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Wrong Place Wrong Time



A 1 x 1 RP (Daeus &


If you are not Daeus or FaithWynters do NOT post in this RP. Any RP hijackers will be reported.
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Darkness shadowed the Earth and a cool breeze pushed through the air. The sun had now been below the horizon for two or three hours. It was a Friday, so most of the local high school kids were out, driving through the dark streets of the city. There were few parties being held tonight, and with that, came the interworking’s of the police force, the liquor stores, and the pizza places all trying to make their profit on their foolishness. To most, it was an average night.

A harsh bump lurched the boy upward, making him come crashing back down into the harsh carpeted wood that he had been laying on; this roused him from his blind movements. They were driving somewhere, but where was unclear. He had been in this trunk for at least an hour. His body was curled up small enough so he fit in the small space, and he could feel the soreness in his muscles. The breeze outside would have been a welcomed burst of air, but Ian felt none of that from where he laid, his hands bound tightly behind his back. His face, once bleeding in a few places, was now dry of all but the sweat that was now beginning to frame his features. The smell of blood hung in his clothes and stuck pieces of his hair to his forehead. Fatigue fought at his body as he fought his bindings. For the time he had been in here, he had not stopped trying to get out unless he had fallen in and out of consciousness.

That bump, however, was the unassuming car he was trapped in, pulling into the back parking lot of a Laundromat at the end of main. Soon after Ian was aroused from sleep, the car came to a stop, and doors could be heard, opening and slamming once more. From outside of the car, talking could be heard, the quiet back and forth words could hardly be recognized, but they were there.

Finally, after a few more minutes immersed in the darkness of the trunk, the door opens and light pours into the boy’s vision. Squinting, trying to get used to the fluorescent street lamp above him, Ian doesn’t see the butt end of the baseball bat coming down to hit him in the stomach. With a grunt in pain, one of the men reaches for the bindings that kept the weak being from harming them. They were not careful as they pulled him out of his small confines and onto the gravel outside.

“Get up, Freak” It was a word they had been spiting at him the whole time they had him in captivity. When the figure doesn’t seem to be moving, the man that addressed him leans down and hits him hard in the jaw. There’s another grunt in pain and the taste of blood is back, mixing with saliva and dribbling from the boy’s lips.

“Get up” The words are even sterner this time as Ian fights to climb to his feet. He is dizzy as he is pushed forward, and almost trips a few times. He can hear the sound of three distinctive pairs of feet behind him—they were the men that had put him in the trunk—and they were the ones forcing him to going into this building.

A firm grip is put on the rope holding Ian’s hands together. A deep burning wraps its way around his wrists and he flinches. The smallest of the three men steps forward, gives one glance of disgust at the boy before walking toward the only metal door on the back of the building. It takes him a few moments of fighting with keys and cursing quietly to himself before he finally gets the door open. In this time, the other two continue their physical barrage on Ian’s body without mercy.

“Stop it and get him inside before someone sees!” This is the small man, standing by the door, watching the crumpled figure, face in the gravel, bleeding in a few new places on his face and body. They try to force him up, but he no longer has the strength to pull himself to his feet, so the two men pick him up and carry him inside, dumping his battered body limply on the tile as soon as they clear the doorway.
Charlotte was freaking out inside of her mind which was expressed on her face as she realized she had forgotten one of her text books at the laundromat. If it had been one of her cheap required reading books for her literature class she would have simply accepted the loss. However this book was the most expensive one out of them all. She had bought it new since there had been no used copies available. The rate at which they updated these books was dizzying and expensive. While she had managed to get a meager scholarship for her university she still suffered financially. She knew her dad would help her if she really needed the cash but she was trying to survive completely on her own.

She whined noisily in her small bedroom loud enough to cause her roommate to open the door and give her a dirty glare. She had managed to get a decent and cheap apartment with someone with a similar major. While they had become friends fast there was one thing her roommate loved more than anything else; precious sleep. Charlotte could only give a sheepish smile as she apologized for making so much noise. The walls of the apartment weren't paper thin which meant she had to have been fairly loud to wake her "sleeping-dead" roommate.

After much more apologizing, as well as promises of buying donuts for breakfast tomorrow from one of the 24/7 bakeries in the area (those poor, poor souls) that catered to the crazy schedules of the college students in the area, Charlotte left her apartment in a rush to get to the laundromat.

She didn't own a car due to a strict budget and deciding it was more important to sleep on a bed than in a car. So now she had to peddle her bike all the way to Main and hope it was still open. There were some shops that stayed open at all times because students were the most common customers. Since she didn't live in the university dorms she couldn't really use the facilities as easily. One of the few times she had actually planned to wash her clothes at the campus facility it was closed down due to some cracked pipe.

When she reached her destination she leaned her bike against the side of the building and rushed to check the doors. Luckily they were still unlocked and she quickly entered and began her mad search. She prayed to the college gods that no one had taken her textbook. If she didn't find it she would have to find someone in the shop to check the lost and found. It was a long shot anyone would turn in something as precious as a college text book when they could sell it but she had hope.

Luck was still on her side as she spotted the book under one of the tables that was used for folding laundry. She crawled under the table to grab the book only to hear the distinct sound of a metal door open and a conversation that made her witness to a crime being committed. She instinctively tried to make herself as small as possible under the table that didn't offer much protection.

Her eyes slid over the the body of some guy they has tossed onto the floor. He looked dead. There was blood caked on him and he wasn't budging or making a sound. Charlotte had forgotten her cell phone in her rush to get to the laundromat. Her mind was going a hundred miles a minute so she didn't even know what she was thinking anymore or what to do in this situation.

Before his body had fully collapsed onto the floor, the shortest of the three men was walking across the room. Ian didn’t move, in hopes of possibly making them think he was already dead. He just listened to the two talk above him and…something else. There was something else in the room with them that the men were unknowing of.

