What types of Roleplays do you play and what types of characters do you play?

Andy Samberg

Andy Samberg
For me it's gonna be futuristic, and maybe some modern and a smudgeon of fandom.

I usually play the characters that either have no combat experience (in war RPs) but still help in some way. I feel like the ones who aren't always kicking ass are the funnest, and help advance the plot some. 

Sometimes, when I'm feeling especially pale and mundane, I'll play a frontline soldier that is very sarcastic and headstrong. Those are fun to play too. 

But I always play a sarcastic player regardless.

What do you guys play?

Fantasy, sci-fi, modern, modern fantasy, medieval.

I play a variety of characters from the antagonist to the underdog to the scholar. I especially like to have characters developing over the course of their journey, always learning a thing or two.

I do enjoy being the antagonist too.
Good question.

I play anime, fantasy, scifi and video game roleplays.

I usually play the normal shonen protagonist.
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I started out in LARP/Tabletop, so I usually play games based on table top game settings like Exalted, World of Darkness, 7th Sea, etc.   

As for characters, I play the annoying (to characters, not players hopefully) know it all, roguish caregiver, or scheming coward or some combination of those concepts.   
I do essentially every setting and genre, primarily roleplays which involve an interesting action element, political/power disputes, or ones where the premise or setting raises intriguing philosophical questions. When there's a lot of thought put into the design, it tends to be very appealing to me. I also do less intense roleplays as well, just to enjoy the casual social benefits of roleplaying when I don't have as much time to invest into something more complex. It depends on my schedule and mood usually, but my preference is generally for roleplays with a group with strong writing skills.

As for the type of characters I typically play, it can vary a lot. I tend to use a lot of confident, slightly arrogant characters (since they're easy to get involved with things), a lot of scheming and manipulative characters, and some just generally optimistic and good-hearted characters. I usually try to offset whatever the majority of characters are. If there's a lot of loners, I use an outgoing character. A lot of brooding characters, I go with a character with a positive outlook. Usually, my characters are fairly competent, leaning towards the intellectual approaches of problem-solving. Every so often, though, I like to mix it up and use a much more reckless and action oriented character. I rarely stay consistent, but the characters I prefer to play are the ones who are scheming and manipulative intellectuals who mess with whatever the dynamic is and who attempt to coerce others into their way of thinking. It's a lot of fun playing a character like that, though oddly I have only made a handful of characters who are similar to that concept. I think maybe I tend to be hyper conscious of trying to have a variety of characters to avoid falling into the habit of recycling the same character type too often.
I vary a little but mostly stick to Fandom, Fantasy , and Modern Realistic ( with superhero or fantasy elements )

I'll play whatever character is needed for the plot to progress as I tend to do exclusively 1x1s which means I play opposite my partner to progress the story.
I could potentially do many types if I wanted to but I'm mostly familiar with fantasy, modern with elements of supernaturalism along with fandom. I prefer roleplaying the PKMN Fandom, although, I can do many others. 

I can play a good villian, superhero, noir detective, water blob etc etc. 
Fantasy is my main modus operandi, but I'm open to any established genre as long as it's interesting.

Things not interesting for me: serious soap opera drama (I got too much exposure of telenovela when I'm a kid. I grew up hating it)

Type of character I play varies depending on what plot I'm playing. I'm the type who make characters based on plot and world, so I never had any proper character that I brought to different roleplays. I mostly just pick some trope then develop character with that trope as template. Made it easier for partners to understand my characters and easier to fit it in the world.
I play more or less anything except plain slice of life, as long as I get the impression it is well-planned and will have a certain level of quality.

As for characters, I probably have a tendency for something, but I generally try to be varied and enjoy different characters. I've had a somewhat shameless but supernaturally-inclined self-insert, a royal snobby racer, an insecure average-joe space mechanic, an anti-social badass hacker, a child prostitute assassin, a Borderlands baby Siren, an honorable drunk outlaw, an elf-like warrior with a self-made race, a criminal acrobat that trains Pokemon, a dystopia headhunter and many more.
Usually plots that have a bit of a chase element in them; the characters tend to be the underdog and often need to keep moving until they are ready to stand up to who or whatever is after them.

