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Realistic or Modern x A Fight for Survival x- Zombies Bite (IC)

Lee Danvers
Bellz Bellz
Rhaine Rhaine
deer deer

Lee sat silent during the humvee ride, honestly scared out of his mind. He abandoned his usual helmet at home, hiding it within Violette’s apartment. He left a detailed note, explaining why he did what he did, as well as confessing his true feelings. It was in a good spot too, just in case Rhett had it searched. So the only protection from the winds being his hood and a pair of sunglasses.

Stepping from the passenger seat of the humvee, his eyes scanned the scouts that stood before him. “Donner! Ye’ did this yesterday you’ll do it again. Take the guests up first, then Trinity, then i’ll take myself over. You’ll also be acting commander... Fall out.” The hooded scouts went about their buisness, Donner testing the claw, and the other ready by the wall in case anything were to happen. Turning to Bexley as she asked him a question, he simpered. “Well, you climbed it yesterday and look where that got you eh? This is the fastest and safest, seeing as our side is complete ice.” Ushering her to Donner, he strapped her in and shot off...

It took a good 30 minutes, but everyone but himself was over. Finally he strapped himself into the operator harness, looking at the launch button. This would be his last time home... Closing his eyes, he pressed the button, lurching immediantly forward. Landing with a THUMP, he looked down to see the rest and others waiting below. He slung the claw over his back, seeing no need for it, as he climbed a nearby tree down.

Lee hit the ground, unaware of how hard his fall may have been, as he was to busy studying the land. The sun shining, green grasses, warm winds. He removed his sunglasses, squinting profusely as to being not acclimated to the sun. Sliding them back on, he removed his heavy hoodie, revealing a simple white long sleeve shirt. Looking at the group before him, he smiled. “Names Lee, im a northern as ye’ can tell... Umm we’ve been sent over to explore your land, or whatever ye’ live on, seeing as your folks just did the same...” Looking to Violette, diplomacy never being a strongsuit of his, he couldn’t help but blush at himself.


Kyle Withers

[mood] happy [tags] ReverseTex ReverseTex Bellz Bellz KingofAesir KingofAesir [location] at the wall with mom [mentions] Bexley Bellz Bellz Ava KingofAesir KingofAesir Lee ReverseTex ReverseTex


Kyle nodded at Ava and said "I hope so Ava. And OW!" He frowns when she flicked his ear. He hated the flicking of his ear since he met the annoying trainer of his. Kyle glared at her and flicked her back as he looked back beyond the wall. All he wanted was his mum back, and maybe a giant steak.

Then the most wonderful thing happened, a person size black thing came flying out the sky. Landing by the tree nearest to them. It was Mum! She took a moment to get used to the sun then she started to speak. Ava was already flying to her. Smashing her into a hug. Kyle was frozen staring at her.

"M-m-m-mom?" He spoke softly to her. As he starts to slowly limp towards her. He ignored the pain in his ankle once he realized it was his mum. He ran to her fast and jumped on her. "MOM! I SWEAR TO ALL ZOMBIES THAT YOU'LL NEVER GO BACK BEYOND THAT WALL WITHOUT ME AGAIN! I HAVE BEEN WORRIED SICK WOMAN! THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I LISTEN TO YOU! NO MORE!" He shouts out from his mother chest. Then he heard another voice. A familiar voice. He quickly turns around with his bow and arrow aimed for Lee's head

"Why did you bring asshole along? Must he be kept alive?"

"You never know when you're gonna lose someone. You never know who you never gonna meet."

Theodore "Teddy" Ashworth
Rosemary Borden
with: Bexley Bellz Bellz , Lee ReverseTex ReverseTex , Violette deer deer , Mick/Beth Misty Gray Misty Gray , Jade slim slim , Avalon KingofAesir KingofAesir , Kyle r e i r e i , Carter Enzyme Enzyme , Brandy @everjinx
location: north/south side of the wall

Teddy, quite laughably, given the fact that he'd climbed and fallen off of it before, wasn't looking forward to being shot up the wall like a bullet - a very large, very confused, very foolish bullet. He had always been uncompromisingly brave, probably because he had never had the wits to be anything else, but even he had misgivings about the Northerner's method of traversing the wall that separated him from home. Bexley voiced his concerns before he could, and Lee's reply made him snicker, though it was without enthusiasm.

"I guess it is the better alternative. Besides, Bex, I don't see any oak trees."

It was a playful jibe without much weight. He only allowed a glance her way. Things had changed since Lee had mentioned the elephant in the room - their close behavior towards each other. Teddy hadn't expected the question about a possible child between them. He couldn't begin to fathom why he might have asked, and in such a secretive way. He might've been able to pass it off as Lee generally inquiring after the nature of their relationship or maybe who they had waiting for them back home, but the hush in his voice and the presiding warning had strongly suggested otherwise. He didn't know what to make of it, and he was tired of mulling it over without any result. The topic was painful enough on its own.

As they left the vehicle, the cold bit into him again, slowly sinking into his skin and the muscles beneath, making it's way to his bones. He was going home, and the sun would be on his face again. His friends would be waiting for him, he knew. The thought deterred the feeling.

He shared a glance with Bex before the contraption sent her away. He watched as it shot up, shuddering, and disappearing above his head as it passed through the fog and overcast. He wondered what had passed in their absence. He wondered what awaited them. He didn't have to worry much at the reaction of his fellow Easterners with the appearance of the Northerners. That, at least, was a comfort.

The contraption returned, and Teddy knew it was his turn. He looked back at the two waiting their turn, Lee and Violette. He absently thought that there was something familiar in the disposition of the woman.

As he stepped into it, he spoke. "Um ... see you guys on the other side I guess."

It shot up, and he gave a grunt, his blue-green eyes flickering up, blinking back the wind, and only finding his destination when he reached it. He let out a breath, almost jittery as he exited, clambering into the nearby oak tree. "Fuck." He breathed, more than ready to be on the ground again- preferably, one that wasn't covered in snow.

With his earnestness, he quickly climbed down. Near the bottom, a branch gave out beneath him, and he was dropped onto his side into the grass. It was just about identical to how he had fallen the other day. The still-fresh bruises cried out beneath him. "Double fuck." He breathed, taking a moment before he stood, running his hands through his hair where snowflakes still melted, dampening the strands.

Warmth enveloped him as if he had sunk into a bath. He looked up to catch sight of the others, familiarity soothing his every nerve.


Rosemary was waiting. The morning arrived slowly. She had been up for hours in the clear greyness before the sun.

The meeting from the night before still lay on her chest. It was a steady weight that wouldn't be relieved until the events of the day took place, whatever they might be. Teddy might return, or he might not. It was possible they would never hear another word of it from those who were supposedly beyond. Losing her own, those who relied on her, those who trusted her as a guiding light and a friend - it would never sit well with her.

She curled in on herself in bed, grasping at the covers with her small-boned hands as if it was a person she could embrace. She held it tightly to her chest. Her room felt empty. Her heart beat picked up in its pace.

The meeting had gone smoothly, and even the moment that she kept replaying in her mind hadn't abrupted anything, yet she still couldn't banish it.

The meeting had begun to draw to a close. Rosemary had addressed every concern, heard the words of those in her council and those without. There had been a few concerned members of the populous that had spoken out, some more impassioned than others. No matter where people hailed from, fear of the unknown always had a way of sharpening words, setting teeth on edge. It was her responsibility to ease such pains, to lead by example with a calm, reasonable, and respectful countenance, even if she knew no more of what was to come than they did.

She was about to speak words of parting, of commencement, when a familiar, thin, feminine voice broke through the gathered crowd. It was near, near enough for her to hear, and the word that followed was something she would never have missed.

"W-Wait, Rose,"

She caught sight of the speaker instantly, already knowing who she would see. She was very familiar with those in her Faction, especially those so closely related to the men and women in her council. The small, mousy woman had never before attended a council meeting, yet Rosemary knew her. She had a way of maintaining close, familial relationships quickly and easily. Such was her gift.

The woman wore a cross around her neck. There was a hint of distress in the cloud of her prominent blue-green eyes. It was Helen Ashworth, Teddy's mother. She must have heard of her son's misfortune some way or another. News traveled fast in such a close knit community. Helen's thin, faded-brown hair was pulled back. White had begun to overtake her mousy shade. She wore strife in every pore as if she were made to.

"Can... can't we send someone- someone to see if Teddy is ... is even alive?" Helen's Lower East Side accent hadn't faded, despite the mixing and mingling of the years to follow the ruin. They were compact, drifting, higher-pitched syllables. Her voice caught on Teddy's name. Rosemary knew he was the last child she had born. The youngest of all.

