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Realistic or Modern Wilderness Survival for Idiots: Siberia (Realistic Survival Scenario RP) [FULL]

Can you brave the wilderness?

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ur lite fades awey
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You wake up on cold, wet dirt. It's freezing. You get up and look around. Something's not right. You're certainly not in your warm, soft bed. You look around. It appears that you are in a forest. There are snow-covered trees all around you. It's snowing. With a shiver, you exhale. Your breath instantly turns to mist. You hear a groan. You look around you again, noticing five more people in the snow. You appear to be in a circle. There is a crate in the middle. Stumbling towards it in the dense snow, you open it. Inside, there appear to be some supplies. Six flashlights, six jackets, six sleeping bags, three handguns, two knives, two thermos flasks, a shovel, a Swiss army knife, a coil of rope, a box of matches, a compass and a note. You pick up the note and read it.

Survive. The people around you are your companions. Wait for rescue.

A realistic take on wilderness survival.

Survive the freezing environment of Siberia

Six players max.

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Chapter One: Why Are We Here?


Brandon awoke with a start. He was expecting to wake up in his warm, soft bed. But when he found himself laying face-down on cold, wet dirt, he immediately knew something was wrong. Wasting no time, he hastily flipped over and sat up, and was met with a cold blast of wind to the face. He shivered. Looking around, he noted that the place he was in was definitely not his home. He anxiously stood up and observed his surroundings. He was in a snow-covered forest, and the conifer trees that surrounded him were so white with snow that they almost looked like they had been painted. He shivered once again, and noted how cold it actually was, the chill biting through his hoodie and into his skin. Canada was nowhere near this cold.

Questions ran through his head at light speed. Questions like 'Why is it so cold?', 'Isn't it spring in Canada?', and most importantly, 'How the hell did I get here?!" The last one was screamed out loud mentally. He was still thinking when he heard a feminine groan next to him. Nervously looking over, he saw a small lump in the white ground, slowly being covered by the snow that was now falling. Awkwardly stumbling over in the dense snow, he made his way over to lump. Upon closer inspection, he noticed two things.

One, the lump was a person. Two, it was a girl.

"What the hell?" Brandon asked no one in particular. Flipping her over, he got a closer look at her features. She had long brown hair that was covered by a beanie, and a long sleeved T-shirt, with dark blue jeans. He also noticed that she was slightly tan. Pretty, too.

'What?' Brandon asked himself. Instantly turning bright red, he mentally slapped himself. He did not just think that she was pretty. Shaking the blush away, he moved to check her vitals. Breathing, good. Heart rate normal, good. She was fine. She looked quite peaceful just laying in the snow. Brandon almost felt at peace looking at her.

And then she woke up.
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Bella was across the circle from Brandon. She groaned softly, then shivered. It was freezing. She must of kicked her blankets off in the night. She opened her eyes and nearly screamed. This was not in her college dorms. She was in the middle of a forest, which was quite possibly in the middle of winter. More people were on the ground next to her. Shakily she stood, and noticed movement in front of her. She began to walk towards the person over there.
Alex woke up felling the snow around his body. He moved his head up staring at the snow.... snow? England doesn't even get snow he thought to himself. He quickly jumped up and looked around him. His expression was grim until he saw people moving. He watched them carefully not so sure if they were at all friendly. He slowly moved forwards shivering but not making any noise. He watched as a guy leaned over a girl who seemed to be asleep. He crept further until he came across a box (Not sure if it's a box or something else I'll check the Overview and edit this if I'm wrong) that seemed to hold three fire arms. Alex really wasn't sure what do with them but he sure as hell wasn't gonna leave them here for someone later to use them on him. Upon further inspection he found other stuff but they were no use to him at the minute. He picked up one gun and hid the other two in the waistband of his jeans.

He slowly walked over to the man beside the girl then noticed another figure walking over. He swore and shouted "No one move a f******g muscle"

He held the gun high with both hands. He had his feet shoulder width apart ready to shoot. These other people didn't to be any threat but they could have been his 'Kidnappers'
"No one move a fucking muscle!"

Brandon almost jumped out of his skin when he heard an angry, British accented voice behind him. Turning around, he saw some guy. He was bulky, and a few inches taller than himself. Also, he was pointing a gun straight at his face.

