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One Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
Puhon Puhon

David was lying down in a dark alleyway, holding his head. He sat up, groaning from the throbbing sensation making itself very much well-known in his temples. He looked around, trying to get his bearings. He saw the spire of a twisting skyscraper above the roof of the three-story apartment building he was next to and determined he must be in Tokyo, Abu Dabi or Seoul, as they are the only cities he could think of at the moment that had non-linear building designs.

He stood shakily, looking around. He was gearing up for a mission when he..."Agh!" he held his head as trying to remember the rest of it only elicited pain from his temple again. He then heard a scream. A female one, but still it was a scream. At first, he thought it might be someone sarcastically copying his groan. It happened again, though, and he recognized that tone.

He'd heard it on plenty of missions. It was the one of the only emotions that could be well-discerned in a person's cry.


His instincts and training took over, and he patted his body all over quickly. He found his fully loaded Glock 9mm on his left hip, and his .357 S&W on his right. He was in his combat attire, a black T-shirt with combat cargo pants and black combat boots. He suddenly became aware of a weight on his back and realized he was wearing his assault pack, loaded with enough essentials to survive anywhere for any length of time. He lowered his head and bolted toward the sound, his sprint not faded despite the 40 lbs on his back.

He listened closely and heard some muffled screaming followed by more scuffling.

"Get 'er, Phil!"
"I'ma tryin, Rick! This friggin Fox is-Oof! A piece of work!"

Some obscenities followed, along with more scuffling. David reached the area of combat, peeking around a corner. At first it looked like two men in animal masks were trying to restrain a young female - if her figure gave it away - dressed in a fox mask. He wondered what in the world was going on when he saw her.

The girl wearing a - that wasn't a mask, reached out to him as she was struck over the head and fell to the ground. Masks don't bleed and blink. Fake fox paws don't reach out and beckon for help desperately. It seemed that this was some dream, or he was in a very different world. It didn't matter. He'd do the same thing wherever he went. He wasn't sure of the laws here, so he unbuckled his firearms and took off his pack. If these two, an aardvark and wolf, were actually humanoid animals, he'd need all the mobility he could get.

Just as the aardvark was walking toward the fox-girl and fidgeted with his pants, he heard, "Hey!" He turned to see a...furless monkey with very very small ears? "Hey douchebag. Let them go." The aardvark smiled. "What you gonna do, big guy?"

David walked toward the quartet, his hands at his sides. "Let them go," he simply repeated.

The aardvark smiled and swung at the newcomer. David stepped back and the swing went wide. He swung a high kick up, impacting the bottom of the shoulder of the assailant. A crunch was heard by the aardvark screaming in pain. "Wh-wh-what'd you do?" He threw several curse words out as he stumbled to the ground on one knee, trying to reset his now dislocated shoulder. David roundhoused the criminal's face into unconsciousness, then rolled his neck with a few pops rewarding him as a result. Ah, that's better. My neck was stiff, he thought. He then turned toward the wolf. Said lupine walked toward the newcomer, gritting his teeth. "You're gonna pay for that."
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Shiloe Drakken
24 years old

Shiloe is small, but 4'6 ft concentrated sass. She's never gonna let anyone bring her down and heaven forbid someone dare to underestimate her. She's as energetic as a bathtub full of nitroglycerin and occasionally just as easy to blow up.
Proud and very independent, Shiloe won't let anything stop her.
She doesn't have many social contacts outside the ZPD, so the side of her most don't get to see is that of a fluffball full of curiosity and love for the smallest little things. She does seem to hide something, but asking about that... Would probably not be the best idea.

Shiloe has originally been training to become a teacher, like her mother, grandmother and great-grandmother before her. She's from a very intellectual family and has spent her childhood reading and exploring, learning as much as she possibly could. Her parents often weren't at home, both being busy working all day, so she spent most of her days with her grandparents, especially with her grandfather who often took her out into the forest, where she still feels very at peace.
As the years went by and she grew up her relationship with her parents got a lot more complicated, the drawbacks of her childhood spent basically without them finally manifesting as a lack of closeness between them.
It only got worse from there on, until she decided to move out and only stay in touch with them very loosely. She'd hoped to find something new, something... More, upon moving to zootopia.​

Shiloe was sitting on her desk as Chief Bogo was taking about the recent crimes going on in the city, handing everyone their respective files.
Being the smallest mammal in the ZPD, she had started out from bottom, working her tail off to prove that she was not just a cute kitty.
Stubborn as she was she had put up with everything they had thrown her way, from far too big tables to stupid jokes.
Frowning slightly, she side-glanced at the empty seat next to her.
Her previous partner had resigned after they'd had their assess handed to them in an incident involving a crocodile, an elephant and a cart jam-packed with ice cream.
Hadn't they intervened, the two would have probably mowed down the entire district of Little Rodentia.
However, they'd taken quite a few blows, causing her partner to settle for a less dangerous job and her to lose a good part of her already short tail.
She normally would have shrugged an injury off and carried on, but a cat without its tail...
It was humiliating, but hell, she'd worked too hard to let that stop her.
Shiloe's ears flattened slightly as Bogo called her by his newest favorite nickname for her.
She did have unusually big ears for a lynx, and her extra stubby tail did the rest to make her look like a crossbreed between a lynx and a bunny.
She growled silently, tapping her claws on the table as she sat, legs crossed, looking like she was trying to stare the buffalo down.
"We received an anonymous hint of some shady businesses going on corner Triton's street. Go check it out."

The Lynx hopped off the table to take the files Chief was handing her and left the room, heading for her car while she was already scamming the pages for what little information they had.
She sighed internally, slightly wrinkling her nose as she read about the suspects. A wolf and an aardvark...
The latter didn't bother her, but she'd made her experiences with wolves. Maybe it just was her being a feline, but the scent... Especially when they got wet in the rain. Ugh.

