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Fantasy Wonderland

Winter shuddered and her whole body trembled a moment then she shook her head and relaxed knowing she had delivered the documents and she finally realized what Whitney had said about March " The Queen can't just banish March! " she said and frowned but she knew it was better than March dying... Though it really wouldn't have happened, the Queen never did that and she snorted... March still was banished and she glanced up to see Jameson and Cheshire floating around and she tilted her head
"Oh, yes. Fancy." Jameson sighed, dipping his head in greeting. "what might you be up to now Cheshire?" He raised his eyebrow questioningly. @Chief Shiro
" mmm well. I suppose I'm just bidding my time till all this roles overi must say though I was quite fond of that rabbit." He said looking in the direction of the others.
"At least the queen didn't ask Ace to cut off her head, since she still needs March alive. Because out of all of us rabbits, March is the strongest. The queen also needs me too, since I am the fastest rabbit here. You on the other hand, well. The queen may ended up cutting off your head if you don't deliver those documents on time, Winter." said Whitney.

Whitney looked at Jameson and Chesh talking to each other, since they were both very interested when she ended up arriving here.
"Was? What happened to change your mind?" Jameson leaned back against the tree trunk. "Or is something happening? Or will something happen?" @Chief Shiro
" I delivered them alright! " Winter snapped and shuddered for a third time, she hated that Whitney wouldn't stop talking about how she could lose her head and she threw a suger cube at Whitney, she whined quietly and his under the table... She didn't like the thought of dying
"Alright I will stop, Winter." said Whitney, since she doesn't want Winter to be sad. Because of her keep saying that Winter is going to die if she doesn't deliver those documents. 'I just don't want you to leave me alone, Winter. Since March is already banished by the queen, and Orange Rabbit is dead.' thought Whitney, since she does care about protecting her friends.
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" the queens dog has arrived to retrieve his bones. Retaliation now would throw an axe in the rebellions operations." He sighed and laid his head back as he floated around. After a brief moment of sincere stress, Cheshire smiled "what am I saying? I don't need her all that much, there are plenty of other toys around wonderland. Like you! Oh jamie~ you always were my favorite! Always so quiet. It just makes me wanna crack open that head if yours and see what floats around!" Cheshire stretched and rolled onto his stomach.
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Winter peaked out from under the table and threw a biscuit at Cheshire, it bounced of fb the glass and she threw another, she wanted to see if it would get him attention.
Jameson sighed yet again. "Again your charm becomes you Cheshire. But it seems someone might be needed you, much more than me I'm afraid." He looked behind at the glass, meeting the black rabbit's eyes. @wolfborn4 @Chief Shiro
Chesh followed his gaze until he met that of winter. " ah yes her..." Chesh floated to the edge of glass wall and smiled as he made contact with her. He said nothing but simply waved from the other side of the glass.
Winter blinked and waved, she could hear them even though their voices where muffled by the glass and she giggled a but... For a minute she was actual Let having fun, or it was just the madness swirling around her that messed with her brain, she threw another biscuit
Chesh turned back to Jameson with a smile of utmost amusement. "It seems they've all gone mad~ even the dog isn't biting anymore! Oh what wonderful things hatters tea can do for those who still welcome sanity." Another biscuit hit the glass next to him. " look even that wounded rabbit is having a joyous time despite being treated ever so foully by the dog. You think she be terrified~" Chesh snickered a little at the thought of madness temporarily entering their heads for a bit.
(srry was gone all day so i missed all this.)

hatter shook his head and looked around. he had been in a daze the entire time. "MY TEA PARTY IS

RUINED!¡!¡" he yelled in dismay. the glss was shattered, march had his hat and there was another rabbit and the queens brother. "Cheshire!¡!¡ plz escort our guests to the door this tea party is... over." he immediately plopped onto the ground and started crying.
Winter flinched when Hatter yelled and she blinked then glanced to Hatter. She frowned and grabbed a suger cube she went over and sat in front of him holding out the suger
Hatter glanced up and took the sugar and patted winter on the head and then wnt back to sobbing while he ate the sugar cube.
Winter didn't like seeing anyone sad and she went to get Hatter a biscuit, she offered it to him as well. There where many reason she didn't like people being sad, one bit made her sad, two she was emotional, and three... The sound wasn't pleasant.
Hatter refused the biscuit and got up. he wandered off into the forest, sobbing and telling himself how the party was ruined and askng himself why most of the queens rabbits were there and her brother too. and a bee girl.
Winter frowned and she thought about what she could do to make Hatter not sad anymore, she knew she wasn't even supposed to be at this tea time... But Hatter was crying and she wanted him to be happy. Chasing after Hatter she holstered her wand at her side and came up behind him " Please don't be sad Hatter... " she trailed off not knowing what else to say
" oh my duty calls it seems " Chesh said to Jameson before he flew off into the forest. He was sure he could find hatter somewhere along his usual route. He floated around until he found the mad hat maker being trailed the Linley little rabbit who attempted to captivate his heart earlier. He descended just so he floating next to hatter and began to pat his head. " shhhh. There there hatter~ there's no need in making such a fuss, we needn't cry over dropped biscuits or broken glass. What would come of our plans if our leader were to sob around the forest while the queens dog and her rabbits run amonk with a sane mind terrorizing everyone hmmm? " Chesh continued to pat his head while he adorned his usual smile. He spoke ever so softly to hatter that it could've put him to sleep have it not been that he just had his tea.
"youre right... alright lets go back lead the way chesh." Hatter wiped his eyes and smiled insanely a he followed chesh.
Winter stepped back and watched as Hatter stopped crying, then smile fb in a creepy way and followed Cheshire. She tagged along behind them
"Well well all this drama has made me hungry." Jameson slipped down from the tree and stretched. "Might I join you for some tea and biscuts Hatter?" He asked as the three came walking back. "I would delight in trying some of those pastries." he said with a slight smile. @wolfborn4 @Talon @Chief Shiro
As Chesh led the way back to the table he noticed the rabbit girl from before. He started to say something to her to mess with them however Jameson soon appeared and asked to join them. Chesh awaited hatters response.

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