Anime & Manga What's your fav anime of all time?

mawaru penguindrum is my favorite anime of all time, followed by serial experiments lain and evangelion. that show needs a lot more love.
Honestly...A lot of my love for individual shows comes and goes as I'm watching it. Right now I'm hyped as hell about konosuba,but a few seasons ago it was durarara. I'd say the only show to really stick all these years is dragonballz from when I was a kid watching it on toonami. Followed by stiens;gate.
It's pretty difficult for me to decide, as I have watched a lot of anime I probably forgot a lot of the titles of them =P But one that I definitely won't forget is Bakuman. Especially the manga. Really great seeing the characters grow as they work towards their end goal of having a manga they create get an anime adaptation (really really meta plot).

Also coming in at a close 2nd is Clannad. Both seasons of it. Great stuff in general.
With my nostalgia goggles on, I would say DBZ, since it was the biggest one in my childhood besides Pokemon.

But I would honestly say nowadays that I love Gintama. I only actually watched it recently, but it's the first anime to make me laugh wholeheartedly in a while. It was a bit clunky at first, but after sticking with it, it is absolutely my favorite.
Hmm, if we're going by favorite standalone anime then mine is Mawaru Penguindrum but holistically and as a cumulative media experience Evangelion is by far my absolute fave.
I love No. 6, though the light novels are much better. I also love the Evangelion series, Devils and Realist, and Black Butler! ^-^
Honestly, this is really hard for me! I'd be really hard pressed to choose any of the series that I rate highly as a favorite but I'll list a few!

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Shin Sekai Yori, Bakemonogatari, Hunter x Hunter, Ghost in the Shell, Kaiba, and Toradora all mean a lot to me for various reasons and I usually rewatch them atleast once a year.
I haven't seen much anime (yet). But my all-time favorite will always be Attack on Titan. The plot is good, and the action is pure awesomeness. I kind of wish they'd come out with a season two already.
I love Revolutionary Girl Utena with a passion. I watched it a long time ago when I was a kid, and I didn't really get it at first, but once I finished it, and started watching it again... and again, I started to pick up more from the show than I initially had.
Of all time? That's a little hard so I'll go with what I'm currently obsessing over this season : Bungou Stray Dogs. I'm so in love with the plot and the characters surrounding it. *shameless advertising* I really think everyone should give it a watch if they haven't seen it already. If it isn't obvious already, I'm currently RP'ing one of the main characters, Osamu Dazai. -u-
My favorite of all time has to be HunterXHunter. No old or new series will ever change that. The second place spot goes to Yu Yu Hakusho. It would be tied with HxH, except it doesn't have the memories that HxH has.
ItsCursorBby said:
There's way more to the story, read the manga it's so much better
Id LOVE to sometime, now ive never been big on reading manga, (Might be my immature fascination with pretty colors xD ) but there are several anime which ive heard are WAY better through their manga counter-part. One of them being DMWL.
LifeJusticeLive said:
Id LOVE to sometime, now ive never been big on reading manga, (Might be my immature fascination with pretty colors xD ) but there are several anime which ive heard are WAY better through their manga counter-part. One of them being DMWL.
I hear you, I'm not really much for manga either, though I've been getting more into it recently. I usually only read manga if the anime has me really hooked and I need to know the full story (DMWL, TG, BSD) but lately I've been looking into manga by the artist of DMWL because I really like his art style (there are 5, only two of which have an anime, including DMWL), and there's one manga (Amatsuki) that I've been slowly catching up on on a friend's recommendation despite never seeing the anime (apparently it's not that good, but I'll probably watch it eventually anyways).
ItsCursorBby said:
I hear you, I'm not really much for manga either, though I've been getting more into it recently. I usually only read manga if the anime has me really hooked and I need to know the full story (DMWL, TG, BSD) but lately I've been looking into manga by the artist of DMWL because I really like his art style (there are 5, only two of which have an anime, including DMWL), and there's one manga (Amatsuki) that I've been slowly catching up on on a friend's recommendation despite never seeing the anime (apparently it's not that good, but I'll probably watch it eventually anyways).
I research it a bit, honestly im getting to the point where im just watching whatever comes up on "" on the top list and watching it.. xD At work, im at the front desk at a hotel. I check someone in every now and again, but for the most part im bored and doing whatever lol I.E As i type this.

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