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Fantasy Wuldir, a World of Monsters and Men - Lore


Junior Member
  • Recall

    Recall then, the Time of Building

    (Lest we forget

    when hearth was home,

    when labor sweet,

    and no blood spilled.)

    Recall then, the Time of Losing

    (Lest we forget

    when first man roamed,

    he lost his peace.)

    See now, the Time of Toil

    (We remember

    our curse the Beast.)

    • Heel's ForetellingOur world’s wound will surely heal,

      ’cause the Queen’ll come one day,

      and with one word from her fine mouth,

      she’ll bid our Beast to heel.

      She’s got the secrets in her heart,

      she’s bound ’em up right tight,

      and she’s got the crown o’ heaven’s claim

      curled tightly ’round ‘er head.

      The beast’ll cry, ’e’ll shout ’n’ mourn,

      but there’s nothin’ to be done.

      When Queen commands, with sure command,

      ’e’ll heed it, every word.

      “For every creature, claw, and tooth

      tempted, and sullied, made perverse,

      I demand your heart, your mind, your soul,

      to know only torment, to never find rest.”

      No, she won’t be comin’ with heaven’s fire,

      she won’t be gleamin’ like stars.

      No, she’ll be comin’ all in a mist,

      and we won’t know ‘er ‘til she’s gone.


      • Often referred to as the Heel, the Foretelling, or simply the Prophecy.
      • Every morning, the Recall is chanted, and every afternoon, the Heel is told.
      • It assuages fear with hope, but most of the Inner Chambermen* believe it a futile hope, a superstition.

      *See Military under Peregrine Castle

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