Compassion draped itself about Rosemary like a thick cloak. She gently shook her head.

"I wish I could, Helen, but we can't risk losing someone else so soon. Teddy may very well return to us tomorrow. We may only complicate things by sending someone else beyond the Wall." She paused, her cornflower blue eyes leaving the woman for a moment as Helen gave a shrinking nod, to stretch out among the crowd.

"On the unfortunate chance that Teddy does not return tomorrow, then the situation will be of an entirely new nature, one we must consider carefully. Expect, in that case, for another meeting to be held. In the East, we only want peace, but we cannot take the loss of our own lightly. We will be smart and reasonable in our actions, and we will not harm ourselves with drastic, violent action, but we will take steps to ensure that a loss of this nature does not take place again. I hope that there will be a peaceful, diplomatic way to solve this. Unified we are strong."

The sun had risen, and Rosemary woke to find that she had drifted in a state between dream and memory. Her own words from the night before still echoed in her mind. She shivered, though she wasn't cold.

She gently removed herself from the downy covers, leaving her bed and fluidly beginning to remove her nightclothes, starting to make ready for the day to come. All the while, she hoped for the best. There were no true victors in war, not really. Even the winners sustained dreadful losses. It felt tiresome and unnecessary to think of such things in a world where the living fought against the dead. She brushed the thought away.

It wasn't too long before she received word on her walkie-talkie. There was activity at the wall, rumblings. Something was beginning to occur. She finished lacing up her boots, already out the door and radioing those she preferred to keep close - Jade, Mick, Beth. She contacted Carter and Brandy in case of the worst. She didn't know what might truly come over the wall. She was nothing if not proactive in preparation.

She made her way as quickly as possible, her knife at her belt, the breeze in her blonde hair. Her mind never ceased to be active.

When she reached the wall, she found what she had been hoping for. Bexley was already over, greeting her own. Teddy was following suit, coming to a standing position from where he had fallen. He caught her gaze as she approached, and she smiled, unabashedly bright.

Rosemary gently grasped his hand, shaking it in a sign of greeting, of joy. She followed it with a fleeting embrace, as much as she could manage with the height of the man before her. It was the thought that counted.

"I am so glad to see you returned to us unharmed." Sincerity rung out from her tone.

She watched as Teddy sheepishly shrugged, obviously pleased with a smile was light over his features.

"Glad to be back, boss." It was an endearment of its own. No matter how many times she had implored him to call her Rosemary or Rose, he had stuck to the monicker.

Rosemary released him, satisfied. She was a bit taken aback, however, as a woman and another man came from over the wall. She regarded them openly. She wasn't afraid, only cautious, as one could rightly be.

The one who spoke first confirmed that he was truly a Northman, and Rosemary felt awe, her eyes widening slightly with his words.

There were people beyond. She saw the proof right before her. Not only people, but civilized people, no different from her or her own.

Her smile returned, softer now. She heard the words of the Western child, though she didn't react.

"The East welcomes you and your people, Lee." She nodded to the woman as well, whose name she did not yet know. She gently extended her hand for the man to shake in proper greeting first. "Rosemary Borden, it's a pleasure to meet you."

She looked forward to the tale Teddy no doubt had to tell, and to the future of a possible alliance. She experienced a thrill at the idea of speaking at length with the Northerners and learning of their people, their land, their culture - how they had managed to live and thrive.

All was as she hoped it would be, and the relief and ease she felt was real.
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Carter Dresden

The wind laid whispers upon the desolate city. Debris and rust were blown from the cars and circulated in the air, in a perpetual recycling of filth and contaminated oxygen. Carter was somewhat protected from the beating sun by the wet flaps, covering the sides of the nest. From this height, he could see for miles. Unfortunately, there wasn't much to see; just rubble and broken glass of what use to be a vibrant city. He enjoyed the peace, however, of being so high up. His taped fingers grasped his favorite book, "The Most Dangerous Game", with only a rifle as his company. The bolt action sniper rifle stood propped up on a couple of sand bags, just next to his rusted lawn chair.

A sharp noise caught his attention, causing him to lower the book ever-so-slightly. It appeared to be what was left of a human-being rummaging through a broken car. The bacteria-infested meat bag, also known as a zombie, could smell the flesh from behind the East wall. While the creature was reduced to the IQ of a squirrel, even it knew it had no chance of scaling it. Instead, it desperately searched the car for any remaining flesh. Carter found it odd for a zombie to be wandering these parts, figuring they had migrated west for their feedings. He eyed the rifle briefly, before shaking off the idea and returning his attention to his book. If he had wasted a bullet on every poor creature he saw, he'd be reduced to killing them with nothing, but a pointy stick.

Misty Gray Misty Gray
Beth Jefferson / Michael Wilson / Lottie Reynolds
Enzyme Enzyme Rhaine Rhaine
As usual, Beth woke up before sunrise and sat on the windowsill of the 30th floor of the headquarters building. Watching the sun rising was a habit of hers and she cherished being able to do so from this spot. The tall building provided the best view of the broken city, because it was far enough away to make the corpses and damaged memories of the past an unclear blur. The smell was better higher up, too.

Beth hoped down from the ledge and back down to the room she called her own to finish getting dressed and grab her medical kit. As if on cue, Rosemary radioed through to her to request her presence. Satisfied she had everything, she made her way down the cold staircase and outside onto ground level. She raised a curious eyebrow as she saw Lottie carrying an oversized rucksack on her tiny back. It wasn't a new sight, but it always amused Beth. Lottie always figured she wasn't much good at shooting, unlike Carter and Brandy. Neither was she much good at stabbing. Instead, she liked to carry spare knives, guns and ammunition with her, so she could at least provide extra weapons to those who would use them. Mick was always throwing his knives at skin crawlers, so Lottie liked to smugly hand him a new weapon if he ended up losing his own. "What a dumbass", she would tell him.


Beth walked close to Rosemary until they reached the wall. She quietly watched on as Teddy and Bex were returned from beyond the North wall. With them, they brought a couple of strangers, a man and a woman. The two strangers looked like they needed some sun and she was sure Mick would have said something to that effect were he present. He wasn't present, so Beth was grateful she didn't need to roll her eyes at him on this occasion.

More than anything, Beth was relieved to see Teddy back safe and well. She was quite introverted so wasn't one to openly move in for a hug or anything of the sort. Instead, she sent him a warm smile, reflecting how genuinely happy she was to have him back in one piece. "Welcome back, Teddy. The place wasn't the same without you," she told him, her voice holding more power to it than usual. The relief brought the energy out in her voice.

"Yeah. Welcome back, fool!" Lottie cheerfully told Teddy. She had a bright smile on her face. She liked to think she didn't need any of these idiots, so she wasn't about to vocalise her relief, even if her face gave her away. "Climbing the wall. Seriously?" she said, sarcastically rolling her eyes. Adults.

Mick had been out checking the crops since sunrise and had returned to put the fruit & veg into storage for the group. Armed with his rifle, handgun and trusty hunting knives, he took a position in one of the towers to keep watch over the wall. He sighted Carter in the sniper nest and scaled the tower to reach him. He paused along the way as he too noticed the zombie. He'd briefly contemplated putting it out of its misery, but he chose to save his weapons in case they were more urgently needed. Before he reached the nest, Rosemary radioed through to him. "Handsome Mick is watching over the wall, about to join his good buddy Carter. Just give me a shout if you do require my immediate presence," he responded. Knowing they were concerned for Teddy's well-being, Mick refrained from making any jokes or flirtatious remarks towards his leader.

When Mick reached Carter, he took a moment to scan the area from the same vantage point the other man had been watching from. "Morning," he spoke up. "Have you noticed anything out of the ordinary?" he asked. Was it small talk? He wasn't sure. Carter wasn't a very sociable person. Hell, he made Beth seem like the life and soul of the party. But that didn't mean Mick wouldn't make the effort from time to time. "Seen any hot babes around? Ones who don't want to literally eat my face?" he remarked. He doubted it would be met with much approval, but he figured it was better than no words at all.
Lee Danvers
Bellz Bellz
Rhaine Rhaine
deer deer

Lee‘s eyes widened as the amount of southerners grew around them, not expecting this many people to be at the wall. He stood awkwardly, arms crossed seeing as he didn’t know what to do with them. Diplomacy and formality wasn’t a forte of his, maybe if he had a few tequila shots.. But on a sober occasion, he lacked the skills.

