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Wild Blood

"you know how silver dust made you a little motion sick, its making me that way but alot worse"
" no I said I have flight sickness... Like for real, not because of the silver dust " Bea said she tried to help
ivan didn't move "well then you're not going to like this but silver dust is like poison to us if ingested or injected"
Bea lightly hit him " Ivan! You didn't tell me that " she was really worried now and winced a bit
"because i was more worried about you not panicking and pushing the poison further into your blood stream" ivan said wincing
Bea shook her head " Its was already pretty far in...up to my lungs, I can hardly breath still "
"we are, we're at the bass of the crystal dagger" ivan said (the crystal dagger is a large mountain known for its giant dagger like crystals)

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