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Realistic or Modern Winter Light (Mystery/Horror) [Detailed]

Player Name: Pretzel Heart (Pretz)

  • I tried to help with the gender balance. Key word 'tried.' I specifically wanted to join a Detailed RP so I wouldn’t have to feel guilty about post length...and yet here we are but I shouldn’t have to worry, right? Right?

    Also I stayed up till 5 to get these done and probably butchered my sleep schedule like a pig at the slaughter so I really hope at least one gets in. :’)

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Never seen Girvan described as a city. In fact, I'm not sure if most of the descriptions I've heard are even compliant with the site's rules...
[QUOTE="The Glass Ninja]Never seen Girvan described as a city. In fact, I'm not sure if most of the descriptions I've heard are even compliant with the site's rules...

This only makes me very curious
For starters its too small to be a city. Or even a town. South Ayrshire's city, and its barely even that according to the bigwigs in Edinburgh and down London way, is Ayr. Girvan is a wee port with a nice harbour - really good fish and chips too - which to be polite is often referred to as an utter dump. At least by the people I know who live there.
hrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....Okay it LOOKS like I'l be able to squeeze in one more player. There's 16 beds in the castle, and assuming @Delminium's making another charachter, that makes 17 charachters. I'm going to cap it off after you, however, because I'm starting to lose track, and someone's going to end up either sleeping on the floor or in a creepy old bedroom.

Also, game starts...tomorrow. Hard deadline limit is a character sheet within 12 hours.
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Since you've got a lot of intetest, I'll just sit it out (unless I already am) I still look forward for any future games of yours.
Nepty said:
hrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....Okay it LOOKS like I'l be able to squeeze in one more player. There's 16 beds in the castle, and assuming @Delminium's making another charachter, that makes 17 charachters. I'm going to cap it off after you, however, because I'm starting to lose track, and someone's going to end up either sleeping on the floor or in a creepy old bedroom.
Also, game starts...tomorrow. Hard deadline limit is a character sheet within 12 hours.
Thanks for squeezing me in and I officially love you.

Quick question though , are characters allowed to be from the same country / have the same nationality?
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Okay so we got...

14 characters confirmed

3 pending, 1 from Delminium and 2 from Pretz (17 all told)

I'll allow one from @The Town Weirdo and 1 from @Radiochi provided both of you can get them in within 12 hours.
[QUOTE="The Town Weirdo]Thanks for squeezing me in and I officially love you.
Quick question though , are characters allowed to be from the same country / have the same nationality?

You can have them be from any country but scotland since there's already a couple of scots, and you start to wonder just how fertile those highlanders are. If oyu mean from Poland or the Czech Republic, yeah, they can be from there.

(Keep in mind, the locals are pre-christian pagans who's last contact with the outside world was getting persecuted by the soviet union, and none of them even have telephone or itnernet service, most live in log and peat houses and farm and all with hand tools. Basically as close as one can get to medieval.)


@radiochai alright, fair enough. It does take a load off, but feel free to check it and future games out when they go up.

If you change your mind within 12 hours, feel free to return
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[QUOTE="Pretzel Heart]Holocausts and genocides and other “acceptable” tactics drove her to the point of almost becoming a Dadaist

Just asking, what specifically do you mean with this?

Do you mean the fact that a whole bunch of jews often got killed in the medieval era especially when a crusade was called?

Because the holocaust as in the holocaust committed by nazi germany wasn't acceptable so if I were to think of other times that jews were killed in large numbers that's the time I think of.

Or do you not mean the jews but just genocide in general, then I guess its about the same answer, as you get further in time it became less and less acceptable to just kill large amounts of a specific group which is what a genocide is.
Player Name: The Town Weirdo ( AKA Weirdo )

Character Name: Lena Mason

Facial Appearance: Lena has quite a pale freckled face , round face with a pointy chin and small pointy ears. Her nose it quite short and her eyes are quite far apart. She has long brown/ginger coloured hair and dark brown eyes , her hair is usually tied in quite a messy ponytail or just loose around her shoulders . Her skin is lily white which goes a pale pink when she is angry or embarrassed. If she`s going out or anywhere special she will usually put makeup on but otherwise she just leaves it.

Appearance: She stands at 6`2" , she has pale skin and quite freckled arms and legs. She tends to stand quite broadly with her arms crossed and slouches when she sits down. She doesn't think too much about her clothes and her favourite outfit is a denim jacket , black and white top and black leggings with either combat boots or Ugg boots in the winter months. But will usually just wear any top a blue or purple hoodie with long sleeves and black leggings. Usually wears rainbow coloured wrist bands. She has a small scar on the palm of her hand from when she sliced her palm whilst trying to cook.