Smiling at the woman who addressed herself as Rosemary, he firmly shook her hand. “Glad to see civilation hasn’t gone to shit on this side... Bexley got a little carried away I think on her descriptions.” These people were defiantly not wearing cowboy hats nor flower crowns. “Also pardon my bluntness, can’t really help it ye’ see. But yes, now our leader has decided our best course of action would be for me and Violette here to split up. I’ll be in company of the West, while she take the East. We’ll go back over in a few days, and our leader will come over and have a chat with ye’ folk! Kinda to late to get a message back over, so unfortunately that’s the plan.”

Bexley Withers
with: Ava KingofAesir KingofAesir , Kyle r e i r e i , Lee ReverseTex ReverseTex , Rosemary Rhaine Rhaine mentions: Jasper
+ Violette deer deer location: Wall --->Center Oak (Central park)

Bexley had been expecting little Kyle to give her a bear hug, but when Ava came sprinting towards her, the tiny woman was not prepared. Ava hugged her so fiercely that Bexley stumbled back a bit, almost falling backwards. Luckily Ava was there to steady her before she could and was swearing at her almost immediately. Bexley let out a breathless laugh and offered the woman a small smile, blushing a bit as Ava reminded her of her stupid mistake. "Sorry babe, gotta keep y'all on your toes. Did poor Jasper-?" She didn't even have time to finish her sentence as Kyle collided into her as well, hugging her just as fiercely as Ava. The boy shouted into her chest, though muffled, she heard them loud and clear. Bexley had done something reckless without thinking of Kyle...

Bex bit her lip lightly and pulled the young boy a bit closer, only getting a chance to lightly run a hand through his blonde hair when Lee tried to introduce himself. Kyle turned around with an arrow aimed directly at Lee, she would have been beaming with pride if they weren't in such a...delicate situation. "Hey there Robin hood, hold your fire." Bexley reminded her son as she forced him back into her arms and planted a delicate kiss on top of his head. "He's our guest for awhile...This will all be explain at the meeting...speaking of meetings." Bexley sought out the leader of the East, knowing the petite blonde was going to be oh so ecstatic that Bex wanted to have both factions in attendance...together...in the middle of Central Park.

The western leader internally rolled her eyes at the thought of what could happen next. They could start singing church songs. Or worse. Well...nothing was worse than that ridiculous mumbo jumbo. Shivering slightly at the grotesque thought, Bexley ruffled Kyle's hair before taking his hand. "Seeing as I know you won't leave my side, I figured you can just come with me little scout." She murmured before turning to Ava. "If you haven't already, please let dear Tonto know I am home...and please tell him to make sure the bird isn't angry. He'll know what I mean." Turning on her heels, she made her way towards the east side.

Lee seemed to already be making himself known with the little dove as Bex strode to them, Kyle following closely behind. Her eyebrow raised slightly at hearing the Northerners words and couldn't help but laugh, but only speaking after he finished. "Well little dove, I'm glad to see you've met this sassy northerner and what he says is truth...though I am sure you didn't doubt him for a second." Bexley felt the little woman trusted others far too quickly. Bexley was still thrown off by Lee's words from earlier...wondering what he knew about her child and why it was a secret. "I think everyone needs to see with their own eyes that this weirdo exists." Bexley playfully nudged Lee's arm, trying to get him to relax. He seemed tense.

"I request we hold a meeting once the rest gather here...For once...we need to discuss matters of the South. As a whole." Bexley felt pained to say it, knowing the blonde woman would have a cute little smirk on her face at her words. From the corner of her eye, she could barely make out Teddy's taller frame. She wondered if it would be the last time she saw him...after all this was over.Things would go back to the way they should be, but the void Bex felt was strange and familiar. Her brows furrowed slightly and she focused back in on Rosemary. "Meeting at the center Oak in 10 minutes."
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Theodore "Teddy" Ashworth
Rosemary Borden
with: Bexley Bellz Bellz , Lee ReverseTex ReverseTex , Violette deer deer , Mick/Beth Misty Gray Misty Gray , Jade slim slim , Avalon KingofAesir KingofAesir , Kyle r e i r e i , Carter Enzyme Enzyme , Brandy @everjinx
location: north/south side of the wall

As Rosemary turned to greet the Northerners, Teddy's attention was caught by Beth and Lottie. His smile brightened with Beth's words, and he almost cartoonishly scuffed the heel of his boot against the ground.

"Gee, Beth, you're making me blush." He shifted with words to come, wanting to begin relating what he had seen, what lay beyond in the white haze. The cathedral stuck in his mind. He had a feeling he wouldn't forget it for as long as he lived. But before he could speak, Lottie's youthful voice broke through the snowed-over memories, bringing him back into the sun.

Lottie's words made him laugh, his momentarily dumbstruck expression melting into pure amusement. It was funny, because it was true. The little, not-so-little, girl's candid observations never failed to impress him. He was laughing at his own actions, more than anything else. He instinctively kneeled down to be closer to her eye level.

"Well, its good to see you too, Lottie." He returned her bright grin, giving a humorous shrug. "Come on, are you really surprised? You know me." He turned softer in her presence, as he usually did with children. Something about the bag she lugged around on her back, knowing what it contained, ached in a bittersweet sort of way. Lottie was too young to have seen all that she had and to know all that she did. The world had changed, he knew. He supposed it was naive to hope that the children might be spared, that their childhoods might be able to remain intact. Even so, the thought stayed, and it never lost its power.

Lottie's round eyes had made him sentimental. He shrugged it away. "You help keep the peace while I was gone? I'm sure there were riots in the streets. Full scale rebellions in my name. Was I already a martyr or what? Give me the details, heartbreaker, I'm begging you. On my knees." His exaggerated jest was topped off with a grin and the brief clasping of his hands together as if he were literally begging.

He had briefly seen Bexley be embraced by the little boy from before, watched her hold him and speak to him with affectionate cadence. Her words from the cathedral returned. She didn't have a child, at least not one that was his. The thought was bitter. It still stung. He wondered if this was her son. He wondered where his father was. Something was familiar about the boy, now that he saw him properly, but he couldn't place it.


Rosemary's smile was easy as the Northman, Lee, firmly shook her hand. She could feel the cold of the North still in his grip. She gave a gentle, good natured shake of her head at his words on bluntness. "No pardon is needed. I appreciate straight forwardness. It's better to get to the truth of the matter with little fuss, especially these days, and I can tell you can provide truth in a way that makes it seem somehow lighter. That's a valuable trait. Perhaps it's something the people of the North share, or are you an oddity among them?" She pleasantly raised an eyebrow with almost a hint of a jest or a playfulness. Her words were relaxed and casual. She could so easily sound like she was speaking to a friend, no matter who she was engaged in conversation with.

His next words made her pause, questions spinning just beneath her eyes. The words, your leader?, rested in her pale throat. She meant to greet the woman, Violette, he had said, and to question the proceedings further, but Bexley approached with a laugh before she could.

Rosemary didn't react visibly to being called 'little dove' by the Leader of the West. She never let such things wear on her. She had been called worse. It was almost her callsign, but made something different on Bexley's tongue - stripped of its strength. She knew Bexley's intentions weren't affectionate. She wasn't dim. But, if addressing her so and shrinking her in small ways made the woman feel better, then that was fine. There were more important things to let weigh on her mind. However, she didn't miss the thinly veiled slight that followed. There was little that she missed. Once more, however, her smile didn't dim, and her countenance wasn't burdened.

"I have no reason to doubt him. I have seen him come from beyond the wall myself, and I'm sure if there was falsehood in it, you, or Teddy, whom I trust, would have spoken out." She beheld Bexley and Lee with a bit of light amusement in her gaze. "You all seem to have gotten on well enough during your time in the North. I'm glad. The living must stick together. I hope you two will enjoy your time in the South."

Rosemary perked up slightly as Bexley requested that they hold a meeting, united as the South. There was a spark in her eye as she appraised the other woman with whom she was eye level. She looked as if she were considering the proposition, considering her intentions.

"I accept your request, of course." There wasn't any question of her sincerity. She was earnest in it, though she remained at ease. She wanted to speak further - to insist that it was a necessity that had been neglected, but she let it lay. She had a sense of how hard it had been for the other woman to propose such a thing, and she didn't wish to anger her. She wished that it might be possible for them to be on good terms, as the equals they were. She nodded, with a quick, "The East will be present," to indicate that the time and place she proposed was acceptable.

She excused herself from the gathering of people politely, returning to her own as she brought out her walkie-talkie. Her expression softened as she caught sight of Lottie, looking up to share a charmed glance with Beth before she began speaking. The Easterners present would receive their own status update from overhearing the one she gave to the two men high above.

