X-Men: Unchained [Inactive]

Piotr enters the room with all the other X-men. "Hello." He greets the team. "Jean, is it possible for you to locate where Benjamin Grey is? I wish to talk with him." He says after making a little small talk that I don't want to type out.

Benjamin sat quietly in the room thinking about what happened. "Why did they retreat?" He wonders out loud. "They had most of us beat. There was no logical reason for it." 
(I'll be slow to reply, but I'll try to be active.)
"Yeah we are all alive" Timothy walks up to everyone and looks at Ben. " Your right Ben he sure did do a number but nothing that won't heal."

Timothy didn't really worry about his well being most of the time. He cared about others more. It was just the way he was. "But you should get a new shirt that is a little torn." He put his arm on Ben's shoulder.

Tim looked at both of them. "Gabby. Ben. I think while we are at this school we can depend on each. If we worked together we can survive this."
Eric blinked, glancing at the knife. "Oh, sorry..." he said sheepishly, tucking it into his belt. "I'm glad you're alright... I was worried." he scratched his head. "You know, I'm going to have to do something about not being able to fight... At least, if this is how school's going to be."


Brian looked down at Logan and chuckled. He had missed the man's gruff demeanor. "Good to see you too." he remarked. "I need to take some of the scrap from that turret that was destroyed today. I was told to talk to you about it." he said, glancing over at the others for a moment. "Oh, I also wanted to know if either of you know anything about the mutant I was fighting today. About eight feet tall, black and red bio-armor." he said, hoping one of them would at least know something.
"Agreed." The boy replied. "That attack is proof. And the "a little torn" is an understatement. I'll get a new one in a minute." He laughs a little. The battle had brought out something in Gabby, a desperate adrenaline rush that led to saving him. Too bad that Timothy was pummeled and he couldn't do anything to help, had he even known. "Who were you fighting?" Benjamin asks Tim. "How could he manage to do that to you so easily?"
"Well, I got caught off guard by Quicksilver and used his speed to bang me up. If I can get by his speed ,I'm sure I can him a few notches down. So,I will train to get use to the speed type enemies." Timothy is determined to have rematch Quicksilver. He wants to show him the world does revolve around him.
Benjamin nodded in understanding. "He would be able to do that to someone not expecting him." He noted. "Tim, Could you watch Gabby while I go and grab a new shirt?" he requests as he stands to exit. He didn't want Gabby to be left alone as she could barely open her eyes to look at someone, let alone get up.
"Sure." Timothy sat in a near the bed. He looked at Gabby than looked around the room. He was going to make small talk with her but, he didn't deem it necessary. He twiddled with his thumbs and waited.
Benjamin exited the room and walked towards his own. He needed to be alone he realized, alone to think out why the Brotherhood would initiate an attack and then just retreat when they seemingly had the upperhand. It wasn't like the Brotherhood couldn't fight the X-men. They always had and usually it was fairly even as far as I understand, he thinks to himself as he strides down the halls to his room.
Ororo, Bobby, and Jean said nothing when Logan stopped in mid pace to stare at Brian. It almost looked as if the man was going to rip the guy's head off, but he didn't. He just stood with the cigarette in the corner of his mouth, the smoke wafting somewhere near the crown of his head. Silence filled the room until Jean grabbed a rolled up news paper and walked clean out of there. She had business to attend to with the Professor and she also didn't want to be in there if Logan got any more annoyed than he already was. Bobby only casually leaned against Ororo, nudging her shoulder before jutting his chin out to the other to as if to say 'Enjoy the show.' Logan huffed out a billow of smoke, shrugging towards the kid.

"What's there to talk about? Whatever you gotta go get, go get. I don't see what's that gotta do with me," he said, flinging out his claw so suddenly, Ororo jumped at the quickness. Logan just casually flicked dust off of one of the sharp claws, inhaling heavily on the cigarette. "I did my job."

"I dunno, Log. He might need your help," Bobby put in, ignoring Ororo's hard nudge to his shoulder. Logan barked out a high laugh.

"Hilarious, bub. Hit me right in the stomach, that one." Ororo's lips pulled into an uneasy frown, knowing that Bobby may have been right.


It was becoming so hard to stay conscious. Half of her wanted to keep the boys company, but the other half was her head swimming. It seemed she didn't get as much rest as she wanted to. Every nowand then, Ben and Tim's voice would pull her eyes open, but for the most part, Gabby drifted back into unconsciousness. It wasn't until she slipped back down into a laying position was Gabby completely out cold. There was no telling how long she stayed like that. Somehow, she felt as though she lost her whole perceptive of time. She guessed nearly getting killed could do that to someone.

