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Within The Core[MiniRP] - New Member


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Within The Core

(Mini-RP with @TheMadIceCreamMan )


With a weird sense of coldness and a feeling of utter unfamiliarity, you wake up to find yourself lying on a pure white bed of a small, empty room. The walls and ceiling are consisted of huge black marbles, with a large window to the side of the wall just a few feet away from the bed you're at. The room is unsettlingly clean, as if not a single dust can be found. You have never been to this room before, much less heard about it. It is daytime, for the only source of light you can seem to find is the faint rays of sunlight that penetrates through the clear glass of the window to brighten up the room.

A look out the window then, and you will discover a scene of complete desertion. Unlike the room, the streets and collapsed buildings outside are covered in thick layers of dust and sand, which are also mixed into the air, making the whole environment contaminated. Not a single person or living creature can be spot, except the numerous amount of garbage and ragged clothes lying about. The only possible noises you hear that may or may not be from an animal outside the window is a sharp, strange shriek accompanied by some inhuman roars. It's as if it's made by some monsters that should've never existed in the world.

The scene totally contradicts with every single memory you have of the world you lived in, where streets echo with the sound of the running cars and people talking, where tall buildings can be spotted everywhere along with high, advanced technology. It contradicts to the world that are supposed to be filled with energy, booming with liveliness--simply being alive. Now, it seems like the only safe and habitable place is this room you're in, and whatever building this is.

You may notice that your body feels strangely hot, as if some unknown energy now resides within you. However, you do not yet know what it is. A scan around the room, and you will find that there really isn't anything, except a tiny monitor hanging beside the top right corner of the door. The screen is originally pitch black, until seconds later, it suddenly flickers, and a series of number....more like a date, appears on the screen.


Perhaps the realization will hit you that second then, or perhaps it'll take some time. But it is undoubtedly true that the date is not wrong.

You have woken up 15 years into the future--a world of total destruction.


~Character Intro~

As soon as Claudo and Len left the garden, silence greeted them instead.

Under the dim lights of the building, the only sound heard was the tapping of their shoes against the floor as they paced forward. The lad's eyes were glued upon Claudo's straightened back while following quietly behind him, his expression was that of plain boredom as they went up the staircase.

Where are we going now, boss?" He asked, yet his tone hinted of his disinterest in the answer.

Claundo didn't look back as he hummed in response, "
Hmm? Ah, there are someone new we have to greet."

New? Those people back there aren't all?"

Well, some people tend to wake up it difference pace. How bothersome, considering I have to repeat the explanation all over again. But of course, I will display my uttermost patience."

Len frowned, then accompanied by a click of his tongue they reached the top of his staircase, and halted. Now both standing side by side, they glanced down toward the long hallways where all the other members had originally came from. Then, with a loud clap of his hand, its sound echoing across the floor, Claudo's mysterious grin widened on his face.

He should be coming out now. There's nothing much to see in that white room so. Let's welcome our new members now...Shall we?"

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Sleep a natural byproduct of being being alive. No scientific evidence could ever fully explain the biological necessity of such a function. Still it could never be denied that without it the human mind would collapse. During deep sleep or Rem the connection between consciousness and sub-consciousness is at its greatest. This allows for the mind to freely organize thoughts and emotions, but this is only the surface. The secrets of the mind still remain distant from the grasp of humanity. A question of what is else is connected to the sub-consciousness for example is unclear, except for perhaps Magic Scientists.

Baransu himself was still locked away deep in his slumber. Lost in the expanses of ever changing dreams-his thoughts were scattered and stretched, to be expected of one deep in sleep. His mind wasn't his own, yet was undeniably his as he went from dream to dream uncontrollably. Then a sudden moment of clarity occurred to the young man as he felt an indescribable wave of warmth and cold embrace his very being making him drown in the sensation. Opening his eyes wide in shock he was not met with the blinding white of the room, but instead engulfing darkness. Looking around he saw nothing but an endless void in all directions. It could only be described as nothingness. The feeling Baransu had was uncertainty, which evolved into anxiety. To purge the sickening sensation he started to walk into darkness to find something of familiarity for his mind to cling onto. He wasn't sure how long he had been walking, but he soon came to a stop with nothing found. The realization that he wasn't somewhere earthly was becoming a fact, but his logical side wouldn't abide to such a thing. The pace of his breathing was intensifying as his mind burned with questions. Where exactly am I? What is this feeling in my chest? Is mother alright? All these questions were demanding answers yet the surrounding blackness wouldn't supply a clue. He started to scratch at his arm rapidly in an attempt to mask away his growing anxiety with the sensation of pain. It was at this point that he realized, no that he accepted that he wasn't somewhere earthly. He couldn't feel himself scratching away at his arm, nor could he feel his own breathing. The only sensation that could honestly admit to physical feeling was an impossible mix of cold and hot swelling around him. This fact did little comfort as he collapsed to his knees as he felt himself about to go into a panic. The surrounding darkness left him with nothing but his thoughts to contend with.