"Whoa, whoa, take it easy, pal." Brandon said, putting his arms in front of him to show that he was unarmed and took a few steps back. The two of them were now staring each other down, the man sizing Brandon up, probably seeing if he had any weapons with him, while Brandon seemed to be looking for ways to disarm the man. However, his attention was brought to a short girl behind the man, apparently sneaking up behind him.
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Bella saw Brandon looking at her and she held a finger up to her lips to show him to stay silent. She crept up right behind Alex, and jabbed a pressure point in his shoulder, causing him to drop the gun in his hands. Quickly, she kicked it out of reach.
Brandon watched, stunned, as the man collapsed into to pile of flesh and muscle. The girl, who was a full head shorter than the man, knocked him out by simply jabbing him in the shoulder.

"What the fuck? How did you do that?!" Brandon practically screamed at the girl. She slowly walked towards him, causing him to take a few cautionary steps back. They girl simply laughed.

"Pressure points. I know much about human anatomy. He won't be waking up in a while." Brandon observed the girl, and took note of her features. She had long black hair kept in a braid, long eyelashes, and she was slim and pale. She also seemed to speak with a German accent. But what captured his interest was her eyes. They was huge. Her black eyes just seemed to stare right into his soul. However, Brandon detected a air of friendliness in her, unlike the man.

"Well, that's good to know." Brandon said, still slightly shaken."What's your name, by the way?"
"Bella." She replied. "Yours?" She bent down and quickly searched the man, and found the other two guns on him, and she moved them out of his reach.
"Brandon," The young man said, picking up the gun that the Brit had dropped. "Brandon Sherwood." He finished.

Checking the pistol, he noted that it was a Beretta 9mm. Not very powerful, but still strong enough to kill with a well-placed shot. He then checked the magazine. It was filled with small, 9mm rounds. He pulled back on the slide, hearing the satisfying click as it locked back into place.

'This will help in hunting.' Brandon thought, before noticing the cautious look Bella was giving him.

"Sorry." He muttered, placing the pistol into his pocket. Bella seemed to relax a little at that.

"We should wake the others." She said. Brandon looked at her with a confused expression.

"Others?" He asked. Bella sighed, and pointed ahead of him. It was then that he noticed the 'others': A few more people still laying unconscious in the snow. Brandon mentally facepalmed, the howling wind doing nothing to ease the awkwardness.

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Bella had a feeling that what ever she was mixed up with here wouldn't be easy to get out of, especially if she had to deal with these other people.
x - - - - - - - - - x

"Yellow" Jack Lynch had had stunningly realistic flashbacks before, but this one sure as hell took the motherfuckin' cake, coz he could've sworn he was right back in BUD/S. The feeling of the freezing winds against his face and bare chest was that convincing. Once he'd sat up, rubbed the sleep from his eyes, and got a gander at his surroundings—the snow-capped mountain peaks, the seemingly endless stretch of frigid landscape—he knew then that this weren't no flashback. This was Siberia mofuckin' Russia. Sweet Lord Almighty.

The hows or whys regarding the situation, he didn't try to wrap his head around. Not yet, not now. Wasn't important. Instead Jack pushed the cold to the back of his mind and began taking inventory, dark eyes cataloging every detail, no matter how big or small. One of the first things he noticed were the others. He wasn't the only one out here. No, he reckoned there were at least six of them, including himself and the ones still unconscious. Three girls, three boys, if his maths were right.

Due to the gun in Brandon's hands—he'd said that was his name, hadn't he?—it wasn't clear whether he and the girl, Bella, were in the same boat as the rest of them. In fact, if Jack hadn't just heard them introduce themselves to each other, he would've assumed they were, at the very least, friends. Regardless, they seemed pretty cozy despite having just met one another.
Damn horny kids, he thought to himself, shaking his head fondly from side to side. He then took advantage of the fact that their backs were turned and crept stealthily towards the mysterious box.

There was very little inside that Jack considered vital. Most of the items, like the flashlights, the matches, the compass and the sleeping bags, he considered to be luxuries and not worth pilfering, especially given the short window of time he had. The handguns were useless without ammo, of which they only had so much, so he decided to forgo them as well. Ultimately he decided on the thermos and the Swiss, as well as the coil of rope and two of the jackets, because the fabric had a shitload of potential.

