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When The Heart Guides The Hand (CLOSED) {TokumeiNoJorogumoXYaboku God Of War}


Arakkna Kashiko, Mankind's Web spinner.
@Yaboku God of War                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             @TokumeiNoJorogumo

                                                                                                                                <3   ~Basic plot~ <3  

A is a simple highschool girl who is bullied constantly. Because of this, she cuts and is suicidal.  
Her best friend who she has known since childhood has lived his life in concern for her...but he has a secret. And it's not his hidden love for her.

What he has kept from her is that he has the powers to bring back the dead, though he has sworn to never use it, for he will die if he does.. 
One night, he heads to visit her. Her mom and stepdad( who she hated utterly), were recently married, and had taken their leave for their honeymoon and left her alone. 

B had called and called but A wouldnt answer. As B climbs to the window of her second floor room, He finds that she lays there unconcious.
B Holds her as She dies... But what will B do now? 





Keira "Absinthe" Tristesse.

Keira 4.jpgKeira 3.jpg

(Fun name facts)
Keira - means "little dark one"
Tristesse - "sadness" in French

Basic Information 

Preferred Name: "Absinthe"

Age: 16

Race: human

Gender: female

Sexuality: straight

"class creep"  

Occupation: High school student at Terragon high


Appeared Age: 16

Height: 5'3

Weight: 178

Build: Curvy

Skin Color: Pale

Eye Color: Green

Hair Style: Refer to picture 

Hair Color: Brunnette

Fashion: Gothic/Alternative/Dark

Abnormalities: Has a black dot in the iris of her right eye.

Tattoos: none

Piercings: none 


Personality description: Is a tortured soul, very self concsious and eternally depressed. Though kind and generous, she is very moody and sad.


Brief Biography:  
Keira's father walked out on her mother and she when she was about 9. Her mother, raven, met her stepdad Craig at a bar a few weeks later and dated for seven years. For seven long years Keira was beaten and mentally abused. Now her mother and stepdad are to be married soon. And she hates it. 

Friends: character b


Raven her mother, craig her stepfather.

Name: Quincy McCallans








Skin Color:Pale



Brief bio:

He's had a fine life he always ran away or snuck out to be with his friend whenever and wherever. Though for his upbringing not being the best always running away and not knowing his real parents. Finding a foster home that accepted him he lived there and stayed growing up with his special gift he dare not tell anyone.

He walks to his locker grabbing his stuff going to his class. Seeing his friend getting picked on again he walked over to her and moved the person away "Hey, come on lets go." He said while taking [COLOR= rgb(0, 255, 0)]Absi[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(0, 255, 0)]nthe[/COLOR]'s hand and walks away "You okay?"
《I should have asked x3 is there a certain length i should post?》
《Okay yeah I can do that XD on some occasions i might post less if i really can't think. But I'll have to do it at home since I have to get on rpn on my phone

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