Why did you begin Roleplaying?

I started roleplaying a few years ago, around when I first started high school. It was a way for me to escape reality, as the times were hard for me, considering I went to a high school not knowing anyone in the area. I enjoyed the experience, and I guess it kinda stuck.
I've always loved writing. Went back and forth between Facebook, Marapets, and Fanfiction.net when I was about eight or nine, and onward. Admittedly, I was terrible up until I hit... Gosh, I don't know, fifteen?

Engaged in lots of email oriented stories, signed up for various other RP sites, and then just about a year ago (I think) I found this site, and I've never left.

It's just super comfortable and organized here. Community may have its flaws, but I won't blame the site for the way its members act. The staff is great, and overall, theres just a lot of reciprocated love for literature(:

Wow this turned into such a critique. I love to write, man. Collaborative writing is way more enticing, than being stuck in my head twenty four seven. I prefer keyboard to pencil when it comes to story writing, and I like feedback so I can get betterrrr.
Gosh, I started when I was like... 10? It actually started out on Neopets (of which I am still a very active player), and sort of blossomed from there. I remember having really horrible characters that involved a lot of Mary Sue characteristics and it makes me cringe thinking back on it. But alas, I was very young and had little experience with writing more in depth, interesting characters. I knew I loved creative writing just because of the sort of assignments we did in school -- I especially remember a unit we did in the 5th grade where we had to create an alien (its name was our own name spelled backwards) and we had to come up with their home planet/story/everything and it was really awesome!

And since then, I think I've come a very long way. I've been role playing off and on since then and with Nanowrimo coming up I'd really like to get back into my writing groove again. As an adult writer, and someone who has some significant workshop and creative writing classes under her belt, I'd say my writing is so, so much better than it used to be, and role playing over the years helped a lot too. Anyway! That's my writing 'career' in a very vague nutshell.
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Started when I was ten. That makes it 19 years, so far, so roleplaying, in general, has became a literal core of my life.

My first character was named Shadow Darkblade (See, I kinda kept my roots, :P ), and it was a character on a hybrid Dragonball Z/Megaman/Sailor Moon crossover page, hosted on angelfire.

....it was terrible.
well, i will give you this dark story of my past. I was in 5/6th grade, and went over to my friends house, she was on something on the internet, and i questioned what it was, she told me it was something (don't remember the exact words, but basicly an rp) and i was like 'let me!" and i sort of trolled the boring people on the thread with only things someone my age would think of. 'throwing paint balls at the womans horses'

'someone, a chiild was kidnapped and escaped seeking help' ok they where really creative, and i felt their posts where boring xD . This was my first experience online rping.

It wasn't for about 3-4 years or so later until i officially rped online. Never finding an rp website i liked accept on forums of sites.
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Well I started around when I was 14, now it's already been 3 years since I started. At that time I had gone back to a site where I became on hiatus due to school and other real life issues. However since summer break was around the corner I was able to find some time to go back on the site. Although I had been going off and on the site for 4 years or so, it was mostly to chat with friends, and watch anime o3o, I even had a phase where I did some gfx editing on the site, I had never joined any role plays on the site before. (Which I regret since by the time I joined, the rp community on the site was dying.) I first joined a rp group because I had some free time, and the premise of making your own character to be a part of a story with others was interesting, and sounded fun.
For me it was more a old friend wanted to DM DnD 4th for us and I was like eh why not I have a few hours to kill and this lead to me being hooked to the stuff.
It's simple. I wanted to build characters on my own terms. I mostly hated the characters that I would see in videogames and such, only because I felt like I was playing someone else's vision. There was little-to-no surprise, and I found myself playing a lot of fallout and elder scrolls. Now I play on my own terms, and I can't blame bad story-telling for my characters death or failure.
I began attempting to become a roleplayer when I was 15. I think I wanted to feel like an anime character (sounds dumb, right? xD ) and I was curious to if there was actually a place where people write stories and role play. I remember watching tutorials and such xD which were completely unnecessary! Roleplaying changed both my life, kind of, and the way I speak and explain myself xD I'm very grateful
I was always a creative kid, and would make up stories all the time when I was young. I loved creating characters, and by age ten, I had several notebooks filled with character concepts and storylines. Middle school was the beginning of descent into panic and anxiety attacks, and so writing became a good outlet for me. I continued to create characters, but I didn't have any way of connecting other with them. When I really started getting into internet things, I was at the end of middle school (so about 8th grade) and found a site to post on. I actually stumbled on roleplaying by accident.

