X-Men: Unchained [Inactive]


Senior Member
ToryD submitted a new role play:

X-Men: Unchained - Power. Choice. Consequence.

Hologram Module

Video Number 27

Professor Charles Xavier

"Good morning and welcome to Charles Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters, more commonly referred to as The X-Academy. I am Professor Charles Xavier. You are undoubtedly wondering what lies ahead of you, but have no fear. We are here to help you. To train you. To teach you not only about your powers, but to grant you an understanding of the meaning behind them. Look around you. You are not alone. Breathe a sigh of...

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(( Alright, we're starting the engines! Anyone else who wishes to join at this point can submit a character for approval and once approved, find a well timed spot to jump right in! ))

"Good evening, Manhattan. We come live to you tonight from the steps of city hall where the mutant terrorist known as Magneto has taken hostages and demanded that we interview him for all of New York to see. I am now getting word that we have cameras set up and the crew on standby. We will now be sending you over to the live interview with Magneto..."

Static flashes over the tv set. The cameras come back on and focus on the face of the Master of Magnetism, Magneto. His eyes pierce through the camera and tear through everyone watching.

"I did not come here to tonight to give some interview and make idle threats. I am here for one reason and one reason alone. War. Mutants have stood in the shadows for far too long and it's time we take what is rightfully ours. I send this message to my fellow mutants. Join with us and see this world become yours. To those who would oppose us, do not stand in our way. It would be a shame to have to spill mutant blood for this cause. But we will do what we must."

With a menacing grin, Magneto begins to hover above city hall, looking down at the reporters and news teams below. He raises his hand and closes his fingers into a fist and as he does so, city hall comes crashing down. The rubble and debris fills the air and finally, a large slab of metal falls onto the camera covering the event. The footage has ended. In it's place, static..
Ethan sat on the couch in the Brotherhood base of operation. He watched the city hall destruction with a smirk on his face. He turned off the TV when the cameras went black. I wish I was there... He thought as he got up from the couch. He walked over to the fridge and pulled out a gallon of soda and formed a glass out of ice before pouring. He put the bottle back into the fridge before taking a sip.

Andrea hung out in the X-mansion's wreck room as she played a game of pool by herself. She finally had gotten used to the mansion's layout but didn't feel like socializing; she wasn't even aware that Magneto had been on TV. She lined up her shot and knocked the eight ball into a corner pocket, before setting up the game again.
Vi sighed, rolling her eyes as she flicked off the tv. Hmph. Always was overly dramatic. She sauntered out of the room, debating where she'd disappear off to. Professor Xavier and his super X-Men could take care of this themselves. Though that never stopped everyone from trying to get her to pick a side. She figure she should probably get out of here before someone started ranting to her about the evils of the brotherhood and the need for peace and blah, blah, blah.

Vi didn't pick sides unless there was money involved. Coin was her motivation really. She looked out for herself, and she tried to make sure she looked out, only for herself, because that's just how it is. How people are. She knew that. You look out for yourself because if it comes down to it, no one else will. Of course that doesn't mean she wouldn't accept favors, such as the X-Geeks allowing her to room in the mansion still.

Vi ran a hand through the black waves of her hair, stifling a yawn as she sauntered down the main hall, debating about making a few phone calls and taking another job. She decided against it though. The stunt Magneto and his kooky group pulled would have the public freaked out and the government on high alert when it came to mutant related activities. Unless an especially high offer came her way, she'd lay low for a week or two. Maybe. If she got bored, well, there was no telling what she'd decide to do then, and she got bored pretty easily.
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As the carnage at city hall was going on, a taxi pulled up just outside the gates to Xavier's academy. After a few moments a young man stepped out, messy brown hair blocking his view for a brief moment. He blew his hair out of his face, shouldering his bag as the taxi pulled off, leaving him at the gates. "Well... I guess this is it." he said quietly to himself, scratching his head. He stared up at the mansion, digging in his pocket for his phone. Pulling it out he held it up, taking a picture of the school.

