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Fandom Written in the Stars - Star Wars AU - Roleplay Thread


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The Supremacy - The Cells
Kiara could only remember two times prior when she had felt this atrocious. The first had been the morning after her parents had died. The sun had risen that brisk autumn morning to find Kiara and Vea still clinging to artifacts of a life soon to be forgotten, and with it a sense of overwhelming finality had settled upon the freshly orphaned sisters. The rest of the world had carried on unbothered, blind to the gaping crater of anguish created by their parents absence. Kiara remembered bitterly wishing that it would’ve rained that day, as if the sunshine and clear skies served only to spite her grief.

The second occasion that had prompted this level of pain was when she and Vea had managed to crash-land an x-wing along the northern forest edge of Batuu, a rather ill-favored outcome for one of Vea’s high paying yet exceptionally perilous odd jobs. The collateral damage to Kiara’s life and limb seemed almost laughable compared to the crippling soreness that plagued her now. With a groan she turned over onto her left side, burying her face into the fabric of her sheets as she tried to recollect the events preceding her current situation.

Shhhhhh, you’re okay.

The familiar sound of her sister’s voice soothed her momentarily. The comforting feeling of fingers stroking her hair almost lulled her back into the blissful, numb sleep she had been woken from.

“Vea?” Kiara grumbled, forcing herself to blink open her blue eyes to meet her sister’s identical gaze. “What happened?” she tried to sit up, only for her right shoulder to cry out in protest. Every limb ached with stiffness as though she had spent the night sleeping on the floor. As she familiarized herself with her surroundings, she began to wonder if she truly had spent the whole night sleeping on the floor.

The room they were in was barren and sterile, not a single piece of furniture occupied it. Glass panels in the walls permitted them to look out into what appeared to be an equally desolate hallway of inky black, blood red lights lining the edges of the floors provided the only illumination. Kiara had never seen anything like it. “....where are we?”
coded by natasha.

The Supremacy - Corridors
Xaden, Val and Vea
The sound of Kade’s heavy boots thudded steadily against the metal floor of the corridor, his rhythmic footfalls falling into step with his brother's, echoing down the desolate hallway. Snoke had sent First Order grunts to wake them up early that morning, never mind the fact that they had spent the majority of last night getting debriefed on the events of the raid of Batuu. His new pets needed to be gathered and brought to the throne room immediately, for what reason Kade didn’t know, or particularly care. Orders were orders and he had neither the time nor the patience to argue or ask questions.

“Like rats in a cage.” he crept closer, knowing that the dim lighting would make his figure barely visible to the captives within the paneled cells. His eyes fell on two girls, one of whom was curled up in the other’s lap. They both looked worse for wear, with multiple superficial injuries littering their skin. “Looks like they tried to put up a fight…” he observed, though he didn’t sound impressed in the least.

The third captive, a male, was kept in a different cell immediately to the left of the girls. From what the First Order lackeys had told him, the male had been apprehended aboard a ship with an FEG-17 droid, and had proved much more difficult to restrain than his female companions. “Xaden and I will take these two.” He jerked his head in the direction of the girls. “Val, you take the other.”

He watched as the sultry figure of Valentina Rhea strutted past him and his brother. An ever unpredictable force, Kade knew better than to give her orders that didn’t come from Snoke directly. But the supreme leader had tasked them with getting the new captives to the throne room, so he knew Val wouldn’t argue.

He pressed his wrist against the scanner on the door to the cell, which hummed in recognition of the identification bracelet on Kade’s wrist. All First Order personnel were required to wear such bracelets, like a collar on a dog, it permitted them access to most areas on the ship, though some were restricted even to Snoke’s apprentices. With a gust of air, the door to the first cell whirred open to reveal the darkened figures of Kade and Xaden standing in the threshold.

“Rise and shine. The Supreme Leader has requested your presence in the throne room.” Kade wasted no time in closing the distance between himself and the captives, reaching first for the slightly taller of the two, the one with the fire in her eyes and venom in her voice. He had always liked a challenge if he was being honest. With little effort he grasped onto Vea’s right side, forcing her to her feet and dragging her towards the door. To his left he could hear the sound of Xaden struggling with the second girl, which elicited a snarl from the one Kade had in his grasp.

