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Realistic or Modern With great power...


sʇɐq ןooɔ ǝɥʇ ɥʇıʍ ƃuıƃuɐɥ
..come great possibilities...

We all know how the stories go;

Just normal human beings suddenly confronted with the responsibility that come with the acquisition of in-human powers. Ripped out of their normal lives and thrown into the realm of media, crime, limitless possibilities and the burden of their powers...

Some may promise themselves to never use their powers for their own benefit, some may just use them however they like, some just cause mayhem for the hell of it, only for their attitudes towards their "gifts" to change over time.

Villains might learn to see the harm they've done while heroes grow ever more selfish, craving the recognition and abusing their powers...

But there's one thing they all have in common, be it Villain, Hero, Vigilante or anything in between:

They didn't ask for their powers, having acquired them under suspicious circumstances and random occurrences in their home town....

So by now you might have already gotten a pretty good picture of what this role play's all about:

It's about a group of ragtag Teens and young adults acquiring metahuman abilities with nobody to guide them along the rocky way of the hero or villain, faced with problems never known to humanity like developing their abilities, controlling them and most importantly:


I'd prefer keeping this in a smaller scope with their powers manifesting slowly but rapidly developing into workable superpowers, or, if you so desire being almost uncontrollable or even repressed by your character.

This role-play doesn't deal in world-ending threads but would rather explore the mindset of people gifted with immense power while trying to either use them for good, evil or even trying to live their life normally.

Of course there'd be a variety of important plot elements introduced in form of the source of their powers and who exactly's behind it all, sprinkled in with everyone's personal character arc.


Well, before you jump headfirst into this I want to get some points across:

-Be polite to each other; Your characters can be complete Jerks but please treat others the way you want to be treated (Disclaimer; doesn't apply to Masochists and the like)

-Active/Investment: This is not your one-liner kind of role-play. I expect a decent amount of literacy with about one or two paragraphs minimum. Also Quality>Quantity

-No overpowered characters; They ARE Metahumans, yes, but they're no gods.

-Have fun

Got that?

Good, now let's see if there's even interest for something like this.
I tried it many times, but whenever we start, the RP grinds to a halt. I am currently on my 3rd superpower RP, and it is looking bad. I am always interested in this, and I hope the 4th time is the charm and this thing gets some traction. I'm in.
Does the RP's scope allow for inter-dimensional elements? Had idea for character involving otherworldly entity. Otherwise interested.
Interested. As mentioned before really hope this one can get past 2 pages haha.

Would there also be options for redemption characters and the like, maybe someone being manipulated at first?
interest has been piqued,

i actually have no idea what the word 'piqued' means.

but, anyways, i'm in!

can i have a character who got their powers through a demon possessing them and becoming a total pest?
Alright, I was Ill for the last two weeks, LOOOOOTS of things to catch up on, but I managed to finally get out of bed without just collapsing.

Seems like there's actual interest for this roleplay, huh?
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Alright, I was Ill for the last two weeks, LOOOOOTS of things to catch up on, but I managed to finally get out of bed without just collapsing.

Seems like there's actual interest for this roleplay, huh?

of course there's a bunch of interest!

people love superheros! 

or grey areas?

who knows what people love! 

i just know i love superheros who want to die but anyways...

hope you feel better!

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