Finally deciding that he wasn't going to get anywhere just standing there, staring, he headed up the walkway towards the front door. Once there he sighed a bit, pausing before reaching up to ring the doorbell. "Hello? Anybody home?" he called out, waiting a few moments before ringing the doorbell again.
Benjamin sat in his room, attempting to gain any sort of foothold on his powers. He spent most of his time there since after two nights he had accidentally ruined a few chairs and heavily scratched most of the wood furnishing he touched. He was so focused on attempting to form solid bone on his arm he was completely oblivious to the news or the knocking on the front door.

"C'mon Ben, I know you can do it. Just a little spike of bone." He strained with focus and was sweating a little. When he finally generated a small spine he flicked it off with a small wince. "That could've been worse." He muttered to himself and proceeded to attempt to create a real spike.
Samantha, "Sam", walked down the hall toward the kitchen. She listened to a sports radio channel on her smart phone with earbuds in her ears. The big grin on her face momentarily disappeared when the sports talk was interrupted by the Magneto news story. I doubt making war with normal humans will help the mutant cause... Sam thought to herself as she turned off her radio app. She noticed the sound of knocking once she removed her earbuds. She ran to the front door and opened it. "Hello? Who are you?" she asked, before blowing a bubble out of the gum she was chewing.
The destruction was something Adrian could've cared less about as he stood outside the rubble of what was once city hall. He had come with Magneto for one reason; the bodies. It was gruesome, but he needed to absorb their corpses to keep himself strong. As tendrils of bio-mass took the last remaining body in the area, Adrian breathed a sigh of relief. It wouldn't be long before police and paramedics showed up and while fighting was always a thrill, he didn't feel like having to take them out. Some of the others here might disagree. Pyro. Mystique. They didn't mind killing in the slightest. Adrian just didn't subscribe to that same notion.

He was jarred from his thoughts when Magneto told them it was time to go. Standing on a small metal platform along with the others, he let Magneto carry them all back to the Brotherhood base. It was a quick trip and before he knew it, he was back on the ground. Adrian dusted his jacket off and stepped inside. There were a bunch of other mutants around, but he'd never bothered getting their names. They were cannon fodder anyhow. He sat down on the couch and grabbed the remote. When he turned it on, the station was left on the static. He sighed, then turned it over to a documentary about Charles Xavier. He glaced for a moment, then put down the remote, deciding to watch.
"It's a new kid, of course." Vi mused, as she walked passed the front door, pausing only briefly to speak to the random student who'd opened the door. She never bothered getting to know any of them anymore. "No one else bothers to ring the doorbell anyways. Hardly ever locked." She finished, before making her way towards the nearby kitchen, planning on grabbing a snack, maybe heading out. She wasn't quite sure yet.

Upon sauntering into said kitchen, she walked up to the counter and grabbed a muffin from it, and pulling down the wrapper slightly, she took a bite of it. It wasn't all that bad. Satisfied with the snack she had in hand, Vi traipsed back out into the hall, debating where she'd go or if she'd just stay in her room. She could always go on a little trip, but traveling through the darkness wasn't the easiest thing to do.
Sam turned her head to look at Vi. "I knew that," she said, before looking back at the young man. "Come inside," she told him. "The name's Samantha, but I go by Sam." She held out her right hand and smiled. "What's your name?"

Ethan walked back over to the couch with his ice glass of soda. He sat down beside Adrian and noticed Professor X on the TV screen. "You're watching this crap?" he asked. "What will Magneto think?" he teased before chugging down his drink. He dropped his ice glass on the floor and it shattered into tiny pieces, before beginning to melt.