A wry laugh escaped his lips as his gaze danced between the two girls, surmising in a moment that there was some sort of attachment between the two. “...your sister?” A devious smirk tugged at his lips as he shoved Vea forward, his voice that of a fox who had just cornered a canary.

She’s hurt.

Kade paused, discerning from the girl's voice that she had only disclosed such information in the hopes that Xaden and Kade would be gentler with the injured one. “Pity. Snoke doesn’t care for damaged goods.”
coded by natasha.
The Supremacy - The Cells
Everything he worked so hard to establish was gone in an instant. Staying hidden for nearly ten years, avoiding suspicion and inquisitions. Each day he grew more comfortable in his paranoia, perhaps the day would come when he was discovered. Yesterday, because of two reckless girls, the day came upon him… Monty had kept a watchful eye from a distance on the sisters. It hadn’t been long that he sensed their presence on Batuu, perhaps a few weeks at best. They were untamed Force beacons, like wisps of lightning on a summer’s day. If he could sense them, he knew they’d likely attract unwanted attention. And sure enough, they did. He felt a frantic disturbance, the pulsing anguish from one of the sisters, and a fleeting fear from the other. It was clear, one of them tapped into their emotions and accidentally unleashed their unknown potential. He tried to hurry to the source as quickly as he could, to warn or hide the girls. But, by the time he made it back to his ship, it was too late…

Monty sat in the centermost part of his cell, criss-crossed on the floor. He knew there was no point in hiding anymore, it certainly wasn’t honorable. He needed to stay grounded, within himself and the Force. At the same time, he needed to make sure he was covert. If they figured out the truth, well, he was a dead man walking. So, he thought it best to meditate on the matter… A flurry of snow clouded his vision, unclear of the path ahead. “You must not lose hope, Montin. Trust the Beacon,” Master Deme’s soothing tone echoed in his mind. To hear his deceased master use his new name was a clue to remind him his mental image was not real. He wasn’t on Hoth. The snow suddenly stopped, a flash of red filling his head. Anger. Lust. Raw power. It radiated aggressively, almost unbearable. Someone was near.

Monty snapped from his meditative state, the sound of multiple footsteps grounding him in the present. If anyone approaching sensed his presence in the Force, beyond the general energy from the girls in the cell over, he’d be exposed. He was able to adjust himself before the trio’s arrival, simply leaning against the cot rather than meditating. The name, Val, his ears caught it. A slender woman appeared in front of his cell, the two-toned part in her hair catching his eye. She certainly looked like an Order sympathizer. He extended his hands without argument, letting the woman handcuff him. In his experience, quiet around these sorts of people tended to win in the long run.

coded by natasha.
La'artrix Noblue

Trix let out a soft grunt as he dangled upside down in the cockpit of his tie fighter making adjustments to the controls and flight systems, something the engineers really hated. As he plugged away at his current project he could hear the clicking of his commander's shiny black boots approaching, irritation growing inside Trix with every step taken. He slammed the electrical panel he was working on closed and hosted himself upright, sitting on the top of his tie fighter facing toward his commander. “What can I do for you today sir?”] Trix made little to no effort to hide his irritation at being interrupted during his work, taking a moment to wipe some of the grease from his hands on a rag he had in his back pocket.

His commander came to a sudden stop at the end of the loading platform, the heels of his boots clicking together loudly, a look of disgust gracing his face as he stood before Trix. There was a moment of silence as his commander waited to be properly greety, but it was broken seconds later by his grating high pitched voice once he realized Trix would continue to be insubordinate. “You are supposed to salute your commanding officer and stand at attention when I arrive Lieutenant Noblue, be sure to correct your behavior before our next meeting. Now then, Supreme Leader Snoke has requested your presence in the throne room, I suggest you do not keep him waiting.”

Trix disliked speaking with people in general, but talking to his captain was exceptionally exhausting to him. Even so, a malicious smile creeped across his face as he responded to his captain's remarks. “So sorry captain, sir. Someone of my lowly state couldn't possibly fathom such courtesies. I will promptly review my training manual on how to properly greet someone of such esteemed status as yourself.” His voice dripped with sarcasm like venom, Trix dying on the inside as he held himself from laughing due to his captain's face turning beet red in anger.