A strand of sunlight shifted across her face, stirring her from her "slumber". Gabby let out a low groan. The pain hadn't completely dissipated, but it was better than before. The lids of her misty, blue eyes pulled back, revealing Benjamin gone and Tim...
staring at her. She didn't move a muscle, staring at him right back with no expression on her petite face.

"...What are you staring at?" she finally asked, lifting up a single brow.
Brian merely shrugged, green pinpoints under his hood flaring up when he flicked his claw out. "Hank told me to ask, so I did." he said, stepping closer. "By the way, those things smell terrible. You should stick to your cigars." he said, reaching into one of his pouches on his vest. He pulled out a small metal tube, tossing it to Logan. "Picked this up a while back for you, I just never had the time to come by and deliver it." he said, moving towards the door. It was a good Cuban he had picked up off of some military folks he had run into a while back. He paused for a moment and glanced over at Bobby. "Good to see you haven't lost your sense of humor, Bobby." he said dryly.
Benjamin opened his door to reveal Colossus standing by his desk, examining his bones that were embedded into the wood. "Interesting." The behemoth mused as he crushed a little between his fingers. "Fairly strong for bone..." He wasn't aware of the fact that Benjamin had entered the room.

"Um...Colossus?" the young mutant asks with confusion. "Why are you here? In my room?"

Piotr turned to see Benjamin and apologized for intruding. "I wanted to discuss your powers with you." He explains as he changes back to his human form. "Have a seat." He orders and Benjamin obeys. "Thank you. Now let's talk. What can you do?"
"hm?" He looks at back her. "Oh, Just your room ,I never been in it. It looks nice." Timothy rubs his head.

"What's taking Ben so long" He thought. The room fills with silence. "Well might as when start a conversation if going to take this long." Tim got up from the chair and leans against the wall.

"What brought you here to the school?" He says, unsure if that is a good question to ask.
"I don't think battling with the Brotherhood, on our turf at least, will be a regular thing," Sam replied. At least I hope not. "If you want to learn how to fight you could try the Danger Room or train with an X-Men." She tapped her chin like she was contemplating something. "I'd suggest asking Cyclops or anyone who isn't Wolverine; he's very intense even when he's holding back for students."
Benjamin shifted in his seat. "Isn't there some database on all the students that you can read that on?" He says nervously as he gets up to grab a new shirt. "I am currently trying to look after someone."

Colossus just sat with a stern look on his face. "I suppose there is. But I am asking you. As for your friend, they will be fine while we talk." Piotr replies. "What can you do?" He repeats.

Benjamin sat back down after replacing his shirt. "I can grow bones." He says simply. "Why are we talking about this? I am one of the least powerful mutants here."

Colossus simply looked at the boy, waiting for an elaboration. "You may not have the most power in you, but you have a huge potential from what I can see. You have heard of Marrow?" He tells the teen. "Her powers are very similar to yours. I believe you are able to do much more powerful than you think you can." He says handing Ben a tablet with Marrow's profile on the screen. "I am offering to personally mentor you." he says after Ben reads the profile.

"I'm confused. Why me? I'm nothing special. Why not mentor someone who can be of more use. I can barely control my powers." Benjamin explains. "Your powers and mine aren't even similar." As if to prove it his scar on his face begins to crust over with a thin layer of bone.

Colossus smirked a little, out of character for him. "You would be surprised at how similar ours are. I have seen you in battle. You are free to return to your friend. Just come see me with your decision." He says, arising as he moves towards the hall.
Eric sighed a bit. "The only problem is I don't have any powers that would help me in a fight. I'd have to fight like I was in some sort of drunken brawl." He scratched his head, looking over at her. "It's good to hear that the Brotherhood doesn't come around often... I'd hate to have to wake up and wonder if I'm going to die or not." He chuckled nervously, smiling. He was trying not to show how bad that attack had shaken him. He probably wouldn't be getting any amount of decent sleep any time soon.
Hayden continued to help himself to food, stuffing himself from the fridge that seemed to have the greatest food on Earth to him. "And fourths." He says, turning towards the table with another three plates of food. "Boy is meat delicious!" He exclaims as he sits and begins to chow down. He hadn't even thought about the fact that he shouldn't even be in the mansion.
"Maybe you should talk to the Professor, one he's done briefing the X-men," Sam said. "Here's a thought. You're powers let you control technology right? What if you built, or had someone build, a tech suit for ya," she suggested, before her stomach rumbled. "You hungry?" she asked Eric, before walking into the kitchen. She noticed Hayden. "I don't remember seeing your around here. Are you a new student?" she asked him.
Hayden was too busy finishing off the third plate to notice Sam walk in. When he heard her voice he nearly jumped. He had no answer for her, nervously gulping down the remaining food. He doubted his little no answer strategy would get him anywhere with the girl. "Um, maybe." He says with a nervous smile on his face. He didn't know what she, or the boy with her, were capable of, and was ready to teleport away if necessary.
Almost on cue, his stomach growled too. "I could do with some food..." he said, thinking for a moment. "You know, a tech suit might be perfect..." He paused, blinking. "Wait... What if I could control it wirelessly? Then I could have it fight for me if the situation gets too bad." He grinned huge, looking at her. "You're a friggin' genius."

