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Fantasy Wuldir OOC

Anomaly said:
Haha, crap.

Coin totally postedddddd. Sorry, I missed that somehow! I'll try and get a post up soon but I have a deadline on the 20th so I'm going a wee bit insane. ( ;) )
Naw gurl, you're fine. Dandy, in fact. Focus on what needs focusing. I'll ping you after the 20th, fret not.

Now then, the future plans... I'll be teleporting the lot of you right into the infirmary. I encourage each of you to explain the why and how of your getting there.

As for the princess, I imagine that's up to Coin where she ends up. Be it dumped in the city, thrown amongst the common folk, or what else he may have in mind. Either way, a scene change is in order, which shall be done tonight.

Be prepared for it, my friends.
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I'll post a response to Coin and then it can be assumed Dove follows however he dictates the shift~
Sneaky succubus rises up the ranks... I always knew she would rule over me... I did not know this day would come so soon...

Congrats in all seriousness though. I'm happy to serve you.
@Coin @Ryuuko Shin and @Audo are the posters currently waited on. Coin's promised a post but with Overwatch sucking the time out of everyone's lives, I understand the snail's pace. Understanding does little to deter my impatience, howbeit, so I will begin stroking the flames of my wrath that this RP shall not fail like the others.

If you could carry yourselves back to the castle for bandaging and rest, that would bring us to a place I may make use of. As a narrative explanation, a relief team hastened into the aftermath of the skirmish and carried to safety those that were injured.

Ah, though if you and Dom had something in mind for the scene that needed a resting point, I suggest collaborating on the post via PM so that short and easy oneliner type replies can go rapidfire back-and-forth. Unless, of course, you'd prefer an interruption, which I can gladly supply.
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Well we did have an idea that would happen after this scene but before the next horde of flying buzzards arrive, but perhaps we can slot that in later some time if you have something planned for all of us now :)
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Coin said:
I'm going to nurse this hangover then address posts. Sorry for the delay.

*just noticed you live in Michigan*

*has family in Michigan* o-o
Okay well this is for me and Audo atm : so Ashe and Marc are on the battlefield atm and Marc is currently high on plantipus poison. Ashe is trying to convince him to snap out of it and get him to the infirmary where they can probably stop him from losing it anymore than he already has in Ashe's mind xDDD
Dove and Cypress are just within the city walls if I'm reading correctly.

It's possible they're inside the infirmary?

Honestly, I'm a little mixed up too.
Dominaiscna said:
Okay well this is for me and Audo atm : so Ashe and Marc are on the battlefield atm and Marc is currently high on plantipus poison. Ashe is trying to convince him to snap out of it and get him to the infirmary where they can probably stop him from losing it anymore than he already has in Ashe's mind xDDD
xD LOL okay, well last post I made had Ayola heading to the thingamabob (I only remembered it was called infirmary after typing thingamabob and don't feel like changing it), so maybe I can interact soon.

Anomaly said:
Dove and Cypress are just within the city walls if I'm reading correctly.
It's possible they're inside the infirmary?

Honestly, I'm a little mixed up too.
Hrm. It's so confuzzling. Dx Lol. So if they're there, maybe Ayola will see them on the way to or inside the infirmary?
Yep! They're in semi Victorian clothing whereas everyone else is more on the medieval level, so they stick out for sure.
Anomaly said:
Yep! They're in semi Victorian clothing whereas everyone else is more on the medieval level, so they stick out for sure.
Alright, good. So are they in the infirmary, or outside it?
Anomaly said:
I'm... not sure? It seems like they're outside it, in some kind of main hall. I dunno, @Coin set the scene.
*flails* Okie. I'll wait until later today in hopes that others will notify me of their whereabouts as well before I post.

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