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Realistic or Modern What Remains OOC

Okay so slight complication, I'm going to be in a place without internet until the 9th. As such, this RP is pretty much going to be on hiatus until then. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience but I hadn't anticipated this when I created the RP. Thank you fall for your patience!
Ah so this might seem a little hypocritical of me after already saying that I finally had enough time for the RP but GMing an RP is no longer possible for me. Even though the RP is pretty much dead anyway, I will no longer post any updates. I appreciate all of you who made such beautiful characters and posts and were as pumped as I was for this RP but now what time remains for What Remains is running out (sorry). Thanks for playing!
Sorry to hear that buddy. Good luck with life. I enjoyed this RP while it lasted. :)

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