirens screaming in eighth notes. Scattered papers of crumpled ideas lay beside his feet; the garbage beside the desk could hold no more scrapped ideas.


The clacking, clicking and zipping of the typewriter stopped immediately.

'Hello?' The writer asked in the darkness. Bloodshot eyes bloomed behind the lenses of his glasses. He never received visitors—not ever: so why at this hour, late into the night, did he find himself so certain, that just a moment ago, he heard a


He leapt from his chair; it toppled over. There it was again! and this time it was louder. He rose a fist to his lips, and coughed in anxiousness. Slowly, he stepped towards the door; but not before reaching below his bed for his bat.

Smash! the front door was kicked open. A tall, lanky figure stepped forward from the shadows.

'Howdy! Now, gee, I hate that I had to burst in on you like this, but I needed to find you before you made a terrible mistake. And say—what the heck was taking you so long?' The figure spoke, but Walter was paralyzed with panic; he dared not respond.

'Is that a bat? What in the world do you have that for? Have you looked outside? You can't be playing sports out there, now! Say, is that why it was taking you so long to—'

'Who are you?' Walter finally managed to speak.

'I don't have to answer that yet; and so I won't, I'm afraid. However, the reason for my coming to your—this isn't considered a house per se—I've come to your living quarters—'

'It's an apartment.'

'I beg your pardon?'


'Yes! As I was saying: a part of the reason I'm here, which, I could have exlained to you by now if you didn't keep interrupting me, and I do encourage you to stop as we haven't a moment to lose.' Walter was silent; more from feeling dumbstruck that a man who disrupted his writing hours—via breaking down his door—had just scolded him for having interrupted, then from anything else.

'Good. Yes, I've come because you must not finish what you are writing. You simply cannot tell that story yet. Some writers, well, you're more than just that.' The figure paused for a moment, calculating what he was going to say. 'You have a certain responsibility; and you're not the only one—well, like you.'

(Looking to continue this story idea with a small group of roleplayers who like to write detailed posts. We will build the story together.)
Looks interesting. I'm assuming whatever he writes actually happens in some world (fictional or otherwise)
It's an interesting consept. Question: would we be playing as writers or those affected by the writers strories?
[QUOTE="JW Suzusihi]It's an interesting consept. Question: would we be playing as writers or those affected by the writers strories?

That is a good question! To be honest, this idea has been driven mainly by the scene; so let's figure some plot out: what would be most fun for everyone?

Idea: A group of writers are brought together because they all almost wrote the same story. In other words, they all had the same idea for a story, and that idea/story is important because...?
I'm interested, and I also want to put in my own idea.

We could play as the writers of the stories.

And for an idea for the actual rp, maybe a group of writers who really have no connection to each other, all have some gift/suddenly have this gift thrust upon them where they can write their stories into real life. Which could possibly lead these writers being saved by their own creations, and possibly saving the world from their own disasters.
If we were to follow Ronny's idea than maybe this idea was about a certain character they'd all heard as children.

Maybe some character who was seen as some kind of legend and told to the children and maybe the 'writers' were all connected in a way to that character so years later when they finally all start on the same story they're rounded up to save something by that very character.

Another idea of mind was that Walter was the only one with the power of his writing- it's just that his stories have come to life but through his closest friends and maybe he's written something terrible which means a few deaths in his group of friends that he must try and stop before it actually happens.
Yes! I forgot how enjoyable this was. (Haven't RP'd in some time, now.)

I definitely like the idea of their writing being some sort of 'power.' I also like the idea of none of them being connected save for this ability.

I also like the concept of the group of writers having been told about something about this as children. I think this 'shadowy figure' talking to Walter could be their mentor figure of sorts: a 'Gandalf' if you will.

What if there is a world that survives based on three writers interactions with it? Maybe this world has always existed, and there has always been a circle of writers responsible for it.
Three writers kind of shaping a world, writing similar stories that all connect to each other somehow even though these people have never met before. Maybe the people in this world know this? Or at least know something about this? These writers could be considered gods or something.

Maybe, for a plot, something has happened? Maybe a writer wrote something really completely terrible, and the people inside the world kinda want them to fix their mistake. Or the characters are just moving in to the writer's world, and the writers have to put them back where they belong.
So what if we took the 'shadowy figure' and they were the leader of this world where the writers were the supposed gods of this world and they were the ones sent to retrieve the gods and fix what the writers wrote.
JujuBee said:
So what if we took the 'shadowy figure' and they were the leader of this world where the writers were the supposed gods of this world and they were the ones sent to retrieve the gods and fix what the writers wrote.
Can you explain this a little more? I like it; I'm just a little confused.
Yeah sure. Sorry about that. As soon as I posted I had a feeling it didn't make too much sense lol.

So the writers have created this 'world' and the legend they all grew up hearing about is the leader of the world.

Despite that legend being the leader, the writers are seen as the Gods/Goddesses of the world since they make whatever happen in it.

So lets say one of the writers just so happens to write something terrible about the world. The characters in the world don't like it and want it fixed. So they send the leader who is the shadowy figure to go and collect all of the Gods of the world who are in this case- the writers.

I'm hoping that explanation clears up what I said before. If not just let me know! :)
Ah! Excellent, I like that a lot. So, these people in the other world are aware of their gods and goddesses? What I mean is, we can't be certain that we have a god; we can only believe; we could never know—but they know the writers exist?
Basically. It's up to you both really if the characters in the world either believe in the Gods the way we do or if they actually know of the Gods.
Excellent! Okay, let's see what we have so far.

(A brief aside: When I'm asking questions, it's for sake of brainstorming—I hope it's not annoying.)

• Walter (I s'pose I'll keep playing him.)

• 'Shadowy Figure' - We know he's a mentor of sorts—but what's his identity? He's the legend they heard of as kids—but they created the worlds? Let's tighten this backstory up. (I gave him a little but of personality already, so if you all wanted me to keep doing him as well, I will; however, if someone else wants to then you may! and, of course, nothing is written in stone either; we can start fresh ^_^ ;)

• Writer #2

(Age? Gender? Backstory?)

• Writer #3

(Same questions)

• Writer # 4

(>.> ;)

•Writer # 5

(<.< ;)

O-----o----oooo I know I know so we play as half and half are writer's I suggest a set limit maybe 5 to 8 depending on how many join and the others play as character in the world the writer are writing about so a few of the characters find there way out of there world to get the writers together so they can write the story in the right session because which one writes first and where there piece of the story fits in can either completely destroy the world or bring peace to it or something worse much worse if they don't finish the story but what they don't realize is the story they are writing affected another world as well so those from the other world are hunting the writer's to stop them from finishing there peace in an attempt to save there world so now they have to chose a side chose who to save and find out it isn't easy playing god
ronnydazzler said:
Yay! Yes, and we are open to suggestions for development.
I had been thinking. Once you get an even number of RP'ers. (Around 8) pair them randomly. After this is done, they get to decide who writes the story and who is affected. Then for something to be written, both parties have to agree.

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