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Fantasy Wuldir, a World of Monsters and Men - Notes


Scout Codex: Page 1: Harpy.

Height: Anywhere from 5 - 8 feet. (1.5 meters to 2.4 Meters

Weight: 150 -200 pounds (68 KG to 90 KG)

Wingspan: 5'4 to 8'4 feet. (1.6 meters to 2.5 meters)

Population: Unknown

Distinct traits: Colour tones range from crimson hues to dark earthen tones. Usually the more vibrant the colour the more distinct their place in the nest is. Those who have the most crimson of wings can find themselves often towards the front of swarms, mauling and tearing into human flesh.

The Nest Swarms

Often hunting with large talons, the harpies swarm in massive packs. Their swarms so mighty, so prodigious they can block light from the world. But this truly the terror of the harpy scourge, the screams that echo from the great nest, a beacon of agony for all those among Wuldir. The sound of a morbid bliss as the harpies feed the men and women they capture to nurture their young is a nightmare matched only by just how cunning the airborne hunters truly are. Their screeching not only piercing to the ears of a mortal man, but useful for relaying messages among their kind. The black tipped wings of the observant harpy, always ready to let out an ear shattering cry when the swarm is in danger; Or the red winged fiends who might swoop between trees with such grace that not even its fellow harpy could match. It seems however if one might fail at their task, the cost is life. Those Harpies which fail to scream out when the swarm is in danger, their punishment harsh and almost as dreadful as the one bestowed upon mankind.

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Scout Codex: Page 9: Forest Burrow Shark AKA Landshark

Height: Anywhere from 4 - 6 feet. (1.2 meters to 1.8 Meters )

Weight: 400 - 900 pounds (181 KG to 272KG)

Length: 6 to 10 feet. (1.8meters to 3 meters)

Population: Unknown

Distinct traits: The eggs of the young are stored far far below the surface of the soil. The heat of the earth incubating the eggs. But that's not where the true terror begins to unfold, the reptilian land sharks seem to adapt, but in a way different than most other organisms; The young start out as a vibrant orange, possessing next to no ability to blend in to their surroundings. But however, as they begin to eat, they absorb the pigments of the prey they swallow, the eldest alpha's of the packs able to shift colours almost on command to blend in to their hunting grounds.

The Submerged Predator

By using the spines above its back and the strong muscles that lurk below its outer shell, the Forest Shark can contract its body in sections. It uses this tactic to push dirt around it, not digging, but simply moving the dirt up, and over it. It can use this tactic to move about almost undetected, leaving no tunnels underground, just the occasional crimson grave. Its rumored that they live in massive hives, far below the soil, some even say that its so far down that they fuel the worlds furnace with their hate for what lies on the surface. Their alpha predator so massive that some people speak of it in hushed tones due to the fear just the mention of it might wake it from its slumber.

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Scout Codex: Page 22: Datura Incirrina AKA Plantipus

Height: Anywhere from 1 - 2 feet. (.3 meters to .6 Meters )

Weight: 15 -20 pounds (6 KG to 9 KG)

tentacle span: 2 to 3 feet. (.6 meters to .9 meters)

Population: "For everyone you find, there's three more out in the wilderness"

Distinct traits: They often match the colours of the environment, their vibrant greens and dark browns often helping them blend in to avoid their natural predators. But this isn't the only defense the Datura Incirrina possess, when threatened they began to produce massive amounts of spores. These spores can cause hallucinations, and while ontop of that are also a nerve toxin. Slowing down movements and making anyone who inhales more than a few spores begin to see, and feel, stuff that might not truly be there; But, inhaling too much can prove fatal.

An Unseen Threat.

On occasion, an odd mist will set in among the woods, the wildlife within it begin to act rather strange. For the untrained scout it must seem like quite the anomaly, but to those who have been in the field they know what leads to these odd events; Soon, the producer of such a fog will come to collect its meal. From within the light fog, small little creatures move about; The Datura Octopi, a carnivorous creature has been using this fog to catch its meal. Within a matter of minutes they swarm in like roaches, chewing on cadavers with pointed beaks that lurk within their undersides. Its said that this same fog that can level the most mighty of predators, can also be used for "Spiritual Journeys"; Some older civilizations even using it to numb pain, and ease the fearsome resolve of a mind after battle.

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