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Fantasy Wonderland

Ace looked at the hare for a moment, a little puzzled and completely confused by her choice of words. He thought for a moment, then spoke gently. "I do not care, for I wouldn't fly to a mountain, I'm actually afraid of heights. so what the point of that, now I'm telling you. By the queens orders now, you will let me in and come back to the castle with me. All three of you" He looked at the rabbits and bee, letting them know who he was talking about "The queen will already be very upset with you, and anymore lolly galling will end in a much permanent vacation."

Beatrice caught the look and ignored it, the least comeback for almost getting Ace's bum rubbed all over her face. She shivered at the thought. The hare, meanwhile, was saying things that... Actually, if you listened to them, they sounded deep. But they were mad ravings. Beatrice huffed and crossed her arms, when something like honey caught her nose. She started trembling. 'Remember your training... Ignore.. Oh wait. I don't have to anymore.' Beatrice paused before making a straight beeline for the sugar cubes, grabbing one and hugging it as hard as she could. 'Turn it into honey, feed the children, gift some to the queen..' Her bee side droned. What? She could still have instincts.
As she hugged the sugarcubes, she looked up angrily at Ace. "And how do you expect to get us to obey you? We're separated by a glass wall with a hole too small for you to fit, and we're all faster than you anyways." She finished with a childish raspberry and went back to hugging her sugarcube baby.
Beatrice had started nibbling on the corner of the mouthwatering sugarcube, it's sweetness weakened her walls every time and she started sinking into the bowl of heaven. 'What was I so worried about? Yeah, I could join the rebellion and sip tea and sugarcubes all day.. Maybe even start making my own honey.. *sigh*'
Winter perked her ears up arcades new voices she looked around and furrowed her eyebrows before lookin fb up, she saw Jameson and blinked before lookin fb tongue bee girl then the guard and to each person who spoke. Her bears throbbed fb at the bombardment of noise, she covered her ears and popped a suger cube into her mouth to munch on " you guys are giving me a headache " she said and placed her wand on the table to cover her ears better
Beatrice kept hugging her sugarcube and looked up at Winter, lowering her voice to normal. Most people couldn't hear her, therefore she yelled most of the time. "Is this better? Wow, my voice feels a lot better." She commented. Maybe she should talk like this forever and ever... But, no one would hear her, so what would be the point of even talking then?
Ace sighed for a moment, before an idea hit him. how could he have forgotten so easily, he could just warp inside the glass box. With that, he closed his eyes for a moment, and warped just a few feet forward into the area. Finally he was inside! He went over to where the black rabbit and bee was, both caught up in sugar cubes hadn't even noticed what he had done yet. He grabbed up the bowl the bee was in, and literally dumped her inside his satchel. Closing it firmly, and then grabed winters ear. knowing that would get her attention. "Alright, I'm done with this funny bossiness. I dont wanna fighting, and I dont wanna cause any harm. I'm taking you three back to the castle this instant!" and with that, he tugged on winters wrist which he was now holding and marched his way over to the brown hare

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Beatrice screamed in protest, trying to poke her head out but not being able to lift the lid. Oh no. Her head was about to be on a mini guillotine on a mini platform for all to see her not-so-mini betrayal... She would die. And she wouldn't die in the guillotine, no, she would die suffocated in this shrinking bag, with no way to get out... She started breathing at a hysterical rate. Beatrice the Bee, dead at age 17, former spy to the queen... No. She needed to get her act together. Let's see... She could yell again after learning of the soothing feeling of using her inside voice. It would hurt, but she would do exactly that, and hope he'd take her out of the bag and into his hand, at least. Perfect plan. All that was left to do was-- "GET ME OUT OF HERE THIS INSTANT, I'M CLAUSTROPHOBIC!!! THIS IS UNREASONABLE!!!" Yes, that would solve her problem.
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Winter winced hard when Ace grabbed her by the ears and she screamed to get everyone's attention so they would know she wanted help and her ears where delicate. She pulled out her want and her dagger extended out she held her blade up to Ace's hand and cut him so he would let go... She hoped it would work. Though hearing Beatrice yell for help she flipped fb open the satchel and let her out
Beatrice flew out, confused for an instant, before taking out her stinger and flying for Ace's hand. She hoped it would cause enough pain to make him let Winter go.
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"Gah! what the hell has gotten into you!" he shouted at the black hare who had cut his arm, and before a second thought his instincts cut in and he slapped the girl harshly across the face "have you all lost your mind!?" he snatched the bee as she came buzzing out quickly and disoriented not quite hitting his hand as she had hopped. holding her tightly in his hand. "what is your damn problem!? id cut off your head my self if I had authority to!" He grabbed up the girl he had slapped by the ears again, not letting go this time. "When I tell the queen about your stupidity, you better hope your heads stay intacted!"

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Winter was glad he had let her go, but her joy was short lived as her head snapped to the side when he slapped her. Her face stung now as he grabbed her ears again and she felt abdicating pain shoot through her again and she whipped bout her word now and broke it into twin blades. Pressing the cold metal to Ace's neck and arm she yelled " Let go of me now! "
Beatrice struggled in his hands, then her face went slack. Her entire aura read ¡DANGER¡. She sllllowly, ever so slowly turned around to face the mad hatter and Chesh. "What. Are. You. DOING YOU IDIOTS YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE HELPING US!!! WHEN WE WENT THROUGH SO MUCH TO GET TO YOU YOU'RE JUST GONNA BE LIKE THAT HUH?! YOU ALL REALLY ARE MAD TO BE LEAVING BEHIND COMRADES LIKE THAT!" Beatrice ended this speech with a small "hmmph" and turned back around, almost completely forgetting she was being held captive. She started listing off the owed slaps in her head. 'Let's see... I owe Hatter a slap, the guy over there a slap, this guy holding me a slap... Oh. Right. This guy is holding me.'