“See that you do! And make your way to the throne room immediately!” His captain turned on a dime and stomped away, his boots clicking against the metal platform as he left.

Trix was a little worried about being summoned since it was the first time something like this had happened in the five years he's been with the First Order, but he had hopes that maybe Supreme Leader Smoke just wanted to meet his best pilot for a little congratulations or maybe a promotion. “Heh, maybe he has some super secret mission for me.” Trix spoke aloud as he grabbed his jacket from off the railing and shut the hatch to his tie fighter before sliding off of it and throwing his jacket on.

He made his way out of the hangar and into the long corridors that made up most of the ship. He never really liked the aesthetics of the ship since it was a far cry from his Corellian homeworld, but he made the best of it. Hallway after hallway he walked, passing other members of the first order, some of which gave him waves or simple head nods that he refused the return. He kept his head down for most of the way with his hands keeping his pockets company.

His mind was filled with thoughts about his summons to the throne room, but he shook his head and instead wondered how his drinking buddy, Kade, was doing right now. It had been awhile since they met in the ships bar for some small talk over drinks. “I should find him after I'm done, maybe he will be free for a drink or two.” Time passed as Trix made his way through the massive ship, eventually arriving at the throne room door, his nerves getting the better of him as he simply waited outside them wondering if maybe there had been some kind of mistake or maybe he wasn't supposed to be here at all.
Valentina Rhea
The Viper
location here
mood here
outfit here

Valentina had been training her lightsabers cutting through Druid's as if she was cutting through butter. A light sheen of sweat glistened on her forehead showing she had been at this for a while when someone had come to inform her she needed to join Kade and Xaden as a task from Lord Snoke. Her lightsaber flashing up barely an inch from their throat making the poor soul quiver.”This better not be a trick or the next time I see you your head will be on the floor.”she said before moving the lightsaber back putting both onto her hips after sheathing them. She had gone and cleaned up before heading to her destination which apparently involved Xaden and Kade which wasn’t too surprising. Val’s gaze swept over what appeared to be prisoners of some sort then her gaze pierced Kade when he gave her an order. The smallest of scowls graced her face but she knew Kade knew better than to order her around so the orders must be from Supreme leader Snoke himself. So she walked past him and Xaden with confidence, grace, and a slightly seductive move of her hips she made her way past them.

Everything could be used as a weapon and she wasn’t above using her own looks to her advantage. So if she truly enjoyed Kade and Xadens eyes on her there was no telling. She made her way towards the man’s cell eyeing him warily. He seemed relaxed but that put her more on edge as she approached opening the door. When he stretched out his arms to allow her to cuff him she couldn’t help but snort at his tamed dog behavior. Though she supposed him coming willingly trying to probably avoid injury was a sign he wasn’t as stupid as many who came through here were. With the cuffs in place a small flick from her hand had the man shoved forwards letting him trip a little at the sudden use of force powers before straightening him back up like a puppet on a string. She moved behind him being shorter than him but the one with an advantage had her unworried and unhurried. “Has Lord Snoke said why he wants to see these… rats?”she asked, using Kades own words of rats in a cage. He hadn’t been wrong; these three were very much like rats in a cage. She nudged Monty forward leading him towards their destination as she awaited an answer from Kade or Xaden.

coded by natasha.
MOOD: Feral.

OUTFIT: batuu outfit

The Supremacy - The Cells.

Kiara WanderLust. WanderLust.
TL;DR Worrying about Kiara and fighting Kade.
The Protector.
The night had been long and unbecoming for sleep, or rest of any kind for that matter. Vea had been an anxious mess since the attack yesterday, the adrenaline of the moment had worn off but the pit in her stomach hadn't. She'd kept silent vigil over her sister all night, knowing that when (if) Kiara woke up she would panic at the unfamiliar surroundings. The wound in Kiara's shoulder had only served to make her worry more, though it didn't seem life-threatening it needed to be cleaned and dressed to heal properly, and based on the way they were being treated it seemed medical care was likely off the table. Over the years she'd learn how to take care of wounds herself, but she at least needed the supplies to do it.

