• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy World Of Entertainment (WOE)



New Year's Eve. A day where people of all ages from all walks of life around the world anticipated the New Year.

Many were out or staying home, enjoying themselves with their loved ones and friends and counting down to the New Year with each of their own unique traditions, though there were some who were simply contented with staring at their choice of electronic device's screen, (computers/laptops/ipads/phones/etc) all fixed on a certain website with the logo of a 3D globe spinning in the center of the screen. Staring so intently as if it would make the globe spin faster or something... would appear.


It was now seconds away from midnight. As people watched the seconds tick by, various emotions came to be expressed. Excitement; for the year to come. Impatient; to see what the new year would bring. Restless; being uneasy about the new year or boredom from thinking it would just be another year to get through. Annoyance; wondering why time always seemed to slow down at a moment they didn't want it to. Love; for the love ones standing by their side, wondering if they would stay together for the rest of their life.

Midnight strikes. Fireworks went off outside followed by chorus of cheers, the spinning 3d globe slowed to a stop before opening up like a pair of twin doors revealing the one thing people around the world most anticipated annually.

On an island the world was oblivious about,
a man seated comfortably in his office chair watched the events unfold before his eyes as WOE's application form was released into the Outside World.

"Let the games, BEGIN." He declared

and begin, it did...


Day 1 : WOE

Applications Are Here

When midnight struck on the 1st of January, WOE's application form was revealed with a stunning performance hosted by our all-time favorite POI Vincent and the adorable Oceane. The charming twins ZIG ZAC performed their newly released album that we saw a teaser of the previous week. On that day, millions of people had apparently been waiting for the release so now we have close to a billion over applications and it's only noon now...



With the last day of the applications approaching, the applications are going in like crazy causing a bit of a lag on the website. News of the number of applications were released by Vincent this morning on the news channel. The number comes close to a trillion applications. There still has been no signs of slowing since Day 1. At this rate we could be expecting a few trillion applications...

Day 3 : Last Day

Of Applications

The last day of the applications is here! At midnight tonight the application will disappear once again and it will be at least a week before we will have news on the new chosen ones. Anyways, ZIC ZAG's new album is now out for sale in the stores. For those hardcore fans out there, WOE is giving a special New Year's 15% discount on their album worldwide for a limited amount of time only. So what are you waiting for? Go grab them at any music store now! ...

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DAY 1 | Kyrie "Rai" Bellerose | Location : Barcelona

It was still the night of New Year's Eve, and it seems to bless the new year, white specks of snow started to fall onto the streets of Barcelona. As if to completely cover up the events which had occurred within the year, and to start anew. She was a coffee shop, in the corner of the room, swaying to the unique indie tune that was currently on. The shop was right across from the dance studio where she taught, but she had never been here, she had left and escaped towards here after her last student had to go and leave for a new year's party. It had been quite a surprise when she found the coffee shop still open, but having nothing else to do and wanting some warmth from the snow, she went in and ordered herself a cup of hot chocolate. It was cozy inside there, she had even took off her white coat, hat, and mittens, as it was getting too hot.

As the clock ticked closer towards midnight, the owner, a man in his 30s had come out and turned on the TV. With nothing else to do, she watched with him. She felt no reaction other than enjoyment from the show. And, anticlimactically, she left the coffee shop, and came back home towards her 1LDK apartment, with her pug energetically welcoming her. For the whole day on New Year's she had spent her time at home relaxing, and playing with her pug, and watching TV.
Luis Perez

12:01 AM, 1st of January

Somewhere in Brasilia

A man, sitting in his room, was one of the only ones not celebrating the new year. Instead, he was keeping to himself, furiously typing away at a keyboard as he does so often. It took a long while, and many, many paragraphs later, for him to finally finish with his work: his POI application. Yes, even though he had little to no chance and knew the odds, Luis Perez didn't care. He was going to make it to the World of Entertainment, or at least try. After all, as far as he knows, it would never hurt to submit an application.

