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Fandom Yandere Simulator RP - OOC

Also, I'm about to throw up a sheet for Budo, if he's not taken.
Webs Elk Webs Elk

"As one of the the Tooru twins headed towards his clubroom" means my character has yet to actually enter it. I'm afraid Gaku is the first one to enter it AND still the only one in the room.
Webs Elk Webs Elk

"As one of the the Tooru twins headed towards his clubroom" means my character has yet to actually enter it. I'm afraid Gaku is the first one to enter it AND still the only one in the room.

Oops. Sorry, I read your post wrong >.<
I have a question about Japanese student governments in high schools. Does it usually consist of the student council president, two other members that may be the vice president or the secretary, and then the leadership of the other clubs? Or does student council function differently? I know in American high schools it's just a club, like any other extracurricular group but in Japan it might be a little more than that.
I have a question about Japanese student governments in high schools. Does it usually consist of the student council president, two other members that may be the vice president or the secretary, and then the leadership of the other clubs? Or does student council function differently? I know in American high schools it's just a club, like any other extracurricular group but in Japan it might be a little more than that.
If I'm not mistaken, you have a president, a vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer, while all additional people in it are regular members. Club leaders do meet up with the president in meetings to discuss their clubs' funds and activities but I think that's about it. There is a reason why YandereDev restricts one club per student, including the student council, except in this case you cannot simply join on demand.
If I'm not mistaken, you have a president, a vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer, while all additional people in it are regular members. Club leaders do meet up with the president in meetings to discuss their clubs' funds and activities but I think that's about it. There is a reason why YandereDev restricts one club per student, including the student council, except in this case you cannot simply join on demand.

Ah okay, I always just thought it was gameplay mechanics. Like it might make things more difficult if a student was in two clubs at once. If Yandere-chan killed that student, then two clubs would be closed for the week and that would suck. If Yandere-chan was able to join more than one club at once, then the game might be too easy.
Well yeah, of course, there's that but club activities fill up a significant part of a student's schedule. Being a leader adds up more to it, with all the responsabilities. But again, this is just what I think.
That's good to know, thanks! You cannot simply join on demand? Oh like Student council? Yeah I would think it'd be harder to get on Student Council than say... the Light Music Club or the Occult Club.
Just in case anyone's confused on what's going on or is arriving late to the RP, this is what is currently going on:

- Yuri traveled from the locker room to a classroom to report a bloody handprint on one of the shower walls.

- Mari, Akihiro and Makoto are talking about club projects and a potential meeting after school in the Photography Club room.

- Riku is reading a book in the courtyard. He is open for interaction.

- Kaito traveled from the men's locker room to his classroom.

- Kira and Anri were attempting to search for a micro chip in the courtyard. After several minutes of searching, Kira found the micro chip.

- Shin'ichi was searching in the men's locker room for a CD. He found it and is taking it to the Light Music Club room.

- Gakuon is in the Light Music Club room, he is open for interaction.

- Budo has yet to enter the scene.

- Aku has yet to enter the scene. (He's also been accepted.)

Also here is a general school schedule:

7-8:30am Before Class
8:30-11:30am Morning Classes
11:30-12:30pm Lunch
12:30-3:30pm Afternoon Classes
3:30-6pm After School

I'll post the schedule up by the rules. I'll also be opening up an extra thread for social media and texting, so look forward to that.
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I'm probably going to close the RP up as soon as the Before Class period is over. Doesn't mean it will always be closed, I might open it up again but I feel like the Before Class time was to introduce most of the characters and we'll be getting into some story stuff around lunch time.
Hey there, mostly waiting for other people to post right now. I think it's finals week for some people so I kind of understand that posts might not be as frequent.

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