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Fandom "Whoa, man! Quit eating me, that's not cool!" (Alternate Reality/Multiverse?/Zombie Roleplay)



MAY 16TH, 1998

11:34 AM


If it weren't for the sudden and massive military presence in the town, it would have been an ordinary day. The shops were up and running and were already raking in the big bucks, and the amusement district's parking lot had already reached capacity.

Once the clock hit 11:34, however, shit started to go down.

They came without warning. Mauling. Killing. Eating. First, the most prominent sounds in town were screams, sirens, and explosions. When they were finished, the groans began. Those horrible groans...

Those who survived the initial chaos found themselves in a town that was merely a broken reflection of its former self, a town taken over by creatures once considered human. Those very people likely had questions: What happened? What caused this? Where'd the military go?

Whether or not those questions are answered lies in the fate those "lucky" few...

(Hello, sir and/or madam! Welcome to my humble AU zombie apocalypse roleplay. I'm your unnaturally handsome GM, BIGBOSS1975, and I'd like to personally introduce you to the former town of Coldwell. If you're wondering what the Hell this is, and found the above to be sufficiently interesting, I'd suggest checking out the interest topic for this. For those who DO know what's going on... Let's rock, baby!)
Tomoko Kuroki had always been good at light-gun games. For years, she had spent hours training her reflexes... Shooting soldiers, vampires, and even zombies. And speaking of zombies... The girl just got done with Stage 3, and was moving onto Stage 4. Her run was perfect so far, and her skills had garnered the attention of several other arcade goers. She was met with praise each time she cleared the screen, praise that she ignored.

"God, do you really think I care about your opinion of me, you geeks? Just shut up and let me play the game, dammit!" Tomoko was on one of her internal rants, and as per usual she didn't have the guts to say anything out loud. Instead, she simply stood and shot at the ever advancing monsters, trying to ignore her surroundings.

Her wishes came true, soon enough. Her fans had left, their attention suddenly grabbed by something else. Tomoko scoffed, "They've got the collective attention span of a-"

"Sweet Christ, RUN!"

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sudden panic that filled the arcade. She barely had time to react, as she was already getting pushed and shoved by people trying to run away. What the fuck is going on, why the sudden panic? She would soon find out, as an unknown man suddenly grabbed her by her shoulders, and threw her to the ground. "Eat her first!" A voice shouted.

Shortly after rubbing her bottom, Tomoko looked up to see a figure looming over her: a man. Or at least, something that looked like a man. His teeth were jagged and rotten, and his face was a similar story. His clothes were decorated with fresh blood, and it looked like Tomoko's blood was about to join the canvas.

The former man lunged at the poor girl, and for a brief moment Tomoko thought she was going to die, then and there. In the nick of time, however, a patron at the arcade stumbled in between her and the monster. He ended up taking the mauling for her. Tomoko was too terrified to think, and simply took the opportunity to get out of the arcade.

Jennifer Cassidy

“If it flies, it dies. If it hops, it drops”


For that brief moment Jennifer was not in the town area but she was off for her morning hunt which seemed off. There seemed to be no sign of life. Nothing. With a sigh the girl mounted her bike and headed towards town empty handed which felt quite odd. Upon entering town it seem quiet at first not in taking the chaos happening.

That was until the female heard it. Groaning. Nasty Groaning. She froze as she heard it from behind her, instantly thinking that it was a trick played by someone. Hearing it inch closer from behind she grumbled
"Listen buddy if you wanna pick on someone. Do so on somebody else." she stated plainly as she turned and dealt an uppercut on the target with her right arm, which was equipped with a silver brass knuckle.

It took only a second to realize that she had blood and small chunks dripping on her knuckles as she almost felt her stomach churn. '
Was he that fragile?' or so she thought until she looked at the already decaying corpse as her eyes widened. "What the hell are you supposed to be..." she spat at the corpse before she heard more groaning coming from the arcade. She grasped a hold of her bow and prepared an arrow and ventured towards the arcade.

As she was heading there the female bumped into a terrified teenage girl and grumbled, looking down at her as she was maybe slightly taller.
"Watch where you're going.." she commented harshly, she noticed that the girl was terrified as if she just saw something which most likely meant she saw the walking corpses just like Jenn did a second ago.

Conversed with

Tomoko was a blubbering mess. She's pretty sure she just watch a man die, and now this crazy lady with a bow was standing between her and sweet, sweet freedom. In a panic, she shouted, "T-t-they're killing everyone!"

