X-Men: Unchained [Inactive]

KZ smiled as he slowly walked over to,"You are very cocky. Why so cocky?You are cute,and cute people tend to be cocky,but your arrogance is to much,"KZ final got over to Jason and held his finger up,"How hard do you think I can hit you?"
"I'm cocky because my current mutant kill count is in the hundreds. Lost count around 600-something." he said, smirking. "My human kill count is way higher than that, though. Humans are so fragile." Jason shrugged, tilting his head. "You know, you could probably hit me pretty hard. Now the real question here is if you can actually hit me. I'm quicker than I look." He eyed KZ for a moment, sliding his hands in his pockets. "How about this. You can go ahead and start this fight. If you amuse me enough, I'll go ahead and let you get one free shot in. Seriously, one free hit with no retribution attached." he said, trying his hardest not to laugh.

((I'm back now.))
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KZ chuckled as he pushed Jason back,"If you are not going to fight me serously I could just rip your limps off. If you underestimating me you will end up dead."KZ was beginning to get board as well.

Jamie shook her head as Jason continued to he cocky,"Oh my god. Just fight him serously,most of the other Brotherhood members have just as high body count."
Jason just quirked an eyebrow. "Wait, really? You want me to just go all out on this kid? Isn't he your brother?" he asked, glancing over at Jamie. "I mean, seriously. If you care about him that little, then I should just kill him and find someone more interesting to fight." he said, shrugging. "Alright, that's enough talking, I think." he said, before suddenly vanishing. He wasn't able to teleport, but he was fast enough he might as well have been able to. He reappeared behind KZ, rocketing his his leg at the boy's head with lightning speed. If the blow connected, KZ would quickly realize that even though his opponent was small, he packed a similar punch to the Hulk.
KZ ducked then went into a handstand ,"Do you honestly think I'm done weakling?I have been here for a while so I know what a fight 'the' wolverine is like."KZ started spinning in his hands sending a flurry of kicks at Jason.

"I told you to go all out because he is dangerous and had been here for a while. Me and you have even fought ending with a draw."Jamie scolded Jason for his arrogance.
((When did we agree on that? The thing with Jason is for him, a fight isn't over until his opponent either runs away or dies. I may need to alter the character sheet to really drive home how screwed up in the head this guy is.))

Jason moved easily out of the way of the kicks, stomping hard at KZ's face. "Oh, Logan? He's fun to cut up. He heals so fast, you just can't kill him." he said with a chuckle, stepping back after the strike. His hands were still firmly in his pockets, a dangerous look in his eyes. He was enjoying this, but not nearly as much as he could be... He contemplated making things more interesting, but decided to keep his word to not use his hands, at least for now.
Hank stepped back as Logan took the reigns. It really was his style to stab and slash at something until it cooperated, and thankfully, though not for Adrian, it worked out this time. Things started to short circuit and the super sentinel that was relentlessly combating it's target simply vanished as if it were never even there. The lights to the Danger Room came back on and revealed his target, the one Logan had saved. Umbra, is what this one went by. Hank quickly turned away after identifying her.

He looked at the remaining X-Men with mock relief. "Well, it's Umbra. Someone will have to go talk to her about her solo ventures. I'm going to see if I can figure out what happened from the mainframe computer." With that, he showed himself out.

It was a short walk to the large mainframe computer that controled a great majority of the X-Tech, if you will, that this mansion ran on a day-to-day basis. Feeling the close call with Umbra was enough for his devious side to take a rest, however. "There's still tomorrow." He mused.

Beginning to type away, he decided to at least make himself look less suspicious and do something for their benefit. "Accessing.. main systems on.. functions.. active.. processes.. complete.. there! Enjoy having your defenses back, X-Dweebs."


Outside, laser guides began their facial recognition procedures. "Unknown entities detected. Identifying. Brotherhood confirmed. Engaging." Turrets from out of the grass sprang to life, targeting the two Brotherhood trespassers, though ignoring Nightshade completely, having identified him as Nightcrawler. Quickly, pinpoint accurate lasers began firing at high rates of speed, their targets would soon be wise to it.
Jason let out a low curse, hearing the automated voice. "I really, really hate hearing that thing." he said, dodging as a beam shot past his head. "C'mon! Five more minutes?" he yelled at the mansion, sidestepping another two beams. The security system was more of a mild nuisance than anything else, as he was easily able to dodge the beams firing at him. He was becoming a blur, screaming at anyone in the mansion that would listen. "Seriously though! Five minutes, that's it! Shit, I'll cut it down to three!" After about a minute of dodging the security and yelling he sighed, hopping back over the fence. "Fine! I'll come back for you later, kid." he growled, glaring at the building.
Vi let out a sigh of relief when the sentinel disappeared, quickly letting the dark gateway vanish before it was too late. She managed it just in time, in fact, and that was a relief all in itself. Vi didn't move for several more moments, simply getting a handle on things and her breath back.She grimaced as she did finally get to her feet, managing to make it to the Danger Room doors, stumbling ever so slightly as she walked through them. She wanted to get to her room, or maybe even somewhere else, before anyone could get to her. She didn't like attention, nor did she need anyone asking questions or prodding at her injuries, although she knew she'd have to get them checked out or find a way to fix herself up sooner rather than later.