Suddenly, the crumpled heap that was Kiara started moving, slowly enough that Vea could tell she was still groggy and likely confused. "Shh, you're okay." Vea cooed softly, running her fingers through Kiara's long hair in an effort to soothe her. It had to be terrifying waking up not knowing what had happened, and though there wasn't much she could do to change their situation she could at least let her sister know that she was here with her. The frown on her face only grew as Kiara tried to sit up and cried out in pain, they desperately needed to get her looked at by a doctor.

Letting out a long breath, she considered how exactly to explain the situation to Kiara. There wasn't much sugar-coating she could do in this situation, so she decided gently explaining the facts. "After you passed out, the First Order brought us onto their ship and threw us in these cells. You've been asleep for half a day but-"

The sound of multiple footsteps coming down the corridor made her freeze, trying to position herself so that she was able to protect Kiara and inclining her head towards the door so that she could assess the threat. Three figures stood beyond the bars of the cell, their silhouettes made even more imposing by the harsh red lighting. There was no telling what they'd come here for, but it was easy to understand that it wasn't meant to be pleasant.

The insult the man threw at them made her lip curl up into a snarl, treating them like pests as if they had not gone out of their way to take them from their planet against their will. She picked up two names, Xaden and Val, from their conversation but not much else that was useful. The buzzer by the door beeped, causing Vea to wrap her arms tighter around Kiara. They would have to rip her sister from her hands, and that was exactly what they did.

"Unhand me." Vea snapped, letting go of Kiara only so as not to hurt her sister in the process of being dragged away. She struggled against the man who held her, trying to keep her eyes on the second man who was lifting her sister off the ground. Kiara let out a yelp at the roughness with which the man grabbed her, a sound of pure rage working its way out of Vea's mouth. Kiara was always Vea's first priority, her stomach churning at the thought of not being able to fend of both of these men to save her sister if she needed to. Luckily, the second man only readjusted his grip on Kiara and moved her forward.

"Your sister?" The demon shoving her towards the door laughed, earning him a glare as icy as the endless expanse of space beyond the ships exterior. She contemplated biting the hand that nudged her forward, but worried that if she didn't keep her hands to herself they might not either. It would be smarter to see where they were going, learn the layout of the ship and its schedules before daring to escape. If they had wanted them dead they could've just executed them on Batuu instead of bringing them aboard the ship, so Vea decided to play nice....for now.

"She's hurt." Vea spoke through gritted teeth, eyes still on Kiara even as she followed in the direction the strange man shoved her. “Pity. Snoke doesn’t care for damaged goods.” Turning her harsh glare back on the First Order brute, she narrowed her gaze and brazenly inspected his figure. "He seems to keep you around." She retorted, scrunching up her nose at him in disgust.

code by valen t.
MOOD: Annoyed.

OUTFIT: Sith outfit

The Supremacy - The Cells.

TL;DR Just trying to follow orders.
The Chosen.
Side by side the two brothers walked through the halls of the Supremacy, causing everyone from Stormtroopers to pilots and engineers to scramble out of their way. It was a well-known fact around the ship that getting in any of the Sith apprentices way was not something someone who valued their safety would do, especially not with Kade. The man beside him was much different than the boy he had once been back on Arkanis, the little brother who used to follow him around now stood beside him as the only family he had, yet he had never felt more distance between them.

The longer they trained under Snoke the more tense their relationship became, and Xaden couldn't figure out why. When Snoke had first taken the boys on as his apprentices, Xaden had tried to draw Snoke's attention away from his little brother by pushing himself to work harder, pushing his limits so that Kade might remain unscathed. That plan seemed to have backfired, especially now that Xaden was very firmly under Snoke's watchful eye and Kade seemed to resent him for it.

He kept his eyes forward, but monitored his brother through the corner of his eye. Was he eating enough? Resting enough? Kade had a habit of overexerting himself to prove a point, and Xaden worried about him endlessly. He had always taken care of Kade when they were younger, but now he was so damn stubborn that Xaden had learned to keep his worries to himself, lest his brother purposefully act out to prove a point.

They reached the holding cells and Xaden was quickly snapped out of his thoughts by the task at hand, bringing the prisoners from the Batuu raid to the throne room for Snoke's assessment. There was something about the two women that made his chest feel a little tighter, especially seeing them huddled together and holding one another for support. He'd had to bring the blade of his lightsaber close to the younger one's neck in order to get the older girl to surrender, an underhanded trick he was certain would work because he knew it was the only thing that would stop him from saving Kade.

