Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

I used to roleplay in chatango but it started to become inappropriate and less people roleplay there these days. before that when i was a kid i roleplayed in roblox which was fun but i kinda outgrew roblox(still play it but less when i was younger)
I recently got into it. The first community I joined was the Virtual Space App, but then I found RPNation x)
the first site i roleplayed on was a social media site called bebo which as far as i know is dead now (which is a shame, cus i'd love to go revisit all my undoubtedly hideous old rps lmao).. that had to be in 2007? 8? christ. then moved to tumblr for a bit when bebo died, but that was kind of an awful platform for text rp imo, did some emailing.. did anyone else ever use bebo ?? (oᆺo)
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Oddly enough, I RP'd on a few servers on Minecraft that had medieval based RP (LOTC)
I have been almost every where. But i have found that it became more difficult over time to find places to Rp. *Sigh*
Zylvia said:
I first started on Quizilla. The site has since been taken down, but did anyone else kickstart their RPing career there? I then moved onto email and few other cringe-worthy sites before finally finding this little gem :)
razorrabbit said:
Quizilla back when I was young and took fanfic and my friend's word as fact for whatever it was I was reading at the time since I didn't know what half the stuff I was reading was about. Kind of missed Quizilla but that's probably nostalgia goggles. Haven't really switched to another rp site until Home | Litmust Roleplay cropped up then found my way over here.
Shoutout to the Quizilla RPers! That's where I got started as well, many years ago. I'm not sure if either of you read those WWYFF quizzes, but a younger me was hooked on those (and I'm not quite sure I wouldn't be still). I started seeing all these posts for RP and finally asked someone what it was, and so it all began. I used Quizilla for a couple solid years and took some RPs from that site to email since that seemed a bit easier. I started drifting from the site after awhile- using email more often and then eventually ended up here, where I lurked for a solid month before joining any RPs because I was intimidated by the group forum format since I only ever did 1x1s on Quizilla. I logged back into Quizilla on the rare occasion, and even though I had stopped using it I was a bit sad to see it go.
I actually signed up on this site before, then went to a Forumotion site about Fairy Tail, hen went here again to see anything new.
Started off in Dragoncave, Then Magistream and now I find myself here. Was probably too focused on that meerkat snake game in Neopets to realize there was an RP forum there also.
Heh...get ready for cringing.

My first roleplay ever was on Scratch. I kid you not. That probably crippled my roleplaying ability for a while, because Scratch has a character limit for comments. During that time, I also roleplayed on Minecraft, which was also crippling because you didn't have to describe anything.

After that, I roleplayed on the NaNoWriMo YWP for several years. I loved it, and I still go over there as of this writing, but it's an all ages(content-wise) forum with writers of varying ability, and none of them are over 17. Also, if someone applies to your roleplay on there, you can't say no, so no quality control. It's great for a new writer growing in confidence, but eventually one gets tired of all of the one-liners and edgy jerky teenage characters in adult situations.
I started in Humanpets when it was a facebook app, then moved to the humanpets site, then to gaia and finally to mangafox before coming in here
I had an online affair with a guy from overseas. He taught about the fun of creativity. It was on a chat program called Paltalk. Some good old fashioned adult fun! LOL
Neopets here, Probably the only fun thing on the site, still trying to find something similar, as to why I'm new here.
Oh man. Torak.info: I started on this site with a maximum of about 200 people on it (That's what the maximum amount was on one New Years Eve forever ago) It was for a book that was the first series I read that got me into wanting to write. Chronicles Of Ancient Darkness.

The site is no longer up anymore, it was pretty much pronounced dead far before 2011 I believe. Before it died I moved onto a site made by a friend of said website called Supernatural-RP based on a cluster of characters we made, a really good rp partner form The Clan actually followed me to SN-RP because we were still writing together. I can't even remember what our falling out was about it was so long ago.

Then I moved between websites, settling on Gaiaonline for a while and then packing up and moving to RPN. I used RPN on Tapatalk for a year and a half or so and then moved onto a different forum Roleplay Forums-- but they were very slow on foot traffic and they seemed kind of rude. Then I went to an app called Virtual Space where my name is Lucifer. Lol

Then I tried FB, but it's coming up with nothing good so I came back to RPN because I have access to a decent computer now. *cheers*


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