Suddenly the intensity of the feeling of hot and cold around him grew in pressure, almost painfully so. Looking around the darkness he attempted to locate the source of the odd sensation. It honestly shocked him when he sighted something in the distance. Quickly he got to his feet to approach the mysterious sight. Usually Baransu is always on to be overly cautious, but anxiety and sensory deprecation had doused his better reasoning. The idea of something being out there that wasn't darkness was reason enough to approach. As he neared the mysterious thing it was gaining more clarity in his eyes. As he started to notice human features on it he came to a sudden stop with his eyes wide open. Certainly he was seeing a human face, arms, and even legs, yet they didn't fit into the shape of a human being. It didn't even look humanoid as much as it was an apparent abomination with withering white flesh acting as its skin. The abomination caught sight of Baransu as well and let of a sound that was akin to nails on a chalkboard. Could a creature release such a bitter sound?

The sensation of actual sound kicked Baransu out of his trance as he realized the immediate threat before him. Quickly he followed his instinct to flee as he turned away from the creature and ran in the opposite direction. Suddenly the all encompassing darkness didn't seem as much as a threat like before. Running in full stride he tried to separate himself from the creature as best he could. His human physique was no match as the abomination which quickly closed the distance in mere strides of its limbs. Suddenly being lifted into the air he looked down to see a ghoulish hand had grasped him as he was tossed into the ground with heightened force. Crashing into the ground by the brute strength of the creature behind him it would be natural to assume that a few of his bones would have been shattered. Instead Baransu felt no hints of pain as he wasted no time in trying to run again. The creature gave Baransu no breathing room as it grabbed onto him again with a steel grip this time. Forcefully turned around he was forced face-to-face with the creature. Its face seldom resembled that of a man with its features distorted into an arachnid formation. It looked down at him with its seven black bollard eyes, as it opened its mandibles to show a row of jagged teeth. Baransu felt nothing, but dread. As a man raised to follow rules and be obedient fighting back wasn't in his forte. With what he assumed to be death in front of him a question slipped out.

"How do you exist?" he asked out loud with fear laced into his voice.

As if the creature was taking into consideration the young man's question it stopped moving its fangs closer. It moved its head back and studied Baransu with its many eyes. The creature let out another unholy screech to which Baransu started to try and escape the monster's grasp. Soon its voice came out as less of a screech, but still far being human. "I didn't ask for the desire to consume flesh as my own rotted away." it stated in a gargled voice. It looked to the young man as if it had been waiting to say those words for years.

For Baransu he still fidgeted in the monster's grasp. The monster he expected to tear him to shreds was now speaking fluent English. The fact provided no comfort to Baransu as it only threw him further into confusion. His flailing did little to weaken the creature's steel grip. To this Baransu stopped shaking as it did little to improve his situation. He looked towards the creature with fear and confusion still swirling around in his head, "Why am I here? What exactly are you?" he asked in a pleading tone.

Its face contorted making a facial expression that Baransu couldn't decipher. "I.." it paused as if lost in thought, "I am human." it stated with conviction. It was at that point Baransu noticed that cracks were spreading over the surface of the creature's flesh.

In consideration of how his surroundings have proved illogical since he arrived Baransu almost believed the creature. The idea of the monster being human was a fleeting comfort in his mind, almost calming. "Where are we?" he stated as he felt a strange flux of energy envelop him.

The creature's eyes looked in various directions to access Baransu's question. Suddenly all its eyes returned their gaze onto Baransu. "My final stop. The land of appeasement." it said with full confidence. The cracks on its flesh spread in a spider web like pattern as parts of its flesh disintegrated into dust revealing the monster to be hollow inside. "I feel myself fading.." it said as its arms disintegrated dropping Baransu to the ground. "Please tell them...thank you"

Baransu having been released fell flat onto his back and looked up at the monster. Some internal instinct told him to run, but is innate curiosity pinned him in place as he watched the monstrosity before him dissipate and bloom into a haze of dust around him. A horrifyingly beautiful sight to behold Baranu wasn't sure how to respond as everything settled back into pure darkness as if the monster was never there. "Them?" he asked. There would be no answer. Suddenly the pressure of the hot and cold around him climaxed in intensity. The pain felt sharp as the horrid sensation raged across every inch of him. Squirming on the ground Baransu tightly held his hands to his chest as he let out an agonizing cry that seemed to disappear into the surrounding void.

