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Futuristic Worldwide International Architectural - (adventure in a strange world)


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

A group of ragtag individuals travels through an infinite city in search of a new home. On their way they will meet odd strangers and talking machines.

_ worldwide international architectural _​

Years ago we made a system that would automatically build cities. Over time it improved. It built better, faster and taller and we didn't know how to turn it off. It just kept building. Layers upon layers until the sky was gone.

The machine shaped familiar streets in strange new patterns of unknown purpose. Stairways that led nowhere. Massive ventilation ducts in place of living space. Miles of bottomless elevator shafts...

These structures looked like something we would make, but they weren't for us. We were not welcome here anymore.


_ inhabitants _​

It has been a long time since things became this way. Few remember the world without ceilings.

People live in isolated communities. Each with their own view of the world.

Knowledge of the workings of the city has become an arcane art. Maintenance engineers are seen as mystics. With their tools and terminals they can bend the system to their will. They open paths where there are none, bring light to pitch black districts and seek out water inside the pipes.

_ system_​

System is the name of our strange new god. It is a machine, but it doesn't really have a body. it just is. In the walls, in the air.

We cannot see them, but countless nano-machines are constantly at work somewhere, expanding this world. Sometimes the attention of the system descends to our level. It rearranges things, walls people in, plays tricks on our weak minds.

The system is also known for building factories that produce droids of different shape and size. They roam the streets performing finer maintenance work. And then there are the stampedes.

When a district is designated for demolition, an army of droids will swarm the entire area. A stampede will ingest everything in its path, with no regard for anyone who gets caught up in it.

_ dangers _​

When traveling among the empty districts it is rare to encounter another living being. Some will be the kindest people you will ever meet. Others not so much.

Pay attention. It starts with a friendly conversation and sweet words. A smile here, a flick of a wrist there and serrated metal has found its way inside your stomach.

And yet its not people you should really watch out for. Scary things hide among the elevator shafts and jungles of pipes.

Sometimes people put metal into their bodies. Like a prothesis to replace a broken limb or a chip inside the skull to interface with ancient terminals. Cybernetics isn't sleek, its clunky and unreliable. And yet sometimes people augment themselves to the point of becoming something that can no longer be reasoned with. Abominations of flesh and wires, tribes of cannibal cyborgs... they come in many forms.


In this rp Id like you to take the roles of a group of outcasts in this strange world. Each was forced to leave the place they've always known. Now they must look for a new home to settle down in, but it won't be easy.

Keeping the setting deliberately ambiguous because I'd love to see you add your own crazy stuff to it. Most things sci-fi that don't contradict the setting are an ok, just check it with me first.

You get the full freedom to add to the setting and control over npcs.

This world houses countless tiny cultures with their own view of the world, religion and ethics. Some might have lifestyles that imitate the original humans, while others can be more tribal.

Come up with a reason why your character was exiled from their home. They need to be willing to work with the other PCs to find a new place to stay.

Writing expectations
Whatever you are comfortable with. I tend to do about 200-500 words per post, sometimes more, sometimes less. Frequency will depend on the group.

I like it when ppl put in a reasonable amount of effort without just dumping words for extra volume. That said, any writing style is welcome and if crunching out pages of words is your jam, go for it!

If you have doubts, ask!

OOC is good. Let's do that thing where humans stand next to each other and vocalize the unspeakable.

Will open up the OOC and CS sheets if this gets some traction.

It's open now. Aye.

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This sounds super cool! I love the world building, it's so unique!! I'm totally interested in this!
Sweet! Will put the thread up some time today or tomorrow.
Feel free to share your ideas for characters and stuff, that way we can make sure we don't step on each other's toes.

I might be interested.

This kind of reminds me of Blame. I never read Blame but I have a friend who thought it was neat.

Yep, some inspiration came from Blame. Although I hope this will be more down to earth. Small people in a big scary world, trusting your back to sketchy strangers you've just met, you know?

ithinkcat ithinkcat Oh I remember reading it long ago. The feel is definitely on point ^^
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I would like to play as her:
I haven't come up with name yet, this character will create a lot and trying to find out how droids and system work.

As you can see, she has few items, and this is my ideas for it:
- Gas mask, it’s quite old model, however, many parts are missing.
- Finger prosthesis, she made it herself from metal garbage.
- Bracelet on her hand is part of the prosthesis. It controls the work of the mechanical fingers, so my character can move them. The mechanism of this thing is embedded in her body.
I would like to play as her:
View attachment 855526
I haven't come up with name yet, this character will create a lot and trying to find out how droids and system work.

As you can see, she has few items, and this is my ideas for it:
- Gas mask, it’s quite old model, however, many parts are missing.
- Finger prosthesis, she made it herself from metal garbage.
- Bracelet on her hand is part of the prosthesis. It controls the work of the mechanical fingers, so my character can move them. The mechanism of this thing is embedded in her body.
Nice drawing!
Will we get a CS to follow or will it be left open-ended? Also, characters are exclusively supposed to be some sort of human or mechanical or hybrid of the two, right?
Will we get a CS to follow or will it be left open-ended? Also, characters are exclusively supposed to be some sort of human or mechanical or hybrid of the two, right?
I'll post a CS template (mostly the usual stuff like background, personality etc.) but feel free to make your own if you want to.

And yeah, the characters can be human, cyborg and anything in-between. If you want something different, then we can make that happen too! As long as it fits the setting more or less.

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