She'd had plenty of experience with getting hurt though, and she didn't think she'd broken a rib, probably bruised quite a few though.. But she couldn't be sure. Still, the whole thing was rather exhausting, and now she had a headache.. All in all she felt crappy, in fact, had it gone on much longer at all, she'd likely be passed out right about now, or dead, or out of control.. Vi decided she could figure out who to murder for this later, after she'd taken a nap or something. A long nap.
(( OOC: Update! So everyone is aware, we plan to move the rp forward and not let anything get stagnant. If you have something open, try your best to close it. I'll be using a time skip to put us forward and allow the plot to continue. So whether you go to bed, hit the town or start thinking for an extended amount of time is up to you. The deadline for the time skip is tomorrow night at midnight. The next series of plot events will come after that. Thank you all again for keeping this going! ))
Sam ran with Eric. By the time they reached Hayden and KZ the turrets were firing at two mutants, most likely Brotherhood. "Everything will be fine now," she said so only Eric would hear. "I think they can handle the situation. Look, one of them retreated." She still gripped her baseball bat. The current fight wouldn't be over till Jamie left.

Andrea looked into the Danger Room. Once she saw the the program turned off and that Vi was still alive she walked out of the room. She heard that the defenses were now online and turret fire outside. She smirked. Sounds like a fight outside. She was ready to join in. I'm sure whoever is out there can handle it, doesn't sound like a big fight, she thought with a shrug, before heading to her room.
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Hayden heard the turrets fire and was ready to dogde as needed. But, when he looked, the turrets fire was focused on the two brotherhood mutants. After a minute or so, Jason was gone, leaving Jamie behind. He had the urge to just teleport away, but Nightshade was too engrossed in the sibilings due to his confusion about them. Such as to why they are in enemy factions, even though their powers complemented each other. So he teleported to the roof, leaving the scent of brimstone and smoke, and perched himself on an overlooking ledge.
Jason was a flurry of curses, anger, and various obscene gestures. He noticed Hayden teleport up to the roof, staring up at him. "HEY! Get down here! I wanna talk to you!" he yelled, pacing back and forth in front of the fence like a wild animal. He didn't really want to talk to Hayden, per se... He just really wanted to fight, and those damn lasers cut it short.


Eric nodded, watching as the turrets were doing their job. "Wait... There's -laser- turrets here?" he asked, his brain beginning to work overtime. If they had that kind of technology here, who knows what sort of stuff he could make to help actually make him useful in combat. "Hey, do you think you might be able to help me out with something? I really liked the idea you had about making that suit, but I won't be able to do it by myself." he said, smiling a bit. "I mean, I don't know if I can even source the materials here. You've been here longer than me, so I figure... I mean, it would be nice to get your help." he said sheepishly, smiling.


Speaking of weapon materials, Fallout was digging through the scrap, trying to find something of use. After a little while he found what he needed; some electronics, two metal barrels, and the lenses out of the cameras. He took his stuff and headed back inside, going to Hank's lab. He'd be able to construct a couple weapons out of this stuff. He had all but ignored the fight going on, he had more important things to worry about.

((Gotta head off until later tonight. See you guys then. :D ))
KZ did dodge all of Jason's attacks by turning into to just before Jason's foot made contact,"Eh!"He groaned barely dodging the attacks just as the turrets came on.

Jamie dodged most of the turrets getting bored and erecting a shield of magic,"Jason is such a an idi-"KZ tackled his sister making her lose focus and the shield. Jamie kicked him off of her then jumped backwards,spinning,teleporting away
Hayden barely heard what Jason was saying, mostly due to a lack of interest. "You want to do what?" He yells back, a smirk on his face. His tail flicked with anticipation as he hoped to see what KZ could do. "This should be good." He thinks aloud. So far he had watched KZ interrupt a blast that powered him up and also do well against a seemingly much more formidable opponent.
Vi muttered a few choice words under her breath as she somehow managed to get upstairs, stumbling into her room, locking the door behind her before she collapsed, carefully, face first onto her bed, letting out a muffled groan into her pillow as she breathed in sharply. It hurt like hell. But she knew she wasn't really injured fatally in any way at all. She'd be good. The whole recuperating process just wouldn't be pleasant.

