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Fantasy Witcher Tales: OOC

Ok so, some planning. First of all, D d1uni5ys24si3o , revalia revalia and I need to rp the escape and shit. or are we gonna skip it? Up to you MrBossMan MrBossMan . Second, how are they gonna meet?

We'll probably end up skipping the escape, starting you three off already on the road to Cordington Keep. Which is the main castle of the Locklongs. While your three characters are traveling there so too are mine and Iskander's. We'll start off on our way there, or just arriving there. Shit will happen and that will propel us into act 1 of the story.
eugh. guys -_-
It is okay. I am a guy and I no drink. Drink bad.
Your all good

And by relationships I mean any type of relationship. Whether that be friendship, romantic, animosity or whatever it may be. By scenes I mean any type of scene you want to write out. For me I want one of our characters to get so messed up, like stabbed or something, that they have to take a Witcher potion to heal. Otherwise they'd die, the only thing is Witcher Potions are almost a sure way to die if you take them and are not a Witcher. That's an example of what I mean.

Edit: Oh, Anthoni is heterosexual, only finding romance with women.
I swear if this is turns out to be Henri taking a Witcher Potion...

As for relationships, MrBossMan MrBossMan I think it would be best if we hammered out a way on how our characters meet. Why they are traveling together is pretty simple knowing Henri. He sees Anthoni as a worthy specimen and protagonist to follow around and write his tale.
It is okay. I am a guy and I no drink. Drink bad.

I swear if this is turns out to be Henri taking a Witcher Potion...

As for relationships, MrBossMan MrBossMan I think it would be best if we hammered out a way on how our characters meet. Why they are traveling together is pretty simple knowing Henri. He sees Anthoni as a worthy specimen and protagonist to follow around and write his tale.
Good Guy! :'3
Oh no :'( trauma!! There's a fat as fuck girl who looks like a whale and i just sawunder her skirt *bleaches eyes*
Oh no :'( trauma!! There's a fat as fuck girl who looks like a whale and i just sawunder her skirt *bleaches eyes*
oh no... meanwhile im here all alone. you leave me alone. T_T
serves you right.
oh no... meanwhile im here all alone. you leave me alone. T_T
serves you right.
I think I'mma post below some relationship ideas, scenes or some general notes for each character.

Iskandar Iskandar

There are a few ways we could have them meet each other. Anthoni is a Witcher and as such he isn't one usually found with companionship. One way they could have met each other is Anthoni saving him from something, either a monster, thug or something of the sort. Another way is Anthoni simply told him what he was aiming to do, look for the missing princess, and Henri found that interesting so decided to tag along. Anthoni would get sick of Henri's sarcastic nature, but ultimately I think he'd like the company. If anything, having a famous play writer in his company would make people more approachable to Anthoni, thus he could find some good work while traveling.

D d1uni5ys24si3o

When Anthoni meets the princess he's been looking for he'll be rather confused. A princess who doesn't mind getting her hands dirty? That's strange. In the end though she will simply be a contract to Anthoni, a means of getting paid, nothing more and nothing less. He won't be convinced to join her in her naive crusade to save the world or whatever she wants to do. He isn't one to get into politics either, so there won't be any help from him to become queen. That being said her free spirit, her will to help humanity, kinda just a general sense of hope she has radiating off of her. All of that is vastly different than the Witcher. At first he may mock her, scorn her beliefs and values with his tempered and tame cynicism. But, maybe in the end, he could learn a lot from her. Possibly even growing attached to her. Maybe a simple contract becomes more than that and it gets personal.

revalia revalia

The Lady of Tretogor is almost Anthoni's complete opposite in every way. Idealism vs Cynicism, Naivety vs Experience, Wealth vs Poverty, the two are almost completely opposite in every way. So this could go one of two ways in all honesty. Opposites either attract, learn from each other and find common ground. Or, more sadly, they end up reinforcing their beliefs all the more and their outlook simply stays the same. Either way these twos interactions I look forward to greatly.

