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Wolfstar (TrancyhiveStars and Josie Anne)

Josie Anne

Princess of the Rich Household
Remus had known it would be like this. He'd known, and yet he still felt nervous beneath all the stares directed at him, still squirmed and walked a little faster to try and escape them. At first glance, he was nothing extraordinary. A scrawny preteen boy with pale skin, amber eyes and sandy blonde hair. If it weren't for the multitude of scars on his youthful face, he would have blended into the crowd with ease. How many boys his age were marked by so many scars? He could assume not many, since everyone was gazing at him as if he had two heads, or eight arms. Remus resisted the urge to reach up and trace a particularly long one that started near the corner of his left eye and ended at his jaw, a habit he'd developed shortly after gaining it.

He gave a soft sigh, peeking into compartments as he passed and running his fingers through his hair. As per usual, him and his father had left late, rushing out of their house at about 10:46 and speeding down the street and to King's Cross. It was an ongoing joke between him and his mother that his father couldn't get somewhere on time if he tried, and if someone was unfortunate enough to be going with him, then they'd be late as well. Normally it wasn't too much of a problem, but when it came to the train ride, it made it difficult to find a compartment with any room. Everyone he had passed so far was full of people, laughing and reuniting after a summer away from school. It seemed like everyone was friends already and he was all alone, but he hadn't expected to make many friends.

Remus paused outside a compartment, taking note of the two already sitting inside. They were boys about his age, both with black hair, though one's was short and sticking up in various directions, while the other's was a little longer and more tamed. The short haired one had glasses, whereas the long haired one had a grin on his face that Remus's mother would describe as being worth a million bucks. They looked so confident. In a way, Remus envied that. If only he could be as self-assured and outgoing as they seemed to be. Remus took a deep breath, gathering his courage, and slid the compartment door open. "Uh, hey," He greeted with a nervous chuckle, "Mind if I join you? All the other compartments are full."


Sirius Black


Sirius smirked widely, the wind rushing through his black hair. His eyes fell back on his parents who were racing to catch him, little Reggie in their arms. Finally, as he reached Platform 9 and 3/4 he came to a halting stop. Knowing that his parents were going to have issues finding him in the crowd- he looked for the boy that he met at Diagon Alley. James Potter... James Potter.. The named raced in his head as he inhaled sharply. Taking a breath and leaning against the wall, he searched for the boy with the glasses he had grown to become friends with.

"Sirius!" A familiar voice called. The young Black turned around to find himself face to face with nobody other than James Potter. Letting his guard down, the boy smirked widely - wrapping one arm around the messy-haired boy. "So where's your parents? I already said goodbye to mine. You saw how they get at Diagon Alley. My mum turns into a blabbering mess and hugs me a thousand times." He chuckled softly- causing Sirius to roll his eyes playfully.

"Those old farts? I believe they're still trying to catch me. Left them at the entrance of King's Cross. Bloody morons, I swear. They're pushing me to become a Slytherin like them. But if being a Slytherin means turning old and bitter like them... count me out." Sirius laughed, guiding James into the front of express. Making sure neither of them fell into the small crack the separated the tracks from the platform- they decided to jump in unison.

James didn't say much in response to Sirius, but they ran down the hall. Effortlessly, they found an empty compartment. Exhausted from all the chasing, the Black boy rested on the soft cushion across from James. Finally letting out the breath he forgot he was holding, he rested his head against the booth. After countless minutes, they chatted and joked around about how odd everyone else in the platform were. Just as Sirius opened his mouth to say something- he was distracted by the sound of the door opening. A tall boy with mousy hair walked in. Instantly, Sirius's eyes fell to the scars that marked across the kid's face.

"Not at all. C'mon in." He revealed his famous smirk that never failed to woo anyone. "Whoa, wicked scars. They look awesome." Sirius complimented, lifting up his sleeve and pointing to a scar that went down his arm. "I once stole my dad's motorcycle and went on it- but I fell. It still rocked."

James got up, motioning for Sirius to be quiet so that he could talk. "I'm James Potter. That's Sirius Black. You are?" The tone of his voice wasn't threatening- it was just simply reflecting curiosity. He ran a hand through his tangled hair, moving so that there was space for him next to Sirius. "So... What's your favorite snack?" He interrogated him.


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