유Who lives video games?유

I'd be here forever if I posted them all, but the notables
Legend of Zelda
Assassin's Creed
Smash Brothers
Elder Scrolls Series
And Fallout
I have many more, but that would take way too long
Hmmm, well, as Arsdenaut Arsdenaut said, way too many games to list.... buuuuuut

-Final Fantasy VII, VII Dirge of Cerberus, and VII Crisis Core
-Final Fantasy 8
-Final Fantasy 10 and 10-2
-Final Fantasy XV
-Sims 2 PC series
-Neir: Automata
-Prototype 1
-Assassin's Creed series
-Legend of Zelda series
-Sonic Heroes
-Devil May Cry series
-Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon
-Fable trilogy
-Shit ton more . . .
Halo and I don't need anything else. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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I found Knights of the Old Republic, some Lego games, Roblox, Minecraft (initially), and Zelda: Breath of the Wild to be... tolerable.
Nah I'm jk they're good. But Halo>all of them combined and multiplied by fifteen.
Here we go! (Mario intended)

- Assassins Creed (have a tattoo to prove it)
- Final Fantasy (7/10/10-2/15)
- Kingdom Hearts
- Tomb Raider
- Dragon Age: Inquisition
- Borderlands 2 ("Lady's got a guy full of dynamite and a booty like POOOW")
- Journey
- Firewatch
- Rebel Galaxy

So on and so forth...
Dragon Age Origins
Dragon Age II
Dragon Age Inquisition
Sports Games (Easier this way)
Mass Effect
Mass Effect II
Mass Effect III
Mass Effect Andromeda (Haven't played it yet. But am assuming I'll like it)
Mario Kart (Childhood Favorite)
Pokémon games (Childhood Favorite)
Yugioh GX Tag force 1st, 2nd ( Childhood Favorite. Never got to play the 3rd, but want to still)
Welp, I can't list them all since, like above examples too much to list but the short version would be:

1. Tekken 3/Uncharted 2/Dark Souls III
2. Battlefield 1
3. Brawlhalla
4. ACIV: Black Flag (Last AC I liked)
5. Street Fighter V
6. Overwatch
7. Uncharted 4
8. The Last of Us
9. Mortal Kombat XL
10. COD: BO3

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