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Wolves in the Moonlight

Wolfeus Kindeer

New Member
It was a briskly cold night in November, and Lest Silverpaw was lost. Very lost. He'd decided hours ago that searching in the forest for those magical stones was not one of his better ideas. A wolf he may be, yes, but in reality wolves can actually be pretty weak. He, unfortunately, was one such wolf. He groaned to himself as his paws plodded on between the trees. He could've been going in circles, for all he knew.
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Ambrosia whimpered as she glances around the dark forest, the light breeze causing thin, wispy curls to plaster against her flushed cheek.

She moaned and sunk down against a tree.

'How could they leave her out here?! Packs were supposed to stick together!'

She whined and curled into herself.

She didn't want to be here. Ever since she was just a pup, she has been terrified of the dark. She couldn't handle it.

((I'm going to have Ambrosia be a werewolf who can't shift. >.>))
A whimper caught Lest's attention, and he turned toward the direction of the sound. Was there someone here lost like he was? He started running, the possibility urging him forward. The bitter north wind blew his fur around him messily, making him even colder than he already was. He was worried about what could happen if he didn't find someone soon.

At last, Lest saw a shadow against a tree. He approached it cautiously, hoping, but not knowing, it was a friendly shadow. "H-hey!" he barked meekly from a safe distance, his teeth chattering. "Wh-who are you?"
Ambrosia glanced up, her eyes wild with fear.

"A-ambrosia..." She whispered. She straightened out slightly, her hands curling into fists.
Upon closer examination, Lest saw what appeared to be a human girl. Her hands had clenched into fists, so he backed down, whimpering.

"A-are you lost too?"
Ambrosia cocked her head before nodding slightly.

"Yes... yes, I'm lost... What's your name? And.... are you part of a pack... or are you a rogue?"
Lest winced at the word "rogue".

"I prefer the term lone wolf, personally... I'm Lest. What's your name?" he called over the howling winds.
Ambrosia laughed and beckoned for Lest to come closer.

"I already told you that.... But, it's Ambrosia."

She smiled at him, her pale blue eyes losing a bit of the manic gleam that was in them as the fear drained out of her.

"I am of the Ash Summit Pack..." She pursed her lips slightly.

"Though it seems they have abandoned me."
"Oh." Lest blushed, realizing he'd asked the same question twice. He gladly trotted forward when Ambrosia beckoned him.

"They abandoned you? That wasn't very nice... I was just out here looking for something." Lest looked around, not sure what else to say.
"They're not a very nice pack.." She grinned slightly, and licked her lips.

"What are you looking for, Lest?" She crinkled her nose slightly at the feeling of the new, foreign name leaving her mouth.
Ambrosia licked her lips and cocked her head.

'It's probably better not to ask...' she decided. She stood up and tried once again to shift. She sighed as nothing happened.
"Nothing..." she snapped.

She grimaced slightly.

"Sorry... sorry, um, I was trying to shift. I, uh, I've never been able to do it," she glanced skyward and sighed.

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