Another hard kick to the ribs sends the breath out of Ian. He crumples on the floor, his eyes open. But then, he sees it. Through the spaces of the watching machines ahead of him, he sees the figure with the soft breath. His eyes plead with her for only a moment before one of the men grabs his wrists and pulls him up until he’s sitting. His breathing is still labored.

“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” The boy looks up to the short man as he comes back over to his form. He is reading scripture now and the two others groan, rolling their eyes.

“He’s not a Demon, Paul” The words were from the larger one with short hair. “He’s a vampire” The words come from his mouth with another blow to the head. Ian’s whole world spins as the three seem to visibly relax with their nonchalant laughter.

“I’m not a vampire. I’m just a kid.” His voice was weak as he looked back up from where he had slouched. He hoped that the girl would hear him and believe him. A balled up fist made contact with the side of his face and he grunted, being thrown back to the ground like a ragdoll. “Please!” He begged for their mercy, if only for the girl. If he could plant the seed, she would trust him: the helpless victim.

“Shut it, Vampire” There was a kick to his back because they couldn’t get to his ribs, but he remained still, his breathing labored as he listened to the sounds of all of them breath. His wrists burned as he fought against the ropes, it was fruitless, as it had been the many other times that he had tried to fight against them, but everything in him told him to fight; to get away. They would kill him otherwise.
Charlotte was in full blown panic mode. She had always imagined that if she had ever been caught in a crazy situation like this she would never freak out and would be calm, logical, and able to reason. She always found it so frustrating when characters in movies and TV shows lost themselves in their panic. Well, she could now appreciate the realistic reactions she had always thought were dramatizations.

Things began to get even weirder when one of the guys started reading bible scriptures. Charlotte was an atheist and having this guy suddenly start up that nonsense made her mentally confirmed this group was guys were insane! They were hitting a guy that was probably around her age chanting biblical nonsense and calling him a vampire.

The only item she had that would even work as a weapon was the thick textbook in her hand. She couldn't throw it because that would only be a small distraction and then she would be weaponless. They would probably also suspect she was there. "
Oh fuck. FuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckwhatdoIdo?" That is all she was capable of thinking at this time.

She looked around desperately for something, anything! And there is was; a small innocent glass marble. It looked as though it had been here for decades. It was covered in dust and just silently rested where it had rolled. If she could distract the guys long enough she might be able to help the guy who was being beaten to death. It was either that or wait here and watch the whole scene and be traumatized for life with guilt of letting this go on.

So, it was stupid. It was so
very stupid. She grabbed the marble and tried to decide where to throw it. She didn't even know if this would work. They could just shrug it off as some common noise. She needed to throw it where they would suspect someone to hide. She moved as slowly and silently as possible to get a better look at her surroundings. There was an door that led to an office that was slightly ajar. The office probably wasn't very large so she probably wouldn't have much time. Maybe once they were all in there she could somehow lock them in.

Charlotte took a few deep breaths to gather up her nerves. "
Adrenaline don't fail me now!" That was her only thought as she tossed the marble in the direction of the office. It clicked noisily as it collided with the wall and landed on the floor. She swore she could hear it rolling across the old tile floor.
He let himself rest on the floor. There was not much that the boy could do from where he was tied. He let his eyes closed and it seemed that if he didn’t say anything and just acted as if he were dead they grew bored of beating him very soon.

He would open his eyes slightly just to watch and see if there was anyone watching him. If there wasn’t, he would try to pull himself into a new position, only to draw their attention back. He could tell the girl was moving around and didn’t want her caught. It would end up with them growing more fond of kicking or hitting him. They threw words at him and the one seemed to read fervently from his Bible.

Then, the heard it. The sound that pulled them away from their idle hands. The quiet sound of something hitting the ground and rolling. Ian wasn’t sure, but he wondered if the girl had something to do with this. She hadn’t made it out of the store—no—he could still hear the sounds of her breathing. He twisted his body as the men turned their heads to look at one another. They then turned to look at Ian who was helpless on the floor.

“It wasn’t him” The owner called out to the two as they pulled close enough to barade him with physical abuse. Ian spit bloody saliva out of his mouth in a way to show them that he could hardly move, let alone make a noise on the other side of the room.

With his action, the three men rose from the seats they had taken almost simultaneously. They walked slowly towards the small office in the back. It was the only other place in the whole building. It was the one place that he had not seen when they first drug him in.

All of the men seemed more than willing to make the trek to investigate. Ian wasn’t sure if that was because of their adrenaline still pumping at finding a monster and ‘protecting the people’ or if they all just believed they wanted to be the first ones to see what had caused the quiet noise. They were all crazy and stupid, but Ian watched them walk to the doorway. The first man, the large one with hardly any hair stuck his head in to look around, but the others pushed him inside so that they could get a better view at what it was.

Ian struggled to crawl away from the men, hoping that he could find somewhere to hide and get free. If the men came back quickly, he didn’t want the girl to get caught. These lunatics; there was no telling what they would think she was and do to her. He didn’t want her getting beaten like he did especially since she was human; he could handle the abuse to some extent.
Charlotte's whole body was tense and she could hear her own heartbeat thumping madly in her chest. The cruel men had gathered and enter the office. Two of them were still somewhat outside, but if she crept quietly she might be able to make it over to the guy who was now trying to crawl away.

She took a deep breath and crawled on her hands and knees across the tile floor. She tried to keep as low to the ground as possible and not make a sound. She made it over to the stranger quickly enough and put her index finger to her lips telling him to keep quiet. She turned her head to glance over at the men who were still peering into the office. There wasn't much time.

She moved so that she could try and remove the bindings on his wrists. Her hands were so shaky from the adrenaline that it was more difficult a task than she had anticipated. She was quickly starting to regret her plan. She should have listened to her father. He had told her to take self-defense classes and carry some type of weapon to defend herself; pepper spray, a taser, or even a pocket knife. She really should have listened to his advice.

