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Realistic or Modern Where Did the Time Go?


You guys can refer to me as Amanda or Mandy just so you know! Feel free to also introduce yourself because it'll be easier to say your actual name, opposed to "person who owns this character."
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sorry I'm not responding!! using my friends phone right now, I'll continue with you guys tomorrow <3 apologies!!!!
So I may, or may not, lose power and therefore my internet connection. Go ahead without me and I'll catch up if that does happen.
Funny story. My name is also Amanda but call me Amy. TheGrimPickler goes by Riley. Make sure you spell it right or he'll cry. (Not really just teasin')

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I found a thing on the internet.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/1436895378561.jpg.e0a023649a7df073755ad02a97344382.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62030" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/1436895378561.jpg.e0a023649a7df073755ad02a97344382.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • 1436895378561.jpg
    47.3 KB · Views: 5
When they get back into the van, would you all mind if we time lapsed to the arrival at the beach? Unless, someone can come up with something to do while they are in the van?


I'm curious, even more so now, to know who Casey has the hots for! Argh.
Asylumnated said:
When they get back into the van, would you all mind if we time lapsed to the arrival at the beach? Unless, someone can come up with something to do while they are in the van?

I'm curious, even more so now, to know who Casey has the hots for! Argh.
Back from work! Love all of these juicy deets. And NO ONE will know until I give it away. I will be flirting with EVERYONE though.

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