(I know, they're not online. Just felt like an outburst.)
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Ace looked down at the girl, his red eyes looking straight through her and you could tell from his stare alone he had some of his sisters blood in him. He gently let go of them both, relaxing his hands slowly, so they could both get away easy and stood there looking down at her. his height and size could honestly smash her to bits if he really wanted to, his gears were rolling in his head for a moment. Thinking of every possible solution, plan and outcome. before finally taking a step back after a minute, grabbing a chair from the table. sitting down and pouring him self a cup of tea, not even giving the bees or bunny's attention now. Sipping at his tea, he was in his own little world now. whatever was going through his head, he looked more relaxed now and just there.

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Whitney was delivering a important message to Ace about March, since not only was she already done with delivering all of the Queen's documents to the army. But the Queen of Hearts doesn't want March to come back to the castle either, because she has been a day late to deliver her documents.

Whitney ended up finding Ace and the others in the tea time's glass dome. So she just ended up knocking on the glass, because she need to get his attention.
"Um...excuse me. But I have a important message for Ace here, since it is about March's punishment." said Whitney.
Beatrice sat there confused before fluttering back up to the table, not wanting to provoke the seemingly calm man. She started lugging a sugar cube towards a cup and looking down at the white rabbit. "We don't have time for that now, we've just been arguing about this and it's tea time. Now come sit." she adressed the rabbit. Beatrice then, with a bowl-shaped leaf, started adding tea to her sugar. "Oh, right, you can't." Beatrice giggled.
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Winter stepped back and locked her blades back together then her blade shrank down into her wand, she sat down and began rubbing her ears with a friend, they where bruised now and she wouldn't be able to move them without being in pain

((just so everyone knows... Km am the Back rabbit cause no saw someone mention me as white rabbit on the other page I think... Sorry if wrong))

Ace heard the small tap, glancing over at the new rabbit who had joined the party. He stood up, leaving his tea at the table. He unsheathed his sword, and rammed it right into the wall of glass. it causing a huge shreaking sound. Then he simple kicked at the crack ass hard as he could, causing a huge gaping hole in the dome. He looped his arm around the girls and escorted her to the table. "glad you could join us dear, we were just having tea. Wouldn't be a party unless miss Whitney was here aye?" he smiled, and moved out a chair for her to sit and started pouring her a cup of tea. "now, whats this about miss march?"

(that was me, sorry. I kept thinking the name winter went with white, sorry about dat.)​
"Um...I am outside of the glass dome, and I don't even like to drink tea. Plus the message isn't for you to begin with." said Whitney, since she prefers to eat her delicious carrots than to drink tea. "Also Winter. Have you deliver those documents yet, because if you haven't then you are going to be in serious trouble."

When Ace ended up breaking the glass with his sword, Whitney covered her ears with her hands. Since her ears are very sensitive to loud noises. "The Queen of Hearts doesn't want March back at the castle, because of her being a day late with the documents." said Whitney, who ended up eating a carrot from her bag.
Winter winced at the sound and whined throwing a biscuit at Ace " You know rabbits ears are sensitive! " she half whined and pouted, she munched on a yummy cube of suger " Yes undelivered the documents... And the Queen isn't expecting me till tomorrow " She thought about what her punishment might be and she shuddered a but from one of Ace's other comments " Whitney... The Queen won't really chop off my head, will she " she frowned
Ace sat back down in his chair and raised a brow at Whitney "I'm surprised, my sister must have been layed to be in such a good mood to just banish the rabbit, guess March is quite lucky today it seems." He then glanced over at Winter who was whining about the sensitivity of her ears and her head being cut off. He actually was very confused on why March got away so Scott free, most times you mess up once and she uses your head to knock down flamingos. He crossed his leg and thought this over for a moment, losing him self in the abstract thoughts. Not even realizing he was sipping now on an empty cup.

"Well this is getting better by the second." Jameson murmured, as another rabbit appeared. 'fiesty are they not?' He thought to himself. Slowly he pulled himself into a sitting position, continuing to watch.
"The Queen of Hearts may chop off your head if you don't deliver those documents on time, Winter. Since you know how she is if you mess up even once." said Whitney, since she wants to protect Winter now. Because Whitney can't help out March with her problem, since she is already late with delivering those documents because of stupid tea time.

'Because March and I are always the extremely lucky ones out of the other rabbits, since March is the strongest while I am the fastest. Also the Queen doesn't want to lose anymore rabbits either, so she just let March have a banishment instead of cutting of her head. Since March can be extremely useful if she ends up staying with the rebellion.' thought Whitney.
" indeed friend~" said Cheshire to the caterpillar. " fancy seeing you here!" Chesh was laid up in the air doing some backstrokes. How did he get out of the glass? 'Twas a mystery, but now he accompanied his old rival outside the walls.

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