She had managed to loosen the knot and was now trying to wiggle the bindings off; a task easier said than done. She tried to take deep even breaths to keep herself steady. A part of her wanted to yell at the world and just scream at the top of her lungs from the anxiety of her predicament.

Breathe in. Breath out. She yanked hard on the bindings and they suddenly came loose. She let out a sigh of relief and her eyes started to water on their own. Her adrenaline was waning and her nerves were catching up.
Yes. That was just what Ian needed. Of course, he was very afraid that the girl would get caught, but at the same time, he knew that he could get them out of here if he could just get his hands free. He was much weaker than he could have been, but even in this state he knew that he could knock the two men into the room and shut the door.

She silenced him with only a finger as she went to work. He could hear her heart beating fast in her chest now that she was this close. Normally, he probably would have been able to smell a soft scent wafting around her, but his nose, filled with blood, was practically useless.

She fought at the knots as Ian tried to keep still. The girl was moving a lot and he could tell that she was afraid. He could feel the burning on his wrists every time she jerked one way or the other too fast, making him press his eyes closed.

Then moments later, Ian’s hands were free. He smiled triumphantly, pulling himself off of his stomach. He turned quickly to the girl, grabbed her shoulders, and tried to put on the strongest face he could.

“Get out.” The words were almost silent as he spoke them--breathless and weak, and before she could rely, he forced himself up. If he couldn’t get the men locked in the office, then he would have to deal with them alone. He wouldn’t have her getting hurt after she had just saved them.

Then, he ran, as hard and as fast as his weakened state would allow him. Two of the men had now gone inside to investigate. He was sure that their boredom had lured them away from their victim. They didn’t want to go back out and sit so they found something to worry about in the office. It was typical for humans.

There was only one left to push in before he could lock the door. So ignoring the pain, he readied himself for one more blow. The man got halfway turned around before Ian made contact with his body, sending him toppling over himself into the office. There was yelling, loud yelling, as the men rushed to the door, but Ian was faster, throwing the door closed and fighting with the locks. He slipped on, presumably, his own blood beneath his feet, coming crashing back down to the ground. He hadn’t expected it, and landed with a loud grunt. He needed to get out of this place. Even if the owner did have an extra key, which he was sure he would, they would be gone before he could unlock them from their prison.
Charlotte shared in their small victory. It was weird to have this type of feeling considering they still weren't safe. She'd only freed the injured victim and put herself out in the open. When he told her to get out her mouth nearly dropped. Was he going to do something severely idiotic?

Before she could finish processing that thought he had taken off towards the office. Her eyes widened in panic and she became frozen like a deer in headlights that was suddenly faced with certain doom. Her mind was screaming to do something and her body was frozen in fear. It had taken her some time to summon the courage to crawl over here to help the guy. Her body felt like it was trying to reboot itself and learn that it could move, it just needed to run a few processes first to reconnect her brain to her nervous system.

When he slammed the office door shut and locked it only to slip and fall did her brain to body connect resume. They might have a key or they could use enough brute force to break down the door. She ran over to the stranger and went to help him stand. She was surprised he was even able to shove those guys in the room after all the beatings he had taken.

We need to get out of here," she harshly whispered and she put his arm around her neck to offer support. She'd never had to carry someone before and she wasn't sure she would be strong enough to move his body's dead weight if she needed to. The front door was still unlocked and was the direction she tugged his body in. Going out the back would be just asking for more trouble.

She didn't know what they would do once they got outside. She had rode her bike here and it wasn't like he was small enough to fit in the basket she used to hold her messenger bag. She would just have to make this up as she went.

Do you have a cell phone?"

It was unlikely he did. Maybe those dicks in the office were so moronic that they had forgotten to check him for his phone. They didn't seem like a very bright bunch.
He hadn’t expected her to stay. Frankly, he had assumed that she would run out of fear from the Laundromat and never look back. Of course, that’s what most humans would do. This girl though, she walked behind him and helped Ian to his feet. He would have been more than capable, but it was the thought that really mattered.

She helped him walk out of the mat, and he was surprised that he was now having as much difficulty walking as he was. It almost felt like someone took a baseball bat to his knees. He swallowed hard; he knew what that feeling was very clearly.

When they made it outside, the sounds of harsh banging could be heard. He needed to get this girl out of here before they came out. If they saw her with him, they may be more inclined to follow her and see who it really was that helped their vampire escape.

“They took my phone when I tried to call for help” His mind was racing, trying to come up with a way for her to go. She walked him outside, to the bike that sat near the entrance. Was this really what she had come here in? He groaned quietly; there was no way that the two of them could get away on that.

Okay. New plan. He looked back to watch the door a moment, trying to listen to the sounds inside. He was sure they hadn’t made it out of the office yet—idiots—and that gave them enough time to get away.

“Okay. I need you to get on your bike and go. Far away and fast. I need them to not see you because if they come out that door and they see someone else riding away they’ll know you helped me and I don’t know what those lunatics are going to do if they catch me. I don’t want you to get hurt—not after you just helped me.” He tried to give her some sort of reassuring smile, but the look was lost. He was still looking for a way out himself. He couldn’t help but spit onto the sidewalk, turning the white concrete a sick red color. It would take him too long to clean up this mess.

His thoughts were stopped dead. The sound of the door being forced open rang in his ears. His teeth clenched. She needed to go now or not at all. He limped away from her, throwing himself into a nearby bush, hoping that if they came forcing their way out either the front door or the back, they would miss him.
Charlotte's heart sank when he revealed they had taken his phone. That ruined that plan. So now they were outside and he was in no condition to make a run for it. She didn't even know if those crazies had guns. If they tried to flee on foot they might get shot in the back. Charlotte's free hand went nervously through her hair. She needed to think and think quick.