Xaden followed Kade into the cell, keeping his face carefully neutral as his brother yanked one of the women up to her feet, earning sounds of protest from both of the captives. He pulled the other woman to her feet, only for her to cry out in pain as he lifted her shoulder to get her upright. A hint of a frown pulled at his lips, but he continued guiding her forward with a firm hand on her back, though he made sure to avoid the arm that caused her pain.

"...your sister?" Though he'd suspected as much during the raid on Batuu, the confirmation still twisted roughly in his gut. It seemed Snoke had a habit of kidnapping siblings, for whatever dark purposes served his agenda. The more violent of the two women caught his eye, glaring at him so fiercely that he might have been intimidated had he and Kade not had all the power in this situation.

“Pity. Snoke doesn’t care for damaged goods.” "He seems to keep you around." Kade had to bite his bottom lip roughly to stop from laughing, clearing his throat to hide his surprised amusement. No one ever had the gall to talk back to any of Snoke's Apprentices, but Kade in particular was known for his violent temper. Perhaps it would be better to keep those two separated, as long as Snoke wanted her alive.

"Any other injuries?" He asked gruffly, pausing to look at the girl in his grasp before inspecting her for any noticeable wounds. It wasn't like he cared whether she was in pain or not, but if she was going to bleed out before they brought her to Snoke, the Supreme Leader might not be too happy with him. He wanted all three captives alive for one reason or another.

"Can't have you bleeding all over the Supreme Leader's throne room." He joked, though the tone of his voice and the way his lips pulled down made it seem he was quite serious about the matter.

code by valen t.
The Supremacy - Throne Room
He seems to keep you around.

The comment elicited the faintest hint of a smile from Kade. Despite the predicament she had found herself in, this girl was still managing to put up quite the front. It was entertaining, to say the least. Though he was sure Snoke would crush that rebellious streak out of her soon enough. His fingers grazed her dark, tangled locks, pushing them gently behind her ear to ensure that she heard each and every syllable of what he was about to say, his lips hovering so close they almost brushed against her skin.

“I promise you princess, I am not your biggest enemy on this ship.”

Whether or not she chose to heed his words, Kade didn’t particularly care. But at least she had stopped struggling against him for the time being. The walk to the throne room was quiet and tense. The only noise to break the silence was their boots thudding against the metallic floor. It was not just the captives who dreaded what waited for them beyond that large door of black adamant. The circumstances warranted pause even from the battle-weary apprentices who had grown accustomed to Snoke’s wrath. Like it or not, all six of them were headed to the butcher's block, where Snoke would no doubt weigh their usefulness against the cost of keeping them alive.

It was only when Kade spotted Trix waiting outside the throne room that his pace began to slow. Snoke was notorious for playing such games with his apprentices… but why was the pilot here? He exchanged a wary look with the blonde, surmising that he did not know why Snoke had brought him there either. Something about the entire ordeal was causing the hair on the back of his neck to bristle, an all too familiar pit sinking into his stomach as the massive doors were thrust open by a pair of stormtroopers stationed outside.

In all the years Kade had spent aboard the Supremacy, he had never grown used to Snoke’s appearance. A thin, gangly and relatively disproportionate frame wrapped in scarred and cavernous tissue gave the appearance of fragility, like a walking corpse that might crumble to the dirt at any moment. But Kade knew better than to dismiss the supreme leader as anything less than lethal. The power that radiated from him was demobilizing, or at least it had been when Kade first met him. His force signature was overwhelmingly loud, pulsing and thrumming in a way that felt almost artificial… sterile. Kade had grown familiar with the force signatures of Xaden and Val over the years, both of which were very much alive and reactive, as if they were sentient beings of their own. But something about Snoke’s had always felt… off.

“My apprentices…” An outsider might’ve surmised that Snoke was happy to see them, proud even, to behold the products of his exhaustive training. “And my newest discoveries.” His gaze turned hungry as it roamed over the three captives in turn, predatory even, as if he had finally cornered his long hunted prey. “I’ve organized a little game for you… a test, if you will, to ascertain which of you are fit to serve as my apprentices.”

It was only then that Kade noticed the red headed errand runner standing next to Snoke’s throne, her presence provoking a sea of further questions as to what exactly the supreme leader’s plan was. His amber eyes narrowed, an accusation hidden in his gaze as he locked eyes with Lyra. What was she up to? What did she know….?