"Handsome Mick, this is Dove," Her voice dipped into a bit of amusement, a bit of fondness with the callsign. She was in good spirits, and a bit of the distance she kept in her slipped for that moment. "Status update for you and Carter: Teddy is alive, unharmed, and safe back South. Two Northern representatives have accompanied him and Bexley over the Wall. I have accepted a request from the West to hold a joined meeting in Central Park in ten minutes. How's everything from where you're sitting? Anything unusual?"
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Rhett Otto
Bellz Bellz

After his meeting with the southerns, Bexley Withers and Theodore, Rhett had slipped away to his home. He barely noticed Atticus, if he was there at all, as he made his way to the lone record player in the living room. Thumbing through the album beside it, his tiredness overcoming him as he pulled out a random disc. Getting it set, he flicked the button, and made his way to his leather chair. He plopped hard, leaning his head against his arm, as Billy Joel droned on....

Waking up with a start, Rhett heard footsteps. Peaking around the chair, he spotted Atticus make his way inside. So he had left... Most likely when Lee left, which didn’t upset him. Turning back towards the record player, watching the disc spin in rote fashion, his stern voice echoed through the house. “I’m not upset Atticus, come here. I want to know where you went.”

(If you’re a northerner, just follow meraki’s plan for y’all)
Avalon Dalton

In a matter of a few minutes, their short reunion with Bexley cane to an end. Avalon watched as Teddy tumbled over the wall and a man soon followed him. Her hand went immediately to her the one of the pistols strapped to her chest. Avalon didn't bother to draw the thing as Bexley had already stopped Kyle from shooting the random guy with his bow. Reluctantly, she dropped her hands to her sides and settled for glaring at the man. Rosemary had appeared sometime, Avalon hadn't been paying much attention to them, and began talking to Teddy and even greeted the strange Northerner.

Bexley was asking her to do something. Avalon turned her attention away from her glaring and back to Bexley. Jasper, right, Avalon mentally groaned. She didn't really feel like being the messenger right now, running back home was not an activity at the top of her list. Bexley had told her to though so, with a disgruntled sigh, she turned away and walked off a few feet before remembering she had a walkie talkie. Avalon face-palmed and pulled the thing off her belt. With a click of her finger, Avalon's voice rang out over the radio.

"Yo, Tonto, this is Jesse James. Bexley's back, looks okay." Avalon paused, she was supposed to say something else, "OH! And she told me to tell you to make sure the bird isn't angry or something." Avalon shrugged before realizing Jasper couldn't see her. With that, she signaled off and turned back around to watch everyone else. She didn't feel like going over there. Avalon glanced over her shoulder and groaned.

"Bexley! Do I need to actually go back?!" Avalon yelled in her leaders general direction, "I kinda don't want too."

Bellz Bellz r e i r e i ReverseTex ReverseTex Rhaine Rhaine deer deer
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Atticus Otto (Withers)
with: Rhett ReverseTex ReverseTex mentions: Lee, Violette deer deer Teddy Rhaine Rhaine
location: cathedral ---> home

Atticus had only stuck around the house for as long as it took Lee to leave the underground hall before he was out the door. Atticus knew it was wrong to sneak around behind his father's back and disobey clear and precise orders, but curiosity continued to get the best of the young boy and he couldn't help himself. Atticus had followed closely behind Lee..but far enough behind that he could go virtually undetected to the scout. The cathedral came into view after a short time and the young boy figured they must have still been there. He decided to hang out across the street from it, sitting himself up on one of the fire escapes with a pair of binoculars. The doors to the Cathedral stayed wide open, making it easy for him to see anyone coming in and out.

The time had passed a considerable amount before any movement could be seen. Atticus was freezing as he continued to wait as patiently as he could. When someone finally stepped out of the Cathedral, Atticus seriously considered the man to be a Giant from one of the story books he had at home. The boy placed the binoculars over his eyes and got a closer look. Lee had said they weren't all that strange and so far Atticus could agree. The man looked a lot like those who lived in Khal. His skin was tanned and freckly, from which Atticus knew was the suns doing. Time and time again, Rhett had reminded him that he wasn't from the north, that he was born a southerner and Atticus really wasn't sure if it was true. He trusted Rhett with his life and more, but his heart belonged to Khal and Khal was all he knew.

The boys thoughts were cut short when another person stepped out from the Cathedral, a smaller woman who looked comedically short next to the large bear of a man. She looked similar to the women of Khal, though something about her was far more than just similar. Observing the two side by side, he noted that they looked similar to himself. The woman's hair was curly and light in color, much like Atticus' own and the man's eyes...were something that Atticus had only seen in a mirror, as he shared the same color. Was it these unique traits that set apart the northerners and the southerners? Atticus confirmed with his eyes that he was like them. Brows furrowing, he watched Lee and Violette move out of the Cathedral and they all headed towards the Hummers. The boy took this as his cue to leave and waited until the cars faded into the falling snow before heading down the fire escape.


Atticus hoped his father wasn't home as he slowly and carefully pushed the front door open. His little heart raced as he looked around for a moment, thinking he was in the clear. Turning and shutting the door quietly, he tip toed towards his room when a voice sent him jumping out of his skin. "Ah!" Atticus gasped out, placing a hand on his chest as his heart nearly stopped then and there. His father was home. Dread set into his bones as he looked towards where he heard his father. "Yes papa." Atticus said meekly before shuffling towards the living room. He moved to stand in front of his father's chair, wringing his hands nervously and biting his lip. The boys lake colored eyes found Rhett's. " I...I went to the Cathedral...to see if I could see the Southerners. Papa, I know I'm not suppose to do those things. But I had to know..I had to see them for myself."

Atticus noted the weary appearance that had taken over his father's normally bright and lifelike one. His brows furrowed together once more as he looked to Rhett with concern, his little mind thinking of too many things at one time to focus on just one subject. "You alright Papa? You look unwell..."
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Doctor Ivan Salazar

Jump to the left.

Dive right.

Side step.

Spin right.

Despite the fact that the skin crawler was first hit with the paralyzing toxin and then injected with an anasthetic to slow it down to some degree, it was practically inhuman to see the doctor effortlessly dodging the Wyrm without so much as batting an eye. The toxin had long since worn off but thr anasthetic would remain in its system for a time.

"When mankind was going through its beginning stages, there were actually many types of human beings. Some were very short, others very tall, some were incredibly strong while others were very fast. Many different types of humans but we were the only ones to survive the test of time." The skin crawler lunged forward and the doctor bashed its eager arms to the side in a pseudo parry and tripped up the zombie's footing with his leg, causing the creature to fall flat on its face before trying to rise up once more.

"Who can tell me why this is?" The muffled doctor's voice rang out to the clearly awe struck "class" of young Khal scouts watching a man give a history lesson while literally dancing with infectious death. As if he owned the damn thing..... which in a way, he did. Dr. Salazar wasn't really expecting an answer, like always, so he continued on. "We survived not because we were abnormally small, tall, fast, strong or tenacious. No, no, no. This is not why. We survived because we were intelligent. It was why we passed the test of evolution and it is why we will continue to do so during what people refer to as "the apocalypse". The doctor commented with air quotes before side stepping another lunge and using that momentum to pivot on the ball of his foot send a hard roundhouse into the lumbar region of the zombie's back, sending it spilling into the protective glass that seperated the death dancing doctor and his partner from the recruits.

"Can anyone tell me why the world was ravaged by this...." Ivan gestured to the recovering zombie with a lazy hand wave, "...disease so quickly?"

"That's easy. It was because at the stupid drug the people from the old world made." Replied one of the recruits with clear conviction in her voice. The others nodded in accordance with her short but passionate statement.


"What?! How could you poss-"

"Because you are only half right which still makes you wrong. Half of the reason was because of the cause of the plague, yes. That much is undeniable. But the other half was human folly....

I will demonstrate."

Sal pulled his KaBar knife free from its sheath and adopted a stance that appeared to be that of a trained soldier with his back against the wall. His knees were bent, his stance was wide and low, one hand hovered near the knife while the other gripped the handle tightly in an ice pick grip (holding the blade in a "reverse grip". Think of famous serial killers like scream or michael). Ivan's breathing was quick, labored, and his hands trembled ever so slightly. The zombie staggered over towards him and the researcher let out a primal yell of battle as he lunged forward and drove the blade hilt deep into the Wyrm's chest with enough force to push it back against the glass where the student scouts took a step back in a mixture of surprise and fear. Even through the Gas Mask, one could see the fire in the doctor's eyes. His teeth were set and it could be visibly seen that he was trying to drive the blade deeper, even though there was no more blade to give.

However, the undead care not for determination and heroics as it proved in a literal second. Rotten hands gripped the doctor's shoulders like a vice and his eyes seemingly shot wide in surprise. The doctor let go of the knife and put his arm up with a scream to protect himself. The perfect target.