The strange boy told her to save herself. After helping him get free she was pretty much invested in his survival, which wasn't looking very good with her, so if she left him alone she was certain he would be killed. She took a deep shaky breath and was about to give him an earful when she heard a loud crack from the door frame of the office giving way.

Without a word the stranger limped over to the bushes and tried to hide himself. There was no way they wouldn't check the bushes and not to mention he was leaving a nice bloody trail. Charlotte didn't even want to think what her clothes looked like.

She gave herself a mental shake. Her mind wanted to just deny this who issue was happening. "
Focus." Three angry and insane guys are about to hurt you and maybe even kill you. You aren't injured so you could flee but you also have a guy probably bleeding to death internally. You both have no cell phone. You only have your bike as an escape vehicle. She tried to wrack her brain to remember if there were any stores nearby that were open this late (or early depending on how you looked at it). Nothing was coming to mind and screaming in a commercial neighborhood wouldn't do any good.

As she stood there trying to decide what to do she stomped once in frustration before looking over at where the guy was trying to hide. She whimpered and gave him an apologetic look. She was going to ride her bike faster than ever and find
someone to help. It was either that or stick around and possibly die with him.

She raced over to her bike and quickly took off.

It took her probably ten minutes to find a shop that was open. It was a little coffee shop that had free wi-fi. There were only a handful of people in the shop; a few students and two baristas. She didn't bother parking her bike but rather jumped off it and ran into the shop probably looking wild and crazy.

Call the fucking police!"
She didn’t leave as fast as he had expected her to. He expected her to get on that bike and pedal until she couldn’t anymore. The act wouldn’t have lasted has she stayed. He would have had to protect them both. She looked sorry, but she really didn’t understand how close to losing her life she had been there.

Normally, he wouldn’t have been so worried about a human. These cases where a human had saved his life were very few and this was one of those times. By sending her away, he would be free to run as fast as his body would allow. Keeping one person safe would be easier than keeping two, even though it was obvious that he hadn’t been able to do that either.

“Go” The word was a whisper as she rode off on her bike. He waited until she was out of sight before picking himself out of the push and hauling ass. His sides hurt and his head throbbed with each hard step on the pavement.

He heard the sound of the front door slinging open and lots of yelling, but he was already to the next building and behind it. He would make his way, just far enough away and hidden that they wouldn’t be able to find him. The police would come and either, A, the men would be gone already, or ,B, the girl did get help and the police would arrive. There was still his blood everywhere so there was no denying that someone had the shit beaten out of them inside that little Laundromat. The girl would be believed and he would be believed dead. He groaned at the thought. Great, another move. Ella would be so pleased to hear about this! He rolled his eyes at the thought. In a lot of ways, she was the reason that he was in this mess, but she would just call him a fool for getting caught.

He sat, pinned in-between a dumpster and a brick wall, waiting for the sound of sirens in the background. He felt on his sides, feeling what he thought were broken bones. He wasn't worried; it was nothing a good day's sleep (or two) wouldn't fix. He was more worried about all the blood he had lost; he had been bleeding bad and still was. That meant he would have to feed sooner rather than later. Another deep breath, his eyes closed. His head came to rest on the harsh metal of the dumpster to wait.
Everyone in the chop was just staring at her with wide eyes. It took a few seconds for one of the baristas to grab the phone while the other raced over to her. The customers didn't do anything but stare at her and the blood she was covered in. She explained what had happened at the laundromat with a shaky voice as her adrenaline surge was waning. She was ready to faint.

Within another ten minutes two patrol cars and an ambulance had arrived at the shop. She hadn't been injured but since she had blood on her they were making a fuss. They informed her that they had sent officers to the laundromat she had named and proceeded to assault her with questions while she EMTs felt her up checking for wounds.

It was in the middle of this hectic scene that she jerked and her eyes widened. She had, after all that shit, forgotten her textbook back at the laundromat. Charlotte let out a huge sigh and rubbed her faced in her hands from exasperation. A normal person would have been happy to have just survived that encounter. She was now begging them to find her textbook for her like a madwoman. She had watched a few too many cop shows and suspected they might just tag her textbook as evidence. It was like a final slap in the face. She had gone there to get the damn book only to forget it and now have it locked away in some evidence room.

They also weren't telling her anything about whether or not they had found the victim of those psychos and if he was still alive. Instead they were reprimanding her for not trying to escape by herself and sooner. They couldn't just pat her on the back and tell her she did her best.

After being given a ride to the local station followed by hours of a question and answer session she finally found herself home. She had gotten to the apartment just in time for her roommate to see her in all her disheveled and bloody glory. It took another two hours to calm down her roommate. She was beyond exhausted and felt like she could sleep a week. She managed to strip off her ruined clothes and take a shower before crawling into bed and passing out just as the sun rose.
Ian sat on the cool ground for a few more minutes, trying hard to not lose consciousness. He knew that if he passed out here he would be found by the police that he could now hear, siren’s roaring, coming down the street. Their lights flashed bright against the buildings and many voices could be heard.

It was only now that he rose from his position. He had regained some of his strength; at least enough to make it the five or six blocks back to his own home to rest for the night. He began as a slow pace, but slowly sped up as he ran across the grass and further into the streets of business this city had to offer. His home was two blocks into the actual neighborhoods edging this part of town. His body shook as he ran and every movement allowed for further pain to shoot into his body. He couldn’t stop though; he needed to get off the streets. The cops would be looking for a kid that seemed like he got the shit beaten out of him and was still running around.

“She’ll enjoy hearing this story” The words were quiet as he spoke to himself. He looked up to the sky and watched the moon. He had a while to get back home, but he didn’t want to. He hadn’t stayed long enough to see if the men left or stayed and whether or not they got arrested. So he didn’t know if they would be out looking for him.

