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Wings of Change

Wolfheart stumbled back from the snowball.Once he regained his balance he picked up a larger snowball and threw it in her face again.As soon the snowball hit her face he ran behind Snowfeather. Picked up some snow it slid down her back.
Xander watched as the pups played in the snow together. Uhg, isn't that something romantic couples do? "Whatever, you have company now...I'm leaving." The vampire spoke before turning to head off into the winter woods. @SnowFeather
Snowfeather gasped. "Hey!" She turned around and threw a snowball right at Wolheart. Then she turned towards Xander. Let's show him who's boss! She jumped onto his back and tackled him to the ground. "Where do you think your going!?" She grabbed some snow in her hand and rubbed it in Xander's face.
'' Hah, I may not understand your pain, but I've seen many cases like your through the 800 years I've lived. I can't tell you to forget it, that is impossible. But I am sure that your parents don't hate you. If you want I can actually summon the spirit of that parent of yours. You can talk with them, but only once' said Avalon as he took out a stone with a rune on it.

Wolfheart stumbled back as the snowball was thrown.When he regained he balance he ran up to Xandier and grabbed some snow sliding it down his back. Then did the same thing again to Snowfeather.

@Apollogy8 @SnowFeather
Xander gasped as he was pinned to the ground and was now having snow rubbed in his face. Dogs were such an annoyance! He then teleported out of her grasp, and then had her pinned. "Is it really safe for you to test a vampire?" He asked. @SnowFeather

His eyes watched as Avalon spoke, "You...you would be able to do that?" Morgan stuttered out. Summoning a spirit of the dead seemed like an impossible task but then again, he was a werewolf talking to an elf. maybe it wasn't all that impossible. @Azure Sky
Snowfeather grinned and giggled. "Well I have an advantage!" She closed her eyes and slipped out from underneath him and hopped onto his back again. She signaled for Wolfheart to do the same and grinned. "I have numbers.."
"Oh?" Xander replied, teleporting behind her, but not on top of her. "You really have an advantage against a being whom can teleport at his own will?"
Wolfheart jumped on Xander's back from behind."Bet ya didn't that coming",Wolfheart said still on his back.


''In reality, this runic stone will do the job. Many centuries ago I lost my ability to use magic so I can't do it on my own anymore. I am stronger but I lost my favourite powers. So I carry around these runic stones with different abilities. The one I am holding right now enables you to talk to one dead person once every month. You can talk with them now, but you'll have to wait another month to do it again. The stone must recharge with the mana from nature. Anyways just hold the stone and think of the person you want to see. Be careful, it will temporarily take away some of your vigour'' said Avalon.
Snowfeather groaned. "No fair!" She hopped at him again, this time wrapping her legs around his waist. She giggled as she wrestled him to the ground and sat on his tummy. She started tickling him. "Can you teleport when your not focusing?" She teased him.
This stone idea was actually something that might able to help Morgan out. Still, he had his doubts about how this whole thing worked. It wouldn't hurt for him to try out there. "Alright, I'll do it." He replied with a small nod. "But um, a small question. How long does this thing last...? How long will I be able to talk with the person?" He asked. @SnowFeather

'About 10 minutes' answered Avalon. 'Trust me, I'm a primal elf. If someone like me isn't an expert in this...then who is?' said the elf asking a rhetorical question.
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he wads walking with his sister in wolf form because he couldn't change back to human form. he was nervous walking into a theater as a wolf. he and his siter were going to see a movie when his wolf took over all of a sudden. he was afraid that the wouldn't let him in to see the movie. but his sister told him other wise.
firestorm said:
he wads walking with his sister in wolf form because he couldn't change back to human form. he was nervous walking into a theater as a wolf. he and his siter were going to see a movie when his wolf took over all of a sudden. he was afraid that the wouldn't let him in to see the movie. but his sister told him other wise.
((Did you make a cs for your sister? Otherwise she can't play a mayor part in the rp without anyone being able to control her. For example: If in the presence of Mistclaw and Lionfur, they can be controlled by anyone, but only 1 person at a time, which is mostly @Wild Born and myself since we are the owners of this rp.))

Snowfeather kept on tickling Xander before turning around and jumped at Wolfheart. She bumped him in the side and made him fall to the ground. She then flicked her hand in a motion and Xander was covered in a pile of snow. She laughed, falling to the ground. Who knew this could be so much fun? She thought as she looked over at Xander, before shaking her head. Don't think like that! He's a vampire.. He'll try to win your trust, before destroying you!

Ten minutes, eh? That would be plenty of time to talk with the his deceased father. Maybe not, but it would be enough. "Okay then, I'll do it. Um, how exactly do I summon him again?" Morgan asked the elf. @SnowFeather
Snowfeather sighed and rolled her eyes, once more on her guard. She flicked her fingers, sending snowballs at Xander, pinning him against a tree. She walked up to him. She smirked as their faces were mere inches from each other. "Well you're brave, Xander." She folded her arms across her chest and walked backwards before lightly turning around, snowflakes floating in a breeze around her.

She went up to the frozen lake and turned around. She muttered something before giggling. "Oh, hehe well I really ought to get back to Camp." She said. She looked back at Xander and felt her face get warmer. She smiled. "It was nice meeting you Xander...~" She started walking away, feeling like she should stay...

(( So sorry for the delay.. @Apollogy8 ))

''Touch the rune on the stone with one hand and think of the person you want to see. I'll also remind you that the stone will take away some of your vigour for a little while'' said Avalon.

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