“Valentina, Kade, La’artrix and … Vea.” Snoke’s eyes landed on the girl in front of him, the one Kade had been tasked with dragging to the throne room. It was the first time Kade had heard her name, and he decided to tuck that information away for later. Snoke’s large, pale hand reached out. In his palm sat a small, triangular shaped bit of metal… or was it stone? It glowed an emerald green and when Kade focused on the object, it almost felt as though it had a force signature of its own.

“This is my personal Sith wayfinder…” the small pyramid floated across the throne room towards them, pausing only when it reached Trix, where it hovered indefinitely. “An object I am admittedly quite fond of. Guard it with your lives.” The wayfinder spun in place, waiting for Trix to pluck it out of the air as Snoke turned his attention to the second group.

“Xaden, Lyra, Montin and Kiara.” Snoke purred the last name as though it were a pleasant sensation on his tongue. “Fetch it for me.” A wry smile consumed his facial expression as he waited for the chaos to ensue, leaning back in his chair to enjoy the show.
coded by natasha.
The Supremacy - The Cells
Xaden and Montin
There was something eerily familiar about the man who currently held Kiara in his grasp. Despite herself, she leaned heavily against him, her feeble knees refusing to carry the brunt of her weight as she stumbled forward. She could vaguely make out her sister’s hissed curses as she too was dragged from their cell. Kiara tried to force her eyes to focus, to memorize any sort of defining characteristics that could be used to help her escape when she wasn’t so debilitated, but the world around her was blurred beyond comprehension.

Any other injuries? Can’t have you bleeding all over the Supreme Leader’s throne room.

Even his voice… she had heard that voice before. She was sure of it. She dragged her eyes up to meet him, attempting to look as intimidating as possible, though she was quite certain the end result was rather pitiful. She searched his eyes for a moment, desperately trying to place where she knew him from. Had she seen him on Batuu before? Perhaps they had crossed paths on one of Vea’s odd jobs? There had to be some sort of explanation for this.

“I know you…” her eyes narrowed ever so slightly. But before she could inquire further, the sound of Vea’s voice drew her out of her daze. Unsurprisingly, her sister was not taking kindly to being shoved around by the other male. Kiara half expected Vea to sink her teeth into the man who dared lay his hands on her, but something he had said to her seemed to placate her… for now anyways.

As the group of six began moving towards the throne room, Kiara struggled to remain upright, wincing with every step. Teeth gritted, she tried to disguise the blatant fact that she was in excruciating pain. Now was not the time to appear weak or … damaged, as Kade had said. The throne room was not dissimilar to what she had expected, the same sterile environment, though everything was cloaked in a blood red light. It was the shriveled creature sitting atop the throne that caused Kiara’s breath to hitch in her throat.

She had heard rumors of the Sith lord… Snoke, the Supreme Leader as they had called him earlier. Though he had been described as all powerful, nothing could’ve prepared her for the suffocating presence that filled the room. It was as if the force itself were pushing down on her, crushing her inside her own body, grinding her bones to dust and snuffing out any light that resided in her. She could barely breathe.

A shiver ran down her spine as he began splitting them up into teams for his self-proclaimed game. Surely it was no accident that he had chosen to separate the sisters… did he truly expect Vea and Kiara to turn against one another? She almost scoffed at the thought. Warily, her eyes strayed in the direction of the others on her team. Names she was just hearing for the first time now becoming monikers for her fellow captives… and captors. Montin, like her, had been taken from Batuu. She only knew this because she had seen his face around the Black Spire Outpost once or twice with Vea, though she had never pieced together that he was also force sensitive.

Almost subconsciously, she took a step closer to Montin. She didn’t know whether or not she trusted him yet, but she certainly preferred his company over the male who had dragged her here in the first place. She caught his eye for the briefest of moments, trying to get a read on him, but the sound of a scuffle to her left caught her attention before she could say anything.

A lightsaber had been sheathed, the blood red light it threw off almost blending in with the scarlet hues of the rest of the throne room. And just as quickly as the first one had ignited, a second one met its call. Kiara stumbled backwards in a panic, her eyes searching for Vea in the chaos as she continued to move backwards. It was only when her back collided with a solid mass that she turned to look behind her. She had fallen right into Montin, her right shoulder once again crying out in pain at the sudden contact.