It took him about an hour and a half for him to get home. He wasn’t used to running so slow. From the twinges of pain shooting through his torso he was sure he had a few broken ribs. He knew that those would be painful in the healing process and he was not looking forward to that. So, having stopped at least six times on the way back to his home, he had finally made it, walking up the sidewalk and making his way inside.

There were no lights on inside as he stepped up to the door, using the spare key to unlock it, and stepping inside. He expected to see no one, but in the moonlight that cast in through the window, he saw a single figure. Even in the darkness he could see the way her beautiful lips curved up in a seducing smile, the light catching on her red evening gown. Then she smelt the blood and saw his disheveled appearance and her smile fell. She hadn’t seen Ian in this shape for a few decades now.

“I thought I would surprise you, but it looks like you’ve gotten your own surprises tonight” He could not tell the emotion within her words. Was she disappointed in him? He watched her a moment before bringing a hand up to wipe the blood from his nose.

“I’ll explain later” His words were simple and she nodded in understanding. It had been a long time since they went out at night, drank and partied, or even had adventures like the ones she assumed he had—it wasn’t the type of adventure she was expecting.

“Well you go get washed up, and I’ll be…waiting for you” Her smile returned. There was something about seeing him like this that just pushed her buttons. “Feeding will help your body heal” She winked once before turning and walking from the room; the click of her heels was the last thing he heard from her.. The rest of the night, she helped him forget about the three men in the Laundromat and the human that had saved his life.
Charlotte slept late into the afternoon before managing to summon the will to leave the comfort and safety of her bed. In her half-awake state she had thought last night's ordeal was simply a terrible dream. That lasted until she saw the bloody clothes she hadn't bothered to toss in her exhaustion last night. She frowned at the mess and remembering she still didn't have her textbook.

She threw a mini-tantrum with a bit of limb flailing and noisy whining before taking a breath. She just needed a small moment to rage about how life could never be fair. She really didn't believe in karma or that bad things will get balanced out with good things. Life just happened to have quiet a few horrible moments. Dwelling on them would not do her any good. Her clothes would still be ruined. She still wouldn't have her book. The sun would still rise regardless of her personal issues.

After a loud sigh she got up and snatched her destroyed clothes and tosses them into the garbage in the kitchen. She would have to dip into what little savings she had managed to accumulate since she started working when she was sixteen. Her original textbook was a lost cause.

At least she had a small break and didn't have work or classes today. That at least gave her time to process the recent events in her life without having to deal with annoying customers or lectures. She mentally created a small to-do list for today and would do her best to just move on past last night.

The only issue was that her mind kept flashing back to that poor guy that had been severely hurt. She felt guilty over leaving him behind like that. The police hadn't told her if they had found him and if he was dead or alive. As annoying as it was to admit to herself, she knew she was just feeding her guilt by worrying over him. If she was told he had died she would feel responsible for his death. She was tempt to flip a coin to decide if he had lived or died in hopes it would end her worrying.

Eventually she just called the number on a card that some cop had given to her. She was left on hold for almost fifteen minutes before she was informed that they had not found the injured victim and only trails of blood. They also informed her that they had arrested all three of the perpetrators not too far from the laundromat. While she was satisfied knowing that those assholes were in jail it also meant she was the only witness.

She was confused why that strange guy hadn't stayed put. He had been so injured that there could be no way he could have left the crime scene without leaving some sort of trail. Her mind tried to rationalize various scenarios as to why he had vanished and decided that if he was strong enough to vanish he was probably alive. Maybe someone had arrived after she left and took him to some hospital.

Charlotte's mind wandered endlessly as she went about her business. She got home just as the sun was beginning to set and her roommate was walking out the door to head off to work. Her roommate tended a bar at one of the night clubs and made quite a bit of money from tips from drunken men. Shelly - her roommate - expressed concern and stated she would call out of work. Charlotte declined the offer since there wasn't much of anything that could be done. Charlotte would rather be alone and watch some random TV show than have to comfort her roommate. Isn't it funny how those who go through terrible events have to comfort others?
“I know you’d love for me to stay, but I can’t. I’ve got work across the country. I should be home next week and all of this will be behind us. Everything will settle down, and we can decide whether or not then if we need to move.” Her smile was present in the darkness of their home. Sometime during the day, the curtains had been drawn to prevent burning. Ian knew he had not done it, which only left his partner to have gotten up sometime after their ‘meeting’ to close them. Ian was so tired that he probably would have slept through the burn. He gave her one more look up and down, watching her body in the business attire she seemed to always have on.

“Then I’m going out for a drink tonight” His voice was quiet as he watched her from the bed. He had been sleeping since the morning and now, the sun was setting once again. He felt one hundred times better—not at his best—but good enough to feel like going out. She would probably not fight with him on his decision, since it was his money that he was wasting and his luck he was testing. He didn’t know if the men had been caught and where he frequented, he really didn’t want to chance getting caught feeding again.

The woman started towards the door and Ian moved to pull himself out of the bed. He winced at the pain rushing through his side, but continued toward her. She gave him a half smile, a kiss on the lips, and she was gone from the bedroom. He didn’t follow her out. In the setting sun, he knew she wouldn’t be leaving for another fifteen minutes.

Ian was now left to work time off until it was dark enough to go out. He pulled himself into the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror. He didn’t look bad at all. The cosmetics of his face seemed fine; he would have no problems attracting one of the college kids at the bar. He smirked quietly to himself before he turned and pushed on the water for a shower. He had taken a nice long shower the night before, but he felt that he should follow a routine and clean himself again. Besides, showering took up time that he needed to waste anyway.

