Other Who wants to skype

The Outcast

Return of the King
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My parents think everyone on the internets is a 50 year old pedo so I got to prove to them that there are 'normal' people on the internet. Also I wanna see what some of my fellow role players look like.
There's a picture thread in personal discussion. Maybe you could show em that.

I wish I could help, but I'm too busy to Skype with someone's parents and my beard probably wouldn't help your case anyway.
you not skyping with my parents lol. they are just going to peek while i talk to who ever does it
I'll help out of boredom if your parents are okay with it being someone whos practically a kid themselves cx

and my parents are the same way so I don't mind

and just for uh personal issues how old are you?
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Okay, not too big a difference seeing as I just turned 16 message me and we can discuss it further lol
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