Other What Would You Do If You Were A Ghost?

Interesting question. I would haunt the people I dislike, starting with Rush Limbaugh.
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I'd probably start going into people's computers and logging into TvTropes, just to sate my addiction to that site.

Otherwise, I'd want to explore the world and lie down in some beautiful, untouched meadow or field.
I'd get even with all the people that were asshats towards me. The scene from Ghost where Patrick is singing 'I'm Henry the Eight' to Whoopi comes to mind.
Wait until people are asleep, turn on their Xbox/PS4 or pc and then ruin their K/D ratio, wuhahahaha.

Oh, or wait until there is a really important online match/ download then pull the plug on the internet :P
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I would most likely travel. If I couldn't see or visit the places I wanted to in life, I could see them in the afterlife. Probably go cliff-diving or something that was once scary and life-threatening, too, just because I'm already a ghost.
I'd haunt students and artists (and especially art students).

First, I'd make my victim's alarm clock go off an hour and a half early every morning. Even on the weekends.

Then I'd posses their microwaves and toasters to ensure that their food is molten on the outside and frozen in the middle.

And when they're working on essays or digital art...I'll cut the power to their computer before they get a chance to save.

Truly diabolical.
Do evil ghost stuff. Join a ghost support group, date a lady-ghost. Go into outer space and look for a planet with life whose evolution I can indirectly influence so they become smart enough to build stuff, but not smart enough to ask too many questions and set myself up as a god...or something. I don't know, I don't really have it all planned out.
I'd mess around with people a lot. Probably take possession of some sort of inanimate statue or Stuffed animal and go around causing havoc. I'd be like Chucky.
I'd hang out with @Ghost , do bad references to Ghost Busters, sing the phantom of the opera to creep musicians out, live in vaccumn cleaners, read a lot of books, and haunt Brazilian beaches and drink ghostly caipirinhas.

I'd also probably be a prick of a ghost and get revenge on all those who wronged me in the most terrifying ways possible, because damn it undead can do whatever they want.

Speaking of which, I'd probably try to take over the world. Somehow. Don't judge.
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Attempt to fuck with as many people as i possibly could. I'd be a real life version of the Downfall Fegelein with all my antics
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I'd want to be some kind of helpful house-ghost. Lost your keys? I'll find them and put them in the right place overnight!

Maybe I'd hide things too, just to piss people off once in a while...
If I was a ghost, I'd probably try to unlock the secrets of the universe or something. I'd have enough time, anyway.
I would haunt the people that pissed me off the most in life, then I would fly!
I'd be the embodiment of Karma. Similar to what @MoonBruises said, only I'd help out those who are struggling and piss off the assholes. Also be a kind of a Robin Hood. Steal from the rich and give to the poor type of thing.

Also, I'd help out those that are trying to concretely prove that ghosts exists while making a place famous for 'helpful' paranormal activity. I want to be unique in that sense, since most of the ghost you hear of are scary. Instead, I'm the 'kid-friendly' ghost. The Casper embodiment. While also pissing off assholes.
NekoQueen49 said:
I'd be the embodiment of Karma. Similar to what @MoonBruises said, only I'd help out those who are struggling and piss off the assholes. Also be a kind of a Robin Hood. Steal from the rich and give to the poor type of thing.
Also, I'd help out those that are trying to concretely prove that ghosts exists while making a place famous for 'helpful' paranormal activity. I want to be unique in that sense, since most of the ghost you hear of are scary. Instead, I'm the 'kid-friendly' ghost. The Casper embodiment. While also pissing off assholes.
Would your ghost be surrounded by kittens, just like your profile pic?

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