The clack clink clack of the pool balls hitting each other was the only sound Andrea heard until she knocked the eight ball into one of the pockets. Now board with the game, she left the pool stick on the table, before walking toward the kitchen with her hands in her pocket. She briefly saw Vi snacking on a muffin, but didn't say anything to her. Andrea opened the fridge and pulled out a root bear. She unleashed one set of her adimantium claws and used them to open the bottle. She retracted her claws, leaned on the counter, and started to drink the soda alone.
Timothy drags his bare feet into the kitchen dressed in a black tank top with varsity jacket on that has a 'X' for X Academy on it and striped pajamas pants. He has been taking a lot of nap these past few weeks do to the training Wolverine has been putting him through. The last three days he was off of training. He took this time to sleep. As he got in the kitchen he went to the cabinet to get a pop tart or two. After getting them he sat down on a counter chair, eating his pop tarts.
Eric smiled a little, reaching out to shake the girl's hand. "My name's Eric. Nice to meet you, Sam." he said with a grin. "I'll remember to just come in next time. I didn't know I was allowed to." With a light chuckle he stepped inside, eyes wide. "Wow... This place is amazing. So, there's... others here? People like me?" he asked sheepishly, scratching his head. "I've never really met anyone else who was... different before."

He adjusted his bag on his shoulder, looking like he wanted to head further into the house. He looked over at Sam, smiling ever so slightly. "So, where can I put my stuff?"

((I'll be back in a few hours, have some errands to run. If you come back before I'm back, we'll just say Sam lead Eric to a room.))

"Does he usually talk like he's the smartest man on the planet?"

"Mmm, sometimes. Most of the others he just like talking slow. Drawling on and on until our attention is pulled to one of his crazy stunts." Gabby frowned at the television a good ways away in front of her. The destruction of City Hall hardly looked like a stunt at all. As far as she could tell, those were real metallic structures and real debris raining from the sky. She considered herself lucky not to see a body or two.

"Does anyone ever pay attention to what he has to say?" Storm stopped rearranging flowers in the vase for a moment, looking over to Gabby with her brown eyes.

"We have to, sweety." Gabby flinched at the nickname. She had been in the mansion for all of 3 weeks and she was already being called sweety by one of the highest ranking members in the X-Squad, as far as she knew. Some would have considered it an honor to even hold a conversation with Ororo Munroe, but Gabby didn't. It was simply because she didn't know if she wanted to stay here or not. A door bell ring cut her thoughts and half and Storm looked over to the grand doors with her. Some of the other students beat them to it so they decided not to move from their seats in the main room.

"We have another guest."

"Another mutant, maybe," Gabby mumbled. Ororo paused and blinked curiously, cocking her head to the side and placing a single hand on her hip.

"Well, yes. You won't find a human knocking at these doors, now would you." That hurt. Bad. Gabby looked down at her open palms, trying to avoid the rush of oncoming tears at what Ororo said. No humans. That confirmed it. Gabrielle Barker was a mutant from that day forth. Ororo's earlier smile dissipated at the look on Gabby's faith. Oh, how she hated always saying something to hurt someone unintentionally. She rounded the couch, preparing to lay a condoling hand on the girl's shoulder.


"No, forget it. I'm fine. It's nothing," she said. Ororo knew that Gabby wouldn't say anything else on the subject. Instead, the two of them sat there, staring at the static on the tv.
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Tired of the silences Timothy got up out of his chair, looking for something to do he dragged himself to the T.V. room. He saw Gabby and Ororo staring at the television like the girl from Poltergeist. Rubbing his eye he says "Is the cable out?" unknowing of the events that happened on City Hall.
Vi glanced into the living room, seeing Ororo, and some other students, catching the end of their conversation, she stifled a yawn, piping in with that little tidbit of info the male student seemed to have missed. "Eh. Magneto took out City Hall in NYC. That's about it. In actually surprised the X-Men hasn't rushed off, taking action against the Brotherhood and all that." She mused, glancing briefly at the only X-Men member in the room. "Given up so quickly?" She added, shaking her head as she took another bite of her muffin.

