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X-Men (closed)


Roleplay Availability
My Interest Check
Fumi would walk down the academy that was founded by Charles Xavier. She had true respect for that man and did not have any intentions to go against him as long as he stayed on the right path. But also because he had saved her once as she was not pleased with herself being able to receive animalistic traits and features. She hated it to be different than the rest of the world but after meeting him, she slowly started to accept herself more for who she was.

Letting out a sigh as her geography class was over for the day and had now freetime which was one of the better parts. It was already nearing the evening yet it was still bright outside. Students were playing outside at the courtyard. Playing basketball, talking with each other, playing soccer, and so on. It was truly nice to see them be like they are and not having to pretend to be someone which they are not.

Riley was in her dorm room, She knew she should have probably gone to a lesson or done something with her day but somehow, Within the space of five minutes of waking up, She had lost all motivation. The lab was the other side of the building and she was so bored of sitting around not doing anything interesting in class. She lay in her bed thinking over all the science lessons she had had since she had joined the school. The only thing she wanted to do was study different abilities and learn how to make them stronger but yet...all she had learned was what the periodic table was and how to balance a chemical equation. It was not a fun class.

After finally deciding to get up and shower, Riley grabbed her mirror and fixed herself up. It seemed pointless considering she spent everyday in the school with a bunch of mutants who didn't really have a concept of beauty or at least, She didn't believe they did. Everyone seemed so used to being different, She doubted beauty was something they cared about. After making herself look presentable, She went outside for some fresh air.
Fumi stretched her hands out in the air and breathed it in as if it was the first time she actually came outside which was not the case. She just loved to be outdoors without having to pay too much attention in not to break anything inside as there were the most valuable stuff. Her smile widened as she looked around and eventually went to go sit down on a bench next to a tree so she was a bit in the shadows as she did not want to burn the first thing in the morning as the sun was shining rather strong. She already started to get a bit warm the more she was outside, though at midday it would probably be even worse.

When she noticed someone familiar in the distance, she waved toward her. "Riley! I'm here~" She said in a loud and clear voice so she would notice it that it was Fumi. Some people just yelled randomly which can make her wonder who that person meant and most of the time it was just ignored by the majority of students and teachers as they don't want to respond and it would not be directioned to them.
Riley was lost in her thoughts considering what she was to do about her classes, What excuse could she even use? She clearly wasn't sick because she would of been sent to the medical bay and someone would have noted that down and she highly doubted the excuse 'I couldn't be bothered with your pointless lessons' was going to go down well. She suddenly realised someone was shouting her name, She looked over to see Fumi and headed towards her with a wide grin on her face.

"Hello there lovely, What's going on?"She smiled.

Riley wasn't close to may people and wouldn't really call anyone her friend other than Fumi, Fumi was a lovely person who she was glad she had to talk too sometimes. It took the edge off.

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