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Realistic or Modern WoodFall, our beautiful town

WoodFall is known for many things, the history, the landscape, the economy, the tourist traps... You get the point, but what the town is really known for is the stories. Gifted humans had been exposed years ago and everyone knew their existence, that was 100 years ago. These creatures are now legends that everyone tells to the little kids to scare them, funny thing is, there are certain rumors about their existence and all those rumors come from WoodFall. The scientist made a special device that can see if there is that magical and powerful something The gifted have and all the results came positive in WoodFall. No one knows who is gifted and who is not but we all know they are in WoodFall.

Teens go to high school in WoodFall high, they have no idea if they live with gifted every day or not
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It was a warm sunny say in WoodFall. Most people would think everything in the town was perfect and normal but everyone had their secrets, some darker than others. A lot of tourists had arrived and they are still coming hoping to see a gifted human or something else. But no one was that lucky and most people left disappointed or full of lies they would tell their friends about the gifted they found. Just like another typical day in WoodFall. The kids were enjoying their Sunday as much as they could before they had to go to school the next day.

Elizabeth grabbed the last box and started to unpack, she had been in the town for a short time and she already missed her home. She was tired of all those tourist coming to try to see the gifted like they were freaks or monsters. It wasn't like that and Elizabeth knew it but there was nothing she could do to change that. She heard a couple of knocks in her door and a familiar voice calling her name, Elizabeth rolled her eyes and stopped unpacking

"Come in"

The door opened and her uncle stepped inside her room

"Hey Lizzy, how are you?"


"Are you sure?"



"I said I'm fine!"

"Ok..ok... School starts tomorrow"


"Are you exited?"


"I don't blame you, I never liked school either. Listen, why don't you go out and try to meet some people? So you have a couple of friends tomorrow "

"No thanks, I have to go to work anyways"

"You have a job? That's great Lizzy! Were is it?"

"In the video game store near here"

"Do you want me to drive you?"

"No , I'll walk"

Elizabeth left the house in a hurry and walked towards the store
June sat on bench in town, writing in her notebook. She wanted to start a new story. She already had written three novels before. One was just a single novel, and the two were part of the same series. June longed to get the books published, but didn't have the money for it. She was trying to find some inspiration in town, for the new book she'd write. She watched as people walked by. Some tourists were searching for the so-called gifted in town. June didn't know if the rumors were true or not, but if they were, she had never seen a gifted person, and she lived here. June tapped her pencil and pursed her lips, in full concentration.

Dakota Greystone was walking through his favorite trail in the woods. He walked down this way at least once a week, and often more times. It was a place he went to brood and think about things. Dakota was always thinking. About anything and everything. And today, he was specifically concentrating on the increase of tourists. He could barely use his power anywhere without someone seeing now. It was frustrating. Dakota bit his lip for a moment and looked around, seeing if there was anyone nearby. He didn't spot anybody, so he ignited small little flames on his fingers then made them disappear. He did the continuously as he went on his walk.
Steven was sitting just down the street from June with his acoustic guitar, playing Sweet Child O Mine. He loved music and he was just jamming by himself, humming the lyrics of the song to himself. Steven enjoyed playing for the towns people and for himself, he refused to take any donations from people who passed. Occasionally he would get small crowds. He had 3 people listening to him now, a young couple were dancing slightly to the song, while an older gentlemen listened and watched.
Elizabeth passed a guy playing the guitar while walking to the store, she smiled when she heard the song and continued walking, she started humming the song softly as she reached the store and opened the door. Her new boss gave her the uniform and she changed in the bathroom. Her uniform was a blue t-shirt, black jeans and a little thing in her shirt that said her name. She started talking with the costumers and after 15 minutes she sold 3 video games and a controller.
(Sorry I didn't reply Beforehand! I was sleeping!) Elah was sitting in the for at as usual. She was talking with a bear. Yes a bear. She patted it's head as it layed down beside her. Her gifted powers where a calm power, if she was angry you would wish she would be the happiest person in the world, to make her stop.cbut she hardly gets angry and right now she's upset. Trees around her would lean towqrds her trying to comfort her. She's upset that the tourists keep coming to see us gifted people. She was tired of it. She wanted to live in peace and she never gets it around people.
June heard the music and glanced over at the source. She saw a guy named Steven playing Sweet Child O Mine on his guitar and she smiled. She listened for a minute, then inspiration struck her. She mish-mashed the lyrics of the song, and the towns situation of the tourists, and began to write furiously. Whenever she was inspired, she wrote all her ideas down like crazy. After a few minutes of this, the adrenaline burst faded and she set down her pencil. She looked down at her notebook and read what she had written. June smiled, satisfied, and put the notebook away in her bag to be continued later. She stood up, and was about to go home, but then decided she wanted to thank Steven for his music. She took a deep breath and walked over there, with her usual happy smiles around others. "Hey, Steven." She said sitting down next to him, as he played.