Suddenly Baransu quickly sat up on the bed he was on with dry tears on his face. Compared the darkness he was just in the contrasting white of the room forced Baransu to wince in pain. When his vision readjusted he found the numbers "2/10/2052" on the screen to the opposite wall of him. Baransu didn't immediately process the numbers as he held his hand to his head. It felt like someone had taken a jackhammer to his skull. He wondered if his apparent migraine was the cause of the nightmare he just experienced. Through logical deduction Baransu assured himself that is simply had an intense nightmare. It wasn't the first time he had woken up in sweats from night terrors, though he never recalled them to vividly.

"I need my pills.." he mumbled as he stretched his arm to his left looking for his nightstand. Every morning he woke he had three prescribed pills he had to take to keep his anxiety and depression in check, Ativan, Seroquel XR, and Paxil to be specific. When his hand kept grasping nothing but air he looked over to find nothing but white flooring and a white wall. His eyes shot wide open as his brain clicked, 'This isn't my room.' he thought in a panic. Looking around he saw nothing impressive beyond the bed, a window, and that screen. "That can't be right." he stated as he reanalyzed the numbers. The numbers and this odd room were highly disconcerting. Baransu started to scratch lightly at his left arm to try and calm himself down as he started to recall his nightmare. The feeling he was having were just the same.

Not allowing himself to be consumed by the feeling he attempted to get of bed to get a better grasp of where he was. To his surprise he almost collapsed onto the floor, his legs felt oddly weak. Using the wall to support himself he looked out the window. Catching the sight of endless devastation he started to scratch more persistently at his arm leaving red marks. What he was seeing was surely an impossibility. His mind quickly tried to peace together what could be occurring. After a few moments he concluded he had been kidnapped, but to what ends he couldn't be sure. Baransu started to feel his anxiety climax as he realized how bad of a situation he was in. Each pessimistic thought only served to worsen his headache. Taking note of a door he started to walk towards it, but paused when he considered his captors could be just outside. The very idea gaze him a sickening feeling in his stomach, then he started to feel an actual pain in his stomach. He collapsed onto his knees as he felt an odd swirl of cold and hot churn around his insides, it reminded him of the dream. The mixture of pain he felt over his body were breaking down his better reasoning as he felt the urge to escape the room.

Quickly he slammed open the door and fell flat onto the ground. Holding himself up with one arm he looked to his side to see two men standing close by. 'Were they waiting for me?' he thought in a panic as he looked at his apparent captors. He quickly attempted to get onto his feet, but they failed him as he fell back onto the white tiling in a heap. "Stay...back" he stated as he cupped his hands to his stomach. The pain was only growing.

The silence that had originally claimed through the thin air did not wait too long to fall apart.

As the lad stepped through the door and saw the two men, his response was that of complete anxiousness. Falling to the floor, Len regarded to that with a disgusted cringe, as if already having the strongest dislike to the lad in front of them. The cold blue eyes of his judged the other before scowling upon his words, the click of his tongue echoed through the dim hallway.

"Who wants to come close to crap like you?" He replied in distaste, before Claudo, standing straight with a fake smiling hanging upon his lips and hands inside his pocket, lightly sighed, hinting the other to stop with a patient call.



"I apologize," the tall man then switched his attention to the lad upon the floor, widening his grin in a seemingly sincere welcome although making no attempt to help the other up. "This young man here has quite the attitude," a joking tone crossed his words as Claudo ended his words with a chuckle. Raising his wrist to his eye then, he checked quickly the time on his watch, a frown grew faintly visible onto his handsome face before he looked down the hallway once more. "There is supposed to be one more person right now...But oh well, wouldn't hurt to start first. He should be able to catch up."

It was obvious by the way he acted that he had completely no concern over the confused state they must have left the lad in, speaking as if their listener was just another regular fellow to whom had joined himself into a mysterious program Claudo organized. It's an attitude of apathy, one that had formed itself into a mask wore upon the males' faces, yet Claudo didn't seem to care at all. "Welcome," he started, then, clapping his hands together, the loud sound then echoed against the walls. "You have been chosen to be our savior! Congratulations." Saying right to the point he believed should be addressed right away, Claudo didn't bother checking if the other could even understand his words.

"Ugh, that's why we need Aira here," Len couldn't help but comment from aside, in which the man shrugged off of.

"I'm sure you are currently indeed baffled by the sudden situation. But do not worry, we meant no harm. What we've done so far, is simply have you guys travelled fifteen years into the future--which is, yes, the world right now. If you have looked out the window, you would have known," saying so with his arms extended slightly outward, Claudo raised his voice.