Kazuhiko Fujiwara

January 1st, 07:15 A.M,

A shrine, Ginza-cho, Tokyo

It's New Year. A time where many people were celebrating the coming of a new year. Shrines were loaded with people, either they came to enjoy the festival, having a date, or praying. In front of an offertory box, a man was praying intently. He then put some money inside the offertory box, and then clapped his hands. After bowed slightly, he then turned around and walked away. He saw that the shrines was crowded, and smiled at the sight of it. He stretched his body out, and then heard a woman voice called him. "Kazu, wait for me!"

The man, Kazuhiko Fujiwara, saw a young woman in a kimono was running toward him. He waved his hand and then smiled at her.
"Miyu-rin, so you come here too. And, wow, you're beautiful .You should wear kimono more often." The woman, Hozuka Miyu, smiled at him, blushed a little from Kazuhiko's praise. "B-baka. This is a special event. I need to pay my respect too, you know. Beside, mom forces me to wear this. It's a bit uncomfortable tho. Walk me home, will ya?" Kazuhiko smiled and nodded at her. He then reached out his hand and grabbed Miyu's hand. They were childhood friend, and their live next to each other.

"It's a surprise to see you around, Kazu. Do you take a vacation? Oh, and I heard from auntie that you sent and application to those idol company." Kazuhiko smiled and nodded. "Well, It's an opportunity, why not take it, right?"
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Cordelia Aldrich

January 1st, 1:00 AM - USA

Finally, it was New Years day and Cordelia couldn't have been happier about it. Just hours ago she'd been a part of their state's Philharmonic Orchestra's New Year's Eve concert. Under normal circumstances, she would have had a blast, but not this time. Her father had been the guest conductor and her mother a featured soloist. They had managed to turn a normally stress free event into a nightmare for her and she was sure, now more than ever, that she had to get away from them. She wasn't even all that significant in the ensemble. She was just another violinist playing her part except her father had spent every other minute of every rehearsal correcting her posture and telling her what she was doing wrong while her mother kept harassing her about her appearance. Even though she was meticulous about every aspect of her life, they were never satisfied. As soon as they reached their home, Cordelia bounded up the stairs to her room, sat down at her computer and filled out the WOE application form. Before she knew it, she was hitting the send button and she found herself wishing with all her might that she would get in. She had a feeling that this would be her one chance to live her life for herself.
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The Archdiocese of Naples...

Outside of the famous Cathedral, bright flashes of light peppered the air. In front of the Cathedral's doors were several lighting and wind machines as well as a translucent mat upon which stood a locally well-known opera singer. The singer would be doing a play based upon the Cathedral's History in a couple of months, and had commissioned the photographer on the fly when she'd heard that she'd be passing through after arriving by ship. She'd wanted a perfect image for a poster, and hearing of the Photographer's presence basically assured her who would be taking such pictures.

Ms. Walnutch walked around the set, shouting orders for the singer as she snapped picture after picture with her camera.

"You are a gentle moth, Fraulein!" Ms. Walnutch repeated in an insanely heavy German accent "Do not fight ze breeze but let it guide ju! It maneuvers your wings to provide a gentle contrast to the ze quick but elegant motions of your body!"

The singer moved as best she could, the people operating the wind machine making adjustments at every flinch of Ms. Walnutch's hand.

As she continued shouting her orders, Walnutch considered the time constraints. The singer had sprung it on her almost immediately after she'd checked into a hotel, but the opportunity to hunt for picture perfection using the Singer's magnificent gentle, but steady physique was too tempting to pass up.

After several more rounds of orders she finally halted them all "Stop! Zis photo-shoot is complete." Walnutch snapped her fingers and the crew immediately began turning off their equipment as the Singer donned a robe and quickly made her way to the German woman.

"So how do you think they came out?" she asked in her best attempt at English

"Ze will be fine," Walnutch stated "I will send you ze copies after I have returned to my hotel room. You may prepare my payment for tomorrow, Fraulein. Now, I go!"

And with a wave of her hand the Photographer was walking off, the camera dangling from a strap around her neck while she quickly pulled a cigarette holder from her sleeve and departed.

New York City...

In stark contrast to the flashiness of Ms. Walnutch's time in Naples, the standard looking apartment we find are next character in was almost bland looking. Higgson Malts lounged back in a plain looking couch staring up towards the ceiling as smoke leaked out of his mouth from the cigar he'd been puffing, a frown adorning his features as he idly played with a pen as he layed there.