The skin crawler clamped down with all its might, causing the doctor to cry out and the students recoiled in shock and panic. "What do we do?"

"He's so fucked"

"He's bit."

"We have to help him!"

"He's already dead!"

It took a few moments before they realized that nothing was happening and that Dr. Salazar was merely standing there with the zombie chewing on his forearm. The dull, robotic look back on his features once again. Upon closer examination, the students realized there was no blood. Clearly, it wasn't pleasant to have the skin crawler gnawing on his arm but the doctor was otherwise, unfazed.

"That is the reason so many people died or were infected. Did I look heroic to you? Did it seem like I had a chance? I looked cool maybe? People tried to be heroes and died trying. People panicked over the death of these so called 'heroes', making them stupid, instinctual, sloppy, and predictable. Once you let go of what keeps us at the top of the food chain, you become no better than they are. You become a 'zombie' that's just a little faster and can scream."

There was thin metal plate on the top and underside of each of the doctor's forearms, now evident by the sound of the metal's groans under the pressure of the Wyrm's bite. The pressure was certainly painful but there was no risk of infection this way. At least, not through a thick coat and metal.

With his free arm, Ivan unholstered the Beretta M9 at his thigh and thumbed the hammer back. He placed the muzzle under the zombie's chin before speaking once more,
"The way to beat Los Muertos is to simply act like what you already are. You are human. You are at the top of the food chain. The top creature...." the man pulled the trigger. The bullet was sent from the chamber with the former human's permanent death spelled on it. It left a path of blackened blood and gore in its wake, carving a tunnel of destruction through the zombie's skull. A cacophony of long dead brain matter, skull, and coagulated blood dispersed into the air and a bit spraying across Sal's gas mask but his expression never changed, even in the face of death.

"... does not concern itself with those beneath it."

The undead fell completely limp at the doctor's feet along with the jaws of the recruits that witnessed the execution. "Fear of creatures that are beneath you makes you less human then they are. Keep that in mind and you will survive."

".... Also, it should be said that while I am physically fit, I am not a fighter and I am old already. If I can do this, it will be much easieer for you."

At least long enough to make a difference. These lambs werent going to make it far anyway but they didn't need to know he thought that...


The rabbit test subject's descent into death was a slow agonizing one and Ivan's prototype serum seemed to have slowed the process even more. Normally, the leukocyte counts would be much lower by now and while it hadn't come anywhere near halting the infection, it had impeded its growth. That was a step in the right direction. He might have bought the rabbit a few hours.... possibly a day at best.

He finally had gotten a grasp.... Now he was going to bleed this for all its worth.
Rhett Otto
Bellz Bellz

Rhett nodded along as Atticus spoke his tale, saying curiousity had gotten the better of the boy, which didn’t surprise him in the slightest. Atticus was a quizzical boy, and he knew that would always be a keen trait of the boy. His icy eyes held no anger nor sting, more of a softer gaze, one of tired love.

It’s quite alright, i’m not mad in the slightest. I knew you’d see them one way or another. Just glad to see you’re honest about it.” Rubbing his temple, the series of sleepless nights catching up with him in the moment of relaxation. Being the leader of a thriving city took work, and with his new endeavors lately meant for overtime.

Hearing Atticus’s concerns made him simper, the boy always having a tender heart. He knew that would hurt the boy in the long run, but he was still innocent to the worlds cruel nature... He didn’t deserve to learn the colder ways of life like he had done... “Just tired... Your father is old son, sometimes my age catches up to me. But don’t fret, nothing is wrong.” Smiling, he continued. “You can sit on the couch if you wish, change the record if you like. I’m quite confortable here, but do whatever you wish.” Leaning back into the chair, he closed his eyes, still awake however as he listened to his sons quiet movements.

Atticus Otto (Withers)
with: Rhett ReverseTex ReverseTex mentions:
location: home

Atty blew out a relieved sigh as his father didn't seem to be angry or upset with him. Instead, his father told him that it was alright..knowing the boy would see them eventually. The boy's cheeks turned a slight pink, wondering if he was ever going to listen to his own logic and reasoning, curiosity could lead to trouble. Luckily Rhett had a kind enough soul to see that Atty was merely curious and was forgiving. Rhett went on to let the boy do whatever he wished as he was to rest for a while. The frown that formed on Atticus' lips after his father closed his eyes, was a deep one."Thank you Papa." Standing silently for a few moments, he watched his father closely, anxiety flaring about having to one day part with him. Naturally in the way everyone had to. Death wasn't something that could be avoided and even the young boy thought about it daily. Despite being brought up in a world that fortunately sheltered him from the dangers outside, Atticus knew people were dying, that the dead walked.

They had been family members and friends, falling victim to something that was suppose to cure them. Their time coming far too early and not even completely coming. Atticus shook his head once, trying to pull himself from his own thoughts before lightly moving to the couch where he moved to lay down. The boy tried to close his eyes and relax but far too many questions ran through his mind. Simple questions about the south and what Rhett thought it would be like. But he knew his father was tired and that his position in Khal took up a lot of the time that was designated for resting. So despite his twitching and itching to fire off one question after another, the boy simply turned on his back to stare up at the ceiling, wanting his father to get the rest he deserved.

Well, that had only lasted a good 5 minutes before Atticus could no longer take the voices in his head. "Papa? What were they like? They seemed just like us...were they nice? Lee had said they were. Are we going to be able to have some sort of alliance with them?"
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Rhett Otto
Bellz Bellz

Snapping from his daze when Atticus’s voiced echoed through the almost quiet house, Rhett realizing he fell asleep for a minute or so. Sighing, he kept his eyes closed, still enjoying the serenity of his home. Althoug his son was being quite curious as usual, he had grown used to answering many questions consecutively.

Lee is a very honest man... But they do seem pleasant enough. Not much conversation happened, seeing as the only authority figure was the woman. And to my surprise, there’s more than one faction down south, which lead to me sending Violette and Lee south.” Rotating his neck, a few satisfying cracks followed, and he resumed his previous position.

As for alliance... It depends. I prefer diplomacy over war, it just depends on what the southern folk wish to do...” He paused momentarily, thinking about his next words, then continued. “Think of it like this. I am a wolf, Khal is my cave, and the folks within are my pack members. A pack cannot function without a alpha, nor a alpha cannot function without a pack no..? Now the southerns are like bears and cougars. Both are just as strong or stronger as wolves, but lack in the organization of a pack. The pack and the cave are the advantage we have. And the bears and the cougars do have others, they do not have the organization skills of a cunning wolf... But if all three were able to learn from each other, say the bears were able to teach the wolves to fish with their claws, and the wolves teach the bears how to run a pack... That would be an alliance.” Stopping, he took a deep breath. “Now tell me Atticus Otto, what do the wolves have to gain from teaching the bears and the cougars their skills? Why should the wolves even stress about this silly friendship?”

Carter Dresden


Carter's taped finger's turned the thin pages of the book. It had been used so much by this point, that the pages were not only withered, but had turned an acidic yellow. Carter hardly seemed to care, reading it as if it were his first time through. He was so enveloped, that his ears perked up at the sound of wood crunching. He soon recognized it as the familiar sound of someone scaling the wall. He didn't bother to turn around, able to to tell it was Mick, just by the way strutted into Carter's nest with confidence. He continued scanning the bleached words as Mick bantered. "Hot babes? Only one. She said you were so cute she could just eat you up." Carter lowered his book, making an over exaggerated reaction down to the zombie, still searching the car. "Oh, would you look at that. She's back already."

Carter had continued to read his book, until he heard yet another growl. He lowered the book slowly as his eyes pierced over the wall. Standing up, he slowly placed the book on the floor, as leaned over the brick. His eyes widened in curiosity. Another zombie tumbled out onto the street, joining it's counterpart on a search for flesh. "Well, that's out of the oridnary," Carter said, motioning Mick over. "I haven't seen a zombie in months, even when I was scouting. What the hell are they doing over here?" Carter moved for his rifle, making sure to keep his gaze on the zombies. As he lifted the rifle to his shoulder, he removed the cover flap off of the scope. He then pressed it up to his eye, peering in on the female zombie's coat. His eyes did not deceive him, for the woman's coat read, "Brooklyn Police Department". "Take a look at this," Carter said, offering the rifle to Mick. "That zombies from Brooklyn." He rubbed the back of his shaved head as he pondered his thoughts for a second. "What the hell is she doin' all the way out here?"

Misty Gray Misty Gray

Adeliz M. Gorecki
Faction: The West
Occupation: Agriculture Specialist

Location: the Garden, the West
Scenario: Duties --> Just checking in
Mentions: Jasper, Bexley
With: Jasper
Tags: deer deer Bellz Bellz
Ouote: "A sunflower soul with rock 'n roll eyes, curious thoughts & a heart of surprise..."