"You've entered a world of complete destruction--in another words, the end of the world! Yes, Baransu," he skipped over how he learned of the lad's name as he continued, his widened eyes from the previous dramatic remark reserved quickly back into the calm, light expression he wore. "Right now, you're currently in the future. This is the future people would be living in now if nothing's done about it. Aye, it is a lot of work to explain it in one go right now of the whole story that led to this, so let me just go straight to the point."

Inching closer, he bent forward so his eye level was equal to the other's. "We would like you to become a hero to save the world."

"It is pretty hard to repeat everything I just said to the rest of the crew to you again so let me just pick the same way I used to explain to them to explain to you," backing up, Claudo had a sharp turn of his shoes as he walked back to his original position.

"Please ask me any questions, and I would answer all of them for you. Ah, of course, we could give you a moment to absorb the information in."

The man said with the most pleasant smile, his hands once again tucked back into his pockets.

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Baransu was still crumpled on the floor with one hand holding up his gut. He swore he could feel his stomach swelling up, but then again he also swore the man in the lab coat said he was fifteen years in the future. The man seemed highly intent on informing Baransu of the situation, but did little in the way of providing digestible information. He was a like a game show host in his persona, energetic and fake. At least the blue haired fellow was more honest about is disposition. Baransu could firmly determine one thing from the host's rambling. They weren't his kidnappers, at least not in the traditional sense.

Baransu started to support himself on his arms to try and collect his thoughts. They hadn't kicked him in the gut yet which was a good sign. According to the host it was fifteen years in the future and the world had ended, leaving Baransu to be a hero. It seemed highly unlikely and the host's enthusiastic tone about such a horrid ordeal did little to prove his points. He noticed as he looked down at the white floor tiling that saliva was leaking from his mouth to which he quickly clasped his mouth. 'Disgusting!' he thought alarmingly. As he remembered from his therapist's lectures he took in several deep breathes to calm down his heart rate. He couldn't allow his mind to get foggy otherwise he would go nuts over the simplest things. He pushed the impossibility that the host had presented him with into the back of his mind. It was to much to think on. Instead he looked at his more intimidate issues being his growing stomach and his need for his pills. Both of which were growing issues.

After a bit of struggling he got off the ground and supported himself on a nearby wall. He was heaving air as his face started to go pale. He looked over to the odd pair that seemed to be looking at him in bitter patience. They both seemed to be figures that he needed to respect, "Not to be rude but if you captured me then you know of my medial issues I assume. I have three prescribed pills." he paused to take in some air, "Please, I need them." he asked in pleading tone. They didn't give him their names which he assumed they did on purpose. Suddenly he cringed as he felt something stab at his gut. The weird sensation of hot and cold seemed to have grown again.

Mark had been sleeping, feeling the suspension of time flowing around him, his perception warped by the state of subconsciousness and sleep. He could feel a pale warmth though even in sleep coming from inside of him, as opposed from externally, ruling out the possibility that it was his blanket, a thought he registered even in sleep. Throwing the covers off he groaned slurring out incoherent words and mumbling ramblings that would make sense to anyone else, and even to him for that matter. Another hour passed while in the limbo of sleep and wakefulness, only semi aware of his surroundings. It was then he opened his eyes realizing a light pouring in from a window, this slightly alerted Mark to the fact that he was not where he thought he was. He usually slept in a dark room, with curtains permanently covering the windows, and he hadn't recalled sleeping at another person's house so he got up.

The room was stark white, and featureless, and only remarkable by the one possession, which was a terminal, and by the cleanliness of the place, as if a brigade of maids and cleaners had been in here not only ten minutes ago, of course this was not true. Only a few numbers were donned upon the terminal, being what seemed like a date. Mark had to second guess this because it was off by a good fifteen years or so, but numbers would not make sense in any other situation in that order. So he let out a sigh. He came up with the idea that he may have some how been in a coma, but this was false, there was no medical equipment, or even a damn small screened TV, then he thought maybe he had amnesia from electro convulsive therapy, but also false, that only affect short term memories, not things for fifteen years. He wished there was a mirror in the place, so he could figure out how he had change, but no such luck, this place left much to the imagination.

He weakly got up from his bed, and felt like he had no legs. His entire skin felt weird, and while he would have felt like he was on fire, his power gave him an added toughness that softened the force of the effect. The drawback was that he couldn't even feel his own limbs. He could control them fine, but actually feeling anything was impossible. He needed to find someone or something to explain this so he left the room, it was then he noticed two people, oh thank lord. "Hey, hey what the hell is going on, is your clock busted or something, the date is all messed up, and where am I what happened?"

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