He had more than enough money to buy a penthouse somewhere nicer, but honestly hated the sheer amount of people in those areas. Basic places like this were much less prone for paparazzi if you knew how to hide, and luckily Higgs was more than accustomed to going on the down low whenever he wasn't with a client.

The tall blonde grumbled a bit before sitting up and glaring at the clock, he'd ordered a pizza some time before and would be damned if he didn't have a full tougne-lashing waiting for the delivery boy if he dared to be a second late.

So he leaned back, quietly mulling over new insults as he stared at the ceiling once more.

Two days after the applications closed...

'The Reply' email from WOE has arrived. Some opens it in excitement only to cry the next moment while some faints and others panics for reasons unknown.

So, how did you fair?

Send New Email
New Email Received
Send New Email
New Email Received

Audition/Interview Results

Dear (your name),

Thank you for your keen participation in our annual auditions/interviews. WOE is proud to extend a warm invitation for you to join us at our headquarters for further training.

Before you make your decision, we would like to inform that contacting of people considered as outsiders of WOE will not be an option the moment you come on board with us. Outsiders includes family members, lovers, friends, etc. As long as they are not an employee of the WOE they are an outsider. If you cannot do without this option you are advised to reject our offer.

Please inform us of your decision via replying to this email with a simple yes or no by midnight today and further arrangements will be made from there.

We look forward to hearing from you soon and hope that you'll be able to join us.

Best regards,


January 2nd

As the New Years had ended she began to get back to work. Finally parting with her pug, after 10 minutes, she waved saying her goodbye, and giving her pug a kiss. Once again she walked the cold streets of Barcelona, and headed towards the dance studio, today, business was still slow, with only a couple of student there to stay for short before going back to spend more time with their families. And once again she found herself spending time in the coffee shop. Now it was filled with more life than the day before as there were workers as well as some customers who came and went. She sat in the same corner as she did yesterday, this time she wanted to try something different, and decided to call over the owner she saw yesterday to recommend her a drink. Recommending cafe con leche, she immediately ordered it. She wasn't much of a coffee expert, she mostly preferred hot chocolate. So, she was surprised by the taste as it wasn't a strong taste that she was used to with coffee. It also warmed her up completely. She tried taking small sips little by little, but she had ended up finishing the whole cup within a few minutes. She wanted another, but right now she wondered if it was alright spending more money, as she still had her stinginess from being penniless in her high school years.

Seeing this the owner smiled and gave her another cup. "It's on the house Mrs. Bellerose." He said. Delighted she mentally cheered in her mind, looking over at the middle aged man. "Hmm? How do you know my name?" She asked, raising an eyebrow, as she stopped herself from picking up the cup. "Well I guess you could say I knew your mother. She used to come here frequently after her classes were over." He explained. "She always ordered cafe con leche, and talk about you."

"...Ah, I see." She let out, with a pause before responding, and nodded. Though she was silent there had been many questions which jumbled her mind. *Were you close to her?* Or, *What sort of relationship did you guys had?* And, *Did you know...* But she couldn't bring herself to ask, making an awkward silence between them. Breaking it, the other said. "So, are you going to apply for it? You know, for WOE? Since the broadcast last night, most of the customers are talking about applying."

In response she muttered. "Well...I'm not really sure. To be honest I've never thought about it."

"Hmm, then I guess if that's what you want. Though I heard from your mother you were a great dancer as well as a teacher, she was always going on about how proud she was of you." With that said the old man soon left to take care of his other duties. After he left, she was finally able to take a sip of her coffee, this time conserving the cup until it had gotten cold. Once she was done she soon went up towards the counter, ready to pay for her other cup of coffee. With the man's words in her mind. Not just that, but the streets of Barcelona were filled with people and other things hinting towards the WOE auditions. Heck when she got home and turned on the TV, it was filled with that. Frustrated she turned it off and buried her face on her pillow. *Ugh, no get it out of your head. There's no way I'm gonna make it anyway!* She told herself. But she couldn't help herself. The time soon passed midnight and it was 4AM, January 3rd. She couldn't sleep. In the end she told her self. *Since there's no way I'm going to get accepted...* She ended up filling an application.