Upon arriving at the designated location, Shiloe parked her car a few streets further away to avoid catching any attention, before she patrolled the block, in plain clothes, if course.
Her ZPD uniform would catch too much attention here; if she wanted to get a hold on those two suspects, she needed to fit in.
Luckily enough, she did.
Her torn, black neckerchief, brown tank top and destroyed style dark Grey jeans vest, along with her black ripped jeans and combat boots were like made for this part of the city.
Plus, she knew these streets. Mainly because she lived in an apartment just around the next corner.

Hands in the pockets of her jeans, a paw-shaped lollipop in her mouth, she shuffled around the corner, eyes and ears scanning the area for anything suspicious.

"Hey Shishi!"
Her left ear twitched. There was only person who would survive calling her by that name.
A frown formed on her face as she turned around, finding herself face to face with a young fox; an old childhood friend and her neighbor.
They had spent most of their lives together, had almost lost touch upon Shiloe moving to the city, but rekindled their friendship when they had found out that Mia had moved to the city two years later, too- into the apartment right next to Shiloe's.

"Mia, hey." She looked around for a moment, her ears slightly flattening.
"Listen you should be careful... The crime rate is rising here..."
But the fox just smiled innocently, lifting her shoulders. "Ah... Nothing I gotta worry about- after all, I have the best officer of the entire ZPD looking after me!"
Shiloe just shook her head, smirking playfully as she rolled her eyes. That girl. She was like a living ray of sunshine, always spreading happiness wherever she went.
"Oh, you are just trying to bribe me into covering your crimes!", she joked.
Laughing, Mia shrugged. "Well, I suppose you could call my cooking skills a crime."

They talked for another few minutes until they parted ways again, Mia to go home and Shiloe to continue her patrol.
It hadn't been more than half an hour when suddenly the sound of yelling and screaming reached her fine ears.
She knew that voice.
The Lynx turned, already drawing her gun as she bolted down the street to save her best- well, only friend,but the scene she arrived to was one she wouldn't have expected in a million years.
Some hairless... Monkey, had roundhoused an aardvark--just the one she had been looking out for- into unconsciousness, leaving a wolf- actually the other suspect- to release Mia from his grip and attack the stranger.
"ZPD!", she shouted, her voice so very big for a small mammal like her as she sprinted after the canine and jumped claws first right into his face.
With furiously bared teeth and flattened ears, Shiloe, a storm of slicing claws and snapping fangs, wrestled the much taller predator to the ground and restrained him with an arm behind his back.
"You are arrested, asshole."
After she had handcuffed the canine to the next fireladder to make sure he wouldn't escape, she carefully helped Mia up, who kept one paw pushed against the clawmarks on her face. They'd gotten her good.
"You okay?", Shiloe asked silently, the fox just nodding.
"I think so... Just a bit dizzy..."
"I'll call the ambulance."
After she had made sure that help was on the way and Mia would be fine, Shiloe turned to the weird stranger who had just probably saved her friend's life.
She frowned slightly, giving him a once-over.
"... Thank you...", the fox sighed softly, interrupting the Lynx' befuddled staring, who just settled to nod slowly.
"Yeah", she mumbled. "That was a close one..."
It was awkward. There was this elephant in the room...
"Excuse me, but... What the hell are you even?"
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David was prepared to retaliate against the wolf when a Lynx in a jumped on his assailants' back and flipped him over, wrestling the twice-her-size criminal to the ground and getting him into an arm bar in an impressive amount of time. She cursed at him and handcuffed him to the fire escape on the building behind her, then tended to the young fox. She shouted ZPD, was it? He didn't know what the Z stood for, but in his experience, anyone with that level of skill, with a pair of handcuffs on hand and "PD" shouted as they attacked was definitely part of the local police force.

The fox offered him a weak thank you as the Lynx stared at him confusedly, then asked him what he was. He was about to answer when he heard, "I heard it come from over here!" followed by multiple footsteps running wildly. He knew based on their increasing volume they'd be on them in seconds. He also knew, based on the short conversation the Lynx had with her friend that an ambulance was on the way. David turned around and drew his tactical knife from his left hip and turned around, holding the blade up in a defensive posture. "Hey, officer," he called. "What are the laws here like? I don't wanna go to jail for killing someone when I was protecting you guys."

On that cue, four more thugs rounded the corner. An elephant, another Fox, but bigger than the girl behind David, a...mouse? And another Aardvark. Looked like the twin of the one lying on the ground. The wolf shouted out, "Hey, this guy jumped us! Get him!" The group rushed them. David opted to take the elephant in the room, and slipped past the other three easily. Said trunked beast of a man tried stomping David out of existence, but ended up hitting empty street. "Huh?" he said before he felt a sharp pain in his right hindfoot. He nearly collapsed but caught himself on the fire escape holding the wolf. the metal grate made for medium-sized animals collapsed under the weight of the enormous herbivore and subsequently crushed the wolf sitting underneath it.

He tried getting up, but felt another sharp pain in his left hindfoot. The elephant could no longer walk. The soft cushion just between the sole and ankle of the elephant's feet had been cut, and the pain was too unbearable for the beast to walk on. David parkoured on the wall opposite the elephant, stopping just behind the mouse as he and his two buddies tried entrapping the two females. David grabbed the mouse and chucked him into the distance, knowing that the smallest threats may be the most dangerous.

The larger fox kept his gaze on the Lynx and leapt forward, but the aardvark saw the squeaky gangster get thrown like a catapulted ball and turned to the human. He palmed his right hand with his left fist and said, "Come on, freak. Let's dance."
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