X-Men: Unchained [Inactive]

Andrea was about to explain things to Lara and Vi when Fallout busted down the door. Everything was happening so fast. She quickly turned her attention to Leviathan and jumped to the side as his tendrils entered the room. She sliced at the ones that got close to her, but they kept coming. "Damn it, he's at full power," she exclaimed in frustration.
A few tendril came after lara. She quickly took out 4 of her 20 knives she carries around with her powers and cut the the tendrils. She dodged a few. But one them grabbed her leg and lifted her up in the air. She quickly cut and then she threw a telekinetic bomb at the area where the tendrils were coming out of. It exploded on contact and created a cloud of smoke.

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Fallout didn't move when the tendrils came at him. He managed to catch one in a clenched fist, allowing the others to stab deep into him. As soon as they did, he began to let overpowering radiation flow into the tendrils, in the hopes that he would poison his enemy. He didn't let up on his grip on the other tendril, and with his free hand continued to rapid-fire bursts of raw energy at him. He wasn't going to let some measly attack like that slow him down.


Eric was just finishing up with his suit when he heard the other explosions and yelling. He frowned a bit as he began to unhook the data cables from the suit. "That doesn't sound good..." he said quietly, a nasty knot forming in the pit of his stomach. He quickly got into the suit, letting it power up. "If it's the Brotherhood again... I swear to god someone's gonna get hurt." he growled, a little irritable from his lack of sleep. "I just hope it's not me..." he added, almost silently. Making sure he was stocked up on ammunition for his revolvers he left the room, having to squeeze sideways through the door. "Maybe I should have made the suit a little smaller..." he said, making his way up to the source of the noise.


Jason was strolling around the perimeter of the Academy when he heard the explosions. His ears perked up and he quickened his pace, trying to find where the noise was coming from. He quickly hopped up onto one of the pillars that made up the outer fence, grinning when he saw green blasts destroying the outer walls from within. "F*ck yeah, some action. Now, to get inside without the security system freaking the hell out on me..."
Feeling the venomous radiation seep into his body, Leviathan quickly dislodged the tendrils from himself, removing the link between him and Fallout. Taking note to not let that happen again, he commenced wave two of his assault, charging Fallout with tremendous speed, effectively turning his body into a battering ram determined to slam his opponent clear through the lab. He cared not for the others who's futile attempts at dodging or fighting back stood their ground. Mutants like Fallout and himself were on a whole other calibur. If they stood in his way, they would quickly be dispatched. He had his target.
'Well that didn't work' she put up a shield around herself and Adrian to keep the tendrils away from them. She then yelled "What the hell is going on?!?!"

"It's called a fight dearie. Might want to get used to it. They happen a lot around here." Vi mused as she called out to the student, Lara, from where she sat within the portal, not bothering to get involved. She wondered what would happen if she let one of the dark force's monstrous manifestations out though. The havoc it would add to this situation would surely be amusing. Vi ultimately decided against it though, content lay watching the battle and the students who stood around, defending themselves rather than doing anything. She tsked, knowing if the bozos actually all bothered working together they might actually get somewhere, or maybe not, now that she thought about it, in comparison to that hulk of a brotherhood mutant, who'd apparently powered up quite a lot from what she'd observed. She always observed. That's what Vi did, and later she'd sell the info she would gained from this observing of hers later, to the highest bidder. Or she'd get a couple IOU's. Having people owe you favors always came in handy.
Lara looked at vi "i know that" she looked looked back at the 2 mutants. She make 5 more telekinetic bombs each strong enough to take down an airplane and threw them at the leviathan.

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Benjamin took notice to the commotion originating from the remnants of the lab, headed straight to the danger. Or so he assumed based upon the fact that he thought that he heard Fallout diverting his radiation into his weaponry. "This can't be good..." He thought out loud and tried to armor up a little.

Colossus was oblivious to the fight going on for a bit, up until Brian began to unleash his volleys of radiation. The Team member decided to make sure that everything was okay in the lab, as there were students still there as far as he knew. He wasn't sure if it was Brian going mad or something worse, but he quickly shook the thought from his mind.
Fallout stood his ground, yanking the tendrils out of his body with a sickening crack. He let out a low growl, the tendrils in his hands glowing with a green light. "C'mon. Hit me." he taunted, waiting until Leviathan was almost on him to suddenly thrust the radiation-saturated tendril at his chest. In his mind, if Leviathan's armor was strong enough to withstand direct blasts, it wouldn't be strong enough to stop his own tendril.

Leviathan hit him with the force of a truck, but his grip on the improvised weapon didn't fail. He was determined that this fight wasn't going to end like the last. Leviathan was a threat, and he had to be stopped.
Andrea noted that Leviathan's attention was completely on Fallout. As much as she wanted to fight, she thought it best to wait and see what happened. She stood her ground in a defensive stance in case a tendril or a projectile came her way. She smirked as Fallout fought the hulk-of-a-mutant Leviathan; She could feel their power in the room. "If you'd like me to double team, let me know," she told Fallout with her signature smirk on her face.
Colossus arrived at the fight, his figure looming in the doorway. "What's happening?!" He asks the two girls near the door. Then he notices the two fighting. "Never mind..." He says, armoring up. "How did he get in?!" He changes the question as he feels something ram into his side.

Benjamin had been tearing through the halls as fast as he could, failing to notice the mass of metal in his way. He slammed straight into Colossus, sticking for a second and then falling to the ground. "Ow." He says looking into the lab. "And that's bad..."
Lara was standing there defending herself from the tendrils that are trying to grab her. ' I should just leave...I am not doing much here anyway...and none of my attacks are working...' she sighed "i don't know..." she replied back as she cut a few more tendrils.

"Ben, go get help." Colossus ordered the young mutant, his steely gaze fixed on the two mutants. "And we most likely the power of a telepath." He adds. As he assessed the situation, Fallout seemed to be holding his own. And Colossus would just bring in strength. The way to beat him while armored up was a psychic attack. He watched Ben leave to go carry out his order, hoping he knew any telepathy besides Jean and the Professor.
(( ooc: Hey, folks. Sorry about the delay. I'm in the process of moving into a new place. Things will resume shortly. Hang tight. :) ))
Ben decided to run for Jean (since I am not sure if we're saying Emma Frost is an X-man or Hellion) hoping to find her in her office. Due to his recent stroke of good luck, the universe wanted to even things out and he was forced to resort to tracking the team member down. "Anyone seen Jean?" He called, getting a steady stream of "Nos" as a reply.
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