“What the hell are we supposed to do?” she asked, not entirely certain why she expected Monty to know the answer to such a question. She flinched again as a cascade of red sparks exploded around them. Snoke’s apprentices seemed to require very little convincing to go for one another’s throats. Snoke had tasked her team with retrieving the wayfinder, though she admittedly hadn’t been paying attention to which member of the opposite team had grabbed it.
coded by natasha.
Last edited:
La'artrix Noblue

Trix passed in front of the massive door as he tried to stall for time, the stormtroopers outside the door exchanging looks and shrugging at one another as they watched and stood guard. Trix heard the group approach and looked up to meet eyes with Kade, his expression showing he was filled with questions. He had little experience with the force outside of the few times he had seen Kade use it while they hung out to pour himself a drink, so he was unable to tell how many of them were force users. He whispered to Kade as the doors opened before them, hoping to glean some information from him.

”Kade, what's going on? I get why you're here, but why me? And who are they?”

He had heard about a group of prisoners on the ship but had yet to see them, taking extra care to avoid the prison cells lately since the guards seemed on edge. Trix stepped into the room with the others and his jaw dropped at the sight of Supreme Leader Snoke, having only seen him over holo in all his years here. He felt chills running down his spine as he stood before the leader of the First Order. Half his questions were answered promptly as the wayfinder drifted through the air toward Trix, the pilot reaching out and grasping it as its weight returned in his hands.

He backed up toward Kade and held tightly into the strange device, rolling it around in his hands to observe every side of the wayfinder. He let out and audible gulp as things started to escalate, feeling like this game was quite unfair to the relatively normal pilot with no force to speak of. He reached down with his free hand and drew his small side arm, holding it at the ready to fire at any who advanced toward him from the other team as he stood next to Kade for protection.

“ What are we going to do? Things are about to get out of hand.”

He watched as the other team shuffled about in what he assumed to be preparation for this twisted game that Trix was participating in, beads of sweat forming at his hairline as his eyes darted around the room.
The Supremacy - Throne Room

Montin stood gracious following the woman handcuffing him. Sith fed on fear, something he learned to quiet to the best of his ability in his years in hiding. Without protest, he began to head out of the cell, until suddenly he felt the Force tip him forward. He couldn’t help but stumble, getting a giggle from the captor behind him. He snapped upright, unnaturally, at her will. Val’s use of the Force felt like he was being held above a fire. It was hot on his skin and severely uncomfortable. She was relying on lust to fuel her rage, he could sense it. He took a deep breath, tolerating the sensation, before she let him go.

The walk to the so-called throne room yielded a good deal of information. There were two other men, both shared similar features. The odds were high that they were brothers. Each attended to one of the Batuu girls, one appearing to be injured. This wasn’t a place for them, they were innocent bystanders in this war. Even if they were force-sensitive, ending up on an Order ship was dehumanizing for anyone let alone two young girls. Another gentleman, a gruff blonde man, fell in line with the group once they approached the throne room. He wore a pilot's uniform, recognizing the flight suit immediately. Moreover, he couldn’t sense a Force presence. What was he getting thrown into…?

Like an eclipsing sun, the sudden ripple in the Force chilled Montin to the bone. Glancing upward, he realized the grave reality of his fate: he was on the Supremacy. His stomach dropped, and any hope of leaving this vessel washed away. Lies and deceit could only get him so far with Sith acolytes, but the supreme leader of the Order was entirely different. If his cover wasn’t blown by now, it was a matter of time. Even if he made it off the ship, the odds of getting to a rebel haven were slim. Internalizing his fear, he remained focused on the present. To any else, the ripple of fear was momentary; a red flag if anything. Snoke’s command seemed barbaric, tossing the untrained girls against the hungry Sith. This sick game didn’t mean anything, it didn’t prove anything. It was purely sadistic entertainment. Once he heard his name, he stared at Snoke. He would play no part in this rat race.