His shower took him a little longer than expected, and when he finally pulled himself out, his skin was pink from the heat of the water. He dressed himself silently in faded jeans and a t-shirt, trying to blend in with the other people that would be at the bar. He combed through his hair, the quickly drying hair slowly beginning to curl with each stroke of the brush. By the time he left, there would be no more water in his hair, only the curly, almost untamable mess of hair that he had all over his head.

He made his way downstairs, and into the kitchen. The setting sun cast a purple hue across the clouds above. He saw her figure looking out the window above the sink, staring at something. He took a step forward and she turned, giving him another smile.

“I’m heading out” His words almost echoed through the silent house and she turned, walking towards him. She had expected this to happen so she waited for him. She couldn’t help pulling him into one deeper kiss. When they pulled away, he could see sadness in her eyes.

“I love you, Ian” The words were simple as she gave him a hug. She then turned to leave without saying another word. He watched as she went. She was different somehow; she was acting as if she knew something was going to happen. It was something bad…she never said she loved him.
Charlotte managed to be alone in the apartment for at least an hour before it started to bother her. It was probably because she had watched a bit of some dramatic suspense show where there was a hit placed on a witness. Charlotte hated coincidences and this wasn't a pleasant one. She was thought numbing her mind with TV would distract her and she was very wrong.

After about thirty minutes of mentally arguing with herself she ultimately decided she needed some alcohol in her system. She wasn't much of a drink and was pretty much a lightweight so getting a nice buzz wouldn't too expensive or hard. She'd already spent a couple hundred on a textbook so spending a bit more on a night out wouldn't hurt. Within a few moments she had changed into a simple pair of jeans, black trainers, and a black tank top.

She took a cab since the risk of self injury from riding a bike while drunk was high. The last thing she wanted to do was topple over while riding her bike home. It was also the safer choice since if she was riding her bike she might get snatched by some dangerous people. It's strange how one day you don't think about these risks seriously and the next it's always on your mind.

When she arrived at the club she skipped the long line of patrons waiting to get in. There were some perks of having a friend who was employed at a club; everyone knew you and the drinks were either free or cheap. She made her way over to the bar and smiled at Shelly while giving a friendly wave. Within seconds she had a shot placed in front of her with a wink from Shelly.

It wasn't too much longer and a few shots later that Charlotte was well on her way to going beyond buzzed to completely smashed. Leave it to Shelly to encourage a person to get this drunk after being a witness to a crime.
It was a little while before Ian was finally able to leave the house. The sun had gone down, and the darkness filled every alleyway and backyard in the city. Ian liked it this way because getting from point A to point B was much easier. So, when he had finally finished grooming himself, getting a quick bite to eat, and putting his shoes on, he could run to the bar.

It didn’t take him long, probably a good ten minute run, to get across the town to the bar he usually frequented. There were always a good number of girls to take home and feed from in their drunken slumber. So, he walked the last block, and thanked his body for not being the kind to sweat easily.

By the time he made it to the bar, the line almost wrapped around the block. There was a soft smile on his lips as he stopped near the front. The man at the door looked him over and smiled. Checking his clipboard a moment he shook his head.

“I didn’t expect to see you back so soon, Ian” The man was tall and had very dark skin. He had been at the door since Ian had moved to town. He learned very quickly to become friends with the right people and he could frequent specific bars instead of having to wait in line.

“You know me. It’s Saturday and there’s no time like the presentto get hammered” To Victor (the doorman) Ian was just a college kid here to have a good time and it was good business to keep the college kids happy in this town.

“I don’t think I’ve seen you leave this place once hammered, Ian. Have a good time” With a nod of his head and the appreciated ‘thank you’ from Ian, the man was let into the bar. He smiled at the music and took a look around the bar. Of course, there were a lot of people to choose from; many beautiful women. He smirked, and made his way over to the bar.

“Well hello, Shelly” The girl had her back to him, pouring up a drink. There was a smirk on his lips. He always did overfill his liquor. He liked that about her.
Charlotte's body was completely relaxed. It felt so weird when there was no longer any tension from stress. The only problems she had were that the world felt like it was swaying and having to tell guys to screw off when they tried to hit on her. They figured she would be easy since she was obviously no longer sober. Even drunk she still had standards and didn't like one night stands. Shelly always made a joke about the invisible chastity belt since Charlotte didn't pursue any type of relationship beyond friendship with guys. Charlotte's last boyfriend had made her decide that she needed a break from intimacy; it was too frustrating and messy.

She was trying to sober herself up enough to be able to walk to a cab and get home so she was nursing a glass of water and snacking on some chips. She had turned to face Shelly to ask for something else to fill her stomach with when she saw him. Charlotte blinked a few times thinking she was seeing things in a drunken stupor. However he was still here and he was smiling at Shelly.


She didn't know his name but she sure as hell knew his face. Her shout had attracted Shelly who rushed over to ask her what was going on. She explained that he was the guy who was at the laundromat that had been beaten to near death. Shelly simply shook her head and explained that the guy didn't show any injuries so it couldn't possibly be the same guy. This argument went on for several minutes with Charlotte desperately trying to make her friend believe her and her friend stating that she was just really drunk and confused.

Shelly, I swear it's him! I'm not so drunk to mistake someone for someone else."

Look Char, just relax for a minute. I'll be right back."

With that Shelly had gone off to the stranger with a concerned expression. She still didn't believe her. It was impossible to hear what was being said as Shelly started talking to the guy. From what she could make up from Shelly's lips as she spoke was that she was asking the guy to come over to tell her that she was mistaken.

“Hey Ian” The woman had turned around to face him. Her face lit up as she recognized him. Ian wasn’t sure if that was because he was genuinely happy to see him back or if she just knew that when she came she was working on a nice tip. He hoped it was the former, but he wasn’t going to bet on it. “Looking for another fun night? What’re ya having?” His smile was calmed as he leaned against the bar, watching her for a moment. He could hear the talk of many around him as he watched her and for a moment he was distracted.

