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Realistic or Modern Wolf Now and Forever

Shade awoke, Skyler was not with him, he looked around for her but alas nothing. Shade walked around for a bit to stretch his legs. Shade remembered Skyler's smell and followed his nose to find her by the pond. Shade walked up to her "Morning"
Fenris's eyes slowly opened, it was soon he realized that he was alone. His fangs stretched open as he yawned, he was gazing at the snow covered foliage around, he was sure that he wanted to sleep longer in the cozy cave instead of going out or even staying awake for that matter. " So magnificent I think I can get used to this spoiling ", he muttered as he had never faced the cozy atmosphere of a den.

Soon a strange scent caught his nose, slowly fenris sniffed trying to remember if he was acquainted to the smell, ' who's scent is this, wait did someone come while i was sleep where is skyler! is she okay!' were his thought, his eyes widened as he looked at the snow that lied on the cave's entrance, " Two different paws " he thought as a image started to form in his mind, he howled loudly not sure if angry or scared as he dashed out of the cave, " I hope...." he said as he rushed
Skyler looked at Shade, "good morning." she heard the howl of Fenris's and hopped up quickly to howl back upon seeing his rush out of the cave she looked at him puzzled and tilted her head. "what's the matter Fenris?" She went to him and nudged him lightly, and stretched.
He realizing the presence of skyler tried to stop himself, but ended up crashing into a nearby tree stump instead, " There u are!" he said with a little worried tone, ' well I was being too fearful maybe' he thought to himself, his expression began to calm and the fangs hid under a smile of relief " where were you!" he demanded a answer for he was worried
Shade hid inside a nearby rock with his Ethereal form, he hid from the odd wolf that came crashing into the tree
"Calm down, both of you." she tried to remain calm and turned to Fenris, "ive been here." she helped him up and moved, she then tilted her head at him wondering why he was worried. "you alright?" she nudged him lightly and turned to Shade, "come out." she walked to the rock, and waited.
" It is noth...." he stopped speaking on seeing the other wolf, ' so this was the other scent maybe this guy wants to kill us or something'

he thought taking an aggressive stance the charging at the other wolf with his fangs open, soon he crashed into the stone, giving out a cry

(Q-Q why does this happen to me)
"This is why, I don't like fighting much" Shade jumped from the stone into a tree and continued to hide in there with his head poking out
"wait!" she stood between them and started getting concerned, "calm down please, none of us are in harms way." she went to Fenrish and nudged him calmly and then went to the tree standing between them. "no no attacking is necessary.''
Shade jumped out of the tree and changed to his real form, he stood next to Skyler, on purpose, he felt some connection with her
A tooth of fenris was falling on the ground, little region of snow now tainted in blood, fenris,' dam i shouldn't have helped' he thought to himself as he gave out a little cry in pain, he now regretted his rash action but knew what has been done cant be changed.
Skyler nudged him gently and smiled her fangs not showing. "Thanks Shade." she looked at fenris and waited for him to get up. She had smiled and shook her head trying not to laugh at his method had placed a paw on his head. "i cant help with the tooth but can with the pain" her fur stood abit and she closed her eyes mystically numbing the pain just as she has learned to do. "there better Fenris?
run that was the only thought as i tried to get a way from the clumsy human as he tried to get me. I turned and hid wishing not for the first time that I didn't have snowy white fur. he passed my hiding spot and I pounced crushing him with my massive weight. ending his life rapidly. And for the first time since losing my old pack I howl hopeing for an answer.
skyler heard the howl and howled back as if a reply and stepped closer in the direction. "that howl .. fear from a lone wolf. lets go'' she took of running in a rush and searched upon getting closer she let out a whine and a howl. "where are you?" she sniffed around and stopped at the human.
I notice the strange wolf I try to hide my white and red fur making it difficult in the forest. i decide that the wolf is not threatening me so i approach and say "Who are You?"
"Im Skyler who are you; are you alright?" Skyler she bowed abit and sniffed the air as if checking for others only catching his scent. she hadnt said much after but had looked around scoping the area for others feeling this wasnt the best place to talk she turned her head toward the cave and waited for them to all rush there before anyone got closer.
"you're waiting on me, shade?" she looked at him and tilted her head her tail lightly wagged as she looked at him and then she waited for him to speak being as shy inst a really good conversationalist.
"No he is scared i can sense it. Thanks for staying anyway.'' Skyler lightly nudged him happily as her tail met the ground and she stood watching her ears slightly twitching and the scent drifting in the air.
"Alright then, if you wish." she remained standing but stretched out sniffing the air and looking at the prints on the ground. "Light embedding... that means he is used to traveling and mustve been doing it for years." she let out a whimper sensing fear and watched him.
"Yes I am alright thank you for asking I just am a bit overwhelmed. I'm Muerte by the way and how are you?" I replied watching the spirit thingy beside Skyler.
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