Behind the girl, the man who had stepped between her at the right moment was now, somehow, heading right for her. His eyes were glazed over, and his skin was a deathly pale. His large, gaping neck wound didn't seem to phase him either. The man that had attacked him a moment ago had also noticed the two women standing outside the arcade, and began shuffling towards them.

Tomoko turned, and noticed the man that had accidentally saved her. Tomoko watched plenty of violent movies, and played violent games, but nothing could prepare her for the real thing. She heaved, but terror prevented her from vomiting all over the place. Tomoko screamed in her native language, "I don't want to die!"

Jennifer Cassidy.

“If it flies, it dies. If it hops, it drops.”


As the female looked down at the girl, she bit her lower lip. The girl reminded her of a person closest and dearest to her heart as she noticed her state of panic. She shoved the girl behind her and growled at the monstrosity limping towards them "Get behind me. We'll teach this bastards a lesson."

Jenn aimed towards the limping body's head unsure where to shoot so she aimed straight in between the corpse's eyes and knocked the arrow, letting it whiz through directly in the man's brain sending him tumbling down backwards with an arrow stuck in the middle of his brain. It seemed to stop him from moving. Seeing the arcade getting run down she ran towards the body and place a compact boot on it's face and strained to push the arrow out, drying it with the clothing of the dead.

Running towards the girl she looked at her,
"We need to get out of here stat or we will end up in the same situation as him." she said sternly before grasping the girl's hand and was about to run, leaving a smidge second for the girl to react, either stay or leave.

Conversed with

"C-calm down, me! This lady's trying to save you!"

Tomoko took a deep breath, and nodded at the mysterious woman's suggestion. Tomoko knew that without something to defend herself, she was as good as dead. She knew exactly what those... Things... Were, and what they did to people. After all, she just gone playing a video game about the damn things. She didn't really think much about the bow anymore, remembering how Americans love their weaponry in all forms.

Just as she was about to head off with the woman, however, several more undead made their presence known, emerging from the alleyways that plagued Coldwell's amusement district. One thing that was noticeable about them is that a majority of the zombies were dressed like drifters, the homeless, and sewage workers. Tomoko herself was too panicked to notice, but someone with eye for patterns would notice a trend like that.

About 7 zombies blocked the East path, and 5 blocked the West path. 3 zombies were coming out of the arcade, and dozens of people were running all three paths. The question of the matter was... Which path would these two women take?

Jennifer Cassidy.

“If it flies, it dies. If it hops, it drops.”


As she saw the girl's co-operation Jenn sighed and looked around and picked up a manky pipe and handed it to here, "Here. If any of those things come near you whack them. Aim for that empty brain of theirs" she hissed as she armed her bow again and examined the area. Her bike was located at the outskirts which was on the Western side which was blocked by 5 zombies.

Eventually the 7 Eastern occupiers would join the one in the arcade and eventually the West. If they pass the Western ones they can pass through for her bike and drive off. If they're lucky... they should easily pass through. She immediately shot on of the 5 down and left them with 4, the girl has left her quiver back on the bike so that was the only arrow she had.
"Okay. New plan. I knock down to the ground and you make sure to smash their head okay?" she said pointing to her piper.

As one of the four approached she grunted and high side kicked him in the face sending him down on the pavement, still not dead as she only hit him with her boot. Jenna never experienced such video games but she experienced real life combat.

Conversed with

"Alright Tomoko, you can do this. Just bring it down on his head, simple as that... Right?"

To her bewilderment, the first strike on the zombie's cranium didn't do as much damage. Neither did the second hit. Only when Tomoko used her full weight was she able to end the creature. She immediately looked away from the mess of blood and gore that was once a face, and turned towards the strange woman.

As the undead advanced further, a fleeing man noticed the motorcycle just lying around. "Hot damn!" He shouted, as he threaded through the crowd, and shoved past a zombie. That bike was his ticket, and once he got it, all he needed to do was cross the bridge and ride off into the sunset!

Too bad for him, he was unaware of the bike's current owner a few yards away.

Jennifer Cassidy.

“If it flies, it dies. If it hops, it drops.”


That and the fact that Jennifer had the keys so he still couldn't use it ride off into the sunset. Jenna's harley was the only thing she practically cared about as off he whole life when she ended up alone. she treated her motorbike as if it was her baby. She noticed the teenager struggling to land a hit. "If you actually put your back into it you might take it down. Fortunately they're already knocked down.@"She said as with her brass knuckle she swung another punch towards the 3rd zombie and knocking it down to the ground she stumped on the corpse's head, it was mushed practically so with force it was n't that hard. she stomped repeatedly as she shook the gore off her compact boots and shuddered with that being said the fourth zombie was charging towards her from behind, she did not notice it.

