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Fantasy Wormingshire Stories - A reboot for good!

Trevor B Harper

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Wormingshire Stories


The Vjordle Alliance

Despite the fact that the last time this roleplay existed I kind of lost the required time for it, thus had to let it go with all the amazing roleplayers scattering. Having feeling guilt for months and months after ( a year even? ), I've finally decided to give it a go again and reboot it.


Wormingshire Stories tells a tale about an academy in the middle of a medieval fantasy world which trains people from around the globe the ways of magic. Pure magic. It focuses on creating powerful soldiers in order to save the lands from an upcoming horde of wretched monsters. At the time the story begins, the world is not really infested with these creatures. One or two magical beings attack a village once every two months or so, but as the story progresses, I have incredibly huge plans for it.

This roleplay is going to be extremely in-depth. Every single staff member of the academy, every single teacher, top students, all of it will be created and controlled by me and maybe some other players that wish to help.

The academy focuses on teaching the common way of magic within the world, however, it is not the only one. This way focuses on types and their subtypes - elements. There are several types of magic involved and even more elements to cover that. Upon entering the academy, you are forced to choose at least two types of magic you will be learning, however, you cannot pick more than four.

The way teaching works in Wormingshire is really unique. The teachers there are gathered from all around the world and are mostly not even full-on magicians as their profession. They're just people that happen to know the element/type better than anyone else the academy could find. Their teaching is different from, per say, the university of Gol'Kah located on the far north of the world. The academy focuses on individual training rather than a whole class. They make a list of all their students and give them their queue positions, working with each one of them separately according to the queue. These rules are very strict, and if one wishes to skip their queue and learn without their turn, the teacher will only punish them.

That's about it for this post. If people show interest, I will throw in more information regarding the roleplay and create it in general. For now, this is just an idea.
AikoMomone said:
Sounds awesome! I'm in!
Thanks. From now on, I'll tag you where ever it is necessary. (The RP when it's made, when I post more info and stuff like that. :) )
Getting to work then. ^^
Priscilla reporting for booty-duty, Cap'n Trev! *^*7
I will most likely finish up the RP today when I get home from school. :)
Still accepting? Rather intrigued, would you allow someone to join as a none magical role? Academy coachmen for example? I'm fond of playing the less expected characters roles plus I like to thinks it adds to the atmosphere, after all someone has to the dirty work around the place haha
Valmont said:
Still accepting? Rather intrigued, would you allow someone to join as a none magical role? Academy coachmen for example? I'm fond of playing the less expected characters roles plus I like to thinks it adds to the atmosphere, after all someone has to the dirty work around the place haha
Seeing as the RP would be centered on "missions", groups of students being sent on tests of their magical abilities, a non-magical character would be very uncommon, as almost all of the school faculty has magical abilities as well.

As Trev said below, the school is a magic one, so characters are probably going to have to have at least some affluence in it. :/

Larry said:
If you're still accepting, I wouldn't mind joining!
Mauvez said:
If it's possible, count me in please ^^
We still have slots open, so jump on over to the RP sign-up before they're all gone :D
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Stickyyyy~. :/

Anyway, yeah, we still have a few slots open, and considering Sticky will most likely be playing a teacher only character, he doesn't count. So we have four slots open. If you make it - you're in. :P


And, I'm against a non-student character. IT's meant to be played as a group of students, not coachmen or janitors. Sorry.

Scratch that, more slots opened.
Larry said:
For the sake of knowing, can we use real countries?
It's an alternative medieval fantasy world. There's no real countries there.
Cheers for letting me know, I'll try and create a country as close to Ireland as possible.
WasBroken77 said:
Glad to see that you rebooted Trevor. Hope yall get to keep this awesome role play alive!
Thanks, Broken! Long time no see. <3

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