Vi decided she'd would just lay there awhile, seeing as she really didn't want to bother getting checked out. She didn't like doctors, or scientists, whatever you wanted to call them. The needles and the medical check ups and whatever? Yeah. She could handle that. But the physicians and whatnot themselves? She didn't trust any of them. She couldn't trust anyone to take care of her except for herself, and that wasn't about to change.
"Sure, I'll be glad to help," Sam replied. "But tomorrow, looks like the day is almost over." So is the battle. She yawned before walking inside. Once she walked into her room, she flopped onto her bed. "I hope there's no big battle tomorrow....," she muttered.
"I wanted to talk, you fuzzy bastard!" he yelled up at Hayden, growling. Jason hissed, turning to look at Jamie. "I'm going back to base. Once you're done screwing around with your brother, I'll see you there." he yelled at her, storming off. He probably would take a detour or two, he had some frustrations to take out, probably on civilians. It wasn't nearly as satisfying as killing other mutants, but it would do. At least he'd be calmed down enough once he got back to the Brotherhood that he wouldn't get in too much trouble there. Hopefully.


Eric nodded, smiling. "I'm glad. Hey, thanks for being here, it's nice to know I have at least one friend here." he said to Sam, scratching his head. "So yeah... I'll see you around." he said, heading back to his own room. He had a lot of planning to do, if he was going to make this suit. He'd probably start with something simple, no need to make a full-sized mech yet. He paused before opening his door, blinking. "A mech. Holy crap." he mumbled, a huge grin on his face as he headed inside his room to start the drawings.
"Hm?" Tim heard the noise and walked to the door. He opened it already knowing who it was. " Alright everyone is here now." Tim said as he walked back to the wall he was leaning on. He looked at Gabby and rephrase his question. " I meant to say whats is your back story before coming to the X-Academy? Was it exciting? Normal?"

(Sorry for the late reply. My computer was on but I wasn't on my computer.)
(( ooc: update! As per my notice, all posts from the day of the attack will cease. We're moving time forward to continue with the plot. Any person who ignores this and posts still in that day will have their post ignored. ))

It had been two weeks since the attack on the academy. Repairing the damage had been rough. Saying goodbye to lost friends even more so. Things, it seemed, were returning to normal. Students went back to class, the Brotherhood stayed quiet minus a few strays and the X-Men were hard at work keeping the peace. But a terrible truth was about to be revealed...
Hayden sat in his new room in the Academy. He had joined after the the little fight between KZ and Jamie, but still managed to avoid talking to his father directly. He knew the Professor had already made several theorizations about his appearance and why Kurt had no idea he existed. "Could be worse..." he mused, "I could be stuck with that asshole from the Brotherhood if I had gone to see Grandpa first." He doubted that Jason would be a problem if he had though, as he was related to two of the Brotherhood's most senior members. he quickly teleported to the kitchen to grab a soda and teleported back, landing in a laying position on his bed. "This is way better than expected." he claims as he gulps down half of the drink.

Benjamin on the other hand had taken up Colossus' offer and had begun working with him rigorously: honing his fighting skills, controlling his powers, and they were currently attempting instantaneous growth. "Colossus, this won't work. I mean, we have worked on jsut growing the bone for weeks now and that has barely improved-" he begins before being interrupted by Piotr.

"That is no way to look at it. You must believe you can at least do it." was the mutant's answer. "Now remember how you feel when you need to generate weaponry or armor?" he asks, almost rhetorically.

"Of course I do." Benjamin says with a tone of slight frustration. "How could I no-" he starts to murmur before he looks and sees Colossus charging at him, fully armored in his organic steel form. "Oh shit!" he exclaims, dodge rolling to the side. "What the hell was that for?!" he yells to he older mutant. "You could easily kill me!"

The behemoth just chuckles a little. "Then you have to protect yourself." was his simple reply.

"You are one crazy Russian!" was Ben's reply as he avoided another attack.