Conversed with

The zombie grabbed ahold of the woman's shoulders, and bit down... Too bad for it, Jennifer's jacket had gotten caught in it's mouth, and it bit down on that, instead. Leather jackets are pretty handy, huh?

Tomoko, however, did not know about the jacket's work, and thought that her savior was getting mauled to death. Tomoko took her pipe and swung it right into the back of the creature's head. It didn't kill it, but the swing had done enough damage to the brain to stun the monster, at least temporarily.

Meanwhile, with Mr. Bike Thief, he was trying to hotwire the motorcycle. He had no idea how to hotwire the motorcycle, and was most likely going to break the bike at any moment.

Jennifer Cassidy.

If it flies, it dies. If it hops, it drops.


As she felt someone grasp her and bite down she gasped out, with freight as she felt him get stuck on her jacket and thankfully enough the girl helped her get out of it's grip and she crushed her knuckled in his head, "That leather jacket costs more than you shitface" the girl took look at her shoulder as she saw the bite mark he left on it and groaned.

With handling the last one the female noticed someone meddling with her bike and that's when her nerves were crossed. Jenn ran towards her bike and punched the dude hot-wiring her bike as she grasped him from the shirt and pinned him against the ground and narrowed her eyes, a vile expression in her face,
"Haven't your parents ever told you not to touch things that don't belong to you?!" she said before releasing him and signaled the teenager to get on.

She already risked herself enough, she just wanted to ride off.

Conversed with

Tomoko hesitated for a moment, but one look at the approaching horde of undead put an end to that. She dropped the pipe so she could get a good grip, and hopped on the bike. She was ready to ride off into the sunset.

The man, however, was having none of that. After rubbing his jaw and getting yelled at, he was not going to let some bitch get away with leaving him for dead. In a split second, he reached up, grabbed the wires he was messing with, and YOINK. The battery was no longer connected to the bike, making it an easy fix, but it also meant it wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. With the wires in hand, he ran off past the bike, knowing full well that his face is gonna be sore later. But damn, was that worth it...
"So what exactly are you trying to do here again?" "Oh besides having my god damned contract get away, due to plot throwing in a healthy dose of a zombie apocalypse to dick you over. Well wouldn't we just love to get as far away from here as we can?" This man looking like a red ninja clad in red spandex wielding 2 katana's and pistols spoke to one of his voices. "Well, at least this makes things fun! Let's see... We have done a fandom with someone else in another's universe, been apart of that DC multi fandom stripping our powers dome thingy. And we have that one time travelling marvel gig going on. And the normal marvel one. I would say this is a fun twist!" One of the voices chimed in with, referencing other RP's that he was apart of with this RPer. "Oh yes, anyway now we got this one to mess around in. And ooh people to interact with!" Deadpool watched as the scene unfolded with a man who looked like he was failing an attempt to steal a woman and a teen's bike, with the man then taking revenge and screwing up the bike. "Wow that guy was totally not prepared for that, and now he resorts to such a dick move..." The voice chimed in with. This is when Deadpool thought back when he was a mercenary who usually took contracts from those who would stand with morals, basically as he called it "Being hired to fuck worse guys over." And he decided to be today's vigilante. Then as Deadpool laid his ambush, from the side he began running straight at the guy and yelled in true Deadpool fashion as he closed in on him "JUDO KICK!" And did a professional with momentum on his side judo kicked to hit the guy square in the jaw with his boot. Deadpool then drawed a pistol, and shot the man in both of his feet to prevent him from standing up, or cause great pain if he tried to. He then drove his foot straight into the mans arm that held the cables, and yanked them out. "Oh I am sorry! Were you trying to be a dick to those two back there?!? Well, you ran straight into the wrong mans boot! You should pay more attention, well actually not. Because we both know no one deserves this shit, but eh. Anyway a protip, don't try anything stupid anymore or Mr. And Mrs. Katana will start to get intimate on you, and it will be like 50 shades of grey, hate fucking and it won't make you feel good. But feel free to go scram now to wherever hole you came out of." Deadpool then took his boot off of the man's arm with cables in hand and began walking over to the two at the bike. "Hey! I got the cables back from off of this douche, I don't know motorbike CPR but you should probably have these! Might help somehow!" Calling out to the two.

@BIGBOSS1975 @LadyAria
Gunshots rang through the air, and it didn't take more than a second for Tomoko to realize exactly what this red-clad madman had done: Not only was the sound of the gunshots going to attract more of those zombies, but he just doomed that man to be eaten alive. Jesus Christ. Sure, it looked like he was trying to help out by grabbing the wires, but who's to say it wasn't a ruse?!

