Other What should I name my cat?

I-I am conflicted to ask if Nemu is from an anime/series and what series...
Esper is good. Ori too.

Mitch is best name though.
Its actually not from an anime! :33: but I did get it from a song called "Chilling at Nemu's Place" by In Love With a Ghost.
- Luna
- Terra
- Snowy
- Caesar Imperator Lucius Aelius Aurelius Antoninus Commodus Augustus Pius Beatus Sarmaticus Maximus Germanicus Maximus Britannicus Maximus, Pax Orbis, Invictus, Romanus Herculaeus, Pontifex Maximus, Patria Patriae, Amazonius Fortunatus, Consul for the Seventh Time, Imperator for the Eighth Time, Tribune for the Eighteenth Time.

Freya, the Norse goddess, is sometimes represented as a grey cat--and yours looks grey. Also the lore has it that her chariot is pulled by cats.
I always imagined that if I ever adopted a cat I would name it Tybalt, as in the character from Romeo and Juliet because he’s a really catty person. Only problem is that Tybalt is a dude’s name and your cat is a girl. Still, it’s an idea, right?

Hmm...If you want a female name, you could name her Crookshanks, after Hermione’s cat from Harry Potter.

Hope that helps m8
I always like to name my pets after characters from video games or anime that I like. I named my praying mantis after the grave digger from Legend of Zelda, "Dampé."

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