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Who Are You? (AkwardWriter & DeUil)



Lily arrives at the park and a smile appears on her face when she sees someone she hasn't met before. She's always been up for meeting new people. She slowly approches the unfamiliar female and smiles.

"Hi, I'm Lily. Are you new here or?" She didn't want to come off as too happy, but also not too, bleh.

She blew a piece of her bright red hair out of her face. She then, extended a hand to shake the other girls'.

Izzy looked up from her tablet. Her dark black hair moved back slowly as her annoyed green eyes looked up at the intruder to her epic paragraph, right when the dragon was lifting off to save the most important person in this chapter! She had to take a deep breath and force a smile. " I guess the answer would be or. I have bounced around alot." Izzy moved her camo covered legs to be uncrossed as she studied the girl taking her hand. " Are you the welcome party?" Her smile staying in place waiting to see what the girl would do, to her comment.

Lily just rolled her eyes. She sighed, and looked down at the female.

"Haha... Are you a comedian?" She shot back.

Despite her welcoming attitude, she wasn't afraid to throw some sarcasm into the air as well. Most like to portray her as some, perky, nice girl, when in all actuality she could be a sarcastic asshole. And she wasn't afraid to give anyone a what for if they deserved it.

" Only on the weekends." Izzy smiled again and dropped the other girls hand, looking over the girl very closely before sighing."Izzy, dads milatry I bounce around everywhere. He's stationed at Luke again. He says this is where he's going to retire, so here I am." She looked back at her tablet. The pages within begging to be read, as she glanced back at the girl again.

She let out a small laugh at Izzy's sarcastic retort.

"Oh, sounds hard. What're you reading?" She questioned, glancing at the book.

Lily sat down next to her and smiled, awaiting her answer.

At that Izzy bit her lip." Nothing." She didn't want to admit that she was reading a fantasy book about epic wars, deceit, the changing of power always slipping through each houses hand, how one of the main characters just do what she had been waiting for, for books. Izzy blinking bringing herself back to the present." What do you do around here for fun? Where he was stationed at last time there were lakes and bonfires. Here everything seems to be different seeing I came right in the middle of the summer."Izzy then picked up her tablet sliding it into her over sized purse.

Lily thought for a moment, and a smiled formed on her lips.

"There should be a party tonight. Those are always fun. You should come, it's really awesome." She said, hoping Izzy would agree.

The parties around here were usually awesome! There wasn't a single party she has been to yet that was a bust, and she's been to tons of parties.

Izzy looked over the girl and smiled lightly."Sure, I'll go. Want my number? We can care pool?"Izzy wasn't sure this was right but it beat being at the house with her awkward stepmom. She bit her lip again, her hair falling into her face as she waited. She was never much of a part person but it sounded fun.

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