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Fandom Wonderland

(Then I shall post) 
Alex sat in a crooked bent tree, his purple cat eyes glowing faintly in the dark murky fog that surrounded the woods, in his hand he held a cup of tea and was sipping it despite it's lack of contents. He let out a long yawn and turned his head sharply when a large Bandersnatch bounded out of a nearby clearing, it's fur shook as it halted at the base of the tree and stared up at Alex.

"Oh please Bander, if you truly wished to kill me you would have by now. Go on and frolic in the wood and leave me alone."

The Bandersnatch shook it's head and swiped at Alex, who gracefully jumped over it an pulled out a long sewing needle-shaped blade and drove it through the beasts paw. He pulled it out and leaped over the beast, landing on his feet and sprinting off into the night.
SuicideXSeason said:
no it can go on lol
You sure about that? Not wanting to kill the hope or anything but I'm pretty sure it won't be easy what with all the plot holes left by the missing authors.
GrieveWriter said:
You sure about that? Not wanting to kill the hope or anything but I'm pretty sure it won't be easy what with all the plot holes left by the missing authors.
We shall start anew friend
I will as soon as possible 
Amelia noticed a boy sitting in a tree alone drinking some tea she tilted her head as her purple hair fell into her eyes she walked over to him with the chainsaw in her hand clenched tightly she looked up at Alex smiling wickedly. "Who are you?!" she said raising an eyebrow looking at the unfamiliar looking face.
"You know I was so pleasantly surprised when Bubba actually brought you here, it was downright pleasing to see the big lug accomplish such a thing!"

Ollie was crouched down, balancing on the edge of a cart. Tied up inside the cart was none other than The Mad Hatter, who chuckled as a four eyed clown strapped him to the cart.

"Now I know what your thinking, is this going to end badly for you?..... Yes... yes it is."

"But Ollie good man, why would you plan on hurting your buddy!" the Hatter chortled as he leaned towards the skeleton jester

Ollie placed a bony hand on the Hatter's head and sighed in thought, "You didn't invite me to Coffee cake day," Ollie stated "and you know how much I love my coffee cake dear Hatter."

"I could have another Coffee Cake day! Why put restraints on a good time?"

"The same reason I'm not holding back with this!" Ollie said as he stood and leaped off the cart.

He plummeted through a cloud and into a floating canoe with a wheel on it and blood seeping out of its base, then produced a megaphone "Alright people, it's looking good!"

He was flying through a massive roller coaster floating through the sky, many deformed and mutated clowns were trying to keep it held together. Many fell off and plunged to their deaths, but continued a chorus of various laughter.

He drove the floating canoe all around the massive floating roller coaster, puffing out his chest with pride. It was simple really, he had made it the same way he had made the Flying Dark Carnival. Although one could see it was much more ramshackle than the dark carnival was, it looked much more hastily built.

"Mr. Hatter, for the brief insult you've made me suffer through!" Ollie said as he placed a hand to his forehead in mock drama "You are sentenced to death. But since I'm so gracious, it shall be death... BY FUN!"

The clowns maintaining the Roller Coaster whooped and hollered in approval along with the Hatter himself as he bounced in his soon to be coffin in delight.

"Now this coaster is supposed to continuously speed up till we can finally use you as ammunition. Once you're going fast enough, we're firing you directly into..."

Ollie paused for a moment as he looked around, he smirked when he found a perfect target "That Mountain over there!" he said while pointing towards the offending mountain "Bubba, start us off!!!"

Behind the Hatter's cart stood the massive squat clown who slowly put both of his massive hands on the back of his cart.

A single shove started off the coaster, the Hatter's wild laughter filling the air as he sped through the massive coaster's wild twists and turns.

Ollie wiped a single tear from his skeletal eyes "I so do love bringing laughter to the masses." he said before cackling

"Bruce, get us into firing position!" Ollie shouted

A one-armed clown began working with two others to set the flying roller coaster on course for the mountain.

The massive floating structure began slowly heading in that direction.


Every moment he existed, was constantly filled with idiots.

That was the mantra Wesker repeated to himself as he floated through the woods. Nothing but idiots... entertaining idiots but idiots all the same.

He paused for a moment and turned around, immediately forgetting his mantra as the massive flying Roller Coaster drifted along through the sky.

It was the Jester obviously, at least he had something to do other than being bored.

Wesker vanished in a poof of smoke that began drifting towards the flying structure.
Alex looked down at Amelia.

"I am Alex Hatter M'lady" He tipped his hat and then jumped from the tree and landed gracefully onto the ground with a small poof. "And uh whom might you be?" He looked uneasily at the chain saw and his hand wrapped tightly around the hilt of his sewing needle rapier.
Amelia smiled at Alex and held the chainsaw behind her back "I'm Amelia" she spoke holding out her hand as her purple hair fell into her face
Alex shook her hand and then brushed his long curly red hair out of his eyes

"Well met Ms. Amelia" he had a bit of a mix between a Scottish and a British accent

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