Dakota continued walking down the trail in the forest. He had gotten bored with igniting his fingertips, so now he was doing his entire hands. He watched as the flame came and went, and wondered why? Why was his family special like this? What made them like this? How long ago do these powers trace back? Suddenly he heard talking, and quickly extinguished the fire on his hand, and looked around with a pit in his stomach. He only hoped no one had saw. Then his eyes came across the source of the talking, and he froze. A girl was sitting by a bear, and talking to it. Dakota's eyes widened, and he felt his hands flame up, ever so slightly by the surprise. This was certainly not something you saw everyday. Dakota watched silently, unaware that he probably would freak the girl- and bear- out if they saw him just lingering in the shadows.
"Hey there June. Whats up?" He smiled, "I was gonna sit by you earlier, but I saw you were writing. Or maybe thinking of writing, I didn't want to break your concentration." He was on a different song now, Starlight by Slash, "What were you writing? Or thinking of writing?" Steven looked at her admiring her face and eyes for a moment, before looking back down at his guitar, blushing lightly.
June laughed and grinned, "Well I'm thinking of writing a story, but I needed inspiration. Thankfully, you were playing guitar over here, and you gave me an idea! So thank you for that!" She smiled more, and watched him, listening to the lyrics of the song. Slowly her smile faded, and she looked away. "You're really good." She glanced back at him.
"Oh thanks. This is like.. one of the few things I can do really well. Guess it kinda makes up for me being so awful at Math and Science, huh?" He grinned and continued to play, "So you wrote a story about me playing guitar? I'd like to read it some time." Steven looked back up at her. "Heck, if you could write songs, I could become super rich and famous, and you could be my writer. Like Elton John and his writer. or Meatloaf."
June laughed and nodded in agreement about his first remark. "The story is something like that. Still got a ways to go. But I think it's a good idea!" She grinned from his other statement. "And that would be really fun." She thought for a moment. "I'd love to try writing songs, that idea never crossed my mind..." She looked at him.
"Well, whenever you want, we can get together and try to write some songs." He smiled and looked at her, "Id really like to spend time with you I think, you've always seemed like a super nice person, which is always awesome. Some people can be... jerks. So like I said, its always nice to meet other nice people. Im babbling a little. Just ignore.. the...babbling."
June laughed and smirked at him, "The babbling?" She thought that was a funny word. She wanted to use that in her story, so she quickly pulled out her notebook and wrote the word down, then put her notebook away, "And I know what you mean. Most people are nice to me, but there's a couple few, that..." She shrugged slightly then continued, "And I've seen people be jerks to others. It really bugs me. But you seem really nice too, so yeah." She nodded, smiling, "I'd love to hang out. And write songs together."
"Well that sounds like a date then." Steven smiled to June and stopped playing for a moment, flexing his fingers, "Do you play any instruments? We could start a rock band." He winked then started to play again, this time just stringing together a made up song, a man passed them and nodded toward Steven, "Keep up the good music, Kid!"
June glanced over at the guy and smiled from his compliment to Steven. She looked back at over at him, "No, unfortunately, I don't play any instruments, unless you count the french horn for band in school." She reconsidered, "Well... That is an instrument, but no. I don't play any rock band instruments." She laughed nervously. "But, I could help you write songs if you were in a band!"
Elizabeth saw a small truck approaching the store and some of her co-workers opening the truck and taking some boxes out. They entered the store again and started taking some stuff out of them and putting them on the shelves, one of her co workers saw her and gave her one of the boxes for her to unpack. She opened the box and took out the first video game she saw, there were a lot of copies of that video game so Elizabeth assumed it was pretty popular. She started reading the summary and all she wanted to do was to throw the box as far as she could. The video game was about Hunting gifted people, she rolled her eyes and as much as she hated it she started putting the video game on display.
Elah patted the bear while the trees around her kept trying to come closer to comfort her. "It's okay trees. I know you want me to feel better, but I can't help but be upset." She says as more forest animals come out of the trees and closer to her.
Dakota watched in awe as animals surrounded the girl in the middle of the forest. He wasn't for sure if his eyes were playing tricks on him or not, but it almost appeared as if the trees were leaning in towards the girl as well. Hesitantly Dakota came forward from where he watched and stepped a bit closer to the girl. He was out in the open now, and would easily be seen by the girl, and all the animals.
Elah was surprised when all the animals, including the bear, ran away. Elah turned her head to see a guy around her age standing clear in the open. She stood up. "H-hello..." She says as the trees stood up straight as well, knowing she didn't want him to know.
Dakota smiled at the girl ever so softly, "Hey." He looked around, "That was quite a show... I'm sorry if I startled you... And for making all the animals run." He chuckled nervously, examining the girl. He was making assumptions. She had a power. There was no doubt. She was gifted like him. No regular human could pull a stunt like that. Biting his lip he looked at her, "Might I ask you... How did you do that? Make all the animals come to you? I'm pretty sure no one normal could do that. If you know what I mean?" He asked her, raising an eyebrow.
Elah gulped nervously and smiled. "W-well, I was born like this. Animals just like me I guess..." She said biting her lip. She fiddled with her thumbs, her heart was racing hoping that he wouldn't tell.
Dakota studied her slightly, nervousness irradiating off of her. He looked away and walked over to a tree, running his fingers across it's bark. He had an urge to ignite it, but resisted. Sometimes that happened when he touched wood, but he had gotten really good at ignoring the feeling. "You're lucky. Some animals don't really like me, for some reason." He knew they were afraid because of his power. Of course, he never meant them any harm. He glanced back over at her and frowned softly, "Don't worry, I won't tell anybody about this. I know what it's like to have to hide a big part of your life." He didn't clarify anymore, but his words hinted out that he too had a power. The girl hadn't told him she had a power, but just as he thought earlier, only someone gifted could pull that off.
Elah smiled. "Really? Thank you so much!" She said smiling. "So animals don't like you?" She said pondering to herself outload. She got an idea and smiled. "If you had to pick a favorite animal that had to be in this forest, what would it be?"
Dakota smiled softly and looked at her thinking, "Hm... Well, I really like red foxes." He admired red foxes, and he loved their color. Their fur reminded him of fire. Dakota was kind of a pyromaniac, but he could control it. He smiled a bit more at her. "How come? What are you planning on doing?"
"You'll see." she said trying to hold in her giggles of excitement. She closed her eyes and in her mind tried looking for a red fox. She found one and called it through the mind. Soon a red fox pounced out of the trees and crawled towards Elah. She picked it up and walked over to Dakota. "Ta-da!" She says petting it's head.

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