Being her day off she had just turned on her laptop, checking her usual social media, and emails to catch up with some friends and acquaintances. However one particular email caught her sight. An email titles 'Audition/Interview Results' the sender being WOE. Not thinking much, as she had already assumed there was no way she was going to be accepted she decided to check it and move on. But after opening the email she stared at it long and hard. Reading it in many ways possible, right side up, upside down, zoomed in, etc. It was all the same. She had unexpectedly gotten accepted. There was a choice saying she could decline, but...the reason really didn't matter with her, though there was just one thing. Still in disbelief she typed out a simple reply which had said.

"Can I bring my pet pug?"
Luis unceremoniously crashed onto his bed and fell asleep after he had sent his application. He had dreamt of everyone finding out he wasn't accepted into the World of Entertainment, and thinking he was a failure because of it. His mother was beating him again, as he helplessly endured what she dished out. Hitting him with her empty beer bottles. Calling him a piece of shit with no chance of getting anywhere in life. It had awoken him in his sleep; he was sweating bullets. He couldn't go back to bed. Not after that flashback.

He got up and waddled over to his bathroom. He brushed his teeth, washed his face, showered, got ready for the day ahead of him, even though it was only four in the morning. He spent the next two days doing nothing of importance, and can be summed up with eating and surfing the internet. However, on that second day, he received an eMail from the World of Entertainment. Luis hesitantly opened it, thinking it was definitely something along the lines of "thank you for participating, but we apologize that you were not accepted."

It wasn't.

Luis had to read it a few time before he could grasp what was happening. This was amazing! He had no family or friends to go to, so there was no reason at all for him to decline the offer. He was more than likely going to become famous, and give more people the chance to read his books. He accepted their offer with a simple "Yes!", although he would've written multiple paragraphs about how grateful he was.
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The man bit down on his cigarette a little as his eyes scanned the message sent to him. He'd had no illusion that someone with his track record would be declined, so it came less as a surprise and more as a formality. So no contact with anyone who wasn't part of their gig, huh?

Higgs took a moment to think, was there really not a single person who he'd miss if he joined up? What about the previous clients he'd had who developed into famous characters over time with his assistance?

Welp, most of them had gotten drunk off their own hype and ditched him almost immediately after going big. Decided they deserved more than he could offer, that he had no right to haggle them anymore. Then they'd cut him off and end up driving their careers into the ground half the time, eventually fading away to make room for other stars. Then those ones would eventually fade sooner or later, letting the merciless life cycle of fame continue over and over again... he never blamed

So no, former clients were out of the question... family?

Higgs found himself at a public payphone several blocks from his current residence, tapping a finger on it impatiently as rain coated the parka he'd wrapped around himself. After trying the number a few times with his angry mutterings rising, it finally got through.

"Hello?" came a tired voice

"Will, its me..." Higgs responded loudly to overtake the sound of the rain "just wanted to call you up to see how you were doing."

He could hear his younger brother chuckling, albeit in a tired tone "Aw, Higgsy! How have things been going down in your neck of the woods ol' brother of mine. I hear that pop band you were working on has hit a bit of a stumble in their ratings, wouldn't happen to know what happened to those little ladies now would you?"

Higgs knew enough about his brother to not give him too much useable information, so he'd keep his wordings short "A family tragedy for one of them, I'm sure their just mourning for a bit."

"That's terrible!" Higgs could hear the smirk Wilson wore at the sound of that "Maybe you should reconnect with them, ya know? Just to help them out with-"

"Listen Will, I didn't call you to talk about my work..."

"Oh fine, so what would my dearest older brother wish to speak to me about?"

"I may be going away for a while... just wanted to know what you were up to."

"Welp, still on house arrest, but my time's almost up. Once done I'll pretty much be through with Massachusetts, probably hit up Florida next."

"How's Mom?"

"Still dead big bro, still dead." Wilson replied

Higgs grumbled, he hadn't planned on getting stuck on the phone with him for this long. But at least he'd gotten his point across. He and his brother had been on distant terms since that issue with one of his former clients. Wilson was not much for apologies, so the two had kept distant for years. That didn't mean they stopped keeping tabs on each other. Wilson went out of his way to keep up with all the actors, models and singers Higgs had managed, while Higgs kept track of all the crimes he knew his brother had committed across the world which included the ones he hadn't been caught for.