“I think I’ll have a Jägermeister to start off” He straightened up slightly to pull the wallet from his back pocket, pulling for a few bills.

“Oh you’re going hard fast” She giggled slightly as she turned to pour up his drink. He pushed the bills across the bar and she returned with the drink.

“Pretty sure I failed a test yesterday so I’m going to let loose tonight” he smirked at her, tipping back the shot. One down. He felt the burn as it rolled down his throat. He looked back up to the girl as she started to say something. He can’t even tell what she’s about to ask when someone yells from down the bar. Their eyes draw down to the girl and for a moment, Ian looks back at Shelly.

“I think she’s looking for you.” He smirked and she walked towards the girl. He hadn’t expected such a coincidence, but from what he could see of the girl, she was already gone. He could feign innocence. He had left him with another shot. He downed it, closing his eyes to enjoy the burn. He didn’t expect that; that would take more drinking to push all of this away.

He sat there silently, trying to hear the words that passed between the two. With the music and the others talking, he couldn’t hear much. Soon enough, Shelly comes walking back to her. He shoots her a smile as he pulls out his phone to check the time. Ten minutes and he was already getting into trouble. Maybe he should just stop drinking.

“Alright, so I know that this sounds crazy.” There was an obvious eye roll. “But do you remember in the newspaper today the assault that happened at the Laundromat on main?” She paused a moment, leaning forward so that she didn’t have to talk so loud. Ian was actually surprised. That had been in the paper?

“Yeah, I remember looking at the picture. What about it?” She pouring him another shot—probably trying to get him to do whatever it is she wanted from him. He downed it as she spoke.

“Well My friend over there was the one that walked in on the whole thing and saved that guy. Well the cops never found the guy and for some reason she thinks it’s you.” He almost chokes on a laugh, glancing down the bar at the girl. This would be fun toying with her. “So would you just go down there and-“

“What?” He had cut her off, looking up from where he had been playing with his shot glass. She gives him a look and turns around. This time, what she comes back with is different. She was probably thinking twice about letting this college kid binge drink Jägermeister. He sets the beer down, giving him an apologetic look.

”Look I just need to go down there and calm her down. Just tell her there was some kind of mistake and that you’re not that guy.” She gives him a frown and they both glance down the bar. “I promise she’s not crazy” He laughs again, taking a drink of his free drink.

“I’m not sure I want to get involved with this Shelly” His words were sincere as he stuffed his wallet into his back pocket. He took another drink of his beer. “I mean, what if I-“

“I’ll split your tab with you for the night” She cuts him off and he groans. He pulls himself up without a pause. She still needed to think he wanted to drink until he passed out; he couldn’t, but he would if he could.

Pulling his drink into his hand he walks down the bar, taking the same leaning stance he had a few moments before. He was sure that Shelly had followed them, but he wasn’t worried about her right now.

“Hey, I’m Ian” He took a drink of the beer, setting it down on the bar.
Charlotte's eyes never left the two as they chatted with each other. Based on their expressions they thought she was so drunk she had lost the ability to think. When the stranger started heading in her direction and groaned and started to doubt her own perception. Maybe she needed to talk to the doctor on campus tomorrow for a mental health check.

When he introduced himself all she could do was stare. A moment later she moved her face way too close for a sober person's comfort before sitting back down on the stool. It was definitely him, but without any signs of the beatings from last night. The events last night weren't a dream since there were various sources that existed because of what had occurred.

Ian, you don't happen to have a twin brother, like an identical twin brother, do you?" she asked with a small slur.

Before he could answer her brain caught up with the fact that he had introduced himself and she hadn't.

I'm Charlotte."

In her head she could say everything perfectly but the moment she actually spoke her name came out more like "Shhharklet." Her brows furrowed as she tried to clear her throat and pretend as though she didn't totally fuck up her own name. She should probably write a note on a napkin to remind herself to never, ever,
ever, get this shitfaced again.

Shelly was doing her duty as a friend and keeping and eye on her and the stranger. Shelly was nice in that way and was probably one of the reasons why drunken girls weren't lured away by strangers. Charlotte had already been cut off for the night by Shelly and was slowly sobering up which meant that the longer she observed Ian the more she remembered about the stranger from last night. This guy had to be him or there was some doppelganger running around in the area.

(We can create a dialog thread if you want then combine it into a single post.)
Ian leaned in to listen to her drunken slurs, a knowing smile on his lips.

“No, I don’t have a brother at all actually and none of my family lives here”

He took another sip of his drink.

“Now Shelly was telling me that you think I’m someone that you saved last night”

He hadn’t meant it, but the words came out a little condescending as he raised the glass to his lip again.

Charlotte didn't like his tone or attitude.


I left yuu alone insh thesh bussshess last nigghts

," she slurred out. (Translation: I left you alone in the bushes last night.)

He gave her concerned look. Frankly, he didn't understand her.


You didn't leave me anywhere last night, honey. I would know it if you did


Charlotte frowned at him and was clearly expressing how stubborn she could be. She usually didn't think things through when she was sober and being drunk just completely removed her impulse control. It was only after she had punched him hard in the ribs that she realized what she had done.

Her expression changed to embarrassed shock.




He hadn't expected her to be so..violent when she drank. He could feel the sharp pain in his ribs as she hit him; that was one of the places that hadn't healed yet. For that reason, he grunted, trying to regain his breath.


You're crazy

" Were the only words to escape his mouth for a moment. He then looked at Shelly and smirked.


I think you should pick up my tab for the night-the whole thing


Charlotte's fists clenched when he called her crazy. Sure, maybe a little bit traumatized since she'd never been in that kind of situation before, but she wasn't crazy!


I may be drun-hic-kish but that doesn't mean I can't remember your facesh.


Ian couldn't hold back his laugh as she spoke and gave Shelly a sideways glance.


