Other Worst Pain You've Ever Felt


I've been pretty lucky to avoid significant injuries and pain for most of my life. But there was an incident when I was younger (9 or 10, I think) where I got hit one evening with the worst cramp (at least, I think that's what it was) I've ever experienced. My lower left side just below the ribcage suddenly felt like there was a hot knife in it. The pain was almost immediate. One moment I was normal. The next I was doubled over in intense pain and crying my eyes out. My parents tried giving me a safe dosage of pain killers, no change. They took me to the hospital, and go figure once the doctor arrived and started talking to me about the pain it started fading and went away in a matter of minutes.

I broke my wrist when I was 6, popped my left Achilles tendon when I was about 15, and had surgery on my left knee for bone spur removal at around that same time (15-ish). None of those came close to the pain I was hit with that night with the sudden cramp. It was so intense I was crying for literally hours and doubled over in pain the entire time with no relief until it faded all of a sudden once the doctor came to talk to me at the hospital. He had no explanation for it and suggested it was just a freak cramping incident. And he was probably right.

But still, it f***ing sucked.
I've had a few kidney stones, those suckers hurt. Drank too much Mt. Dew in my younger hears and paying the price for it now, drink water folks! :xFgrin:
Two words: Suic*de headache. If you don’t know what they are, look them up. Also known as cluster headaches.
One time, I was playing with my dog, and she jumped up and accidentally scratched my eye. I saw my eye doctor ASAP the next morning and was prescribed antibiotics; I don't think it ever got infected because of that, fortunately, but that scratch pain was definitely the worst I've ever felt in my life. I still vividly remembering lying in bed, unable to think about anything else, and not giving a rat's ass if I died (no reason for me to, I just wouldn't have minded if something exploded and wiped me right then).
Not sure, its a bit of a toss up between;

1. When I had 15 gallstones and needed emergency surgery that night, and only went in as my back was hurting to the point I couldn't lay down or anything.

2. When I wrecked a bicycle doing stupid shit as a kid in nothing but a pair of shorts on a sand road and looked like I ran sandpaper on both sides of my body as I tumbled and slid.

3. And when I broke my Ulna and Radius in half horizontally in an accident and looked like I had two elbows. One was just backwards.

Didn't pass out for any of them, I also used to wrestle and did some stunt crap growing up, but those three were the most painful and came the closest to putting me out.
I tore my meniscus in middle school. I don't even know how I did it, I just got off the bus one day and my knee was in agonizing pain. My parents chose not to believe me until I ended up in the ER for it. So. That was fun. I had to wear a brace for a few weeks after that and, years later, the scar tissue in my knee still flares up from time-to-time.

A few runner-up examples: I recently fell down a staircase, landed on my feet, and then immediately collapsed. That hurt like hell. Also painful is my carpal tunnel that likes to randomly show up and the lovely chest pains that I often get from GAD.
I broke my femur once! Femur Breaker is accurate, it hurts like hell! But I'm fine now, ofc :3
i had a hellton of diarrhea yesterday and it felt like i had pure lava coming out my anus. legit felt like i swallowed a lit match and whole lower half on fire. also, my stomach and intestines wouldn’t SHUT THE HELL UP (plus, i hate the sound of my own digestive system)
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Besides unmedicated childbirth?

I had my gallbladder removed and that night after surgery an air bubble formed and got trapped beneath my ribs. I felt like I couldn't expand my lungs to breath. It finally dislodged but got trapped in my shoulder. So incredibly painful. To be honest though, I'm pretty accident prone. I've broken plenty of bones (I actually currently have a broken foot), almost cut my toe off a couple of times, had stitches in my face, as well as a concussion that was so bad that I couldn't remember my own name or even how old I was for about 8 hours. I'm currently facing having to have joint replacement surgery in my hip due to extreme pain, which makes me sound super old, but I'm not.lol
Besides unmedicated childbirth?

I had my gallbladder removed and that night after surgery an air bubble formed and got trapped beneath my ribs. I felt like I couldn't expand my lungs to breath. It finally dislodged but got trapped in my shoulder. So incredibly painful. To be honest though, I'm pretty accident prone. I've broken plenty of bones (I actually currently have a broken foot), almost cut my toe off a couple of times, had stitches in my face, as well as a concussion that was so bad that I couldn't remember my own name or even how old I was for about 8 hours. I'm currently facing having to have joint replacement surgery in my hip due to extreme pain, which makes me sound super old, but I'm not.lol
Holy smokes, hope you heal well with the broken foot and the surgery! I can relate to beings pretty accident prone, mainly due to my clumsiness, but none as intense as yours!
Holy smokes, hope you heal well with the broken foot and the surgery! I can relate to beings pretty accident prone, mainly due to my clumsiness, but none as intense as yours!
Thanks! Honestly I'm just really clumsy, but it makes for some fun stories I suppose. I did once break my collarbone by tripping over a chair, and then once it healed I immediately broke it again the day after my doctor cleared me, at volleyball practice. lol
Thanks! Honestly I'm just really clumsy, but it makes for some fun stories I suppose. I did once break my collarbone by tripping over a chair, and then once it healed I immediately broke it again the day after my doctor cleared me, at volleyball practice. lol
Funny enough, I once broke my arm by tripping on my chair. Chairs are deathtraps sometimes!
i binged halloween candy as a child and had the worst migraine of my life for three days straight. only went away after i spat all that candy back up, ugh.
i binged halloween candy as a child and had the worst migraine of my life for three days straight. only went away after i spat all that candy back up, ugh.
A month ago, i ate 4 different candies, a big ass gummy bear bag, a bag of live saver gummies, a snickers bar, a full bag of assorted chocolate and a boba tea can. Had quite the stomachache for almost 2 days.
I think it was the time my grandma's dog was so excited to see me that she knocked me over and I fractured my leg. (Obviously not the puppy's fault lol) was about 7 when this happened. And I think the worse pain was when my grandma didn't believe it was fractured so she had me running in the grocery store to get her things to the point where when my mom got me from the time at grandma's I couldn't walk and i had to be rushed to the ER.
Grandma has caused other pain over the years (mostly emotional -for example on my 13th birthday she told me to kill myself because I didn't answer the phone because I was at school 🙃😐) to where I am low to no contact nowadays.

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