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Fantasy Windfalls - The Clandestine Forest

What if I don't know how to code CS submissions like that? I usually just type in and then add a picture or two. 
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What if I don't know how to code CS submissions like that? I usually just type in and then add a picture or two. 

That's fine with me it's a learning process learning to do nice character sheets, it took me ages and I'm still learning. if you like I can send you the actual code so all you have to do is delete the stuff that's there and put your own in? That goes for anyone who needs it as well.
That's fine with me it's a learning process learning to do nice character sheets, it took me ages and I'm still learning. if you like I can send you the actual code so all you have to do is delete the stuff that's there and put your own in? That goes for anyone who needs it as well.

Knowing me I would still screw it up. I will add all the needed info on my own sheet and attempt to make it look as nice as possible.
Mironna Lefay Birch:



Age: 18                                                                                               

Gender Female

Group: Protector

Type: Witch

Craft: Elemental with a speciality in fire.

Skills: Archery and some martial fighting skills. She spent her childhood in streets and in so doing learned how to protect herself and survive. She can come up with ideas fast in short notice. She also dabbles in alchemy something she learned from a book and an old alchemy set.

Personality:Kind, Loyal to those she loves, Fierce and bright. She is Outspoken and extroverted. She will not be overlooked. She is also very stubborn when she has made up her mind on something. She is also a very lonely person, never having much friends.

Likes: Fire, clothes and makeup. She likes the smell of burning wood and the sound of wind through trees.

Dislikes: Water, Heights and being told what to do.

Thoughts on the wolf:

She is purely curious about him. What goes through his head and heart. He seems mysterious to her and it irks her. Does he get lonely like she does? Does he even have feelings? she wants to know it all and is determined to find out.

History: She was raised in a foster home and ran away when she was 3. Then she stayed on the streets till when she was 18 and managed to get up enough cash from random jobs to afford a house. And now she is here a witch. She first noticed her witching powers when she caused several things to combust. Now she mainly works with elemental magics to keep the Wolf in the forest where she was told that he belongs.
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N A M E: Arturo DeGari| A G E: 25 | G E N D E R: Male | G R O U P: The Wolf |T Y P E: Werewolf

" A gentleman is simply a patient wolf."

~ Lana Turner ~



Being a werewolf Arturo has the ability to morph into a large wolf, with razor sharp claws and dagger like teeth. Unfortunately it is only under the moon's rays that he can transform into the beast. In his human form the beast does show himself whenever Arturo gets angry making his eyes glow a bright yellow, his fingernails elongate a little often for a threatening look. Other werewolf behaviour that is purely instinct includes sniffing and growling, he often means nothing by it but it natural.

He has a weakness for wolfsbane and mistletoe, causing breathing difficulties and pain upon contact. Silver however is fatal, small doses knock him out burning his body in fiery pain making him sick for days any longer and his body would fall into a coma or even die instantly.


[ Herbal Knowledge]

Throughout the years Arturo has developed a extreme understanding of herbs and spices. This mainly helps his living situation in the forest, making health remedies, poisons even explosives which he rarely used but he knows how to make them. The explosives are just there as a safety precaution just incase.

[Wood Crafting]

Arturo makes utensils, bowls, boxes any array of tools out of wood. He waits for a tree to fall in the forest first, not wanting to wreck the natural balance. He plants about three or four new saplings from the tree to make amends. He makes improvements to his home which he built himself, creates wooden sculptures. Traps for animals mainly for fish and smaller animals, the wild side of him creates spears and things to throw at the barrier.


Due to wolf blood inside him Arturo is very strong, he trains in the forest running around the barrier countless amounts of times often to check any breaks in the barrier. He lifts large rocks and fallen tree giving his strong upper and lower body strength. He can unarmed anyone in hand to hand combat and floor most, anger is a key ingredient and a powerful drive in his head, that nagging voice reminding him of what happened.