I think you might need to go home, Charotte

" he gave her a smile and looked back to Shelly.


You should probably call her a cab



Charlotte let out frustrated sigh and was imagining shaking his head by throttling his neck. He was
so irritating!

The nextsh time your in trouble and I happen to be there, don't count on my help," she growled out.

She gave him a hard glare before moving to stand. It was a bit hard at first and she wobbled slightly but after a minute she was able to walk towards the exit of the club. If she ever saw his face again she was going to punch it!

She spent the next five minutes outside waiting for the cab that she had called to arrive and shuttle her home. Her anger didn't dissipate over time and in fact was only increasing. By the time she got home she was also angry at herself for even going to the club since it had done the complete opposite of what she had intended it to do; help her forget.

She stormed up - as best as a mostly drunk person could - to the apartment, unlocked the door (with some issues of the finding the keyhole), and flopping down onto her bed and hoping that sleep would be a welcome end to a bad couple of days.
He hadn’t expected to feel so bad when she stormed off. He watched as she turned around and pushed herself out of the bar. He gave another glance to Shelly before looking back to the doors that the girl had escaped through. He really did feel bad, and it was strange for him to feel that way. He watched Shelly a moment as she pushed another Jägermeister across the bar. He gave her a thankful smile, downing the drink.

“I’m sure she’ll be okay. She’s just been so stressed.” He sighed as the bartender spoke and once more he downs more liquor. He couldn’t feel the buzz yet and he knew it would have taken a lot more than that to get him going good. So, now, will his buzz shot down by the human freaking out about him, he pulled himself off of the stool.

“This is going to sound strange, but where do you live?” The question caught the girl off guard for he had cut her off mid sentence. He stared at him for a moment, trying to connect what he was asking. Ian felt strange now, with his girl weighing heavy on his mind. He watched the girl, sure that she wouldn’t actually hand over the information. If she said no, then he would be able to push the idea out of his mind. Moments later, she spoke of an apartment rather close to the bar. He watched her a moment before she giggled quietly.

“And only ‘cause you’re cute.” She winked, but he didn’t see it. He was already turned around and heading towards the door. The bar was becoming crowded anyway and he didn’t want to be lurking around a place like this again; he might get caught.

Before he knew it, he was staring at the number on the apartment’s door. He watched it silently almost as if it were about to change into a different number completely. When it didn’t, and he was sure that his buzz was gone and the taste of a good night was gone from his tongue, he reached a fist up to the door, knocking heavily on the wood. If the girl was asleep, he could turn around and once again silence his thoughts and go home; he could find something to do there to keep out of trouble. He would be able to stop worrying about it. He felt his teeth clench as he leaned heavily on the door, his eyes closed. He needed to stop worrying about this damn girl.
Charlotte groaned into her pillow. She smelt like alcohol, sweat, and cigarette smoke from being in the club. She wanted to just curl up and let the oblivion of sleep take her, but the smell was just too much. She knew that in the morning her hair would smell like an old ash try, her breath in the morning would probably kill her sense of smell, and she felt just dirty.

She threw a small half-drunken tantrum in her bed and whined to herself. She lazily rolled on the bed and managed to get on to her feet. She was sobering up fairly quickly but she was feeling exhausted. That creep! Her mind snapped back to focus on her anger at that Ian guy who lied through his teeth about who he was.


Charlotte winced as she punched into her sturdy nightstand hard enough to break the skin on two of her knuckles. She raised the wound to her lips tasting the familiar iron of blood. It wasn't even worth a band-aid and would probably stop bleeding soon enough.

As she made her way to the bathroom she shared with Shelly there was a loud knock on the apartment door. The only person that came to mind was Shelly and that perhaps her roommate had forgotten her keys at work. Charlotte didn't know he time or how long she'd wallowed in bed before giving up and deciding to remove the unpleasant scents from her body.

She drowsily made her way over to the door and opened it unceremoniously and not even bothering to check the peephole.

You should just attach the damn key to that piercing of yours so you'll stop..."

She froze mid-sentence as her mind registered who it was at the door. She nearly toppled over backwards when her mind announced that the annoying jerk was at her apartment. She was going beat Shelly with a sorority paddle for telling him where they lived!

W-What the hell are you doing here?"
For what seemed like forever, he stood silently outside the door, watching the wood of the door, leaning against the door frame, and listening to the quiet sounds inside. There was movement, the quiet thumps of people walking in the rooms around, the sounds of television sets being turned up, down, and off in random increments around the room ahead.

He could hardly strip the girl's apartment's noises from the other, but he was able to year the quiet sounds of the girl walking around. She had heard him knock, he was sure of that, and now he was kicking himself for being here.

If she knew he was here, she would probably give him quiet a good scolding--probably a good kicking too--and he was very aware that those words were running through his mind now. There had never been any point for a vampire to feel the pity for a human. There should be no need to thank her for saving your life; it would show her that you aren't just a normal boy. You aren't just some stupid college kid that got wrapped up into something by accident. You'll give her doubts. Get out of here while she can still think its a ding-dong-ditch. You can't show her anything that makes her think you're less than a human.

He began to pull his body from where it had come to rest on the door frame. He hadn't had a chance to turn before the girl's voice sprouted from the other side of the door and it was pulled open. He couldn't help the crooked smile that formed on his lips as her words got caught in her throat.

"I was really worried about you." He could be good at lying, but it seemed like he was off his game. Maybe it was the booze, maybe it was something else. He couldn't tell. "Shelly gave me your address to make sure you got home safe" He let himself relax again on the door frame, making sure not to let himself breach the barrier. He would allow her at least the ability to allow him inside or keep him out in the hallway. "I see you got home alright, looks like you might've gotten attacked by a raccoon though" He couldn't help the quiet laugh as he signaled to the way her hair had been turned over into knots. Some of the pieces actually stuck up in the back.

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