Major: Photography and a minor in Music Theory and Composition

Personality: Lena is quite goofy . Usually happy and hyper she hates silence and when she is nervous she will babble and start spouting random facts. She tends to flare up once in a while but is usually apologetic afterwards. If she dislikes you or thinks you are being unfair or unkind to someone she will usually say so as she isn't afraid to speak her mind otherwise will stay out of peoples arguments and affairs. She usually wont ask if she thinks you are hiding a secret which can make her quite paranoid. When she makes friends with them she will act very protective and hyper around them and tends to be a hugger even if they don't particularly like it. Tends to try and make people laugh and loves to tell jokes. She is only really serious when it comes to photography as she expresses herself with that and tends to use her polaroid to take photos and is serious when it comes to looking after animals and will rant at anyone who litters or hurts an animal even if it is just a fly or spider. Will be quite blunt and will say what she thinks. She isn't a very good liar. Acts with her heart and not her mind. She has a good memory and loves remembering random facts and sharing them.

Background: Lena grew up in a small town in Wales , it was a very communal town where everyone seemed to know each other. When she was 5 she went to the local primary school and was quite a popular girl. Her home life was quite normal , she was very close to her brother Joshua as they were the closest in age and were always making dens and playing games. Up until the age of 12 her parents had a normal happy relationship but then her father left Lena and her mother and moved in with his girlfriend. Even though Lena found it hard to forgive her father she grew close to her Fathers girlfriend and she would usually take Lena and her siblings out for trips but Lena usually felt guilty afterwards as she was scared that could hurt her mother. She moved up into secondary school and tended to be quite a misfit and had a small group of friends who she grew very close to. People called her a swot and a goody two shoes which upset Lena quite a lot even though she was never really bullied. She loved music and photography and tended to be quite creative always doodling or taking photos or writing songs in her bedroom. She was always a protective sibling and usually had to look out for her younger brother Adam as he tended to get quite badly picked on. Lena would spent her summers out in the woods with her mother and sibling's having picnics. Her father sometimes took her fishing and camping where they would survive in the woods for days on end and he taught her how to make a fire. Every year she would travel to England to stay with her Aunts and Uncles and her cousins and they would take a tour of London. Then they would all travel back to Wales to stay at her grandparents for Christmas and she loved it , it was hectic and fun and you were never lonely. She loved school and found that she was quite clever and tended to do well in school she was never top but she didn't really mind. When she was 18 she made the hard decision to leave her family and study abroad in America where she studied photography and Music. She was then offered the opportunity

Father - William Mason (aged 40)

Brother - Joshua Mason (aged 17)

Brother - Adam Mason (aged 15)

Half Sister - Eleanor Mason (aged 14)

Grandmother - Juliana Mason

Grandfather - Oliver Mason

Grandfather - Robert Moris

Aunt - Elena Moris (aged 35)

Cousin - Jason Moris (aged 18)

Cousin - Katelyn Moris (aged 16)

Cousin - Alisha Moris (aged 14)

Uncle - Duke Moris (aged 39)

Her Fathers girlfriend Madison Rivers (aged 31)

Reason for coming on this study: She longed for adventure and a opportunity to explore a new land (And take loads of cool photos)

Belongings: A notebook which she writes notes , songs and puts her photos in.

Her laptop , her Mp3 and her guitar and her camera. As well as basic boring things like her phone , phone charger , clothes , toiletries and a 2l bottle of Cherry Cola and a packet of cookies. Headphones , pen , pencil and a torch.
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[QUOTE="The Glass Ninja]A part of me feels that Duster's ankle is gonna get either him, or someone else, nommed by a monster.

Interesting... This'll be good. Not him getting eaten. Because.. uh... probably not...

"...Why would you think that? I mean, I'm just curious! I swear it isn't that bad. The cane?" *Taps it against floor* "I only really use the cane on those days. I can kinda run! ...sorta..."
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Nice one there Weirdo (Seems odd just calling someone weirdo haha)

Right so, closed off any more applicants, and we'll be starting soon.

I'll take a poll. 12 hours, or 20 hours from now as a start time?
Eesh. It's 11:10 PM right now, and as much as I want to start right this second, I feel that I'll end up missing a huge chunk if it doesn't start later.
here's our list

@Tylor guillory:

-Gregory becan


@Cyber Wolf:

-Alena kovacs


@Lazy Rocktime:

-Giovanna gaspari


@Pretzal Heart:

-Gavin V. Macdouglas

-Lior Blumenthal

-Melanie siskin


@The Town Weirdo

-Lena Mason

Now there's one more thing I want to cover (aaaah sorry for springing this on you guys!) but I'm considering adding a sort of 'social objective' for each of your characters. I've done this in previous games in various ways, and it's proved to be pretty fun. Basically this would be a list of 'secret' stuff that one typically doesn't have control over, like who your character doesn't get along with or who they have some sort of crush on or who they...I dunno suspect of being an alien. In keeping with their character, of course. anyone interested?
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