Adeliz Gorecki stood on the very tips of her toes as she stretched towards a branch full of apples, barely out of reach. The small ladder beneath her feet shifted ever so slightly in the soil, causing her to momentarily lose her balance before she could secure one of the crimson and yellow beauties in her grasp. She cursed under her breath and repositioned herself before extending her arm again. This time, the cool chill of the air prickled her unprotected skin, and she nearly retracted, but the gentle breeze carried with it the crisp smell of apples that hung--almost taunting her--from the branches. She was so close.

Her azure gaze fell to the basket of apples nestled where the tree's trunk met the earth. She had procured at least eleven of them and gingerly placed them within the container, though it appeared as though she made no progress at all for the contents of the basket barely filled it halfway. Nevertheless, she was merely a singular apple away from filling a second pie. And taking one more apple would hardly deplete the (overly) modest orchard she was able to raise over the few years she had spent amongst the members of Saloon.

Without wasting another moment, she leapt from the stool and swiped the apple from the branches before landing on her knees into the dirt. Got it. The impact had hardly hurt her, but it did stain her dark blue jeans a filthy black. Her mother would have said it gave the pants character. She almost smiled at the thought had the memory of her gruesome death not flashed before her eyes. Disgusted, she tossed the apple into the basket and loosed a sigh. She lifted herself from the dirt and tugged the hamper full of fruit from beneath the perfectly aligned trees and placed it under her arm.

She had one more task before she could start baking.

She made her way past the vegetable garden and towards the small shed she had
assembled--with some help of course--not long ago. It was of simple make, just your average wooden building. Most of her surface farming property was surrounded by a tall wired fence, enough to keep away any animals that may be tempted to tear through the West's food. The small shed was merely an additional precaution against wild creatures, protecting many of the community's medicinal plants as well as herbs. There was a particular plant that she kept particularly guarded: marijuana.

As she delved deeper within the shallow shed, the potent odor of two, brightly-colored green, leafy plants tickled her senses. While she was not particularly fond of the effects of cannabis, she understood the benefits of its properties. It could slow the spread of cancerous cells, treat glaucoma, sooth epilepsy, lessen pain, and, in some circumstances, calm a sometimes overzealous and stressed-out co-head of an entire community.

A gentle scoff escaped Adeliz's lips as she recalled the way in which Jasper had reacted to Bexley's disappearance. While his frustrations were not wrongly placed, the way he had let his emotions take over had made him seem brash and unstable. What would have been most appropriate was for him to have maintained a controlled demeanor like the level-header leader he was supposed to be, instead of flying off the handle and placing blame on those who could never talk Bexley out of doing whatever it was she had her mind set on in the first place. She generally hoped that their head was okay--and knowing Bex, she probably was.

Nevertheless, Adeliz had been smart enough to keep her mouth shut in front of the rest of Jasper's subordinates.

But he's fair game when he's alone, she mused.

Adeliz swiped the snuffbox full of cannabis she had properly dried and prepared for his use and continued in the direction of the underground civilization that was unique to the West. She placed the small box within the basket of apples and went on her way.

When she had finally reached Jasper's quarters, she was immediately greeted by a curious Remy, who came bounding towards her. She placed the basket onto the floor and knelt to meet the rambunctious little pup who sniffed wildly at her hands. Whether he was picking up the scent of various legumes, fruit or straight up marijuana was anyone's guess. She scratched his cute little head and smoothed the fur along his back.

"Hey, Co-Cap," she called, still tending to the tiny beagel. A smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth. "I've got something for you. Hopefully, it'll help you lighten up a bit."

coding; allrightsreserved@meraki
Michael Wilson / Lottie Reynolds
Enzyme Enzyme Rhaine Rhaine

Lottie was pleased that she'd made Teddy laugh. The people around her didn't seem to get much chance for laughter and fun, so when they did find it, it made her happy too. She gave a wide smile in return, flashing the gap where her left canine milk tooth had very recently fallen out to make way for the new adult canine. When the man knelt down to her level, she paid full attention to him as he seemed genuinely interesting in talking with her. "Am I surprised? I don't know. I guess a tiny bit surprised that it was you rather than Mick. But now I realise you're both equally silly."

Lottie grabbed the handles on the rucksack and slid it off her back whilst they were standing around so she could relieve herself of the weight. "Between you and me, I totally helped keep the peace. No riots on my watch, Teddy," she joked. "Rosemary and Beth were the WORST. But I put them on timeout," she said, knowing how unbelievable it was that the two mild-mannered women would cause chaos and riots. "A martyr? Now, I don't know what that means, but I'll be sure to look it up in my dictionary. But we did think about you for like, ten minutes, and then we moved on," she teased him.

She gave him another smile before letting him get back to his feet and no doubt continue to discuss things with the adults. She did wonder what it had been like over the wall. Were there snowman zombies? Polar bears? She really didn't know, but hoped it would be something less dangerous, like reindeer and seals.

When the other man played along about the hot babe, Mick could help but smirk. Then it was pointed out the hot chick was actually a lurking skin crawler, he shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I guess times are tough and I should take whatever action I can get. She was probably a real looker in her prime..." he remarked, pretending to check out the zombie woman. Mick glanced to the book in Carter's hand, unable to see the cover. "What're you reading?" he curiously asked. He was partial to a bit of sci-fi and fantasy literature or graphic novels, himself. He particularly liked to revisit the stories he'd read as a child.

Mick's attention was diverted to the source of another growl and he realised a second zombie was on the scene. Carter pointed out how strange it was and Mick couldn't help but agree, showing it with a slow nod of his head. "Hmmm. You can have that one - I don't date cops..." When the man handed him the rifle so he could use the scope to get a close look, Mick accepted it and peered through the lens. "I sure hope she wasn't looking for me, because she's not going to catch me in that state," he noted. He lowered the rifle and handed it back to Carter, a serious expression now on his face. "Brooklyn, huh? I haven't heard any of the others reporting increased sightings. What do you reckon? Should we be concerned enough to report it to the group right now?"
Atticus Otto (Withers)
with: Rhett ReverseTex ReverseTex mentions:
location: home

Atticus nodded his head in agreement with his father's beginning answer. Lee was an honest man, and Atticus trusted his judgement almost as much as he did Rhett's. It was comforting to hear that the southerners seemed pleasant enough from both men. The thought of their being people on the other side of that wall was exciting. Two factions was exciting to hear but concerning at the same time. Atticus wondered what Khal's chances would be against two factions...if they would have a chance at surviving if it came to fighting. The boy's anxiety peaked just as Rhett began to answer his next question.

Taking in the analogies of the factions, the boys brows furrowed together again in concentration, wrinkling his forehead slightly as he did. He tried to think of his answer carefully before answering his father,wanting to be somewhere in the ball park with the right answer. What did wolves have to gain from bears and cougars? Atticus' logic and reasoning wanted to shrug off the question. Nature would never allow for such animals to co-exist to gain from on another. They were all blood thirsty predators after all, everything was on the hunt. But his father was hinting at much more than the literal sense of the animals nature, something deeper.

"The wolves would gain extra protection for the pack...if done properly. More resources for survival. It would be wise for the wolves to have connections beyond the land they call home, for cautionary reasoning." Atticus answered as he sat up on the couch a bit to look towards his father. He wanted to leave the answer the way it was, not wanting to question his father's wisdom. But he couldn't do it. "Papa? I understand...that in order to keep peace and prosperity...we need alliances. But couldn't this alliance go against what nature intended? I mean...pardon me, but Wolves , Bears and Cougars couldn't work together? They are all fighting for the top of the food chain? right?"
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Rhett Otto
Bellz Bellz

Rhett could feel his son’s eyes on him, even though his were closed. But he listened carefully to Atticus’s response, wanting to know what the boy thought. And once he finished, he opened his eyes, the light of the room coming at him in full force. Squinting briefly as he readjusted himself in the chair, he nodded.

That is my exact predicament son. Whether or not to allow these foreign beasts in, or not... You’ll be running Khal one day when i’m gone, and here soon i’m going to be putting more responsibilities and jobs for you to do. So I think this is a good starting point.”

“You will make the descion. What should be done about the southerners..?”
Now although he gave the verbal choice to his son, regardless he had plans in the works to handle either outcomes. And if Atticus was foolish about the choice, he’d simply overrule him. But this pressure was good for the boy, he needed to learn how to handle a tactical situation with intelligence, then resort to violence later.