The injured girl, Kiara, was somehow on his side of the game. If he could keep her alive and well, then that was his goal. The others could play about with the Sith, but he wasn’t going to hurt a soul. He couldn’t let them win. His eyes flashed around the room, observing a section of the wall reserved for weaponry. He couldn’t show his hand. One swing of a lightsaber and it would be glaringly obvious he was trained. The hissing of a lightsaber cracked his senses into shape, locking in on the girl. She seemed to jump back, falling into him. Gently, he braced her fall, feeling the sore shoulder crackle on his frame. In a simple swoop, he threw both of them to the ground. Gently, the Force softened the fall, catching the girl’s shoulder. He needed to make this look believable for the time being, stay out of the fray, and patch her up. Pinning her under him, as if he were going to pummel her, he began to make work of the injury.

“They’re animals! Let them fight amongst themselves.” Montin called over the clashing of lightsabers. He had enough time to bite off his sleeves, tearing the fabric with his other hand to separate it into four strips. “You’re hurt. We need to brace your shoulder before you run off after that sister of yours.” He had a sinking feeling this girl, Kiara, was going to give in the game. Carefully, he started to tie together a makeshift sling. The damn Sith would likely rip it off once she was back in that cell, but if he could provide a small relief then he would. Satisfied with the job, he rolled off of her. Montin stood up, noticing the frenzy had shifted away from them a bit. The chase started. “Can you or your sister fight?” He offered a hand to Kiara, pulling her up by her good arm. His eyes shot again to the weapons wall, itching to get his hand on a saber. If he was a decent shot, he’d opt for a blaster. But, he knew the best way to keep them alive involved a lightsaber.

coded by natasha.

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The constant hum of energy in the throne room had become something she was completely accustomed to. While others found Snokes' seemingly limitless and possibly still untapped power unsettling, it was simply the backdrop of Lyra’s existence to her. This cursed ship was the only home she had ever known. Was she grateful for her life, knowing it could be snuffed out without a sound by the being sitting just five feet away? Absolutely. Yet, she had grown weary of feeling insignificant, of being merely a messenger. It only underscored her failure to complete her training. Though she had some skills that others might consider useful, without the ability to wield the Force, Lyra was of little value to the Supreme Leader or her team.

So, here she stood, waiting. Though today, she wasn’t entirely sure for what. Usually, she knew exactly why the apprentices were summoned. She briefly glanced up at the Supreme Leader with her large green eyes, and then the doors opened.

Lyra didn't meet anyone's gaze in particular. Over the years, they had all grown closer, but she had often been left behind on some tasks, causing her to drift away from fully understanding some of them. Feeling someone's eyes on her, she looked around and found Kade glaring at her. She didn't glare back or convey any message with her eyes, as she had no idea what was happening. However, she raised her right brow slightly, as if challenging his silent accusation.

Everything was explained—it seemed to be a game. Lyra assumed it was an assignment for the others, but when her own name was called, along with Xaden's and two unfamiliar names, Montin and Kiara, she nearly turned to question the Supreme Leader. However, she knew such actions could have dangerous consequences. Stepping away from her spot beside the throne, her hand reached for the hilt of her saber.

She was going into this blind, unsure if it was a cruel joke or a test. But backing out wasn’t an option for Lyra. With a press of a button, her saber hissed to life. She rotated her wrist a few times, getting used to the feel of it again. Glancing over at Montin and Kiara, she knew they were already doomed. Normally, she would have extended a hand to them, but right now, she had another concern. Where was Trix?

Her eyes scanned the chaos until she spotted the familiar tuft of blonde hair. She smirked, noting the blasters at her side and her saber at the ready. She needed nothing else. Well, the Force would have been great right about now, but beggars couldn’t be choosers.

Striding through the chaos, her eyes found Trix and Kade. It seemed Trix intended to use Kade for protection, which made Lyra a bit cautious, but she advanced nonetheless, lightsaber rising to deflect blasts or stray swings. "Trix, you can give me what I want the easy way, or I can take it the hard way. Your choice," Lyra called out, her voice carrying across the room as she kept Xaden in her peripheral vision. They were supposed to be working as a team, along with the new recruits but they were sorting themselves out. So, Lyra decided it was best to get a head start.
interacting with: Trix Elias Wren Elias Wren ; Kade WanderLust. WanderLust.
mentions: Xaden azula azula ; Montin ReverseTex ReverseTex ; Kiara WanderLust. WanderLust.

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