What Role do You Usually Have?

In general I like to play as an assassin in MOBAs. Skulking around in the fog of war waiting to catch someone out and squash them is the most fun to me. 

In MMOs, I traditionally play ranged damage.
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I'm an everything in MOBAs, aside from tanks (because, to be honest, after playng Reinhardt I just wanna smash shit, not sit and move occasionally). In MMOs I prefer range, though I also really like going close-range ham.
Support!  I love playing support, they are usually the classes with the most interesting tools and ways to influence the other players.  That's not to say I don't like playing other types of classes- the only thing I really don't care to do is straightforwards DPS/DPR stuff with no interesting gimmicks or tools to it.

When I played WoW, it was mostly as a healing Paladin.

City of Heroes, I most played an Invuln/Frost Tanker though I had a lot of interesting Defender, Corruptor, and Controller alts.

Overwatch?  Mei, D.Va, Junkrat, Roadhog, Reinhardt, Symmetra, Mercy, and to a lesser extent Toblerone Torbjorn and Hanzo.  Mostly Mei, because that ice wall is one of the most versatile tools in the game.  Note the lack of Damage role characters.  Pharah is the only one of those that I even do decently with.

Dragon's Crown?  Sorceress, with Rockfall/Ice Wall/Blizzard/Create Food/Raise Skeleton.  You'd be amazed how useful that wall is, even if bosses frequently clip out of it.

D&D?  Oh, I have such ideas.  From my 4ed Leader/Leader hybrid Leader multiclass Leader Epic Destiny to the grappler fighter who grabs one thing, drags it away to kill it, and then comes back for the next one.  In 3.5, the unarmed/unarmored No Monk Class melee fighter.  I love playing with interesting tools and making weird things happen.  (Favorite spell: Defenestrating Sphere.  Such a lovely name.)

Scion?  I made a ninja into a boulder-firing railgun.  I had a doctor (Kenned as Doctor What?, complete with question mark) whose main contribution against the last Big Bad included a sports umbrella, a cinderblock, and a two-way radio.

It's all about finding interesting things to do and doing them well to me.  Support, because of the inherent variety, is just a more interesting position, whether it's tanky keeptheattention support or defensive heals/evasion/protection support or just general utility support.
I'm usually DPS in general. I tend to prefer a long-range class that allows you to have some kind of beast companion. If not that, then I go for something like a rogue in MMOs. I love taking the stealthy and quick-kill approach.
Update: I'm starting to like melee DPS more thanks to the Katar class in Aura Kingdom. So that's a thing.
Ranged DPS when I played Tera and LoL. In Overwatch I couldn't aim for the life of me so I switched from being DPS to support and just practice my aim on Zenyatta. 
Healer or bust. Getting to choose who lives and dies feels nice. In mobas I usually just fill. I get bored playing the same champions over and over.
I like a character that can turn time, use a sword with both magic and hand, and a ton of cards in his pocket
I'm usually one of two things: ranged or support. When it comes to multiplayer with friends I tend to lean towards support simply because if I'm in the middle of the action, I'll die half the time cx
In most MMORPG's, I like to play the role of tank. 

In game's like league I still play tanks but also enjoy the role of support chars. 
It depends. For me, it doesn't have to even be a MMO, just anything that you have to choose a class, but it would be mage or a tank. Something about throwing magic around, and even going guns blazing with no strategy of how I'm going to beat this boss by just wailing on it to do the most damage before it managed to kill me or before I kill it just appeals to me. That basically applies to a multiplayer setting too.
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In multiplayers, I love the support role.  I seriously love saving people's ass and denying someone else a kill, while at the same time setting up someone else for success.  

In RPG games such as Skyrim, I tend to go for sneak characters.  I will be the first to admit that I am not the most skilled at keeping up with the action on the screen, so if I can deal the most damage possible to them before they even know I am there, I tend to have a lot more success.  
Depends on the game... usually i'm Tanky Dps  ..... oddly this also coincides with the role i do play in digimon games /shows/ movies  as well  O.o ........ ( MOBA / RPG's /MMO's ) 

For FPS's ? I'm usually the scout  / sniper
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Usually in MMORPGs I'd take damage dealers or tanks. In singleplayer RPGs that don't force you to pick one class (i.e. Skyrim), I usually grab every little stat, perk, and skill I possibly can without grinding.
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The only role playing game at I've played is Dota 2.

I prefer to play ranged supports, or maybe someone like Windrunner but sometimes I play melee too.
I'm almost always support, just as long as people do what they're supposed to do and not all run off leaveing me and the other squishy healer to try and fend for ourselves. Like, don't be askin' for heals if both  of us died becuase the backline got jumped while you were off baiting the rest of the team.
i tend to be a mage in online rpgs. quite often they're glass cannons, which i like. it's fun to be the one dealing the most damage, but at the same time the one who's at the highest risk for dying due to having low health/defence compared to other classes.

i also enjoy being a healer! not only is it fun to be the one keeping everyone alive for a change instead of being the one that kills everything that isn't on my team, but it's also a nice class to play as if i feel like an upcoming battle's gonna be tough because having a healer on your team can significantly improve the whole team's chances of survival.
I love having high ratios, so I play healers when available, as long as they can defend themselves, my favorite example is Lucio in OW. Great all-around, you can get a good K/D and W/L if you know how to play him. If they're not available, assault characters or loadouts. 
Battle medic (a person who heals and buffs the party while fighting up close. Ideally its best to focus on hp and mp then damage.) or berserker tank (a tank who goes ballistic. Pvp wise it makes the enemy's panic and focus on me.)
Well for the sake of making this short and sweet, I usually go for a tanking build In most games....
Though I also like dabbling with other builds In games such as sneak types and what not.
Tank/Support/Occasionally DPS

Tank, because I love big strong dudes, Support, because that gives me powers over who lives and dies and that's super hot, and DPS, because I love murder.
Goodness i love being a tank/Healer!

I remember on Fiesta a long time ago i got my cleric to a Paladin and always had parties because people needed them the most for raids and hours of farming~

i do enjoy being a Mage DPS once in awhile

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