ShadowRogue ShadowRogue

Anthoni will understand Kivan much better than most. Like Kivan, Anthoni knows what it means to be hated, feared and discriminated against. There is a difference though, Kivan hides his inner emotions with a layer of humor as if to throw off the scent of his inner sadness. Anthoni is molded by it, wears it everywhere he goes and openly tells people why he feels the way he does. This could cause them to clash as they battle with their inner demons and/or watch someone else battle with theirs to. Anthoni also won't like to be the brunt of Kivan's jokes either, mostly shrugging them off with a gruff cough or a piercing stare. That being said though it could get interesting.
I think I'mma post below some relationship ideas, scenes or some general notes for each character.

Iskandar Iskandar

There are a few ways we could have them meet each other. Anthoni is a Witcher and as such he isn't one usually found with companionship. One way they could have met each other is Anthoni saving him from something, either a monster, thug or something of the sort. Another way is Anthoni simply told him what he was aiming to do, look for the missing princess, and Henri found that interesting so decided to tag along. Anthoni would get sick of Henri's sarcastic nature, but ultimately I think he'd like the company. If anything, having a famous play writer in his company would make people more approachable to Anthoni, thus he could find some good work while traveling.

D d1uni5ys24si3o

When Anthoni meets the princess he's been looking for he'll be rather confused. A princess who doesn't mind getting her hands dirty? That's strange. In the end though she will simply be a contract to Anthoni, a means of getting paid, nothing more and nothing less. He won't be convinced to join her in her naive crusade to save the world or whatever she wants to do. He isn't one to get into politics either, so there won't be any help from him to become queen. That being said her free spirit, her will to help humanity, kinda just a general sense of hope she has radiating off of her. All of that is vastly different than the Witcher. At first he may mock her, scorn her beliefs and values with his tempered and tame cynicism. But, maybe in the end, he could learn a lot from her. Possibly even growing attached to her. Maybe a simple contract becomes more than that and it gets personal.

revalia revalia

The Lady of Tretogor is almost Anthoni's complete opposite in every way. Idealism vs Cynicism, Naivety vs Experience, Wealth vs Poverty, the two are almost completely opposite in every way. So this could go one of two ways in all honesty. Opposites either attract, learn from each other and find common ground. Or, more sadly, they end up reinforcing their beliefs all the more and their outlook simply stays the same. Either way these twos interactions I look forward to greatly.

ShadowRogue ShadowRogue

Anthoni will understand Kivan much better than most. Like Kivan, Anthoni knows what it means to be hated, feared and discriminated against. There is a difference though, Kivan hides his inner emotions with a layer of humor as if to throw off the scent of his inner sadness. Anthoni is molded by it, wears it everywhere he goes and openly tells people why he feels the way he does. This could cause them to clash as they battle with their inner demons and/or watch someone else battle with theirs to. Anthoni also won't like to be the brunt of Kivan's jokes either, mostly shrugging them off with a gruff cough or a piercing stare. That being said though it could get interesting.

With all honesty, we need to wait and see but knowing Liliana she would try to find common ground as she is a good definition of Make Love not War kind of person so she would try to find common ground from her side. She is also always looking to learn something new, so seeing Anthoni's views will be something new for her due to their opposite natures!
Guy's I'm having trouble fitting monsters into the plot an i think i need some advice.

How should we handle them?
Guy's I'm having trouble fitting monsters into the plot an i think i need some advice.

How should we handle them?

Do you guys want to have creative freedom Ic or do we establish combat rules and hit points etc?

Also, monsters just spawn hahahah the moment we leave the city, 95% chance of encountering at least one monster or beast. So that’s for one ahhaha
basically you throw a dice, indicating how many faces it has. for example d6 is a 6 faced dice,the normal one, d10 is a 10 faced dice etc. lets say i throw a d10 dice. if i get more than 5 as a number, it means its a successful hit. 5 is the lowest damage, for example my arrow grazed the opponent's leg. 10 is the highest damage, usually a critical hit, for example my arrow pierced one of my target's vital organs. if i get less then 5 then its a miss. if its really low, something bad happened for example i slipped and dropped my bow if i got a 1

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