And now here he was, about to sever that little ritual of theirs.

"I just wanted to say goodbye. I don't really know when or if I'll be able to get in contact with you again."

"Oh really? How interesting..." Higgs raised an eyebrow as he waited "Well, can't do anything about it from here now can I?"

Higgs almost jerked the phone from his ear at the statement, this was far different than what he'd been expecting.

"Hope you have fun... wherever you end up." Wilson replied with a chuckle "I'll be waiting for you bro, as soon as you get back."

The line went dead at that statement, Higgs placed the phone back on the hook and began making his way down the street. Grumbling at his brother's choice of words, he decided that no, there wasn't a single person he'd consider staying for.


Laughing... laughing which echoed down the halls of the five star hotel and originated from one of the rooms which had its door wide open. In the doorway stood a young girl, looking inside with a face marked with concern as she watched. Inside, a chair lay on its side and a small parcel of photos lay open a desk. Also upon this desk was a computer, one whose monitor light silhouetted the figure of Ms. Walnutch perfectly in the dark as she laughed.

She'd been this way since reading the reply.

"Ma'am?" the girl had said, too timid too think of a way to interrupt her superior's bout of entertainment "A-Are you-?"

"Coco!" Ms. Walnutch turned around almost immediately

Her assistant flinched, but soon clasped her hands together as Ms. Walnutch walked over "Why are you-?"

"Because, dear coco," Ms. Walnutch said before wrapping her arm around the girl and pulling her into a side hug "my talents have been recognized. I vill zoon be taking my leave of zis place."

Coco actually looked up with a stronger sense of worry as Walnutch went on "My application for ze WOE has returned to me vith open arms. I am afraid zese will be our last days together my darling protégé."

"What?!?" Coco squeaked

"A time ve both knew would come." Walnutch waved a hand before walking to her bed and sitting upon it, leaving a trembling Coco to stare at her in abject horror "Now zat I vill soon be on my vay-"


Ms. Walnutch paused in her speech and watched as Coco sputtered "Y-You can't just leave me!"

The photographer tilted her head to the side as Coco struggled not to cry, "I wanted... I wanted us to stay like this!" the girl whined "Without you, I- I don't know if I could..."

Coco looked away and took several small breaths, trying to keep herself from stuttering as the first liquid proof of her sadness began making a trail down the side of her face "Since out off Highschool... I've worked under you... I watched as you captured the beauty of everything you saw a-and I wanted to stay by your side as you worked this m-magic for years!"

Ms. Walnutch tilted her head to the side, though her eyes were covered by her trademark glasses she still bore a serious face as her assistant struggled to force more words out.

"I need you, Ma'am." Coco whispered "I need to be by your side or-or... or I have nothing!"

MS. Walnutch felt small arms being placed on her shoulders as Coco began to cry into her chest "Please don't... don't leave me..."

Coco barely got the last words out before letting the floodgates open, and began sobbing openly into her mentor and boss's chest. The thought of being abandoned by the photographer was simply too much for her.

Ms. Walnutch patted the girl on the head as she cried, humming in order to soothe her. Finally, Coco's sobs died to soft whines, at which point Ms. Walnutch raised her free hand and removed her glasses.

"You do know zat I cannot take ze risk of losing zis opportunity." Ms. Walnutsh said matter-of-factly, to which Coco replied by looking into her eyes and trying to form words

"I don't know if you just *sniffle* just don't want me-"

"Zat could not be farzer from ze truth..." Ms. Walnutch interrupted before continuing to pat her assistant on her head "I could not zink of a better replacement for me zan one who has studied and learned of my methods such as yourself."

Coco's eyes widened, "What?" she could barely speak

"I may not be able to reach ze outside world for quite some time," Walnutch continued before cracking a sad smile "There vill always be ze risk of my failure within this institution, in zat event I wish for you t take up my mantel."

"You don't-"

"I do," Ms. Walnutch stated with a look of sincerity "Coco, you are one of my greatest accomplishments. Ze rate at vhich your skill vith ze camera has grown trumps even my own development. I could zink of no ozer more fitted to follow ze picture perfection of ze world."