She found it all amusing really, the feud between the regular humans, the mutants of the brotherhood, and those here at the mansion. Being neutral herself, she knew quite a bit about all sides, not that she'd ever volunteer whatever she'd knew, or her help. Taking sides made things more complicated, so she didn't take sides. A few more bites and she'd finished the muffin, crumpling up the wrapper and tossing it, violet eyes watching as it arched through the air briefly before landing in the trash.
"You can put your stuff in your room," Sam replied. She grabbed Eric by the arm and lead him down the hall. "Professor X gave you as specific room number, didn't he?" she asked, before stopping in front on an unoccupied bedroom. "Because otherwise I think you can choose from any of these unused rooms, unless you want to bunk with one of the guys."

Andrea nonchalantly walked out of the kitchen and into the room with the TV. "Magneto took out city hall huh," she said as she leaned against the wall. She finished up the rest of her root beer and used her sleeve to wipe her mouth. She felt like she was reliving her past, but instead of two gangs duking it out there are two "gangs" of mutants trying to exist. "Looks like your gang needs to step it up," she said to Storm. I'm not going to be a pawn, Andrea thought; she still hadn't warmed up to the "better" life Professor X told her about. She'd much rather be back on the streets with the gang she hung out with, if they weren't still in juvy.
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"Hey, Tim,"she mumbled before Vi joined them. Great. Lots of people meant lots of conversation, which definitely meant less focus on what happened between Ororo and her.

"We're not going to launch off without the Professor's say-so," Ororo added in, giving up on comforting Gabby. She rose to her full height, tucking a strand of her streak white hair behind an ear. "We'll be hearing from him shortly, but you all needn't worry. He's not going to call the students into battle." Gabby looked up, confused on whether that was a good thing or a bad thing. The Professor wouldn't let kids go into the front lines to fight the Brotherhood, but will there ever be a time where they would? Ororo tipped her head towards Andrea who had joined the room shortly after.

"We'll see. It's the Professor's call." Gabby looked over to Vi sotically.

"I wouldn't call it giving up. Just... planning or something..." Ororo shrugged leaving her feeling pitiful for talking to Vi like that. Vi knew a lot more about the academy than she... maybe Timothy too. Standing up, she touched the side of her head at the sudden sting that streaked through it.

No. Not a headache right now.

"Vi... you have another muffin?

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Adrian was focused on the documentary up until the other mutant blatantly interrupted the show. He sneered as this snot-nosed little runt not only insulted Xavier but just chucked his ice glass to the floor, letting the mess melt without a care. Adrian sat up, not hesitating one bit as he grabbed the boy by the shirt and lifted him into the air, looking him through with eyes as intense as the sun. "Xavier is what keeps guys like us out of government labs. Magneto would just as quickly have you put down, but why should I wait for him to do it? I'm right here. So, c'mon.. what do you say? Feeling lucky?" Adrian grinned, his teeth forming a wicked smile that clearly stated his intentions. He was already having a rough day. He had no qualms letting off some steam.
"Eh. Giving up, planning, same difference.. Oh, and they're in the kitchen." Vi mused, a hand lazily motioning in the direction of the room, in response to Gabby's question about the muffins. She glanced over at Ororo, pausing as she thought about something, to which she then questioned the female X-Men member about. "Haven't seen Wade around have you?" She mused, referring to the ever insane Deadpool. She hadn't seen the guy since their last job together, which had incidentally been the last job she'd done. He didn't exactly work all that well with others so it'd been ..interesting. Got the job done though, and she got payed so she wasn't complaining, she just figured the crazy mercenary would be sniffing around, upset about missing the action when he heard about City Hall. Unlike many others, she could actually stand being around him, sometimes.