Strong Reserved intelligent creativeAngry Distant Bitter 


[Likes and Dislikes]

✔ The warmth of a fire✔Getting a good amount of excersise

✔Hunting ✔Making things



✔Watching seasons change

 ✘Enclosed spaces ✘The Guardian 


✘The isolation that comes with being trapped

✘The wolf

✘The degrading actions of being fed and only hunting when live food is dropped

✘Being stared at from afar

Thoughts On Wolf]

If someone actually took the time to talk too Arturo they would find that he dislike the wolf just as much as they do. It's like a second skin, or another being in your body. Every emotion is amplified especially anger and hate, it doesn't help that being isolated for so long has left Arturo alone and with only the comfort of a few animals the ones he doesn't eat he simply speaks to the wolf who has made him bitter and angry at the world. He is not really like that Arturo is sweet once you get to know him people judge too quickly.



Arturo and his family lived in peace with his family and pack. The forest was home, his mother and father taught him to hunt effectively, building traps and utensils with his brother and sisters. He was the youngest of them all but didn't mind. 

He was 18 when the pack attack the guardians village. He vaguely remembers his father saying that the guardian betrayed the pack, breaking an old truce causing the premature death of his wife and Arturo's mother. Arturo just remembered the angry coursing through his veins fueled by the rage of the wolf, when that is fuelled by the powerful rays of the moon wolves are unstoppable. Arturo lost track on how many people lost their lives at his hand, as they made the journey home Arturo was black by an unseen force and was made to watch his family die, his pack his whole world crushed in an instant. By the Guardian. He was put to sleep and thrown into the forest where he had resided for years, he tried to escape many times but the barriers were too strong, he keeps himself busy, making small sculptures or making improvements to his shelter to keep him free from the elements, he paces a lot around the perimeter of the barrier learning the times that both the keepers and protectors come, when a full moon rises he is gone full of rage charging repeatedly at the barriers hoping one day to bring them down.


 Yes he certainly is I always use him for werewolf characters, mainly cause he has such range of emotions in his face that switch so easily he is a perfect choice. 

I totally agree with that. I usually describe him as a a soft sweet center wrapped in raging darkness. 
(Sorry for posting this in characters, couldn't find any ooc thread ^^ I was wondering if I might join? Just asking before I do anything)
The Guardian

Name: Ned Green

Appearance: Ned has an unassuming appearance, he stands a fraction short of six foot and with a slender frame and an unimposing demeanour manages to seem even smaller. He has the appearance of a man in his mid-fifties but is far older, though the only signs of any age are the slight wrinkling at the corners of his eyes and cheeks engrained by the near perpetual smile he wears.

His full head of hair is styled swept back, coloured a thick brown but the first hints of grey streaking through like veins of silver. His thick moustache completely fills his upper lip. A pair of thin metal-rimmed grasses sits on his nose, his only accessory or adornment. He tends to favour wearing a green cardigan over a shirt, and a pair of brown cords. While it’s assumed he must own other clothes he seems to wear these to exclusion. Despite this they never seem dirty or dishevelled.

Back Story: Ned has gone by many names over the years but the one he has a particular fondness for is the Green Man, and to that end he has adopted it into his latest moniker. A nature god worshiped by many cultures over the millennia, he came to represent the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth; the perpetual circle of renewal that happens both to the inhabitants of the world and indeed the world itself.

With his power diminished by an ever decreasing pool of believe and faith in this modern world he has happily taken something akin to retirement, seeing this as simply part of his own cycle. Using his reduced power he created Windfalls as a place to see out the remainder of his days (however many might remain); an idyllic paradise where he could be close to nature in all its forms.

Word spread and Windfalls became known as a safe haven, a place where all the creatures that were no longer had a place in the world at large could call home. The Green Man welcomed them all into his clandestine world, telling them that they could stay here, safe from the outside world that had moved on without them, and in return asked for nothing except that they respect the lives of those that they shared this place with. So it came to be that once natural enemies, predators and their prey, came to cohabit the growing habitation.

The serenity lasted many decades, until the fateful night when the wolf pack attacked. Ned as he was now known was enraged by the flagrant violation of his one rule. It was not that death was alien to Windfalls, what angered him was that the wolves did not kill to feed, or through self-defence, but simply to kill, to hurt him for a perceived wrong (side note: I was thinking the reference to the mother's death in the wolf's CS could be linked to his fading power rather than a conscious betrayal by him). In a fit of anger he brought the darker side of nature to bear upon them, killing most of the pack before his anger cooled.

