Writing RWBY RPs


Hello all,

I'm in the process of writing a general guide to writing successful (a.k.a. non-dying) group roleplays in the RWBY fandom, as 1) it seems really popular in the Fandom section of this site 2) I see a lot of them appear for a short time, and then drop off quickly, and 3) I've been involved in and GMed several RWBY roleplays, and feel like I'm in a good position to offer guidance.

However, my experience alone isn't enough to write a good article. So, anyone who's been involved in a RWBY RP in any respect, your advice and ideas would be welcome. Any feedback you have on RWBY RPs is welcome, but it'd also be great if you could answer these questions:

  • What do you think makes a good RWBY RP? What makes you want to join one, besides liking the fandom?
  • What is one of your pet peeves in RWBY RPs?
  • Have you ever been in a particularly long-lived and/or memorable RWBY RP? What made it this way?

I'd also like you to refrain from saying "the same things that make any RP successful and long-lived", because this is fairly obvious, and I think there are concerns specific to RWBY roleplays that need to be figured out.

Thank you in advance for your help!
The only reason I'd join a RWBY RP would be to play one of the canonical characters. The world of RWBY is otherwise uninteresting if one doesn't take any creative liberties with it. There's just too little of it ever shown to us. Its mechanics aren't particularly interesting either; you've got magic dust (the best mechanic, slightly innovative), varied weapons (which you can do in any story), and the merger of future tech and fantasy (which, again, lots of people do).
I've only ever written canons in a group setting, but I've made RWBY OCs on the side for fun. Honestly, I think it's good to include Monty's guidelines on names and whatnot. Everything has to be related to color in some way because of the lore.

What would make a good RWBY RP, I think, is avoiding the pitfall of making it too similar to a school RP. That would get mundane really quickly because of how repetitive a student's life is with the classes and the exams and the "I know that feel"

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