As she said that, MS. Walnutch grabbed her camera, which still hung from her neck. And as Coco looked up, unable to decide whether this was the best or worst moment of her life, the pohtogrpher placed her camera in the gril's hands.

Before Coco could even try to comment, her mentor had wrapped her in a bear hug. After a moment of stunned stillness, Coco silently returned it as her tears started to slow by only the smallest amount.

"For ze days up until ze moment I depart, I vould like to spend as much of my time left vith my darling protégé." Ms. Walnutch said "Would she like to grant zis old patron of Pictures zis final request."

Coco still ached with the knowledge of her mentor leaving her, but knowing of the responsibility Walnutch had entrusted her with bolstered her spirit. And with the camera which now hung from her neck, she knew a piece of Walnutch would be with her forever. So even though the thought of losing her made Coco feel like sobbing some more, she tried to look strong as she looked into her Mentor's eyes.


Kazuhiko Fujiwara

January 2nd, 09:25 A.M,

Kafehouse, Shopping District, Ginza-cho, Tokyo

It's the second day of the year. On a coffee shop, Kazuhiko was seen taking orders from a customers that came to the shop. "Ah, so it's double espresso and hot chocolate? Okay, here are your receipts and change, and please wait at that table for your order. Happy New Year, and have a nice day!" Kazuhiko then bowed slightly and then turned around to make the customer's order. The smell of coffee, chocolate, and freshly baked cookies were filling the air, and in this cold season, a cup of coffee was enough to make yourself warm, andsure thing, Kazuhiko's place were crowded with people.

Just then, he saw Miyu running outside, and she fell, as the floor was slippery. Kazuhiko and some of his customers chuckled a bit, and he then walked outside to help his friend. "Be careful, Miyu-rin. Why do you run anyway? It's not ladylike, you know." Miyu, her face was blushed because of shame, vented out her shame by hitting Kazuhiko's head with the envelope that she brought. "Baka! If it's not important I won't run! Ugh, my butt's hurt... You must take responsibility!" Kazuhiko quickly turned his head and then flicked Miyu's forehead. "Hey, people will think weird if you say it like that. Aish, this girl...Anyway, what's in that envelope?" Miyu quickly opened the envelope and took out a piece of paper and opened it in front of Kazuhiko's face. "Ja-jan! You're accepted! Haha, I figure that you don't have time to open your e-mail, so I checked it out for you." Kazuhiko, filled with joy suddenly hugged her and kissed her cheek, not realizing Miyu's blushing face. Miyu then hugged him back before letting herself go. "Congratulations, Kazu. I'm proud of you..."
Cordelia was having a violin lesson with her father, and she had to admit that she'd rather be anywhere else. As far as she could tell, there was nothing wrong with her playing, but her father kept accusing her of putting too much feeling into the music. Whatever that meant.

"Start over." he snapped at her for the umpteenth time.

At this point she was beyond frustrated, but she knew that if she were to show it in any way it would affect her playing and she would never be free to go. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she willed herself to play the piece perfectly this time. Instead of playing from memory she stared at the music on the stand in front of her and followed the rhythms and markings on the paper. This time she made it all the way through the piece without interruption and when she was done she felt empty. The normal ecstasy that she got from playing wasn't there and she cringed inwardly as she regarded the smile on her father's face.

"Well done, Cordelia. That was virtually flawless." he laughed "I knew you had it in you. Just keep playing like that and you might be able to catch up to your mother and I someday."

Cordelia gave him a small smile as she turned to place her violin in it's case. I've got to get out of here. She thought to herself as she took her leave and headed for her room. She took a seat on her bed and pulled a hand through her silver hair in frustration as she thought about how getting into WOE was her only chance. She looked over at her computer from where she sat and debated whether she should check her email or not. She wanted to know if she'd made it, but she was afraid of finding out that she hadn't.

After a while, she forced herself to get up and check her email. She gasped, holding her breath as she forced herself to click on the email from WOE. She released the breath she'd been holding as she reads the words "join us at our headquarters for further training" and a feeling of relief spreads through her when she reads that she will not be allowed contact with anyone outside of the island. She quickly responded 'Yes' to the email before sitting back in her chair in disbelief. This was what she'd wanted and she was not disappointed with the way she felt at the moment. No matter what life threw at her from now on, she knew she'd never regret the choice she'd made. And that was her comforting thought as she began to typed up the letter she would leave for her parents when she left.