Mr. Asshole, however, was too busy screaming his lungs off to do much of anything. Getting shot in both of your feet will do that to you. He didn't hear much of what this red-suited bastard had to say, all he knew is that he needed to get the hell out of there. Once Deadpool picked his boot up, the man got up and tried to run away. However, getting shot in the foot hurts like a bitch. He didn't bother to check how much damage it had done, focusing instead on limping away.

True to Tomoko's thoughts, the undead were attracted by the gunshots, and were quickly converging on the survivors' position. Tomoko once again mustered her less than stellar English, and said to the mysterious woman, "W-we can't fix the bike right now! We could... Try the motels?"

The motel district would be a fantastic place to go, as it has more than just shitty, rundown motels. Typically, hotels have plenty of food thanks to the ever increasing demand of breakfast buffets. That, and Tomoko was pretty sure that a crazy old man ran the place the class and her were staying at, and crazy old American men have guns. At least, that was the stereotype.

@The Omen of Death @LadyAria
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Jennifer Cassidy

As she heard him dismantle the battery, the girl started to get nervous as no one touches her bike and gets away with it. As she was about to run after she noticed that another presence in the distance. All that was in her mind right now was to get those cable ties, without them she couldn't do much. With a sigh the girl made sure the teenager on her bike was safe, she had the urge to protect her. She reminded her of someone. Her little sister and she won't fail at protecting her again. Inside Tomoko she saw Tamara, her younger sister.

With that being said an done she notice that the mysterious guy in the crimson spandex suit has retrieved their cable ties to which she quickly faced Tomoko and called her to stay
"You stay here, I'll get the cable ties and get this baby fixed again" she smiled reassuringly before she started making her way towards the man who rescued her cable ties. She had to make it quick as having a wave of undead attracted to the gunshot was not a move worth making but nonetheless she approached him.

"I see you managed to get my cable ties which this bastard managed to snatch off" she grumbled as she eyes the man run off. "Should've fed him to the horde" she suggested sternly, reaching out for the ties.

@The Omen of Death @BIGBOSS1975
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The wires are actually in pretty good shape. Fixing the bike would be easy... The only issue here being time. Not only were the zombies from the other side of the street on their way, but as previously mentioned, the gunshots had attracted more of the things. The survivors AT LEAST had a little over a dozen zombies around them, with the number quickly growing. If Jenn wanted to fix this bike, she would have to do it fast.

@The Omen of Death @LadyAria
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Deadpool put the cable ties in the woman's hands as she outstretched it to take it back. "Yep totally did that! That was all me, giving the man one badass judo kick to the chin and then two bullets to the each foot!" He looked back as she said her second comment and replied. "Well the man has those bullets in his feet, not sure he is going to get far with that. Inevitably I would imagine he will be horde food, this is going to be like that one time at that New Kids On The Block concert. Those girls are dammn feisty and very catty." He said as he then realized a small but rising horde was coming they're way. "Oh great thinking... Now you just attracted a horde our way and guess what we have to do..." "Yay more killing! Let's draw some blood!" Deadpool's two voices chimed in with. "Well, looks like more decided to show up its like they are attracted to us! Anyway my fault for causing the mess, you don't have to worry any of that fine ass of yours about handling them. I can hold them off while you fix that quickly and all I ask in return is that if you can fit a third man on the bike please let me on! With a cherry on top! If not at least point me to somewhere we can meet so we can get together in a group, so if we can get out of this damned horde we can stick together." Deadpool then drew both of his pistols and began shooting hitting headshots on the approaching zombies, while also paying attention to his surroundings, making sure zombies were not flanking him as well as finding weak spots to exploit. Until he heard the distinctive click of no bullets, and reloaded them both, awaiting the challenge.
The undead drop like flies, the large caliber bullets making quick work of their faces. However, with every zombie killed, at least 2 more showed up to take their place. It was like fighting a hydra, only bloodier. After all, .50 AE doesn't get along well with things like "skulls" and "life."

"Holy shit! This red-guy's good! I was lucky to be here when this outbreak started!"

Tomoko picked up her pipe, ready to take on any undead that got too close, as Deadpool's skills gave her confidence. However, Deadpool's skills also kept the crowd at bay, keeping the girl from getting her moment... For the time being, at least, as the zombie's numbers were continuing to grow. Jennifer needed to fix that bike as quickly as possible.

@LadyAria @The Omen of Death

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