The last of the pack he contained. Sickened by his own actions he could no longer bring himself to kill the wolf, but neither could he let him go unpunished. Ned held him trapped within a magical barrier, planning only to hold him so long as to come to a decision as to what to do with him, but having spent so long thinking in a timescale of aeons, what was the blink of any eye to him saw the wolf held in a state of limbo for many years and became the new status quo. However, the constant reminder of his own slip than the wolf’s captivity provided has caused the anger to fester within him like rot, growing into hatred so great that he no longer knows towards which of them he hates more. The wolf or himself.

Personality: Ned’s mind set is largely placid, as bright and easy as a summer morning. He’s in his twilight years as he sees it, and is at leisure in a place he is happy to be, so there is very little to dampen that countenance. He is almost always upbeat, speaking with a tone of happiness that some might find grating. You might even say he’s too happy. He’s generally very welcoming and friendly to all of his neighbours, often the first to offer and give help whether it’s needed (or wanted) or not.

However the situation with the wolf is playing on his mind more and more, and he is prone to the occasional bouts of introspection and sombreness than borders on glum by comparison. Though at present these moments are confined to when he is alone, Ned so far being able to keep these hidden from the eyes of the fellow residents of Windsfall, but some are starting to suspect.

Since Ned created the town and surrounding forest and maintains them so that most can’t find, much less enter the town, the town is directly linked to his state of mind. When he is bright and breezy the weather stays so too, and so so many decades the weather was a never ending beautiful summer's day (nothing wilts due to lack of rain because he nourishes the land with his presence), but on his dark days the town becomes overcast with grey clouds that rain a steady drizzle. On the night that the wolves attacked the town was ravaged by storms that mirrored the fury of his temper and one would have to assume the same would happen if he was ever angered again.
We are ready to start now I will leave some of you to either do the first post you can have the honours. Unless you'd rather wait a couple of hours till I get home from work 
I can do, but it's your RP so I wouldn't feel right stealing your thunder (plus I'd probably end up starting the thread in the wrong place or something <_<).
I would but same. Its your rp and I'm not a good character to start off with. It should be the guardian or the Wolf.
Here we go everyone!


It was chilly this morning as the sun slowly crawled up the sky. A slight mist lingering on the forest floor as the smaller animals began to stir, some collecting berries from the nearby bushes. Arturo stirred a little in his bed, the supple bendy branches adjusting to his weight as he sat up to look out the window. 

He picked up his bag of multiple containers and stepped out to greet the day. The first stop was the smoke house, which was just a hollowed out tree with some mixed sap to hold heat. Picking out some of the meat that was there he put it in his bag, to eat as he walked. He walked a while slowly taking in the morning air, a short squeak stopped him in his tracks and he glanced down seeing a small mouse sitting in the middle of the path. 

".Morning Bell, you okay? " he asked picking up the mouse and putting him on his shoulder as the mouse friend told him about the troubles he was having with his house leaking. Arturo set him down and pulled out a box of mushed up leaves, giving the tiny mouse a few bits. " Try that. If it doesn't work I'll fix it myself." He smiled and carried on. 

The barrier was close by he could feel the tingle of magic around, he paced around the boarder until he found his spot. A peice of clearing where he could see the town, and the lake and the mountains too. Sighing deeply he sat by a tree alone with his thoughts briefly until the voice appeared in his head.

" Poor, poor Arturo. Thinking once more about things that never will be. We are not going to get out of this place if you don't stop sulking.." 

Arturo growled to himself shaking away the nagging feeling and build of anger. 

" Shut up...it could have been worse. We could be dead.." 

He retaliated looking over to a tree where the other version of him was sitting. Disheveled, dirty and covered in blood the same sadistic smile on his face.