[mood] watchful and pissed the fuck off [tags] deer deer Bellz Bellz Cosmosis Cosmosis [location] at marth's bedside [mentions] Bexley Bellz Bellz Jasper deer deer Marth Cosmosis Cosmosis

Garret was sleeping, well trying to. He kept waking up checking on Marth. The name the boy gave him before falling back asleep surrounded by the talkative nurse and the careful doc. They asked him where he found Marth at, and every other question in the book. The horror in their eyes didn't even come close to what he saw. The question of what was going to happen to the person responsible and to the kid. Garret didn't even think about it. He straight up told them, if anyone tries to take this kid from him. He will shoot them in the head and he doesn't tell threats like that without thought. So it was decided that Marth would become his son and be under his care.

For the person.....god hopes that he or anyone ever finds them, they run like the piece of shit they are. Cause right now, they are lower than skin crawlers right now to him.

Then Bexley going missing and Kyle being sent back over the wall to give them a message from people he never knew existed. It was like the world just decided that skin crawlers and shit weren't enough. Bring in a seriously abused kid and people from a cold place on the other side of the wall where they just thought crawlers roamed. Well, shit world thank you for that. His walkie blown up with Ava and Bexley saying a meeting on the west side. East as well? Well damn, it must be something serious going down. Garret looked at his little boy and knew he wouldn't be going anywhere without him. He turned to the bodyguards assigned to him, and Marth. Cause of Jasper of course. He sighs as he opens his mouth.

"I order you to go protect the west leader. Under no way should you ever leave your post. No matter what Tonto or Lone Ranger says. If you do, I will personally serve you to the crawlers myself. Do I make myself clear?" He made sure to install the fear of crawlers in his boys. Garret hated being disobeyed and when he is. He will fucking kill them himself. "Oh and if they ask who order this. Tell them, the blank shooter is pissed off and they shouldn't push him any further than right now. Oh, tell lone ranger, if she ever pulls crap like this again. I will murder her myself. "

He then turned back to his little son. Watching him ever so carefully. Watching as his chest rises up and down. Seeing what has become his entire world in a day, sleep peacefully.

"I don't know who I was before. But I do know who I am now."
Jasper Fairley
Co-Head of Saloon
Bloodshot eyes reflected through the windowpane. His chest slowly heaved up and down as he inhaled and exhaled, attempting to calm down his nerves. Frustrated was an understatement of the century and he couldn't shake off the demons that were inside his head, trying to tear down what hardened shell he had left. His anger was insatiable as the minutes grew longer and the clock ticked, causing him to go slightly insane of just waiting and waiting. There never was more woe than that of. . . A low, dark chuckled escaped his lips as he scoffed to himself. Let's stop the dramatics now, Jasper. He chastised himself, not sure when he's going to stop his moping. If he had to be honest, he liked the nighttime - it was the silent, low, howls and the feeling that covers him as it gave him a better advantage to know what was expected. Perhaps it was the dark shadows that clouds his entity and knowing there was an unknown as it made his muscles tense unconsciously and his senses high on alert. However, if you asked him, the daytime was always sly. No one would expect a place where there was light that a shadow would loom over them, but it did. White and black? There's no such thing as something as simple as such.

With a huge exhale, Jasper tore his eyes away from the window, his eyes dreary and wreary as he looked at his cot, seeing Remy calmly fast asleep. A small smile made it's way to his lips as he took off his shirt, bringing himself to the warmth of the cushion as he cuddled closer to his small animal friend. The little sucker had been his for as long as he could remember, surprisingly faring him through the best and worst of times. Remy was a hunting dog afterall. Despite his petite size, Remy had his fare share of kills and success.

Nevertheless, as his head hit the pillows and he attempted to get situated, Jasper could only lay silently as he looked up at the ceiling sighing to himself wanting to get all his thoughts out but to no avail. The moment he closed his eyes a loud piercing shrill echoed in his ears.


Blood dripped down the blurred face and figure as his eyes widened in shock. He couldn't move, couldn't catch his breath. Jasper had been holding someone's hand that couldn't full wrap around his but he held onto theirs tightly nonetheless. He could hear a silent sob escape as he turned around to look but, before he could catch a glimpse of the person, something was coming at them from beyond. Zombie Blackout.

Jolting up, Jasper opened his eyes, sweat pouring down his face as his heart beated quickly. Attempting to calm down the nightmare he had been getting since he could remember, he extended his hand to get a glass of water only to slowly meditate once more as Remy snuggled in his lap.

Morning came and Jasper never slept. He just stared at the walls of his room, feeling them grow closer and closer as he felt trapped in a box. Bexley is okay. She is supposed to come home today. If anything were to happen to her he would damn well kill anyone onsight at the wall. He continued to repeat over and over again the plan he spoke about with his fellow people. Jasper was beyond pissed with the disobedience and the run-of-the mill hero concept that most of the people of Saloon was displaying because their leader jumped , fell, whatever the fuck it was, over the wall. In the "real" world that shit don't fly, especially when people under him wouldn't listen. Did they have a rock stuck in their ears or are they too stubborn to listen? Teamwork makes the "dream" work but if someone decided to go rogue and jump off the rails, is everyone going to jump off and follow suit? What would that be called? Suicide? One wrong move and they're done. It was suppose to be about unity. Jasper should've known Bexley was the glue to their faction but even then, the damned woman should've known the consequences of her actions - blantantly doing whatever she wanted with no regards to what would happen. She was family to all of them - a sister, friend, aunt - blood-related or not, he knew the people of Saloon would die for the woman.

Growling to himself, Jasper sighed still furious at the woman but knew it wouldn't make him feel better. This . . chaos . . . was exactly the "wake-up" call that the faction needed. They couldn't run around unprofessionally as they did before. He couldn't lead with the way he behaved before. There were different Heads of each group for a reason. One person shouldn't be the fate of a whole group - leader or not. Jasper saw first-hand the immaturity, the emotional and sensitive, and the distraught of his faction and how quickly they were about to crumble because of the notion of others depending on one another when others need to wake up and be able to think for themselves and help. The night was long and that only caused Jasper to think - perhaps more than he ever had before. He hated it but maybe it was needed.

Getting up, Jasper moved around keeping his radio on as he called into them, "Tonto speaking. Everyone in position?" He called into the comms with the snipers and other scouts who were near the North Wall hiding somewhere up high in case those "Northerners" were lying. People? Over the wall? On the other side? That was something Jasper couldn't grasp or begin to fathom and it wasn't until last night that he heard of such reveal. An hour later, he heard Avalon's voice through the comms telling him that Bexley was back and she was okay. Jasper had let go of a breath he didn't know he was holding but Avalon's words didn't soothe him especially when Avalon became the messenger and Bexley didn't have the decency to talk to him herself. Regardless, he already knew the bird was angry and there was nothing Jasper could do the stop it because he felt the same way. Without further ado, Jasper nodded, speaking through the comms, "Alright. Scouts, did you read that? Jesse James had spoken. Over."

Sighing, Jasper brushed his hand over his face as he looked ahead hearing an excited and energetic Remy outside. Furrowing his brows, Jasper walked out of his quarters only to be greeted by none other than Deezy or also known as Adeliz. At her greeting Jasper knitted his brows together as he looked upon the basket. The smell was intoxicating and he knew exactly what it was and what she meant. A small grin appeared on his face and surprisingly his whole face didn't crack when he moved his muscles to form such expression. ”Adeliz.” He called out to her, watching her interaction with Remy. "Yeah?" Jasper questioned rhetorically, a dry chuckle escaping his lips as he moved away from the door way and decided to sit on the ground a few feet from the playful Remy and Adeliz. "I could always use some of that." Reaching for the basket, Jasper took a good whiff of it and inhaled and exhaled the scent, letting it seep into his nostrils before taking the cannibis and began to roll the herb. Looking towards her, Jasper sighed, "Lay it on me, Adeliz. I know you didn't come here just to give this to me or check up on me."

But, before he knew it, his radio comms came up again and there was word of there being a meeting at the Oak center for both the west and east side. Furrowing his brows, Jasper stared at the comms for a moment, taking the blunt and smoking it to release his nerves and stress. He was silent for a while just taking in the substance before speaking up. "Did she lose her mind? A meeting with the East? Never thought I'd see the day we'd do that." He commented sarcastically, feeling the tiredness seep through his body as he sluggishly got up and extended his hand for Deezy. "Coming, firecracker?"
with: rainfall rainfall - mentions: Bellz Bellz , Rhaine Rhaine , KingofAesir KingofAesir , r e i r e i , Cosmosis Cosmosis , lavendre lavendre , JustAlexandra JustAlexandra , neverbackdown neverbackdown , @everjinx
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Marth Flames

Marth's breathing quickened. The Mistress was standing over him with a smirk that said she told him so. He knew he wasn't going to escape and it was a foolish idea he had a chance too. The man had been a dream hadn't he? Just a lie to lure Marth out as usual. A iron came out and was heated somewhere the child couldn't see before The Mistress told him he had been very bad. Then he screamed.
Waking up, Marth shuddered. He felt something ontop of him but didn't know what. Fighting the pain as he normally did, the child noticed it was all too bright for him. Or had he gone blind?