((Sorry, distracted. I'm at band practice right now, posting between songs.))
Sam smiled at Eric then quickly turned her attention back to Hayden. "Maybe?" she asked, arching an eyebrow. "You either are or you aren't," she said. "Unless...you aren't officially a student." She tapped her chin as she wondered who the mutant in front of her was. He looked like a younger version of one of the X-men.
Hayden's heart rate slowed down a little as he calmed down. "I guess I am not officially a student." He lies. "I'm Nightshade." He says with a grin. "You guys are?" He flicked his tail towards the last piece of food on the plate and placing it in his palm to eat.

Benjamin made his way back to Gabby's room, debating what he should do about Colossus' offer. "It's a great offer, but why choose me. I grow bones and he is super strong and can generate metal armor that is practically impenetrable..." he mumbles as he walks down the halls and stops outside Gabby's door. He takes a deep breath and knocks, hoping that both of them were still present.
His eyes widened as the giant robot came to life, firing it's first volley of rockets at the lone mutant. Hank grinned at his work, up until a student stumbled onto him. 'Damn it.. you're kidding me. Who is this one? Andrea, huh? Alright, play the role. You ARE Tom Hanks!' He thought for motivation.

Hank turned himself around, looking like he was in a state of panic. "Andrea! Thank goodness. Someone has gone into the danger room and it looks like it's malfunctioning. I tried to override the code, but it's not working." He ran back over to the console, typing rapidly. "Quickly, go get the others. I'll keep trying to shut this thing down."

'Well played.. oscar nomination, here we come.'
Vi groaned internally, knowing she couldn't dodge all the rockets, but maybe, she could get some of them out of the picture.. She moved swiftly, her gait agile and fast as she quickly summoned up a few gateways to the darkforce dimension behind her, diving and sliding across the ground as some rockets flew over head, and about a third of them accidentally flew into the dark dimension, Vi quickly closing the portals behind them before they could close. A few crashed into a wall and blew up, which was, disorienting and slightly blinding as it was, but there were still a few coming at her.

I am so murdering whoever designed this room.. Or whoever's up in the observation area... Either will do.. Once I make it outta here. Some help they are.. Hmph..

Scrambling back to her feet, she darted across the danger room, pulling up some shadowy shielding behind her, making them as strong as she could with what little time she had. The blasts still propelled her forward quite a few feet, and she grimaced at the jolt of pain she felt as she hit the wall.. Still, she was alive so far.. And okay for the most part. That was good. Alive was definitely good. Her gaze flicked about quickly, knowing she'd have, quite literally, a couple seconds, if any at all, before she was evading another attack. The thing had to have a weakness somewhere. She just needed to find it. And she needed to find it fast.
"I'm Samantha, but I go by Sam," Sam replied. "This is Eric." She snapped her finger. "Are you related to someone called Nightcrawler?" she asked. "You look a lot like him."

"Have you tried breaking the computer?" Andrea asked. "I've seen it work in the movies," she added in a sarcastic manor as she ran out of the room. Running through the manor she came across Iceman, Storm, and Wolverine. "There's a situation in the Danger Room," she announced. "Some malfunction is allowing a giant robot to rampage in there."
Sam had just put him in a dilemma. Did he let her know who he was or just continue to lie. He chose neither option and decided to play dumb-ish. "Um, maybe? I don't know." He answered. He had some desire to meet his dad, but the more that he thought about it, the more he thought that it was a bad idea. If what his mother said was true, the two were similar, yet Hayden had begun to resent humans, while Nightcrawler supported peace and non-violence. They would at least have that in common possibly.

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