" But think about it, if we were dead we would be with them...here we are trapped forever by him" 

The Wolf returned receiving a growl of Arturo who stood up grabbing a large heavy branch and flung it at the barrier it bounced back with a force that Arturo ducked. Growling loudly he paced back and forth trying to calm himself down. He muttered and growled at himself staring out at the town. Feeling his anger boiling.
Mironna tugged on her large black boots and bit on her labret. She knew it was too early to check the barrier, she just had to get out of the house. Throwing on her witch's cloak and grabbing her padded bag before stepping outside. The air was brisk and cool. It woke her up. she heard the glass vials in her bag rattling as she waked through town. Eventually coming to a halt at her section of the barrier. Staring through it into the woods. She wondered as she always did about the Wolf. If he was really a cruel beast, or if he was lonely. Perhaps the Guardian would let him out soon. Surely he had been punished enough. What went on in his head or was head just like an animal? She tried to shove down her curiosity. She failed and the next thing she knew she was murmuring an incantation to weaken the barrier. Hesitantly she stepped through and sealed it behind her. 

@TheSpaceInBetween @Tedronai
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A cacophonous world of smells arose to greet Ned as he opened the door to his house. The scents of freshly cut lawns blended with those of breakfasts cooking in the houses that lined the street. It was early enough that the trash cans still stood outside people’s houses, adding their own aroma to the melange that was carried on the gentle breeze. He was not a human, not even close, but in this form he shared some of their limitations. There were so many smells that even he could scarcely differentiate them. He whistled to himself as he pulled the door closed and marvelled once again at how humans could cope with such a limited perspective of the world they lived in.

The cool morning air tugged at his comfortable clothing, sending a shiver where it playfully touched what little flesh he had exposed. He almost sighed, before forcing a smile. The chill wind dropped away in an instant and a suddenly full sun’s warmth sprang forth to replace it in response to the shift in his mood. It was going to be another great day here, he thought as he put his hands in his pockets and started to whistle.

As he set off down the path and then along Main Street he mused over his options for the day ahead. He could stroll down to the local diner and get something to eat though he didn’t need to. There were always people who needed help with pruning a hedge or mending a shingle, and he was always happy to oblige. It wasn’t that he needed to do anything, but having spent so much of his life occupied he found he couldn’t fully relax just because he’d retired.

He felt a shadow fall on him as a lone dark cloud drifted across the sky, the first he knew of his shift in mood. He shook himself and tried to think on more positive things but knew he was only procrastinating; there was only one task that truly needed his attention. Whistling louder and picking up the pace he felt the cloud vanish without needing to look. He would get to that eventually, but he didn’t think it would hurt to put it off just a little longer.
Arturo stood for a while breathing heavily his fist clenching and unlenching tightly, watching the horizon losing himself slightly.

Then there was something...a pulse, a ripple of some sort. He sniffed rapdily, it wasn't time to add to the barrier yet it was too early in the morning. A smooth sweet scent flew into his nostrils, someone was here! 

Snarling loudly he moved through the forest, quickly sniffing loudly to pinpoint the intruder. He slowed down as it got stronger, he hid behind a tree and watched. It was one of the witches from the village, Arturo had seen her adding to the barrier many times. 

Why was she here? No one ever came here! He was so confused. Unless...she was sent here to kill him! The Guardian not wanting to do it himself.

Arturo's eyes glowed brightly his fingernails elongating into claws, roaring loudly echoing through the trees he stepped out in front of the girls path. He stood his ground watching her carefully, he looked her up and down. Striding forward he grabbed her by the throat staring deep into her eyes. 

He sniffed her rapidly, her hair was a different colour to any he had seen. He could feel her rapid heartbeat against his fingers, loving that feeling of panic. He pushed her to a tree hooking her clothes on a nearby branch holding her there a few inches off the ground. He took the bag off her shoulder backing off a few feet still growling at her. Crouching down on the floor his hand rooted through her bag, picking up everything sniffing it for good measure. Confused at the things that was in there. All the vials and books he examined carefully, he couldn't make out what they said.

Nothing that she could kill him with in terms of a poison but he wasn't sure. Walking over to her he pulled her off the tree putting her bag back on her shoulder. Growling he circled her he didn't want her here. Pointing at the barrier he snarled snarling fiercely at her. 

@Firebright @Tedronai sorry for delay.

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