The little boy didn't know at all until his weak eyes adjusted. Crimson was blotted around as he looked at himself covered in white stuff. What even was all of it? The feeling so so foreign and yet it didn't hurt him. Only constricted his tiny body.

He knew he had to clean the red off of the white before the woman came and saw. Whimpering, Marth started to move his body. Everything hurt more than normal despite his tactics to avoid such pain.

gruuumble. The child felt the typical hunger pains so, checking for his pocket, there was none. Pain forgotten he checked the other side. Nothing. Quickly he rolled off of whatever he was on and slammed hard onto the floor.

The floor was brown like dirt but it wasn't dirt at all. At least, that's what the blonde thought. But now, his chest hurt. Actually. So did his shoulder. With tears forming in his mostly dull green eyes, he sniffled.

"I-I sawwie! I'll cwean it up. I'll cwean the dirty floor I-I pwomise!"

The kid moved his arms as much as he could and tried pushing up. His elbows wouldn't move very much. Was he too weak? He certainly couldn't move his head that much to look now. Again he tried to move and once more he frantically apologized through the tears forming in his eyes. He felt useless. Detained and caged without a way out even in this new place with hard dirt under him while he was covered with something white, stained with what he didn't know was his own blood.
r e i r e i
Violette Lockwood
Co-Head of Khal
As she was lifted off the ground by the Claw, a soft, genuine smile made its way towards her lips as her eyes widened in amazement. She felt her adrenaline pumping as her gaze took in the picture perfect scenery before her. The colors and the feeling of the bright, warmth etched her skin and she couldn't help but feel honored for the opportunity to be at two places at once and at a middle-ground of cold and hot, winter and summer, dark and light. Was she dreaming? Violette couldn't remember the last time she climbed the tallest tower in Khal just to catch a glimpse of the other side of the wall before getting caught for trespassing. She always made it her goal to reach the top and here she was almost flying free like a bird. Oh, she could bathe in the sun if she could Violette couldn't believe the difference of her surroundings just from stepping over the wall, figuratively. Her eyes scanned the lush, green of the other side. They looked full of life, vibrant, even during these dire times. It intrigued her to no end.

However, despite the ache of wanting to go off on her own exploring the adventures of the other side of the world, she couldn't. She and Lee were there on business and she shouldn't let pleasure overcome business. Fighting back the urge to succumb to her curiosity, Violette kept her hands to herself, scolding herself internally for getting distracted by the "new" world. As she was dropped gently onto the branch of the tree, Violette gracefully climbed down, making sure she wasn't in view of anyone that could potentially be in her way of finding the ground. With a small "thump", Violette sighed softly still marveling as her eyes moved from one area to the next. Her eyes found a warm scene as she looked upon the West's leader Bexley being hugged by one of her people. But, as she continued to observe and watch from afar the reunion of Bexley and her people and the crew member Teddy and his people, especially the young girl's chipper voice and looks of relief, something ached inside her as she gripped her necklace. She couldn't pinpoint it, but she was an outsider looking in at a precious moment that would be engraved in her memories.

Looking away from the reunion, wanting to give some privacy, Violette's ears caught Lee's words as her gaze looked away from the bright sky and landed upon the Southerners as she took in their appearance. A small smile made it's way towards Violette's lips as she looked at Lee, nodding her head as she encouraged him to continue and reassured him that he was doing well speaking and representing not only her but him and Khal. However, as an outburst from the same feisty young boy was heard, Violette's attention was drawn towards her Ranger, seeing the arrow pointed at his face. Violette couldn't help but find the scene quite amusing to the point she turned her head to the side and covered her lips, slightly giggling into her hands, not making a peep from the scenario that was before her. But if anyone was looking at her they would only see that her head was turned to see the North Wall. Not a moment later, Violette composed herself as she heard a soft yet fluid voice ring through the air greeting Lee. Her attention was drawn towards them as the woman approached and Violette's head turned to greet the Leader of the East. Violette's eyes scanned back and forth between Bexley and the woman Rosemary as she knitted her brows together in inquisitiveness.

As Lee explained their situation, Violette was drawn to the male's voice - the low rumbling of his tone as it carried on, soothing her mind even further, almost as if she listened to him anymore, she could perhaps. . . get some shut eye. Violette wondered if he ever thought of climbing up even further than the position he was at now. His casual nature seemed to be more welcomed than that of hers that was more. . .formal. But, Violette was pulled out of her thoughts when Violette listened to Rosemary's response as she tilted her head to the side in slight confusion. Were all Southerners this amicable and casual? Violette didn't believe that their appearance would be accepted so quickly, at least, by the Leaders of the West and East factions. Were they being honest and true? Or was there a hidden agenda underneath? The Southeners demeanor compared to the Northerners was truly. . . distinct, something she wasn't sure she could feel herself get comfortable with or get used to. Violette was uncomfortable in a way where she felt as if she didn't belonged and any minute now she could be shot. Under the open air of the blazing sun, Violette thought back to when Lee had told her that Khal was his home and felt the shadows made him more comfortable. Perhaps. . . Lee was right. Currently, they were too out in the open and Violette didn't at all feel . . secure, more vulnerable than ever before and that worried her.

However, as Bexley approached Rosemary and playfully nudged Lee including teasing him, Violette furrowed her brows even more. When had they become so . . . comfortable or rather close with each other? Or perhaps.
. . Lee was much more of a people-person than she was. Nevertheless, as Rosemary excused herself to update her people, Violette approached to Lee's side, her hands brushing pass his slightly only to have their hands only centimeters apart as she looked up at him, "The boy. . . Kyle was his name, was it not? Do you still believe he is useless? He could have nearly took an eye out and made you one of those. . . what were they called. . ? Pirates?" Violette said, her tone surprisingly calm though laced with a hint of amusement. It wasn't a surprise that the woman was able to hide her thoughts and any emotions she was feeling currently and frankly, her voice came out much more even and balanced than the thoughts that were releasing inside her mind. However, looking towards Bexley, Violette nodded at her, "Where is this Oak Center you speak of, Bexley?" She questioned, the name dripped out of her mouth formally though it felt foreign on her tongue. "Is it between the border of West and East that separates your and Rosemary's faction?" Violette had been wondering how much land each faction had and if their supplies were separated or evenly supplied. How did their factions work? It was all too interesting for her to understand and get information about. Nevertheless, Violette wanted and hopefully there would be a time where she could formally greet the leader of the East Rosemary. Afterall, she would be in her company for a few days and Violette wondered if they two would see eye-to-eye.
tags: ReverseTex ReverseTex , Rhaine Rhaine , Bellz Bellz , r e i r e i , KingofAesir KingofAesir , Misty Gray Misty Gray
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Kyle Withers

[mood] scared and jokester [tags] Bellz Bellz ReverseTex ReverseTex KingofAesir KingofAesir [location] with east and west [mentions] Bexley Bellz Bellz Lee ReverseTex ReverseTex Ava KingofAesir KingofAesir


Kyle smiled as he was forced back into his mother arms. "Well maybe Lee the idiot shouldn't insult people. Then maybe I wouldn't be unhappy to deal with the idiot. " He mutters to his mum. He just didn't like it when his ability was questioned. He was Bexley Withers's son. Don't ever question whether he was weak or unskilled. He will prove it and you never wanted him to. Cause he never misses.

Kyle just followed his mom quietly. He left the place on her chest but he still held her hand. Holding it ever tightly, as tightly as an 11-year-old zombie killer kid can. When Bex talked to him, he smiled and nodded softly at her. Telling her that she was right and that he wouldn't leave her side until he was sure she was safe and wasn't leaving him. When she jumped off the wall, it was like he was experiencing his birth parents death and turning all over again. Bexley didn't know what jumping the wall did to him, all night he couldn't sleep. Nightmares plagued him like a movie never ending. He was scared. Scared to death.

He raised his brow from when his mother addressed the east leader. Kyle nodded at her and the others. When the east accepted, he grinned and opened his mouth. "So hippies and cowboys together. That's a recipe for disaster. " He laughed at his joke and looked at Ma. He grinned "Can Ava come pleasssseeeee Mom?"

"You never know when you're gonna lose someone. You never know who you never gonna meet."

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