In the next breath, the man was gone, disappearing soundlessly into the stand of trees. He didn't want anything to do with the others until he knew for certain they weren't enemies.

x - - - - - - - - - x
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Bella stiffened. "I heard something." She looks around carefully. One of the other people was gone, along with some of the supplies.
Emily awoke staring into an oddly calm sky.

It was peaceful until she realized her body was not on the ground but in free fall.

A moment later Emily's back was racked with pain as she thudded against a large tree branch, smaller branches whipping at her face and arms as she continued to descend vertically.





Finally she had reached the ground. Although snow blanketed the ground, their wasn't enough under the tree to completely cushion her.

Flurries of snow has erupted around Emily, making it hard to see the tree branches above her, yet something caught her eye.

Screaming she rolled over just as a large branch crashed into the space she was occupying, no doubt caused by her weight combined with the snow.

Catching her breath Emily stood up slowly to get a sense of her surroundings. She was alone, there was snow and tree everywhere, mountains could be seen in the distance.

HELLO!?" She called out, hoping anyone would hear, anyone at all.


'What?" Brandon said, hastily looking around. Seeing nothing, he turned back to Bella. "I don't see anything."

Wordlessly, Bella continued to look around. Shrugging, Brandon moved on to check on the other people.

"Well, I don't think they'll be waking up in a while." He said, as he finished checking the last person. There appeared to be five of them stuck in the middle of nowhere. Three girls and two guys. One was Bella, who was with him. Two was a pale girl who was still unconscious. The last was the girl Brandon checked first. She had seemingly fallen back asleep. So far, only Brandon and Bella had woken up. Sure, there was the big guy, but he was still unconscious.

And then there was the box. The mysterious box in the middle. Brandon slowly made his way to the box, and looked inside. There were a few jackets, sleeping bags, flashlights, other things and... knives. Brandon smiled at that. Picking up a knife, he gave it a few swings. It was strong, durable and sharp. Excellent. Suddenly, he saw Bella stiffen up again.

"I heard something again!"
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Alex slowly lifted his head. He felt drowsy but knew exactly what had happened to him. He looked around slowly too see the other two searching. He assumed they were the reason he was here so he took no chances and decided it was flee or fight. But Alex had other things in mind. He decided to sneak back to the box were he had seen the guy take the knife. He got up and walked stealthily over to the box were another knife was. He grabbed one silently and made his way back to where he had been knocked out. He spotted the two pistols that had been lying out of his reach. He couldn't find the other one so decided it was time to go. As he was about to set off he could see other bodies around him. Maybe I should help? No he thought to himself it would just slow him down.

He quickly ran through the dense forest creating a racket but he was out of range of the pistol. Alex quickly made his way down a slope. He had to find somewhere warm or at least a place where he could set up a fire.
"What the fuck was that?!" Brandon yelled, hearing someone noisily escaping into the woods behind him. "Who was that?!"

He then noticed the imprint of the snow of where the unconscious man was laying. He put two and two together.

"Goddammit! He escaped!" Brandon yelled out to the heavens, blatantly oblivious to the fact that Bella was staring at him with a rather fearful expression. The man probably made off with some of the supplies, too!

Calming down, he noticed that he was now the only guy in the group. The only guy in a group of two girls.

'Could be worse' He thought to himself. And then he heard another feminine scream.

"Hello?!" The voice called out. It didn't seem to far away. In the cluster of trees next to him, in fact.

"Come on, sounds like someone's in trouble." Brandon said to Bella, taking out his knife and heading over to the source. Though he could not help but inwardly sigh.

He was now the only guy in a group of three girls.
Alex stopped he could still hear shouts. He decided to flank around behind them. His curiosity over powered him and he walked across a plain of snow that was probably a frozen river. He crossed it and jogged towards the screams. He entered the forest again and could see them shouting. He saw the guy standing there while the girl searching. He decided to sit down and wait it out. He watched as the two searched the woods. Whoever they were looking for was a pretty good hider.
He was probably going to regret this, but his mama would be ashamed of him if he didn't help the screaming girl. Hell, Jack would be ashamed of himself.

Swallowing a sigh, the man stepped out of the shadows and approached Emily from behind, wrapping a hand around her mouth and hissing in her ear: "Sssshhh! Hollering like that in these parts'll get you killed," he warned solemnly, completely serious.

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