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Fantasy Where Species Collide OOC

I'll help! I'm that one guy who seems to have a million ideas but never implicates them.

So I'm guessing we want to stick to the main premise, i.e. various supernatural beings attending the same secondary school?
Yep, it'd be nice if we could keep the characters, but we need some sort of story. Do you have any ideas?
I have a few ideas which are as follows:

1. There is a hidden society of beings that govern the supernatural world. They are a pacifist parliament that avoids interfering with human activities as much as possible.The schools for supernaturals are under their jurisdiction, and as such the students are taught how to interact with humans in a non-revealing way. However, there is a growing movement to unveil the existence of supernaturals to mankind. Some join this movement with the goal of simply assimilating with humans, while others have more extremist ideas. The secondary school where the rp takes place is thrown into the middle of the unrest when a student is killed by some traveling "demon" hunters.

2. The secondary education facility is a boarding school in the middle of the Irish countryside. The castle-like building has been used by supernaturals for centuries, and as such holds many secrets. There are various portions of the school that are off limits, including the basement. There is a rumor that the land it is built upon was once home to a powerful warlock who dabbled in dark magic, and that remnants of that magic still hover in the walls. This rumor is true, and the basement contains a magic circle created to seal away the evil entities that call this place their home. However, the seal was made long ago and is slowly beginning wear away, gradually releasing the creatures trapped within.

These are what I have come up with so far. What do you think?
Why don’t we combine those ideas? Like people overlook all supernaturals which makes sense since it would cause harm to both races. And there’s a seal. So people can choose to deal with things in a more “are you a part of their rules or not” or “we gotta save the school from these monster things”
I thought that part of the story was that normal people aren't aware of the existence of the supernatural
Oh true. I mean this council would only look over supernaturals like the number 1 suggestion
Wait, I thought the council would be made up of high-ranking supernatural beings? Or is it normal people? Which is better?
Wait, I thought the council would be made up of high-ranking supernatural beings? Or is it normal people? Which is better?
When I came up with that idea, I was thinking high-ranking supernatural beings. There can be some high-ranking humans who have knowledge that this council exists, i.e. the leader of a country, but otherwise normal humans do not know.
Nepenthe Nepenthe as the one who created the new plot so you want to create the main thread? Or is there still more needed to discussed?
Sure, consistent posting early on typically helps an Rp push through the early days where failure is most prevalent
Ok! I'll be putting it up shortly and will stick the link in here since I'm going to be changing the name (just in case!)

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