Colossus ignored the mild insult and focused on attempting to get Benjamin's body to react as he theorized it would. The adrenaline rush produced by his instinct to survive may trigger a way that he can generate and manipulate bones instantly... he thinks as he aims a punch at Ben's left arm.
Eric had spent a good amount of the two weeks in his room, when he wasn't going to class, designing and building his exo-suit. It was taking some interesting engineering, but he was nearly done with it. It stood in his room, hooked up to his computers as he finished up the programming needed to operate it. The suit looked similar to what Tony Stark would have put together, only less... armored. It had it's share of ballistic plates, sure, but there was only so many materials he could use before he got in trouble.

The suit had armor plates on the arms, legs, and torso, and a second set of arms attached to the back. The secondary arms were much larger, and were equipped with rather large, retractable blades on the forearms. Attached to the back plate were two large-caliber pistols for the larger arms to wield, along with another pair of pistols for the pilot. He hadn't been able to make the suit to his final design yet, but he would be able to soon. Maybe. He had hardly slept at all the last two weeks, having holed himself up in his room except to eat and go to class. Eric finished a final line of code, the visor on the helmet flashing for a moment. He sighed and sat back, admiring his work. The suit would be usable, but it was just a prototype. Hopefully he wouldn't have to use it any time soon.


The last two weeks had gone by much too quickly for Fallout. He spent nearly all of his time in Beast's lab, working on new weaponry to help combat the mutant that he had fought. He hadn't learned much about him, but that wasn't too big of a deal, as he was sure he had created something that could get past his rival's armor. He had made a very Predator-esque shoulder cannon, that would take his already powerful radiation and condense it into a powerful beam. In his tests the beam was able to go through most materials, except for Adamantium. With enough time, he'd be able to change that.

Fallout had also made himself a new knife, one that could actually harness his radiation to super-heat the blade. Brian was confident that he would handle the next fight better than before, hopefully.


The last two weeks had gone by WAY TOO F**KING SLOW for Jason's liking, however. He had caused a decent amount of trouble at the Brotherhood base, but nothing too malicious. He had found a guy who could instantly regenerate lost limbs, so Jason did the only thing he could think of. He tied the guy down and spent a few days hacking off his arms and legs when he got bored. There wasn't much to do at the base, so Jason was getting bored VERY easily. "There has -got- to be something fun to do around here..."
Benjamin was too slow to avoid Colossus' punch. He felt his humerus break as the earth shattering blow connected. "Holy f*ck!" he cried in pain. He knew his mentor held back on his power, otherwise he would need to replace his arm with tech similar to Brian. "That f*cking hurts!" he yells, clutching it. Surprisingly after a a few seconds, the bone was fixed, but the pain was still present.

Piotr retracted his arm towards himself and offered his other hand to help Ben up. "Bone broke?" he questioned. He had become accustomed to most of his landed hits damaging the teen's bones. He knew that the bones could take a lot more punishment if Ben would gain more control over his powers. And according to Colossus, this was the first step.

"Of course it did. The surprising thing is that it healed shortly after." the mutant explains. "I'm saying within seconds."

Colossus smiled, or what looked like a smile on his metallic face. "Good. That is a start." he explains. "Now on to step two." he begins, explaining what he wanted to accomplish with step two.

"I still uphold that you are insane. But you mean well, so let's try I guess." he says as he makes sure his humerus had healed completely. the next half hour consisted of Ben's limbs breaking as he tried to grow bone to shield himself from the blows.

"Did you ever play a sport? You can think of it like that. Stop thinking and just do it." Piotr advise like every sports coach has said at one point or another.
Brian had heard about Ben and Colossus training, and had decided he should take a break. He attached his shoulder cannon, which folded down against his back, and headed down to watch the two fight.

It wasn't long until he showed up, standing off to the side so he wouldn't get in the way. "You two don't mind if I watch, do you?" he asked, folding his arms. "Make sure you pay attention to Colossus, kid. He's seen quite a bit of combat, and your abilities are similar. He'll make sure you can handle anything the Brotherhood can throw at us." he said, some steam hissing from his vents.
Benjamin looked up in recognition of Fallout's voice. "So I have been told." the teen states, gesturing towards his mentor, who turned as well.

"Ah, Brian. Of course you can observe." the Team member replied. "Of course, you may have a better chance of getting through some of these students heads." he states as he charges at Ben once again. Again he made contact with his right forearm, shattering the thin layer of bone that Ben was able to generate.

"Goddammit!" he yells, mostly out of frustration. He had grown used to his bones breaking during this session of training. He just needed to let go and let his body react instead of try and force the growth to occur. Ben took a deep breath and let it out, mending his broken bone. "Just do it, huh?" he asks himself and takes up a defensive stance.

(I probably won't be awake much longer)

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