My characters tend to be the everyman/woman. I don't like playing characters that are extremely powerful and I like giving the characters their fair share of obstacles to overcome. Personality-wise they are often fairly confident and pro-active, mostly as a result of having RP'd with one too many person who wrote their shy character in a very passive way, forcing me to make my character social enough to take charge.
Usually, ivprefer Roleplays with some sort of Fantastical element to it. The genre can vary, but typically, i like playing Fantasy the most.

As for characters, If the team in the roleplay has a big guy, its usually me. I often play with strong manly physical characters. Usually for personality, i have some form of arrogance being their fatal flaw. They also tend to be snarky and witty.
I see so many "loner" characters that just have to be different and never agree with the group, so I usually play a people-pleasing type who goes along with the crowd. I don't have much experience yet, but I feel like that should help move the story along, and allow for character development. My two current characters also don't like to talk about themselves much, which is basically my way of blocking my natural tendency to overshare-- both about myself and my characters,
I play female characters that is rebellious but kind at the same time. Sometimes i can play emotional characters that feel left out  and lonely. I can play powerful characters like rulers. 

My types of genre includes, fandom, medieval, some fantasy and historical 
I'm all about fantasy: pure fantasy or modern/historical with fantastical elements. I'll occasionally play some science fiction.

I play whatever the plot calls for, but I like to play kids who are in the process of learning and growing up; y'know, the traditional coming-of-age archetype, a kid just finding their place in the world.

I also love to play the eccentric but relatable weirdo who doesn't always fit in but is totally invested in something they love. Mad scientist, neurotic beaurocrat, socially awkward engineer, what have you.
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I join group role-plays when I can, it's just more fun in my opinion to cooperate and make a world. Unfortunately, this means that I can only take on maybe one or two groups RPs at a time. I'm in college and don't have much time as is so I don't want to keep everyone waiting on me if it comes down to that. 

As far as characters go I try to make my characters more or less "normal", not super OP or super unique but that really depends on the roleplay and the players in it. I tend to base my character off what the roleplay has, doesn't have, or "needs".
Partners: I'm usually in 1x1 roleplays on this site. Sometimes only 1-2, sometimes more. While I did play on tabletop and play-by-text rps alike for long years by now, my job prevents me from wholeheartedly playing in group rps.

Genre: anything goes, but more often than not I find myself playing Fantasy, and more rarely Sci-Fi. Almost never pure realistic Modern settings. Though it depends largely on whom I'm playing with at the moment.

Characters: I can play a fairly diverse variety of personalities, though I usually play males and do have some recurring character archetypes - such as the "hardly phased professional who gets ridiculed and beaten but climbs out of trouble anyhow"
Most fantasy or modern. I usually like playing as a girl character of maybe male if I'm in the mood.
when i can find a roleplay i like slice of life, school, sci-fi, military.

i am currently in a midevil one where i am stealing to eat and its going well i would like to find others
i go for any of the Subgenres on the Fantasy or Science Fiction Spectrum including such things as Science Fantasy, Steampunk. Biopunk or Urban Fantasy. with Transhumanism and Urban Fantasy being two of my Favorite Tropes. when it comes to characters. i like playing more than my fair share of small framed adult women who are a great deal older than they appear but still young. like the girl in her late twenties or early thirties who has the figure of a 12-14 year old on a cosmetic level while dressing and acting younger, but still having a hint of common sense alongside the appearance of innocence. said girls are usually very Asexual or at Least Demisexual. other common characters for me include crossdressing males of a more youthful appearance (commonly called Traps in Anime) or Females who identify by a Masculine Identity. Very Rarely do i play a Straight up Cisgendered Male and the few times i did, they were usually a father or older brother who brought his Early Teenage daughter or younger sister along for the Adventure.
Genrewise I like slice of life the most, really. I am not into sci-fi, fantasy, etc. When I play females I either play shy ones or witty ones. My male characters are usually dominant and bad guys.
So far I've only dabbled with modern and fantasy for the most part though at this point I'd play anything if they would last longer than a page and a half. Usually when I join an rp and it lasts more than a page and a half I like to play the character that's kinda a neutral anti hero. Like he/she doesn't give that much of a shot about other people though through the character progression I like to have my characters start to like people and "let people in." I feel that makes a good dynamic. 

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