I found that I loved it. I hadn't gone back since.

I think one of my favorite things about roleplaying is that sense of creating something you're not. I don't put myself in my character's place, but I like making characters with much different ideologies than my own. In a sense, roleplaying has made me more of an open person--looking for the differences in culture and societies. I'm pretty sure story and character creation helped stem my educational interests too. I'm really interested in fields of study like sociology, psychology, history and civilizations, languages and ethnic studies, and I thank my want to create more in-depth and interesting ideas.

Now in days, I roleplay to get away from the stresses of real life... much like I had used it before to escape my times of high anxiety and depression.
The first time I really got into role playing was in high school. Me and my friends joined our school's role playing club just hoping to have some fun playing dungeons and dragons. I really enjoyed it myself, and after a year started to DM my own campaigns. Eventually I found out there was more to a role play than simply creating dungeons and seeing how your party manages to survive as a team, and wanted something more story-driven. So I started joining role play sites, and loved the play-by-post style a lot. I hope to become a writer some day, and besides the fun aspect I like to role play to practice my writing skills.
I think I started when I was 11 or 12. It was rough, haha. They were stupid and I even named a character after myself once. -cringe-
I started role playing because I find it to be interesting, you can put whatever ideas you wish into it, and create a story with another partner.
I got into roleplaying because it seemed natural to me. I have always been a storyteller it seems, and my roleplaying started when I was a child, playing at being Jedi vs Sith with my brother and cousins. Then when I was older, I constructed a Jedi Temple with my brother and we would come up with the names, appearances and personalities of all the Jedi younglings and masters, representing them with erasers.

I think Star Wars in general pretty much got me into roleplaying, and unlike my cousins and brother, I never grew out of it.
I only started recently and it was because my friend had suggested it to me, by recently i mean about a year or two ago. I've just enjoyed it and wanted more of it i guess.
I was an unpopular dork in school. Writing became my escape, and I figured why not write with other people? Started in middle school, I believe, and I was absolutely awful. I'm still a dork, so not much has changed!
Usually because I would want to go in greater depth with characters from either games, show or movies. I wanted to write their stories, put my own spin on them and develop even more. Also to expand my writing ability. But it is also fun to do!
I started about eight or nine years ago and most of the characters I had back then I still have today! They're completely redone though... Not sure I can still consider them to be the same characters. ^^'
I started role playing on the Ogame Forums. Can't really remember why I started. The original role play I signed on for was loosely based on Ogame itself which is just a text based strategy game. Often times in games like Ogame you build massive fleets of ships but they are just numbers. This Role Play turned those numbers into people with each ship having a real crew. In a way, that appealed to my interest so I joined the RP and have been RPing off and on ever since.
I began role-playing to escape reality, ..thats all, no other reasons. I wish I could say more like most of these people, but theres my sorry reason for role-playing! Hahahhahahahahhaaa...
I can't really remember, I was somewhere around 10-11, but I could guess it was simply because it seemed interesting and after stalking from the side for a while, I couldn't help myself and joined in.
I started role playing sometime in middle school (I think I was 11 or 12?) because I was bored in computer class. I already knew how to run the Microsoft Office programs, so I found some roleplay forum (that I don't remember the name of, is probably defunct at this point in time) and would post whenever the teacher wasn't looking ^^;
It's funny when I think back to it now, but I started roleplaying in order to kill time on the bus ride to summer camp every day. It developed over time until I had a faithful gaming group and I've taken breaks now and then but It's always been a passion of mine.
I started roleplaying because my friend had a group who was doing it, and I wanted to join in. I was 16.

Since then, I have drifted away from that group because they don't do it anymore. Roleplaying can be very personal for me, because my characters are all parts of my personality.

It took me a long time to work up the courage to sign up for this website, because I have huge anxiety over talking to people on the Internet. I don't know why, but I can get into some pretty big panic attacks over it. But I was craving someone to roleplay with, and my friends weren't doing it any more. I'm still trying to find other reliable people, who share my passion for creativity, but it's a work in progress.
I started roleplaying because I like to read and make up stories. I don't have the self-discipline for fanfiction so roleplay was a way to explore my creative side without having to stick to a single narrative that I planned out on my own.

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