For WOE Agents only:

The following day at midnight. The return email from WOE arrives in your mailbox.

Send New Email
New Email Received
Send New Email
New Email Received

Re: Audition/Interview Results

Dear (your name),

We have received your confirmation and will send an escort over to your place tomorrow morning, 4am. We apologize for the rush and advise packing clothes for summer weather and chilly nights of at least a month's worth. You are encouraged to leave behind all electronic gadgets as you will not be needing them.

We shall see you soon. Have a pleasant night.

Best regards,


It's time to leave your old life behind and start anew...

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Name/Nickname: Rai

Position/job: Choreographer / Make up Artist

Location: Barcelona

Right after sending her response email she immediately squealed, and rolled on the bed, soon hugging Juliette, her pet pug. After calming down for an hour was she to realize she was tired, and blacked out. The day after she had soon took the chance to tell her students about her closing the dance studio. Although it was abrupt, they all ended up cheering her on, and some of them even forced her into having dinner with them. But she didn't mind it, she loved party's though she soon realized she might be a little sad that she'll have to leave. But there was no turning back now, at first she thought she would've never gotten in. Chances like these don't come often, and she was going to grab it. While finally escaping the grasps of her students and friends after having a couple of shots to drink, though she was still fresh as she had already decided to quit everything, even drinking, years ago.

She stopped by the neighborhood flower shop, and bought a bouquet of bluebells, and called a taxi to take her to the closest graveyard. Knowing exactly where she was going she went towards a grave stone, and swept the pile of snow around it, and placed the bouquet at the front. "It seems that I won't be able to come by here often..." She said, and soon paused to recollect her thoughts, and laughed, as she knelt by the grave for a very long time, unable to part from it. But soon she felt her phone vibrate. She had received mail and smiled. Showing the screen towards the grave. "You see, my life has turned towards an unexpected way." She chuckled, soon pulling up the acceptance email on her phone, and continued to chat. "I'll be going here for the next few months or so, as a choreographer. I'm not really sure how long I'll be gone, but I'll make sure to visit once I have the chance."

With nothing else to say she stood up, ready to leave. "Well I guess that's all the time I have for now. See you later mom." Leaving the graveyard, she called for another taxi to take her home, as went ahead and sent an 'ok' mail.
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As stated in the email, a pair of young adults show up at 4am sharp on your doorstep. One male and one female.

They confirm your identity with a portrait of you that had been given to them and greet you pleasantly before introducing themselves as escorts of WOE and to confirm it, they show you a card with the unmistakable 3D logo of WOE. A one of a kind card that cannot be imitated no matter how hard people try. The escorts spots your luggages and helps you with them before ushering you into a sleek black car. If you asked "Where are we going?" or anything similar, your answer would be a smile and a simple short phrase. "You'll know soon."

The three of you soon arrives at the airport and are shown to a path you never knew existed in an airport. Identification and security checks are done and any electronic devices found on you are confiscated. You are guided through a long narrow corridor to the private lanes where a small jet is parked. You are led to it by the female escort while the male escort follows behind talking into a translucent earpiece in codes you don't understand as he scans the surroundings as if an attack could be made at any second.


You enter the jet to see posh leather seats and a small sized screen on both sides of you located between and above the leather chairs. Once you've taken your seat the escorts sits opposite you and waits for the take off. They begin a light-hearted conversation with you while waiting, though avoided any questions you had regarding WOE with a smile and "You'll be informed of everything you need to know later."

A few minutes later, the take-off commences and you are in the air before you know it. It was a smooth ride and you find yourself falling asleep or continuing the conversation with the escorts (or doing whatever you do on a jet).

An hour later, you arrive at the destination. Looking out the window you see a vast amount of land with patches of dirt and grass here and there. As you are escorted out the jet you find the words 'Ben Gurion Airport' on the wide building in front of you.

"Welcome to Israel!" The escorts says upon noticing you staring at the words.

You are quickly ushered into the building into a private waiting area where others seemingly like you are waiting with their escorts. Your guess was proven right when your escorts encourage you to talk to the other 'new WOE Agent recruits'.


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