"Oh, and I'd get in extra training time if I were you guys." She added nonchalantly, referring to all the students now present. "This is Magneto we're talking about, and from the whole, intimidating speech thing he gave, I'm guessing that stunt was only just the beginning of the fantastical show he has planned." She informed them dryly, a tad more than a touch of sarcasm in her tone. "Although it's not really a guess. More is going to happen. The only things to figure out are where and when." She shook her head, shutting up on that matter for now.

"You're all students here. So you're all targets.. Honestly this whole mansion is just one big bullseye.." Vi thought aloud. She'd always thought the school would fare so much better should its location be much more secure and secretive, but no, the Professor would never have them hide from the world, which they, "belonged in." Another reason she didn't stay here full time or join up with the X-Men. She stayed in the shadows, the X-Men, the Professor, the mansion, it all got way too much limelight for her liking. "So yeah, go train and do your weird exercises or whatever." Vi shrugged.
Benjamin was still sitting in his room, focusing on generating a spike or shell on his forearm. "C'mon!" He grunted with frustration as the spike quickly began to grow.

"Yes!" He yelled in surprise as he admired it for a second. "Now how do I get one this large off?" He questioned no one as he tried to pry the bone from his body. He struggled as he put all his strength into pulling it off his arm, to no avail. (I think that's the right word...)

After a minute or so he had given up and decide to see if anyone was around to help him. After searching he found that most had gathered by the tv room. He decided it would be better if he lurked in the hall for the moment and let them finish whatever discussion they were having. All the while he was grabbing at the spike and fidgeting with it a little.
"Well...if that's the way you feel, why are you hanging around this joint?" Ethan asked. He turned his body into ice and coldly stared at Adrian. "Why don't you sit back and...chill!" He fired a beam of ice at the mutant threatening to rough him up.

Andrea crossed her arms. "If the mansion is one big target, why are you hanging around?" she asked Vi. "Although I'm not exactly thrilled to be here myself," she muttered to herself. She noticed Benjamin fiddling with his bone spike. She unsheathed one of her sets of claws and severed the spike from his arm. "Your welcome," she said gruffly, sheathing her claws as she crossed her arms.
"Um, thanks Andrea." He murmurs embarrassed. He picked up the bone and looked at it closer feeling the edges as it wasn't circular.

"What's the gathering for?" He asks the group of residents. "And what about the mansion being a huge target?" He questions as he slices his thumb on the bone.

(Sorry about the short post, I'm at dinner and trying to make it quick. I'll be able to reply better in about 30-45 minutes)
Timothy waves and smiles at Gabby acknowledging that he heard her say hey. He then looked up to listen to Vi monologue before fading into thought. "I wonder if the Avengers will step in... First attacking the Lady Liberty. Then the battle for the mutant. Now attack on City Hall. They should be all over this. Maybe that's why we are still-" His though was interrupted by Benjamin question. "Uh... It is mostly about Magneto attack on City Hall and how the school is very noticeable." he said hesitantly hoping he was at least some what right.
Benjamin nods in reply. He understood about the house being a huge target. But of course it had to have great defenses plus the X-men so he didn't feel overly worried about that part.

Then the city hall part hits him. "Wait, Magneto demolished city hall? When? Is anyone doing anything?" He asks quickly and with confusion.
Eric headed up to one of the unused rooms, staring in awe at the mansion. It felt like... home. He smiled slightly and found his room, opening the door slowly. It was spacious and comfortable, much bigger than his old room at home. He didn't have much of a room at his old home, anyways. More of an unused closet. He shook off an odd chill and dragged his bags to the center of the room. He opened them up, revealing a myriad of computer equipment. Eric grinned and began to unpack.

Several hours later his room was set up the way he had always wanted. The desk had a huge array of monitors, computers, and other bits of electronics all over. It looked like something out of the Matrix. Now he had a difficult choice to make... Either he could go out and socialize, or hole up in his room for the next ten days. He scratched his head, frowning a bit. "Oh well, this stuff will be waiting for me when I get back." he mused, picking up his tablet on the way out of his room.

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